V2.Chapter 88

"Devil, it must be the devil."

"It's the spirits who died unjustly in the past who are taking revenge!"

"I'm afraid the three Lords have deep contradictions and are secretly assassinating each other."

Various speculations and rumors are emerging one after another in Haiyan City, and people are panic stricken.

The dead are either the Manyu tribe or the poison arrow tribe.

Why did the white eye tribe always have no victims?

Naturally, more and more people in Haiyan City pay attention to this problem.

The white eye tribe did not lose a person, and they are highly suspected.

However, the white eye tribe did not come forward to clarify, and the white eye clan leader was almost indifferent. The only response was to urge the other two clan leaders to explain the matter and clarify the suspicion for the white eye tribe.

Baiyanzhu patriarch disdained to explain himself, but let others explain, showing a very strong performance.

No way, the last generation of the clan leader of the white eye tribe is still alive. Her name is Fubai, the golden fish man shaman.

She is the only golden fisherman in Haiyan City, and she is also a legal profession!

This is the strength of the white eye tribe.

The poisonous arrow patriarch first said publicly: "at present, there is no evidence to indicate the murderer. Please don't make random guesses."

The head of Manyu said flatteringly, "maybe it is because there is a floating white Lord sitting in the tribal fortress that the murderer dare not commit murder in the white eye tribe."

Pretty hard sneaked into the fortress nest of the white eye tribe.

Fish man Xia Bai received him.

Quite hard, said with a wry smile, "Xia Bai, my friend. I asked you for help."

Xia Bai teased him, "I think you've lost a lot of weight."

Xia Bai is a female Fishman with very obvious signs of the white eye tribe.

Her fish eyes are white, but not pure white, but with flaws. There is a layer of gray like a cloud in the depths of her eyes.

Quite hard met Xia Bai a long time ago. They were both close in age and grew up together.

In childhood, Xia Bai's eyes were no different from those of normal fish people. But as she grew older, her eyes became whiter and whiter, and her vision became weaker and weaker.

Pretty hard to know: when the gray haze in Xia Bai's eyes completely disappears, Xia Bai will be completely blind, and her eyes will become a pair of decorations.

At that time, pretty hard will be happy for Xia Bai. Such a situation is the dream of white eyed fish people.

Only geniuses with rich blood to a certain extent will completely lose their eyes.

At that time, the fish bead in front of Xia Bai's forehead will become transparent and its power will increase greatly.

There is a tentacle growing between the eyebrows of the white eyed pearl fish man. There is a fish ball hanging in front of the tentacle.

At birth, the fish beads are milky white. As time goes by, the white in the fish beads gradually dissipates and continues to become transparent.

When the eyes of the white eyed fish man turn white completely and become blind, the fish ball will be completely transparent and become a natural portable magic prop.

At this time, the spirit of the white eyed pearl fish man will grow to the peak of his life, and the invisible spiritual force will always linger around his body, replacing his eyes to observe the outside world.

This is the blood of white eyes.

The blood of the golden legal system is very strong.

Of course, as the other two upper races, poison arrows and Manyu blood also reach the gold level. But so far, they have no living golden fighters. In the past history, the two tribes did produce golden fish men.

Compared with the Terrans, the number of golden level strong people produced in the fish people is small, and the golden level fish people in the legal system are even rarer.

The white eye blood will bring a growing magic crystal ball, while the Manyu blood will give a strong physique and endurance. The poison arrow blood will grow from poison thorns, and there is a space bag in the body to store these poison thorns.

"I've had a terrible time these two days." Pretty hard sigh, "help me quickly."

"Of course." Xia Bai smiled, "I can help you as long as you can afford the price."

The fishwoman immediately quoted the price.

Quite hard: "your price is getting more and more expensive. Last time, two thirds of the pearls I painstakingly seized from the suction trench belong to you."

Xia Bai said, "that's our cooperation. Without my prediction, can you find the way to raid the lobster man's nest? You know, the suction nests extend in all directions, and the water flow is constantly changing. You must drill into a specific suction nest at a specific time to get out of the place you want."

