V2.Chapter 187

In the tavern, Qiya and Shaji came out successively.

Watching the two people leave, cangxu and Sandao were speechless in a hotel room about kilometers away.

Since the ghost sneaked in, they found out the conversation contents of Shaji and Jiya.

Three knives speechless: "giant Shaji... This guy is really powerful!"

This is his heartfelt admiration.

As a former mercenary commander, Sandao, compared with Shaji, immediately found that his vision and pattern were simply different from each other.

"This is a schemer."

"Ambitious and politically sophisticated."

Cang Xu was once the steward of the nobility. In his opinion, Shaji's mediation and negotiation skills in this dialogue are quite sophisticated.

"Just looking at the performance of Jiya before and after, we can know that Shaji is very fruitful."

"In fact, he used a lot of things."

"For example, the relationship between zhuanya and the fire spitting City owner, the former's love and respect for the latter, and these giants' love and attachment to the home of fire spitting island."

"He also attaches great importance to the collection of intelligence. When stationed in the city, he found a lot of things."

"It can be seen from this that Shaji is a giant who is good at making use of some of his characters, such as making up his mind and acting later."

Cang Xu discussed with Sandao and decided to go back and report the situation here first.

Because the treasure chest is under the eyes of Shaji and others, it is extremely difficult to start.

Looking at Shaji's performance, he should not have found the loss of the sacred puppet.

Cangxu and Sandao returned to the agreed place, and Zidi and cyanobacteria had just returned.

Hearing the two groups of people's personal statements, the captain and the young people were filled with emotion.

"Unexpectedly, we were saved by the customs and habits of giants, and we won some time."

"But will the giants check the treasure chest after returning to the camp?"

"Should we steal the essence of those red and blue elements before they find them? After all, once they are found, their defense must be closer."

"If they check the treasure chest, we won't have time at all."

"The alchemy array in the hotel has not been demolished, which is very risky. Once it is found, there will be many traces left by us. But if it is stolen again, it must be used."

"Also, since the hundred needle patriarch came here, how should we act?"

Everyone talked and expressed their opinions.

The situation has become very complicated.

At this time, a message came from the deep sea monster fish, and the situation of Zongge was going downhill and was in danger!

"Don't you always use green liquid to maintain vitality?" Three knives suddenly anxious eyes.

The message continued to be conveyed, indicating that there was a problem with the Dharma array that made the green liquid. According to the monitoring record of taling, the jade golden coffin suddenly had a huge shock before, which led to the damage of the core area of the Dharma array, so the alchemy Dharma array failed.

Jade golden coffin?!

Everyone was shocked and uncertain.

This artifact is the main spirit of the spirit blue God and the feather snake god.

Cang Xu's face sank like water: "it seems that the confrontation between the two gods has become unstable. We must hurry back to repair the Dharma array."

Up to now, the rest of the treatment methods have been unable to stabilize Zongge's body.

We can only rely on green liquid.

However, the therapeutic effect of this green liquid, placed on Zongge, is also gradually weakening.

A more perfect alchemy array must be built, in which, of course, red and blue crystal clusters must be used to make the effect of green liquid outstanding, so as to treat mane Ge.

Back in the deep sea monster fish, everyone was shocked to find that the jade golden coffin was empty.

"Where's the goddess?!" Everyone looked at each other like falling into the abyss.

They hurriedly checked the monitoring records of taling, and found that since the jade golden coffin shook, the alchemy array was destroyed, and the goddess body in the jade golden coffin slowly disappeared.

"The goddess left?!" Cyanobacteria stared.

"Why didn't he retaliate against us?" Zidi frowned.

"Maybe his state is too weak?" Three knife guess.

Cang Xu shook his head slightly, "if the goddess wakes up, what about her own injury?"

Meilan goddess suffered a heavy blow. She can only deceive herself and fall into a deep sleep in order to maintain her vitality.

If he wakes up, it indicates that he will come to an end.

The young captain suddenly said, "he should still be inside, but our eyes have been deceived. Remember Tianzhu Haiyan? There is no half plane at all, and the truth is that the goddess sleeps and sends out the divine realm."

The teenager's conjecture is very reasonable.

This has been the case for a long time.

But who can be sure?

"Let me prove it." At the critical moment, the boy summoned up his courage and walked to the jade golden coffin.

In full view of the public, he was ready to reach into the coffin.

With one action, the boy's red light appeared, and he immediately turned into a fish man God son.

He reached in and groped around.

Immediately, the boy surprised and said, "I touched him."

"However, this touch is slowly disappearing."

The crowd vomited a foul breath: "the goddess is still there, that's good."

"But it's not the way to go on like this."

"That's right. The magic blue realm will continue to expand, at least forming a huge scale in the Tianzhu sea eye."

"We simply can't afford it."

"At that time, we will all fall into the realm of God and be deceived."

"The deep sea monster fish will fall because of this."

"Damn it, there was a fire behind us at the critical moment."

Everyone was distressed.

Someone held his head, and a look of despair had appeared on his face.

