V2.Chapter 115

"Meilan God is a God in the end, beating the claw crow to ashes!"

"It's not just disheartened. If the Raven doesn't withdraw now, he's probably going to put his life here."

"What shall we do?"

People who watch the war communicate with each other, and their attitudes vary greatly.

The sea giants were very happy. They were going to ask the fish God for help.

Feng Yao put down his worry, and his face was full of joy, and he was proud: "it is worthy of being my favorite goddess!"

Everyone in the mother tree Pirate Group looked worried and hesitant.

The same is true of most members of the righteous Pirate Group.

No matter which side has the advantage, it will be disadvantageous to them. The best situation is to lose both sides, so that they can fish in troubled waters.

"My lord... I'm going to lose!" Man Zhuang's eyes widened. It's hard to believe that they still had an obvious advantage just now.

"Man Zhuang, let's charge and attract fire for claw Lord!" Among the barbarian warships, many barbarians shouted and volunteered.

Although these barbarians are all extraordinary, they don't even have gold level, and the highest is only silver.

However, the barbarians' temperament is very tough and arrogant.

Even though they knew that their strength was weak and they were like ants in front of the gods, they still took the initiative to charge, without the slightest sense of pity for their lives.

The barbarians are very brave and good at fighting. In their belief, the barbarians who died in the war will be rewarded by the gods, and their souls will be promoted to the hall of heroes.

"I've rushed through it. Even if I crack the door, I can't really touch the door." Man Zhuang shakes his head.

He continued, "you are going to die, but I can try!"

"Man Zhuang, we are not afraid of death!!" The barbarians roared.

"I know, but needless death can only explain stupidity." Man Zhuang's eyes twinkled. "At this moment, I finally understood what the barbarian elder specially told me before leaving."

"I also know why he chose me to come to so many holy places in the clan."

What exactly did the barbarian elder explain?

In fact, there is only one sentence

"At the most critical moment, pray to the barbarian God."

There are many gods of barbarians, and man Zhuang is exactly the crazy believer of barbarians!

Full of ambition, he immediately half knelt on the ground, facing the direction of the mural door.

He prayed loudly, "man God, my Lord, my God, my faith, my supreme! I will dedicate my body to you and my life to you. God, let your endless and vast divine power appear!"

Speaking of the last sentence, he roared directly, and the huge sound shook the whole battlefield.

Everyone looked surprised.

Because man Zhuang's prayer was answered by the gods, his last words obviously brought out divine power!

Then, man Zhuang changed his kneeling posture. An invisible and majestic force floats him up.

His eyes turned white and he lost his self-consciousness.

At the same time, at this moment, the terrible divine power filled every part of his body, making his body expand rapidly and expand to twice the previous!

His muscle cardia hair, like a pile of rocks together.

His clothes were torn, and only a broken trouser head covered his crotch.

His hair stood upright, and each hair expanded hundreds of times, flashing white as electricity.

Crazy magic brute force!


Man Zhuang roared, and his teeth were growing wildly, becoming sharp, like the sharp teeth of a beast.


With a step under his feet, he suddenly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had come behind the avatar of Naga.

Naga turned quickly.

It's too late.


Man Zhuang blows Naga's Avatar away.

Naga's Avatar flew out, and her body became a lot unreal. Her two arms that resisted man Zhuang's boxing were directly discounted.

Seeing something bad, the sea elf avatar rushed to support.

Man Zhuang disappears again.

The speed is so fast that it is completely beyond the scope of human eyes!


With a loud noise, when he reappeared, the sea elf Avatar was directly hit by him, and he was suspended in the position before the sea elf avatar.

"This guy... The elder's arrangement is really very wise!" The claw crow was surprised and happy to see this scene.

Get the divine power to fill the body, and the full and strong combat power of the holy land level soared, reaching the legendary level!

His combat effectiveness even surpassed that of the claw crow.

This amplitude is really too huge and shocking.

"Barbarian God! The rumor is true... The barbarians really gave birth to a Lord God!" The high priest looked shocked.

And the rest of the people watching the battle were also shocked by this scene and lost their words.

"Ah ah!" Man Zhuang was so powerful that he shouted and rushed to the door of the mural.