"As time goes by, the current changes. With the same suction, you are likely to come dozens of miles away. You may even be directly blocked."

"Okay, okay." Quite hard, raised his hand, "what you said is reasonable. Please prophesy again for me. I promised this price."

"If only you understood." Xia Bai said, and began to sing.

With singing, the fish beads at the end of her whiskers began to shine.

The brilliance became brighter and brighter, but the haze white showed the color of distress.

After a long time, the fish beads scattered all the light and became nearly transparent.

Xia Bai was a little dejected and said, "I didn't predict!"

The magic of prophecy is inherent in the blood of white eyed people, which is their innate talent.

Xia Bai is also a genius with high qualifications, but this time, she failed.

It failed quite thoroughly.

"My prediction has been disturbed."

"The other party is not simple. It is likely that he is a mage or shaman, or he may be wearing magic equipment specially for preventing prophecy." Xia Bai analyzed.

"Not even you? Who can do this?" Quite hard, very surprised, he has been taking Xia Bai's help as his card, but he didn't expect to die this time.

Xia Bai took a trace of pride: "in the whole Haiyan City, except for the contemporary patriarch of our clan and the former patriarch, basically no fish man has the strength to guard against my prediction."

Speaking of this, Xia Bai's face slightly changed: "do you doubt our tribe?"

"No, how can I think so?" Pretty hard, quickly waved his hand, but then the conversation turned, "I don't think so, because I trust you most. But I don't know what other fish people think."

Xia Bai's face became ugly.

She felt the pressure.

If the murderer is not caught, the white eyed tribe will bear suspicion.

Even if there are two other Patriarchs to clarify, it is the same.

Haiyan city is big and small.

There are no dead people in the white eye tribe, but living in Haiyan City, you can't be alone.

The murderer is still killing!

One night later, the three clans found that two more people were missing, and the magic marks were all transferred.

Unlike before, this time, victims also appeared in the white eye tribe.

The white eyed patriarch, who had remained calm, was furious and immediately invited the other two Patriarchs to discuss urgently.

"The murderer is ruthless and bold!"

"If I catch him, I'll definitely get his cramps and skin, and take out all his internal organs to feed my mount."

"The key is how did he commit the murder?"

"The existing means cannot be investigated."

"In my opinion, I still need to ask Lord Fubai to do it."

But Bai Yanzhu shook his head and said that he was very embarrassed: "the previous generation of old clan chiefs of our clan are old, so it is difficult to fight."

The white eye tribe has its own difficulties.

Fubai, the patriarch of the previous generation, was indeed in poor health, and every move would make her limited life worse. In her situation, she no longer lives for herself. The longer she lives, the more advantages the white eye tribe will have and suppress the other two Mermaid tribes.

Simply looking for the real murderer, but to reduce the life span of Fubai, for the white eye tribe, it is obviously at a loss, which is not worth it.

The leader of poisonous arrow clan Leng hem Manyu clan is also very dissatisfied. But there was nothing they could do. They had no power to force Fubai to act.

"Such a bad thing has never happened in Haiyan!"

Bai Yanzhu clan leader apologized and comforted, "in fact, it doesn't matter that he can't catch the real murderer for the time being. The murderer must want to participate in the fish God test by collecting these magic marks. When the Tianzhu rises, are we still afraid that he won't show up?"

Determined that Fu Bai would not help, the poisonous arrow patriarch retreated and asked for the second place, suggesting: "then gather the fish people with the magic mark and protect them."

"This..." the head of Manyu tribe hesitated.

Almost all fishmen who can obtain the qualification are at the black iron level. These people were originally strong, so they were concentrated for protection because they were afraid of being murdered

What about the face of the strong?

If you encounter danger, protect these fish people. Who can protect the three races and the weaker masses?

In the future, will the three shangzu still have the face to control Haiyan city?

The poisonous arrow patriarch laughed and said, "we can declare that it is to cope with this fish God test, and the three races will conduct joint training."

"This is a way, but we have other opportunities." Baiyanzhu patriarch said, "we can fish."

The head of the Manyu clan brightened his eyes: "you mean, using a fishman as a bait to lure the murderer to attack and kill?"

