V2.Chapter 132

Looking at the records of war vendor entering and leaving Tianzhu Haiyan, Zidi sighed: "it turns out that war vendor has already entered Tianzhu in the eyes of the sea. Maybe he snatched the fairy tale of the mermaid from the magic blue God."

But the Dragon boy shook his head: "no, I don't think Zhan trafficker and Meilan are in a hostile relationship. They should cooperate with each other."

"Remember the war in the eyes of Tianzhu sea?" The Dragon man turned his head and looked at Cang Xu. "The deep sea monster fish made its first public appearance. What did those fish people shout?"

Cang Xu nodded slightly, "if I remember correctly, they call the deep sea monster fish a holy beast."

"Yes." The Dragon man nodded, "I asked for information in Haiyan City, and I also got information about the holy beast. Lord Wutou is the son of the holy beast resident in Haiyan City, but there is also information about another holy beast among the local residents. This holy beast occasionally appears, like a giant fish. It should be the deep sea monster fish."

In addition, there is an ironclad evidence, but the Dragon boy chose to keep it secret.

That is the third blood core.

At that time, after the teenager returned to the deep sea monster fish with the blue goddess in his arms, he accidentally found a third blood core between the breasts of the goddess.

These days, the boy also quietly figured it out.

"The war peddler should have cooperated with the Meilan cult long ago."

"It is likely that the magic blue cult will hand over the fairy tale of the mermaid to Zhan trafficker, who will exchange the third blood core."

"Every once in a while, the war peddler drove the deep sea monster fish to Tianzhu Haiyan to replenish enough divine power from the priests of Meilan cult."

"The battle peddler also helped the magic blue cult to build an alchemy array, with the blood core as the core, and then assisted in deceiving the divine realm. It looks like the holy water of miracles, which has the magical effect of improving the blood vessels in fish people."

"Meilan's clerical power lies in deception and camouflage, and there is no divine power related to blood and life."

Thinking of this, the young dragon man said to the two magicians in front of him, "if the war vendor is hostile to the magic blue God, the sound of the war can't be concealed beyond the close sea eye city. The deep sea monster fish will never be regarded as a holy beast."

"Since it is recognized as a holy beast, it must be tacitly approved by Meilan."

Cang Xu pondered, "this guess is likely to be the truth. Think about it carefully, whether it's war vendor or magic blue God, it's the enemy of the Empire."

Zhantrafficker is the strong one in the top ten wanted lists. The magic blue God once had a divine war with the Great Duke of the Empire. Up to now, Emperor Shengming is searching for his trace, and the Meilan goddess cannot even return to the kingdom of God.

Zidi's eyes lit up: "since there is a cooperative relationship between Zhan trafficker and Meilan goddess, we can directly take out the fairy tale of the mermaid and put it in front of the goddess, and he may directly recharge the artifact."

Cang Xu quickly shook his head, "this action is too risky."

"Since the ship ghost finds that the two gods are ready to move, if it is in a confrontation, we also lack the ability to camouflage. If we rashly take out the artifact directly, it is likely to arouse the awakening of the goddess or destroy the stalemate between the two gods."

"Yes." The Dragon youth also agreed with the tunnel, "we still take the original plan to use desecration of priests to steal divine power."

Cang Xu's face was solemn. "I'll try my best, captain."

At this time, Zidi added: "interesting, there are still many drawings of alchemical puppets in the repaired memory bank. HMM... I think we can make several repairers. This is a kind of round ball puppet with propeller on its head, and the maintenance components can be loaded and unloaded in the ball. As long as there are three such puppets, together with specific maintenance tools, we don't need to take action on the Dharma array inside and outside the deep sea monster fish."

This good news immediately attracted the attention of teenagers and Necromancers.

After discussion, the three people agreed that the best strategy was to create repairer puppets and use them to repair the deep sea monster fish. Doing so is the most efficient, can save the most time, and can also have long-term benefits in the future.

The gold smelting puppet originally equipped by the deep sea monster fish is a general-purpose puppet worker. He knows a little about everything, but he is not proficient in it. Therefore, repairing the deep sea monster fish can only meet the basic standards.

Maintainer puppets are different. They are designed by war vendors to deal with maintenance problems. It's a specialty in the technology industry. After maintenance, the effect is naturally outstanding.

In the field of alchemy, the making of puppets is not what war hawkers are good at. But he is an alchemist in the end. Even if he is not good at it, for the just Pirate Group, and even the outside world, it is also a boutique among the boutiques, with priceless existence.

Mane Ge was unconscious, and the highest level of the righteous Pirate Group was dragon boy, ziti and cangxu.

After negotiation, cangxu and Zidi left the core cabin, but the Dragon boy stayed.

He stroked the Tallinn carrier crystal ball and read the information inside through spiritual instillation.

He mainly checked the pithy formula and fighting skills.