It seems that Spitfire island is about to become a tomb, a huge tomb for everyone.

Cang Xu's voice was still calm: "it's not surprising to think about it."

"The state of Meilan God is different from that of feather snake god."

"There are many believers in the magic blue God. Even if the magic blue god religion is destroyed, there are still a large number of believers left."

"Feather snake god is different, and there is almost no spread of faith."

"The two gods fell into confrontation before, but Meilan God gradually recovered. Over time, she must have beaten the feather snake spirit."

Sandao's face was ferocious: "what's the use of analyzing these now? What are we going to do? Lord Zongge can't last long!"

Cang Xu sighed bitterly, "we can try to rebuild the alchemy array. Now the situation of Meilan God is stable."

Ziti suddenly said, "maybe it is because we used the jade golden coffin, which further weakened the power of the feather snake spirit, that the magic blue God began to gain the upper hand."

Sandao shivered and stared at Zidi.

Zi Di also looked back and said to Sandao, "I'm just stating the facts, not giving up."

"However, even if we take advantage of the stability of the jade golden coffin to set up the French array again, we have no red and blue crystal clusters."

"The built Dharma array is no different from that before, and it has little effect on mane Ge."

Everyone was silent.

"What are you waiting for? I'll steal it now or negotiate!" Three knives immediately shouted.

"Steal now? It's Day! In front of the giants?"

"If you want to steal, you have to use silver statues, ghost puppets."

"I always feel that negotiation is not a good choice. Listen to you, that Shaji is not an ordinary holy land. He is very cunning!"

Everyone's every word made Sandao's face gloomy.

He could hear the implication.

"The situation of Zongge is very bad." After the captain finished his inspection, he stood up beside Zongge.

The mane has already been transferred to the core cabin.

After all, the core of the green liquid array is the jade golden coffin.

"First rebuild the original Dharma array." The captain ordered directly, "in this case, Zongge can at least persist until the night after tomorrow."

"Tonight we act again to steal. Try to steal the red and blue crystal clusters!"

"I see, my Lord." Cang must bow and salute, "in fact, we only need to repair it. After all, at least the core of the original Dharma array is damaged."

Sandao glanced at the boy gratefully, and was really relieved.

However, just when Cang Xu was repairing the Dharma array, the righteous Pirate Group once again found an earth shattering intelligence.

"What? The Imperial Navy headquarters was destroyed by pirates?"

"The one who did it was the fire mustache Pirate Group?!"

"This group of people first set out from the holy city of pirates, reached the eye of Tianzhu sea, and then divided their troops to confuse the enemy, and finally raided the military port. Firebeard almost burned the military port on his own. Bitong was seriously injured and retreated, and the magic blue constellation flew away on the spot..."

"The second leader is multi armed, the third leader is fengyao, and the red scarf of the new holy land all participated in this battle."

"It's not just Feng Yao. It's said that he was also rescued from Tianzhu sea by fire beard."

The righteous Pirate Group was shocked.

This is a big military port, the headquarters of the Imperial Navy!

Unexpectedly, he was carried away.

Or by a pirate gang.

This is really... Making the Empire look pale.

For thousands of years, the Empire has never suffered such a big loss.

Fire beard

For a time, the name was deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone.

After these days of dissemination, the intelligence of the military port finally spread all over the world!

Spitfire island is just one of them.

On the holy monument in the holy city of pirates, the name of fire beard ranks first.

This is the first shot of the three legendary pirate groups since the battle for the throne of pirates.

I didn't expect that this time, it was earth shattering, as if it had poked a hole in the sky.

"How should the Empire react?"

"Fire beard must be counterattacked by the Grand Duke of the Empire!"

"Is the war between legends and gods about to begin?"

"Not only that, firebeard is now approaching the pirate throne. How will the other two legendary pirate groups act?"

"They're definitely going to be bad for firebeard."

"In an instant, the firebeard Pirate Group has made enemies on all sides and is in a very dangerous situation!"

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"No, he should also have allies. Think about it, the orcs are afraid to keep firebeard and show kindness to him. Firebeard is now in this state, and he has half stepped on the threshold of becoming the king of pirates."

Everyone talked about it.

The captain's young heart was very heavy: "the situation is very bad, guys."

"Did I tell you?"

"Feng Yao is cursed by the God of love. He can sense the position of the magic blue God. This ability can't even be blocked in the magic blue god domain!"

"Our pearl foam is also hard to hide."

"That is to say, Huo beard knows the location of Meilan God and knows that we are hiding on the Spitfire island."

These words suddenly stopped the discussion, and everyone fell into a dead silence.

"So, our enemy... And the firebeard Pirate Group?!" For a long time, a voice broke the silence.

"At present, that's it." Cang Xu sighed heavily, "if you rob the magic blue God, you will definitely get an unimaginable pirate divinity. At that time, huobeard will sit firmly on the throne and become a new generation of pirate king!"

"There are other pirates." Zidi's voice became hoarse. "Fire beard is too brave to carry even the army port. He won't be too afraid of Spitfire island."