The white eyed patriarch smiled and nodded.

The next day.

The fish man boy who changed into a sea loach slowly approached the target.

The young man has pearl foam in his mouth.

It is because of its cover that the teenager has not been identified by magic and magic.

"Huh?" The target was obviously cautious, and he found the sea loach approaching him.

The sea loach boy, like a cat and dog, was half frightened, and swished out and left the target.

"There is an ambush!"

Just at that moment, the boy was about to start, and suddenly there was a warning in his heart.

He believed this kind of premonition very much, and this induction made miracles on the strange island many times.

"The risk of attacking the fishman with the mark of magic is getting higher and higher. It's better to change the target!"

The teenager acted again.

Since the three tribes set up traps and used individual fishmen with divine marks as bait, then attention is bound to focus on these people.

On the contrary, other blackfish people who are active outside have much weaker defense forces around them.

The three tribes waited for a long time. Instead of waiting for the murderer to take the bait, they waited for the death of other blackfish people.

The three families were shocked and angry.

"How did he see through these traps?"

"Is there a ghost among us?"

"Don't be suspicious. You've been provoked by the murderer!"

"The fish man who died this time has no magic mark. Is his goal not only the magic mark?"

"That said, he really wants to participate in the qualification, in fact, kill one, there is no need to kill so many."

The three races plan failed, both angry and confused.

They can only protect almost all the owners of the magic mark according to the plan of the poisonous arrow patriarch, and announce the training.

The action of the young fisherman did not stop.

His real purpose is to weaken the fishman power in Haiyan city as much as possible.

Because in the near future, the righteous Pirate Group is bound to break into the half plane, so these fishermen are all enemies.

According to the young man's speculation, the fish man with the magic mark should enter the half plane, so the young man gave priority to them.

But now, these fishermen are under centralized protection, and the teenagers have no choice but to transfer their targets.

There are not many black iron fish men in Haiyan City, and only a few are qualified to participate in the fish God test.

After the teenager killed several such blackfish men, Haiyan city implemented the strictest vigilance, and the number of patrol teams increased greatly. Blackfish people no longer dare to act alone. No matter what they do, at least there is a fellow fisherman of the same level around them.

These fishermen were not easy to start, so the teenagers shifted their targets again and destroyed important facilities in Haiyan city.

As a result, a large number of grain depots, warehouses and so on were destroyed by teenagers.

The order of Haiyan city was seriously disturbed and became more and more chaotic.

Ordinary fish man, where is the opponent of teenagers?

Countless fishermen said that they need strong people of the same race to preside over the situation.

In the operation of Haiyan City, the black iron fish man was originally the backbone, with a large number of middle and high-level leaders.

Without their hosting, many fishermen don't know what to do and how to cooperate.

The three upper clans could not sit by and had to cancel the "intensive training" and send the blackfish people abroad.

In this way, the fish man boy created the conditions for himself to make a move.

Although the difficulty of shooting increased a lot, he still killed one target after another with his keen warrior intuition, silver level strong strength, wonderful changes in blood nuclei, and reliable pearl foam.

The magic mark accumulated more and more on the young fisherman, but no one noticed it.

The three families were in a mess, and the five adults were furious.

In its induction, oneortwo magic marks are lost every day. For a long time, the magic mark continues to disappear half!

A group of fish man priests were ordered to question the heads of the three clans and express the anger of the five headed adults.

"This moment has come!" The poisonous arrow patriarch smiled bitterly.

The head of the Manyu clan said, "it's almost time for the Tianzhu to rise, but we have a lot less people participating in the God test this time. We need more God marks and select more fishmen."

Bai Yanzhu also sighed, "if we can't find the murderer, we have to ask the five headed adults for help. It can take out more marks. However, in this way, it is inevitable to bleed."

The greed and ferocity of the five heads are very clear to the three clans.

But there was no way. The three clans had to empty their coffers, meet five heads, and exchange for a sufficient number of magic marks again.

The decision of the three clan chiefs soon affected the young fishermen.

Pretty hard found him in person and asked, "do you want to be qualified for the fish God test?"