All the countries of the alliance of monks who were going to celebrate woke up from the excitement of the celebration!

Everyone knows what it means, but no one dares to say it. They just keep calling the headquarters of the United States.

"It's still being verified. Maybe the signal is blocked by the array, so we have lost contact for the time being. Please rest assured that it will be OK." The Ministry of foreign affairs of Yoga announced to outsiders.

Now they are also numb. It's not one or two. It's a group of practitioners, even one third of the whole western world, who can destroy them in a moment?

However, everyone's unspeakable depression is mainly caused by Hua Xia's words that scared people's hearts!

the whole army was wiped out?

Before that, it sounds like nonsense, even scaremongering. But now, all of a sudden, so many people have disappeared, which reminds people of these words again!

"You'd better bring all my children and grandchildren back, otherwise, don't blame us for turning over!" The patriarch of the undead in Germany made an angry threat to us president prawn by telephone.

They are a powerful force, not only in Germany, but also in the whole western world!

In those days, if it were not for the barriers of the sea people, I'm afraid they would have been in the whole world. So now, even in the face of the United States, they can be very tough.

However, not all countries and families have the same heritage as the undead in Germany.

In the face of so many practitioners, even those with similar family background, they suddenly lose contact. Now they can only pray to the United States.

"Mr. prang, we must bring our heroes back. They are the foundation of our foothold and the hope of our people. If they all die in yoga country, we will lose credibility and binding force in front of our people. I don't know what our country will be like at that time."

"Mr. prang, if you need anything, just ask. We only want our own practitioners to return."

Others think that this is a conspiracy of the United States itself.

"Don't make a joke, Mr. prang. Our small country can't afford such a joke. If it's not good, there may be riots. We can't guarantee that it will happen."

In the face of these soft or hard words, prawn and his think tank are all in a mess at this time. Several times, they are so angry that they want to drop the phone on the table and let all these people go. However, they can only suppress their anger and appease them.

"We have sent the most elite troops to explore. If there is any news, we will inform you as soon as possible. Please wait after you go back. " Prang comforted the countries that had called to urge them.

However, not all countries follow their example. For example, they are equally powerful. In the face of the sudden loss of contact of their own revisionists, the old powers such as England and France sent presidential envoys directly to the White House.

"We want to share with you how much information you have about this event." The great mage of England, who is also the special envoy of the president this time, said tough to prang.

He used to be a member of the English royal family. Hundreds of years ago, before the independence of the United States, he was already a distinguished guest of the English royal family. Later, he concentrated on his cultivation and made great progress. Now he has become a general guardian of the English kingdom. He has a high prestige in the English kingdom, and before that, he has an old idea of overlooking the United States. Therefore, he has no fear of prawn, This time I'm here, I'm asking for a crime.

"I'm sorry, Mr. solor, but we can't agree to your request." Said prang with the same firmness.

"No? How can you explain it to us? So many heroes have disappeared all of a sudden, and they have been under your control before. This time, under your leadership, such a thing happened. Don't you think it's too strange? I think, in order to clarify some things, in order to remove everyone's doubts, you'd better agree to our request, otherwise, we have reason to suspect that you are deliberately setting up the game... "Solol clenched the ice blue staff in his hand, and said to prang in a blunt tone.

"Mr. solor, please pay attention to your words. You should know what the consequences will be after you say them!" Next to him, the Secretary of state did not wait for prawn to speak, but warned Soror directly.

"The consequences? Out of trust and in spite of the crisis of alien invasion, we sent half of our heroes to support you. As a result, you did such a thing? What could be worse? " Solol said with a loud drink.

Then, suddenly turned around, his momentum broke out, his beard flew up, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at the Secretary of state, who was medium-sized and wearing a bow tie!

Then, without waiting for the public reaction, he stretched out his arm and grabbed the Secretary of state's neck!

And the ice blue staff in his hand suddenly glowed, and a black Western dragon roared in the staff.

This sudden scene startled the people nearby. Even the Secretary of state who was caught was shocked in his eyes and turned pale at this time!

Next to them, the guards standing far away reacted at this time and all took out their weapons and aimed at the great sorcerer solor!

However, solor's face remained unchanged, his eyes full of disdain, and his arms forced him to lift up the Secretary of state who had been caught by him.

"What are you? You dare to interrupt me when I'm talking Solol said to the Secretary of state with a cold threat.

"Stop it Prawn stood up, his face livid, and he drank at Solol!

"I've heard my children and grandchildren say that you Americans are arrogant, stupid and ignorant. Now it seems so. " Solor said with a cold face.

Then he turned around and looked at prawn standing next to him again!

"You know who I am, and you dare to shout at me like that. Do you think I dare not kill you?"

Prawn trembled and held his hand tightly, but then slowly released it, took a long breath, and slowly walked forward two steps!

Then, leaning slightly, he said to solor who was standing there, "you know my identity and dare to act recklessly here. Do you think I dare not kill you?"