V2.Chapter 137

"I... where am I?" The crew woke up slowly.

He looked around and found himself in a leaky cabin.

The sea water had overflowed most of the cabin, and he was half lying on a wardrobe, which enabled him to float on the water.

"I, I remember!" The crew held their heads in their arms, holding back the sharp pain, and memories flashed through their minds.

He works on the techen and is the sailor of a cargo ship. However, they hit an iceberg and the ship began to sink. The crew failed in the fight and were trapped on the ship. I watched helplessly as a limited number of lifeboats, carrying a large number of crew, rowed outward.

"Please, don't leave me!" The crew lay on the side of the ship begging.

No one responded, nor did the boat turn around.

When the crew was in despair, sharks attacked. A huge white shark crashed a small boat. After the crew fell into the water, it became a meal for the sharks.

The crew were stunned. With the sinking of the teshen, the sharks also entered the ship.

The crew were dying and finally stuck in the cabin.

"What should I do? I can't swim out at all. That white shark must be waiting for me in the aisle!" The crew were hopeless.

He couldn't find any weapons at all, but the water level was gradually rising, gradually covering the door frame.

The crew lay down on the wardrobe, gradually raised by the water level, and the distance from the top of the cabin became smaller and smaller.

He was helpless, and his increasingly narrow living space made people breathless.

He became more and more desperate and began to shout like a vent, making his voice hoarse.

He was weak and began to sob.

In sobbing, he began to repent. He prayed to the gods for their salvation, hoping that his soul could go to the kingdom of God after death.

"The great magic blue God, my Lord, my supreme..."

"Wait, wait."

After praying several times, the crew's face showed pain.

His memory began to wander. He hugged his head and cried out in pain.


The next moment, his whole head burst, blood, brain pulp and broken skull, hair and so on, splashed everywhere.

The rising water level stopped, and the wooden cabinets, wooden cabin walls and ceilings gradually dissipated, restoring the long square operating table and metal walls.


With a soft sound, the door of the cabin slid aside smoothly.

Cang Xu walked in slowly.

He immediately used undead magic to try to condense the experimenter's soul.


"It seems that the prisoner's original faith is very deep. Even if I successfully transformed his memory, he completely lost the impression of the past. But the original faith still exists, and seriously affected his conversion to the blue God."

Cang Xu sighed.

Faith is the secret of gods.

Although Cang Xu is a necromancer and a half blasphemous priest, he is only at the black iron level after all, which is too far away from the God level.

"In this way, the best experimenters should be those believers whose original beliefs are very shallow and unstable."

"Of course, if you are an unbeliever, it's best."

"Unfortunately, there are too few unbelievers."

After coming out of the strange island and retrieving the memory manufacturing device in the wreckage of the pig kiss, cangxu began to study the memory crystal.

After obtaining the treasure of the ship ghost in the secret room under the sea, cangxu began to try to become a qualified blasphemy priest again.

So far, he has made many gratifying progress.


"It's still too slow."

"I must hurry up and get real success as soon as possible!"

God must know that time is pressing.

The Tianzhu Haiyan incident is bound to break out. It can't be concealed. At that time, all survivors will attract the attention and capture of all forces.

For the righteous Pirate Group, the trouble is not just this one.

There is also a huge problem, that is, strange island. It's about legendary mages, alchemists and vendors, as well as several artifacts.

"Zidi must have contacted the patriarch of hundred needles."

"The possibility of expecting the hundred needle family to play a decisive mediation role... Is not high."

"Self help is the best way out."

"I must succeed in my research, steal the magic power of the magic blue God, add it to the fairy tale of the mermaid, and produce pearl foam!"

"The sooner the better!"

Thinking of this, Cang Xu quickly cleaned the cabin, and then put it into the new experiment again.

The sea at night is freezing.

The young fisherman drifted quietly in the shallow water.

His body remained upright, his one arm was straight, and his fingers were cold, forming the shape of a palm knife.

The silver fighting spirit kept running in his arm, and the sea water around his arm gradually became turbulent due to the fluctuation of fighting spirit.

