Blue Star, Eagle Country, N City.

The atmosphere of horror is spreading rapidly on the coastline!

The coastline that was still full of laughter just now was full of crying, and everyone began to flee desperately.

But the chrysanthemum beast was so fast that he rushed to the people in the blink of an eye.


Kaijumon's entire body rushed out of the water.

At this moment, people finally drove to his hideous appearance.

He looks very much like a prehistoric animal dinosaur, his fangs are pointed, and his huge tail is covered with terrifying spikes.

The most terrifying thing is his size of more than forty meters.

All the tourists, seeing this behemoth, were scared to pee.


Accompanied by a harsh cry and a huge ultrasound, many people covered their ears in pain.

Many people’s eardrums have been shattered.

With a wave of its arms, countless tourists were photographed flying.

Its huge tail swept gently, and countless tourists were killed on the spot.

With its big claws, every time it takes a step, countless people will be buried under his big claws.

Kaiju beast crushed all the way, screaming, crying, and shouting everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, the seawater of the entire coastline turned blood red.

In front of the huge Kaiju beast, human beings are too small.

The police car screamed.

The police shot at Kaijumon.

But their bullet hit Kaijumon's body like it was tickling.

Kaijumon's huge claws quickly crushed the police car into scrap metal.

The entire N city has been in chaos.

Everyone looked at the huge Kaiju beast.

Oh my god, is this a movie?

This scene is too scary.

Kaijumon soon broke into N City.

Buildings collapsed, explosions were endless, and people's screams were heartbreaking.

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is this."


"God, save us."


N City was attacked by Kaijumon, which soon shocked Eagle Country.

"What? Guns and missiles can't do anything to this monster?"

Hearing the report, everyone's faces became difficult to look.

Nima, monster attack, isn't it only on TV?

When seeing the synchronized information from satellite TV, everyone believes that it is true.

The senior officials of Eagle Country were stunned.

God, it turned out to be true.

Immediately send an army to annihilate the opening beast.

At this moment, Kaijumon is still raging in N City.

No one can stop it, it runs unimpeded all the way, crushing, and destroying the buildings of N City.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, a fighter jet broke through the air.

This is the most advanced stealth fighter in Eagle Country.

When seeing the warplanes, the residents of City N seemed to see hope.

They cheered excitedly, as if they had seen a savior.

Thirty-two fighters launched missiles together.

Boom boom boom!

The missiles were precisely shot on Kaijumon's body.

The huge body of Kaijumon fell to the ground.


"Long live the Eagle Country."

All the residents of N City looked excited.

The audience in front of the screen also took a sigh of relief.

This big guy finally fell.

But in the next scene, the huge Kaiju Beast suddenly moved, and finally stood up again.

The contacts who were still cheering were immediately stunned by this scene.

Seeing the huge figure slowly standing up, everyone was stupid.

how can that be?

Thirty-two fighter planes fired nearly a hundred missiles, but the Kaiju beast was unscathed.

This is too scary.

City N was attacked by Kaijumon, and the news spread all over the world immediately.

Everyone was stupid seeing the news in the video.

"This is a movie, right?"

"It feels like a trailer for a certain blockbuster film."

"What a joke about the monster attacking the city."

"Yes, it must be fake."

Some time ago, Yingguo media has been hyping Ye Chen's mechas are fake.

This time it was their turn.

"Haha, don't ask, this must be a special effect."

"It must be a movie."

"According to expert analysis, this is definitely a computer synthesis."

But more and more news came, and the news that City N was attacked by Kaijumon has been confirmed to be true.

"Oh my god, it turned out to be true."

"There really are monsters in this world, it's terrifying.

"This monster is not even afraid of missiles."

At this moment, the eyes of the world are all on City N.

Reporters from all over the world went to N City to report.

More and more news is also continuously spread to all parts of the world.

The whole world focused on this monster that appeared suddenly.

At this moment, the city of N is full of gunpowder under the destruction of Kaijumon.

The tank came and was stepped directly into a discus.

The fighter plane came, like a fly, and was slapped flying by Kaijumon.

All the attack methods of modern warfare are like a joke in front of this huge Kaiju beast.

The citizens of City N fled in panic.

This terrible disaster made people finally understand how small they are.

At this time, someone suddenly remembered Ye Chen's warning.

"It's all those idiots, what contact signals are sent."

"Yeshen warned you a long time ago, you just don't listen, these must be alien creatures."

"That's why I won the Nobel Prize. Those astronomers are sinners."

More people are filled with despair.

Kaijumon is too terrifying.

Even the Eagle Country City has the strongest military power in the world, but there is no way to face this Kaiju beast.

The event continued to ferment, and everyone began to pay attention to Kaijumon.

After all, although it was City N that was attacked, who knew if his country would be attacked by Kaijumon.

The Eagle Nation combat room was brightly lit.

All the means that the military can use are used.

Kaijumon is too terrifying, any attack in front of it is like a tickling.

Pieces of information were collected.

"This is a monster we have never seen before. His skin is very hard. Our shells have no effect on it."

"Its attack method is physical attack, which is extremely destructive."

"According to the news sent by our fleet, it first appeared in the west of the Pacific Ocean. It should have crossed the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic Ocean to our Eagle Nation."

The meeting room was silent.

The military has launched numerous attacks on Kaijumon.

But the final result made everyone feel broken.

All attacks have no effect on this monster.

"Some time ago, our astronomers sent a signal to the universe, and got a reply. The Chinese scientist Ye Chen once warned us that there will be an attack by aliens, maybe it's true?"

"These **** **** have killed all those astronomers. They are not allowed to send any signals to the outside world."

"At all costs, we must destroy the chrysanthemum beast."

A middle-aged man in uniform took a deep breath: "If you want to eliminate the Kaijumon, there is probably only one way, and that is nuclear weapons."

Hearing these three words, everyone gasped.

"No, it's N City there."

Everyone objected, and their faces were filled with despair.