"He got information from Feng Yao. Once he attacked, it was bound to attract the attention of many people."

"The other two legendary pirate groups will never sit idly by and watch the success of firebeard. They will definitely stop it. They may also attack us!!"

Everyone turned pale.

Imperial Navy

Three legendary pirate groups

Fire city master, Qiya, Shaji

And the dying mane

Meilan, who has gradually got rid of confrontation and slowly gained the upper hand

"God, what should we do?"

"How could it be like this?"

"If we had known this, we might as well have died in miguai island!"

"In this case, even if we save Zongge, what can we do? He will die."

The people couldn't think of a way, and finally all coincidentally focused on the young captain.

The boy shook his head slowly. What can he do?

He walked out of the cabin frowning.

Zidi glanced at the crowd and soon followed the teenager away.

Today's sky is very clear, sunny, the sea and sky are the same color, and the breeze blows slightly.

The boy dived out of the deep sea monster fish all the way to an empty beach and looked at the scenery in front of him. His heavy heart formed a sharp contrast with the natural beauty in front of him.

Zidi came over.

Her footprints on the beach disappeared as the tide rose.

The boy sat on the beach, and Zidi sat beside him.

Two people accompanied but speechless.

After a long silence, the boy whispered, "I'm sorry."

"It was I who led everyone to set out from the strange island. As a result, up to now, I have come to a dead end."

"How did you get to this point?"

"We clearly just want to get rid of our sins, find relationships, contact the upper echelons of the Empire, and get understanding and redemption."


The boy lowered his head and looked at the gravel between his feet. "I'm not an excellent leader."

"My strength is not strong, and I am not good at scheming."

"If I were like Shaji, maybe the situation would be much better, maybe we have successfully escaped."

"No, it's not." Zidi put her hand on the boy's arm. "If you are a Shaji, we would have been broken up."

"Shaji is an ambitious person, but if he is not reconciled, he has to take risks regardless of his own life, even at the expense of the whole group."

"His probability of success is very low. In order to satisfy his selfish desires, he uses the whole ethnic group as a tool."

"You are different. Believe me, you are better than Shaji!"

"In our group, who can really trust each other? To trust orcs, goblins, or necromancers?"

Zidi smiled: "only you can lead us. Because you are fair and just, you have never given up any companions. The virtue of knighthood exists and manifests in you. Everyone trusts and believes in you very much."

"Without you, we would have been in chaos."

"You are the leader of all of us. Without you, this group will not last until now."

The boy shook his head and smiled wryly, "am I a knight?"

"Aren't you?" Zi Di raised her eyebrows. "What you practice is fighting spirit. According to the clues we collected, you should be an imperial knight, but you are not famous. A relatively ordinary Silver Knight, even if there is an accident, will not make a big noise. The war vendor chose you to become a substitute for needle gold for a reason."

The boy nodded, "I guess so."

"Unfortunately, my own real memory has never surfaced."

"You know what? I have plans."

"I want to find my original identity and be myself after getting rid of the crime."

"Because that's me, the real me."

"But now, I'm just an idiot who knows nothing about my identity, a beast, a monster."

"Sometimes I'm also afraid that when I become a dragon man or a fish man, I'm afraid I'll give up my former self and live for strength." The boy looked at his hand and said so.

"About this." Zidi suddenly held the boy's hand. "I have different views from you."

"I like that about you."

The boy's body shook and looked at Zidi.

Zidi did not dodge, and her Amethyst eyes stared at the boy quietly.

Two people sat together on the beach, their eyes facing each other.

Zidi sincerely said, "in this world, no one will always be willing to his fate. At a certain moment, people will always feel resentment, hatred, anger and even despair."

"Everyone... Including those geniuses."

"Compared with ordinary us, there are more."

"God says that man is guilty."

"So, make atonement."

"I admit it."

"When I was in a dilemma in my life, I had a bad idea of murder and looting."

"Everyone has dark thoughts or unbearable past."

"But here, around you, all this can be tolerated, understood and accepted by us."

"Because you are a beast knight."

"In you, we all see ourselves. And the justice and virtue you have always adhered to make us believe in the beauty of human nature and our salvation."

"Yes, don't doubt that you are so special and excellent, which makes me... Deeply infatuated."

"Zidi." The boy called softly, and his mood surged, and he grabbed Zidi's hand.

Zidi won't smoke again.

She made a bold confession.

She doesn't want to repeat the mistakes on the strange island.

She should seize the opportunity.

It is likely that tomorrow, the righteous Pirate Group will be completely destroyed.

She doesn't want to regret it!

The boy stared at Zidi, and Zidi also stared at the boy.

Their faces are getting closer and closer.

Under the sunshine, their shadows finally stick together.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

The beauty of love makes ziti's cheeks blush, and her Amethyst eyes are more bright and attractive.

And the youth drew endless courage and motivation from it.

He stood up and said, "I've decided!"

"What?" Zidi was stunned.

The next moment, she saw the boy's firm face and burning eyes.

"I'm going to negotiate head-on with the blue goddess."