In the battle of Tianzhu sea eye, the righteous Pirate Group has lost and gained. The losses mainly lie in the personnel and ships. The members of the just pirate regiment suffered heavy casualties, as well as missing ones, such as a gray body and Feng Yao, whose whereabouts are still unknown. In addition, the little Pearl foam left is consumed.

The main gains are the magic blue goddess, the truth God pupil and the third blood nucleus.

Obviously, in terms of value, the harvest of the just Pirate Group is too huge, and the loss is insignificant compared with the harvest. At the same time, it also makes the situation of dragons, teenagers and others worse and more dangerous.

If found, these gains will become the biggest reason for the destruction of the Dragon youth and others.

The embarrassment of rear admiral Qiao and others further stimulated the young man's heart and filled him with a sense of crisis.

During the three days of evacuation from Tianzhu Haiyan, he constantly examined himself and felt that if he wanted to enhance his strength as soon as possible, he had to fall on the blood core.

The third blood core accidentally obtained from the succulent blue goddess has been swallowed by the teenager's blood core. The third one is all Fishman's blood, with a wide variety, of which the strongest one has three blood vessels.

They are shark herring human blood, algae washing fish human blood and Bolang fish human blood.

All up to God level!

These three divine blood vessels represent the three fields of fighting spirit, magic and magic.

Shark herring human blood is the first blood obtained by teenagers. Previously, through bathing in the holy spring, there was a change, but it is not a complete blood.

After absorbing the third blood core, the three God blood vessels of the teenager are 100%!

The efficiency of cultivating Qi fighting with shark, herring and human blood is far higher than that of the king of Yan long. However, in terms of magic and divination, it is only a little higher than the king of the dragon.

The same goes for algae washing and Bo Lang.

The fish man is the inferior race, but the dragon race is the superior. Therefore, the quantity and quality of the fish man God blood are far less than that of the Dragon God blood.

"The blood of the king of the dragon is legendary. But I only swallowed and absorbed a king of the dragon, so the blood is very incomplete, but the blood of shaqing is 100%."

The teenager has used shark green blood for actual combat, and the overall performance is not much different from that of the Dragon man. There are two main reasons. The first is that the enemy is too strong, and it is difficult to reflect the difference between the two forms. The second reason is the form of shark herring man, which lacks supporting Qi fighting formula and fighting skills.

"If the shark herring man form is equipped with appropriate fighting tactics and fighting skills, then my combat power is bound to greatly surpass the current dragon man form!"

Soon, a happy look flashed on the boy's face.

"Sure enough, there is a pithy formula suitable for me!"

Zhan peddler has collected a lot of Qi fighting secrets. He is legendary, and is extremely rich. He has various channels to easily get resources that ordinary people can't get.

Although the memory bank is obviously missing, the Dragon youth has found a suitable pithy formula for himself.

The name of this pithy formula is called Qingyang pithy formula.

It is the fighting formula of the mermaid race, not used by the Terrans.

Fishman's body structure is humanoid, but compared with Terrans, there are many differences.

Qingyang pithy formula is the most suitable form for shark herring people. If it is a Terran pithy formula, teenagers have to work hard and take time to improve it.

From the perspective of grade, the pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy pithy.

Its biggest advantage lies in its speed.

The fighter who cultivates it will move and release faster.

Of course, its defense, strength, injury recovery, strength recovery and so on, is also far more than the detonation pithy formula.

After all, the latter is only a silver level fighting tactic.

It is worth noting that there is also a major drawback in the light of the pithy formula.

This drawback is that after the piscine man cultivates this Qi fighting formula, the fish scales on his body surface will gradually become thinner and lighter over time, and finally become as thin as paper to prevent collapse.

"If it weren't for this drawback, the grade of this pithy formula might be raised to legendary level!"

To deal with this major drawback, the pithy formula also gives a way.

That is to scrape the scales regularly and let the new scales grow again.

"I'm not a real shark herring man, but through blood nucleus mutation. Maybe I can directly ignore this abuse?"

Next, the boy tried his best to remember the content of this pithy formula.

After firmly remembering, the teenager left the core cabin and immediately went into the sea to practice.

They have just arrived in Jiandao town and completed the preliminary exchange of materials. It is expected that they will complete it in three days.

"At least it's relatively safe now."

During the period of changing internal morale, the young man's combat power will decline a lot and he will be in a weak state. But there was an intuition in his heart that if he gave up this time, there would be no such good opportunity in the next period of time.

Deep in the sea at night, there was no light.

But shark teenagers have a clear vision and get a quiet and comfortable feeling from a cold and dark sea.

Dive, keep diving.

The deep sea monster fish has explored the surrounding conditions and found that there is a submarine vortex here.

Hoo Hoo!

The current in the submarine vortex is like a knife, rotating rapidly, and the surrounding life is avoided.

But this is the most suitable place to practice the secret of light death.

Take a deep breath of seawater, and the gills move immediately, extracting the oxygen from it to supply the shark teenagers.

At the next moment, the teenager threw himself into the whirlpool without hesitation.