V2.Chapter 117

After the claw crow of the cold air Ripper had placed the barbarian holy land full of strength, it did not immediately launch an attack.

His eyes first swept the half disabled avatar of the gods, then frozen into ice, and still paused on the struggling high priest Meilan.

Finally, he looked at the fish man boy.

The claw crow is in a complicated mood.

"If it weren't for this little fish man, man Zhuang's last shot should be successful!"

"But it happened that the humble guy really intercepted the pupil of truth..."

Since the claw crow found the fish man juvenile, it has never been in the eye.

He is a legendary strong man, and the other side is just a silver.

Then it was this small miscellaneous fish, which was blocked by man Zhuang's final strike, and the victory of the barbarians was reduced to nothing.

"Young Fishman, that's something you shouldn't take. Return it, and I'll guarantee your life with the honor of my cold air Ripper." The claw crow suddenly made a noise to the fisherman boy and shouted low.

The young fisherman sighed in his heart that he didn't want to fight against a legendary barbarian, but the situation was so that he was deeply involved in the vortex and couldn't make a free choice.

He was about to say no.

"Don't give it to him!" A voice suddenly came in.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw Feng Yao.

The Bard of the Terran is worried about the magic blue goddess, and his heart is worried. He has helped the fish boy answer.

The cold air Ripper's eyes turned cold, glanced at the wind, and warned, "the third leader of the fire mustache Pirate Group, pay attention to your attitude!"

Feng Yao was about to speak, when the magic blue god domain suddenly contracted, and the breath of the magic blue god obviously began to weaken, while the shell God seat quickly darkened.

And Meilan God, who has been trapped in the soft collapse of the shell, slowly rose to about 20 cm and completely suspended in the air.

Everyone's eyes suddenly straightened!

Their previous vision angle was blocked by the shell, so they couldn't see the body of the magic blue God.

Now I saw it, and I was immediately shocked by the beautiful posture of the magic blue God.

"God, it's so beautiful."

"Are all gods so beautiful? No matter which language is used to describe his beauty, it seems barren and weak."


Some people swallow saliva, and Feng Yao's eyes are almost full of pink love.

A thin colorful halo enveloped the spirit body of the magic blue God.

Colorful light shone on the body of the high priest of Meilan, and immediately let the heavy frost of the latter melt.

The high priest regained his freedom, and his pale face was full of piety. She first kowtowed deeply to Meilan God, and immediately turned to face the fishman boy: "son of God, the time has come. Remember what I said to you before, please give you everything after!"

With that, the high priest threw himself on the shell throne.

"Ah!" She raised her hair and let out a terrible howl of pain.

Is the throne of God something ordinary people can touch?

Even if the life level of the high priest reaches the holy domain level, there is a lot of difference.

The body surface of the high priest of Meilan began to show wisps of blood net.

But despite the tragic outcome of her physical collapse, she still forcibly climbed onto the throne of the shell God, and the whole person climbed into the shell, replacing the previous position of the body of the magic blue God.

"Come on, take my lord... Go." The high priest's eyes had been frozen to death, and now blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

The young fisherman looked at the high priest, and then glanced at the barbarian strongman opposite him. He gritted his teeth hard, stretched out his arms, and hugged the body of the magic blue God.

He then abruptly stepped back and completely left the top of the shell God with the magic blue God.

Holding the magic blue goddess in her arms like a princess, the fishman boy couldn't help but be agitated.

This kind of charm is extremely strong, which makes the fish boy's heart jump and his lips dry. At the same time, his chest, arms and hands brought waves of strong, dreamlike wonderful touch because they touched the body of the blue God, soft and delicate, and the whiteness of his skin seemed to be able to pinch out water

All this made the teenager lose his mind slightly.

Seeing that he showed his flaws, the claw crow let out a low cry and suddenly stepped on it. The whole person came like lightning.

"No way!" Relying on the shell throne, the high priest broke out a wave of divine power, which immediately eliminated the momentum of the claw crow.