Bang bang.

He waved his huge fist and hammered the door with an iron head.

The mural gate was heavily protected by divine power, but it was still difficult to resist the barbarian.

The door of the mural trembled under continuous boxing, and the crack of the door gradually expanded. Originally, it was only the width of the millstone, but now it can be accessed by one person.

The two gods reincarnated to fight back, and all kinds of fighting skills, spells, and divinities converged into a magnificent offensive, surging and vast, as if the tide rolled over the mat.

But man Zhuang was extremely fierce and powerful. He was forced to withstand heavy attacks, spitting blood and smashing the door at the same time.

Seeing that the momentum of the two incarnations of the magic blue god is wrong, they can only approach man Zhuang and start close combat.

Man Zhuang turned around and attacked. After a few rounds, he hit the two avatars again.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I didn't expect such a scene to appear in the battle.

Originally thought that the protagonist was the avatar of the gods and the claw crow of the cold air Ripper, but I didn't expect that it was man Zhuang who finally made a splash.

He is nothing but a holy land.

No, more accurately, the man God who brought man Zhuang great help is the one who made a big splash!

Seeing that man Zhuang completely gained the upper hand, the claw crow was surprised and happy, and immediately shouted, "man Zhuang, first kill these two gods together!"

Man Zhuang: "ah, ah, ah!"

He kept roaring and knocking at the door of the mural, as if he hadn't heard the words of the claw crow at all.

The incarnation of the gods regrouped and rushed back again to bombard man Zhuang.

"Damn... Is it really crazy?" The Raven's face was grim.

He knows why man Zhuang ignores himself.

Frenzy is a natural ability in the blood of barbarians. Once the blood concentration is enough, awakening this ability can often bring a huge increase in all aspects to the barbarians.

But it has a disadvantage that cannot be ignored.

That is, once they fall into madness, the barbarians will lose their reason and go crazy.

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"Although man Zhuang is strong, he lacks a lot of sense. Although he has been blessed by divine power and infused with divine power, his body will not be able to support him if he is so bombed. No matter how strong the barbarian God is, he has no strong physique, and no matter how powerful the divine power is, he has no foundation to rely on!"

Claw crows understand this, but in desperation, they can only choose to assist man Zhuang.

He continued to attack the two incarnations of the gods, and tried his best to interfere with and weaken the attack of the gods.

The two gods of the magic blue God separated and saw that the far more offensive was greatly weakened by tooth decay, so they could only launch a close combat again.

They are two in the end. Even if the Raven stops one, there is one who can continue to attack man Zhuang.

Man Zhuang roared in his mouth, ignoring the God avatar close at hand, and just smashed the gate, making the claw crow very stuffy.

The claw crow had to hold the pupil of truth high, and also launched a close battle to get close to man Zhuang.

Unexpectedly, man Zhuang smashed the gate for a while. Seeing the three fighting around him, he seemed to feel too noisy and immediately turned back.

He temporarily gave up the gate and attacked the annoying guys behind him.

He is extremely powerful, and his fist power is simply earth shaking. One punch at a time, he blows the two gods away.

"Well done!" Crows are overjoyed.


The next moment, man Zhuang's iron fist also hit the claw crow's face. Because the fist is too big, it directly covers most of the crow's face.

The joy on the crow's face suddenly froze.

The Raven flew out like a shooting star.

"I..." claw crow stood up again, extremely stuffy.

Frenzy makes the barbarians lose their senses, and the side effects of the magic of frenzy of brute force are even more amazing, which has made man Zhuang completely indistinguishable from the enemy and me.

The claw crow was hit with nosebleed, the nasal bone was directly broken, and the eyes were immediately congested, with a cyan color.

The cold air Ripper was so embarrassed that his nose was blue and his face was swollen!

But he just can't blame man Zhuang. For the great mission he shoulders and the overall situation, he has to do his best to help man Zhuang.

(PS: there will be a family meeting at the end of this month, as well as my grandmother's 80th birthday party. There are many things to do. I'll try to make up for the number of missing updates. Please help me make statistics and leave a message in the comment area. If you can't make up for it this month, it will be postponed to next month.)