"I am Lingxiao Tianzun?"

"I've got heaven swallowing skill? Can devour all things? "

"I was robbed by heaven, Nirvana and rebirth..." Ye Chen woke up and found that he had a dream. Many things happened in the dream. Unfortunately, most of them can't remember. He only remembered that he was a god of heaven, had a profound cultivation, and got a wonderful skill. Then... No matter how he recalled the later things, he couldn't remember them.

Although it's a dream, it feels like I've experienced it myself, just like this memory is frozen up!

"Ah, ye Chen, what are you muttering about? What Lingxiao Tianzun? What devours everything? Have you been reading too many novels recently, and your brain is out of order? " When ye Chen is trying to recall, a big fat head comes over. Every time this big head comes near, ye Chen feels that heaven is covered!

This is Ye Chen's deskmate friend, Bao Wensheng!

Such a literary name, because of a big head, was nicknamed Bao big head!

"Be normal now! If you talk about it like this, my father-in-law will be here for a while. How are you! Besides, you also delay other people's study, don't you? " Bao Wensheng reminds a way to say.

When he said this, Bao Wensheng couldn't help looking at the front right again, with spring in his eyes!

There is a figure, but also a landscape!

Careful observation will find that, from time to time, there will always be boys looking there!

That's Li Zixuan!

The whole Jingyang three recognized school flower!

This school flower is not that kind of lousy Street's narcissistic self praise, or is not worthy of the name!

This is recognized by the whole school, even the whole Jingyang County!

Look from needless to say, and the movie star fairy sister is somewhat similar, but, absolutely more pure than her! Even the great director who once worked with Shenxian sister, after meeting Li Zixuan by chance, was astonished. He couldn't help praising huailingshan for her outstanding talent. He wanted to invite her into the performing arts circle!

Talent is unparalleled! When I was eight years old, I was in piano level 10. When I was twelve years old, I had a good command of traditional Chinese painting and reached the professional level. I was invited by a professor of Beijing Traditional Chinese painting class!

As for learning... Hahaha... That's the first one without dispute!

Not the whole class, not the whole school! Not the whole county, but the whole city! People in Qingzhou believe that if there is a provincial unified examination, the provincial champion must be Li Zixuan!

Such a person, say she is a school flower, who can refute!

If anyone dares to refute, all the boys in class three or six will definitely eat him raw!

Because of her relationship, no matter how severe the teacher in charge of class three or six is, no one will complain. Even if a male student is punished, he will not be angry, but happy!

Because the head teacher Li Weihong is Li Zixuan's father!

In private, male students are never called class teacher, but father-in-law!

Li Weihong has only such a daughter. They are all called father-in-law. The ambition of these guys is very clear!

"Don't look at it. It's useless to look at it again. You don't have the courage to express yourself like that!" Ye Chen taunts Bao Wensheng.

"Cut! I'll admit it! Do you dare? You don't even dare to admit that you like her. If you say that she's not your dish, just pull it! You don't like grapes if you can't eat them! It's you Bao Wensheng said with disdain.

Ye Chen didn't retort. In the place surrounded by the wolves, he dare say that he didn't like Li Zixuan. That's beating! Can be torn and eaten by these wolves!

Besides, it's time for class, or just go to bed!

However, ye Chen just woke up, and Bao Wensheng said two words, sleepless, has been unable to sleep!

"Lingxiao Tianzun? Swallow up heavenly power? " Ye Chen frowned, but then turned to the corner of his mouth.

Keep your feet together, open your palms on your knees, keep your back straight, meditate on the Dharma in your heart, and practice in accordance with the method in your dream. Keep your mind introverted and regulate your breathing!

"Chaos produces one, yin and Yang coexist, heaven and man are all in the same place, carrying on Taixu, swallowing the whole world with utensils, and dispersing the mind and tranquility..."

You don't have to think about it too much. It's like printing it in your mind.

Ye Chen, who used to be idle and playful in his heart, completely lost his playful attitude after he used the skill!


With the operation of Gongfa, the whole world has undergone earth shaking changes, everything has become Bizarre!

The whole world is full of all kinds of Qi!

Some are scattered light spots, some are gathered into silk, stocks, rainbow!

"Good luck Looking at these light spots, a word came out of his mind again!

Good luck!

Invisible, no perception, but around everyone, even around every thing, every utensil!

When the air transport is over, the utensils will be returned to dust. A country's luck will be exhausted, it will be destroyed, a person's luck will be exhausted, it will be plagued by bad luck, and even it will harm future generations!

Good luck! Invisible, untouchable, but invisible, dominating everything!

In Ye Chen's eyes, the whole Jingyang No.3 middle school has become an air transportation pool. The air transportation comes in from all directions and enters into the pool. The air transportation in the pool is also transformed into wisps and absorbed by the students and teachers in the school!

"There are three strands on Liu Kun's head, eight strands on Gao Jianwen's head and ten strands on Li Zixuan's head."

Then, ye Chen turns around and looks at Bao Wensheng next to him. This guy is just a trace!

"Is it that the better you study, the more luck you take from school?" Ye Chen doubts.

Soon his conclusion was verified!

"But, why, my luck is also one?" When ye Chen looks at herself, he finds that her Qi is no weaker than Li Zixuan, and even stronger than her!

"The theory is right. The better you study, the more luck you take from school, and so much luck I take from other places!" Ye Chen said to himself after observing again.

Like Bao Wensheng, he only received a trace of luck from school, less than one percent!

"Where does the other part of Qi come from?" Ye Chen doubts.

However, the idea just rose, and then I felt dizzy, and then I felt that my eyes were full of stars, and my head was dizzy!

Ye Chen suddenly wakes up from the mysterious state just now!

It took a long time to recover!

When he wanted to run the skill again, he found that he couldn't get into the mysterious state!

"What's the matter? Am I... Daydreaming

Ye Chen tried again, but still can't!

"Cao! I don't really have paranoia, do I? " Ye Chen has seen some movies about split personality, and the neuropathy in them is similar to his virtue just now!