"This is the moment!" The fish man boy roared in his heart and suddenly opened his eyes.

Fighting skill - flow blade!


After a light sound, the shiny silver fighting spirit gushed out of the forearm of the fish man boy, and in a flash formed a long blade shape.

The sound of hiss hiss continues and does not stop.

"It worked." The young fish man was happy in his heart, "unexpectedly, it was successful at one time. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with the feeling just now. This is also one of the advantages of God level blood."

The young fisherman dived into the bottom vortex three times to change his fighting spirit. The effect of the divine blood with the holy land level fighting formula is amazing, which completely changes his explosive fighting spirit into light fighting spirit.

While there was still a little time, the young fisherman began to practice fighting skills.

He carefully selected several fighting skills in Tallinn's memory bank, which are more suitable for the shape of shark herring man.

The first fighting skill he practiced was Liuren.

When recalling the content of this fighting skill, the teenager has a strong feeling that he can succeed at one time.

Sure enough, he made a success by trying at one time and showed his skill of blade fighting!

In the dark sea water, the silver blade is very bright.

The boy looked carefully, and the lower part of the long blade was his forearm. The upper body of the blade extends from the front of the palm.

The whole flow blade is about 1.5 meters long, and the blade body is long and narrow, showing a large shape in the lower part and a small shape in the upper part.

The noumenon of flow blade is not fighting, but sea water.

The principle is that the teenager wraps a part of the sea water with air, so that the sea water circulates in a narrow space, and the flow rate is fast. Therefore, the hissing sound of the flow blade is actually the sound of the rapid flow of water.

"Maybe it's because water is the blade, and shaqing is the blood of God level Fishman, which is closest to water, so I can show it at one time."

God level blood has great advantages and affects all aspects. It is not only the cultivation of fighting Qi, but also the cultivation of fighting skills.

"Try your power."

The fisherman boy surfaced and soon found a reef.

The flow blade gently touched the surface of the reef, and the hiss suddenly became loud, and countless stone powders were cut out of the stone surface.

On the surface, the two sides of the flow blade are very thin, but in essence, they are constantly flowing sea water. Therefore, it cuts like a saw rapidly sawing things. This undoubtedly adds a lot of power to it.

The young fisherman maintained this fighting skill, turning his elbow at the same time, so that the flow blade gradually went deep into the reef.

Finally, the flow blade completely cut the stone and penetrated from the other side.

In the whole process, the fishman boy didn't feel obvious resistance, but the difficulty of maintaining the fighting skills increased a lot, and the consumption of silver fighting spirit doubled during the cutting process.

"The key content in fighting skills is very reasonable."

"The key point of the fighting skill of flow blade is to maintain it. Because the sword body is a rapidly flowing water, it does not have a hard body like the usual sword. Once it is cut or collided, the water flow is easy to collapse, and it can only be maintained by the fighting skill."

"Therefore, this fighting skill requires a vigorous and continuous output of fighting spirit, as well as spirit. The more energetic the spirit is, the longer the fighting spirit in and out of the body can be maintained."

And these two points, the young fish man are very good.

It goes without saying that the combination of divine blood and holy land level Qi fighting formula is beyond the reach of most people.

In terms of mental strength, the teenager has used many soul crystals, which are many times stronger than the fighters at the same level. In the future, with the continuous investment of soul crystal, his spiritual strength will continue to improve.

In a word, the fighting skill of Liu blade is very suitable for fish man teenagers.

The glow came from the sea level, and the sun rose gradually and jumped out of the sea.

The night passed like this.

"Time flies, but I also gained a lot this night." The young fisherman took a breath of fresh air, looked at the rising sun, and looked at Liuren.

"Not enough!"

"There are many variations in the fighting skill of Liuren, and I have mastered the most basic style. There are many more that need to be familiar with and practiced."

"Alas, the situation is too tense."

"You can't place your hopes on others."

"I must seize this last quiet time and try my best to enhance my combat effectiveness in order to cope with the future war!"