Then the next moment, countless pillars of light rose.

The high priest sent all the fishman testers, believers and clergy of the magic blue God who had been saved before.

"Cover Shenzi, get out!" The high priest used magic to immediately let everyone know accurate information about the war situation.

Because of faith, race and other reasons, they immediately agreed and fled in all directions.

In the eyes of the young fisherman, these people are still the same. But in the eyes of claw crows and other outsiders, these people have become Mermaid teenagers, holding the blue goddess, wandering around and retreating with all their strength.

"Hum, small means!" With a sneer, the claw crow was about to display a wide range of attack and fighting skills to expose these illusions.

The high priest once again mobilized the shell God seat and erupted divine power to support the deified body.

The avatar regrouped and killed the Raven.

The Raven had to deal with the avatar. After a few moves, he repelled the avatar.

"Little fish man, you made a wrong choice." The crow let out a low roar and made a magnificent move at the next moment.

Fighting skills are cold and icy!

Unprecedented chill broke out from the claw crow and quickly rolled around.

The transmitted fish suddenly lit up a lot of spots at the feet of the people.

Huge frost trees suddenly grew in the light spot.

The huge tree pierced the fish people, making them blood stained on the battlefield, turned into corpses, and strung them on branches. After death, the fish people showed their true colors one after another.

In the twinkling of an eye, ice giant trees grew out, forming a killing forest.

"You can't escape..." with the claw crow's cold laughter, the scope of terror Bingsen expanded rapidly.

The young Fisherman's face sank like water, and he was indeed stopped.

But at this time, a piano sound sounded, and Feng Yao did his best to use his magic to help the fish boy resist the spread of Bingsen. Between the sound waves, many ice trees collapsed.

Many fishermen have benefited and continue to flee, and the fisherman youth is among them.

"Feng Yao, how dare you!" Ravens stare.

Feng Yao shouted, "I'm willing to sacrifice everything for my love!"

"Heartless man!" Hua Ya changed color when she heard the words.

The crow's heart moved, and immediately an ice tree stood out at the foot of fengyao.

Feng Yao jumped more than a dozen times in a row, and a dozen ice trees grew up, like spear attacks, which was almost the same as him.

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Suddenly, Feng Yao's face suddenly changed.

He was forced to jump back and forth, and suddenly found that he finally jumped between ice trees.

This is a claw trap!

Ice trees grow transparent ice branches at the next moment, which freeze together to form a huge ice prison.

"You are in there, stay well for me!" The claw crow finally kept his hand and did not kill the wind.

Feng Yao has lost his holy power, which makes the claw crow very confident against him.

But if you really want to kill Feng Yao, the claw crow must face the Revenge of fire beard and the protection of the God of love.

He didn't want to cause such trouble.

He is not a person who is afraid of trouble. Barbarians are not afraid of trouble. He just wants to get the most important things done first

Kill the fishman boy, recapture the pupil of truth, and capture or eradicate the blue goddess!

"Damn!" The wind roared and repeatedly cast spells to bombard the ice prison outside.

The ice prison is extremely strong.

Feng Yao can only watch helplessly as the fisherman boy falls into danger again.

"My goddess!" Feng Yao exclaimed with great worry.

The fisherman boy narrowly escaped the sudden growth of an ice giant tree. This time, he realized two things.

First, Feng Yao seems to be able to see through him!

Second, he escaped this one reluctantly. Next, if there was no accident, he would follow the fate of other fishermen and be killed on the spot by the ice giant tree.

The claw crow can't tell which is the real noumenon, but not many fish people survive and escape.

The claw crow slapped his palms on his chest and showed further changes in fighting skills again.

The branches and leaves of the giant ice trees burst out one after another, forming hundreds of millions of deadly attacks.

"No!" The wind roared and his heart shrank fiercely. He saw that the mermaid boy and the blue goddess were submerged by countless sharp cold branches and leaves.