Chapter 1425: Explosive laboratory

Chapter 1425

Hao Yi Technology Co., Ltd. headquarters.

At this moment, Zhou Qianyi was sitting on the sofa in her office, looking out of the floor-to-ceiling window in despair. Not far away was the laboratory that was still smoky, but the fire had been reduced a lot.

She laughed at herself, her face turned gray.

"Zhou Qianyi, Zhou Qianyi. You are still like this. You are useless without them. You don't even own the capital for starting a business. Now you have lost a lot of money.

You were naive and thought you could start with this and catch up with that man. just now? Just daydreaming. "

"It's not that you are worthless, but that you are too demanding of yourself." A voice came from the side.

I don't know when Ye Hao was already sitting on the sofa in the office.

Zhou Qianyi looked at this man, she lowered her head: "Did you come to see me making a joke?"

"Why do you think so?" Ye Hao frowned.

"Didn't you come to see me making a joke? I was so self-willed when I was in China. I now think about my previous self. I feel that I was really bad at that time.

You once saved me, but because you accidentally touched my flower, I lost my temper with you. Zhou Qianyi covered her face, tears streaming out involuntarily: "If...if not, I also...I won't miss you. "

Seeing Zhou Qianyi who was feeling a little out of control, Ye Hao first walked to the next window sill, where there were three fairy orchids that were already open at the moment.

He picked up three pots of fairy orchids and walked in front of Zhou Qianyi and put them on her desk.

"Have you forgotten how persevering you were when you cultivated these fairy orchids? You have been caring for them for more than ten years. Few people can do this.

And why are you defeated by such a small setback now? People who have not failed, you have failed, and I have failed. Failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is the fear of failure. The terrible thing is that I lost my way. "

Ye Hao pressed Zhou Qianyi's shoulders: "You are too strong, it's okay to be strong. But you can't force yourself too much. There is a saying that is true, rely on your parents at home, and rely on friends when you go out.

If you don't say a word when you are in trouble, what use do you want us friends to do? Friends should help each other. "

Zhou Qianyi couldn't help it anymore, she cried with pain in her waist holding Ye Hao.

It seems that she wants to vent her pain for the past six months. In the past six months, not only will she complete her studies at the French Business School, she will also run her own company outside of class.

All this fell on a girl in her early twenties who was alone in a foreign country. One can imagine her backlog of pressure during this time.

Zhou Qianyi was tired when she cried, and fell asleep leaning on Ye Hao.

Ye Hao just stood still.

Leya, Catherine, Qiu Xueyao did not come, but Ye Hao did not let them come. At this time, there were too many outsiders, which would make Zhou Qianyi unable to vent.

And this matter is not a big deal for Ye Hao, he can handle it.

As time passed, the black smoke in the distant laboratory had completely disappeared. Firefighters blocked the scene and began investigating the cause of the fire and explosion.


At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Zhou Qianyi woke up, she felt the moist feeling on her cheeks, she raised her head, and the next moment she blushed.

I saw a puddle of water stains on Ye Hao's clothes. Needless to say, she knew that she had just lost control of her emotions.

"Um... I'm sorry, I got your clothes dirty. I'll let you wash them later." Zhou Qianyi said hurriedly.

"It's okay. You slept for two hours. I think you should be sober now. We should deal with your company's affairs." Ye Hao smiled and looked at Zhou Qianyi.

Looking at Ye Hao's smile, Zhou Qianyi felt her shoulders light for some reason.

It seems that all the pressure that has been pressing on her shoulders has disappeared.

This feeling is really good, and all this is due to the presence of this man in front of him.

"Boss." The knock on the door came again.

After Zhou Qianyi recovered, she sorted out her service: "Please come in."

The office door was pushed open. Several people were standing at the door holding a pile of documents. Among them was a man in his 50s and 60s with deep myopia glasses.

These people noticed that there was a man in Zhou Qianyi's office. They were very surprised.

Although they knew that Zhou Qianyi had many suitors in France because of her beauty.

But no one has ever been able to get along with Zhou Qianyi alone in Zhou Qianyi's office.

Usually those with ulterior motives want to talk to Zhou Qianyi alone about "cooperation".

Zhou Qianyi will always bring her secretary, or staff, or other people, and she will never get along alone.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Qianyi looked at these employees of her company, and then she focused on the middle-aged man: "Dr. Ian, you are back from the hospital? There is nothing wrong with your body."

This Dr. Ian looked at Zhou Qianyi: "I have nothing to do with my body. You should let them report the situation to you first. I will talk about my affairs later."

Dr. Ian retreated aside.

And those company employees reported a series of bad payments to Zhou Qianyi.

"Boss, half an hour ago, the French Police Department officially issued a notice to us that they wanted to investigate this explosion. Although no casualties were caused this time, if the final investigation result is confirmed to be caused by our management negligence.

They will shut down all our laboratories and conduct a close investigation of our company. The time may be about one week to three months. "A male employee said.

"One week to three months? We have to shut down all our laboratories!" Zhou Qianyi's expression changed. Shutting down a company for one week to three months would cause huge losses to a company.

And don’t look at the previous statement that it’s just a week. In fact, it’s all said to be nice, at least one month to finish. You must know that in countries like France, many things will stop on weekends, and they won’t work overtime.

And at least one month, this is even more devastating for the already dangerous Haoyee Company. If it takes three months, it will be enough to completely crush the company.

"In addition, several companies that we originally worked with have all terminated their cooperative relations with us on the grounds that our scientific research technology is not up to standard.

In addition, two technology companies, Recco and Sabit, which have previously cooperated with us, formally proposed to us the acquisition plan. "A female employee whispered.


Zhou Qianyi clenched her fists. These guys were talking about cooperation before, but now they talk about cooperation when there is a change in their company. This is simply a disaster.

"In addition, Mr. Mike from the Orr Group called before and said that if you need it, you can call him and he will try to help you."

Zhou Qianyi frowned and bit her teeth.

"Okay, I get it. You all go down."