V2.Chapter 39

The night wind is gentle and the stars are dotted.

In the back mountain corner of crescent Town, a dazzling red light suddenly erupted in the thick darkness.

The hot dragon flame is burning, and the air temperature rises rapidly at a terrifying speed.

Talent spell - Hot dragon breath!

The young dragon man opened his mouth, and while maintaining the innate magic in the blood of the king of the dragon, he struggled to turn his neck.

With his turning head, the hot dragon breath also swept a line.

The boy stopped this spell, and there was a large area of scorched rocks in front of him.

"It still needs improvement!"

"Although after limited practice, I can now slightly change direction when spitting out dragon breath. But the speed of rotation is too slow, and there is no practical value at all."

Knights have been honing their skills.

Although the practice times of Long Xi are less, the progress is not small.

Previously, the teenager could not turn his head at all when spitting out dragon breath. Once transferred, the dragon breath will become very unstable, sometimes large and sometimes small. Now he has overcome this difficulty. Long Xi is stable, but the turning speed is too slow, and he still needs to focus on improving.

"The next step is to increase the steering speed."

"After that, we should try to move our feet when we breathe dragon breath."

At present, once he breathes dragon breath, he can only stand still and become a live target.

Teenagers have a clear training plan in mind.

He knew he had to overcome these difficulties.

Fighting skills need hard study and practice.

"Dad, you're great!" The big man's admiration interrupted the Dragon boy's thinking.

The Dragon boy smiled.

This time, he didn't practice alone, but specially brought a big man.

"How's it going? Are you afraid?" Dragon youth care inquiry.

Long Xi is the strongest attack method he has at present, and the vast majority of silver fighters are difficult to resist. Even at the gold level, we should also give full play to its edge.

The big man shook his head. "Dad is the same as me. I'm not afraid."

The Dragon boy laughed.

He can relax completely when he gets along with the big man. Maybe it's because the big man is not intelligent, sincere, or maybe it's some other reason.

"How are you doing with the Qi fighting formula that you have been practicing recently?"

"Come on, let me check."

The Dragon boy walks towards the big man.

The big man was sitting on the ground, and he was still disheveled. He laughed and showed yellow teeth, describing it as ugly. But unlike on the strange island, he was covered with a leather armor.

Although the leather armor is simple, it protects his heart, waist and other parts, and brings a sense of power to the big man.

As for the one horn on his head, it was deliberately arranged to cover up the real identity of the big man.

Hearing that his father wanted to check his cultivation, the big man couldn't help getting nervous.

He put away his smile, bent down and put his huge head close to the Dragon boy. He has great trust in the Dragon boy.

The young man patted his head in tears and laughter: "just pass me your arm."

So the big man straightened up and handed his arms.

The Dragon boy grabbed his wrist and slowly conveyed the fighting spirit to his body. At the same time, the spirit spread all over the big man.

Soon, he noticed the rich fighting spirit hidden in the big man.

"Eh?" The Dragon boy was surprised.

The fighting scale of the big man's inner body is much larger than he expected.

"Have you practiced before?" The boy couldn't help asking.

The big man shook his head, "Dad won't let me practice." "Dad" here obviously refers to the old boatman.

The Dragon boy couldn't help looking at the big man again.

He didn't expect that the big man's qualification was so good!

After the big man got the pithy formula, he learned how to exercise under the guidance of the boy himself. It was only a dozen days, and his fighting spirit had accumulated quite deep, which was a little less than the bronze level.

"If the old boatman knew such a talent as a big man, would he be given the pithy formula to practice?"

The Dragon boy couldn't help thinking.

Immediately, he shook his head.

The old boatman is just an ordinary person and can't guide the big man to practice. More importantly, he was afraid of big men making trouble, and often taught big men to be patient. When bullied, he could only call him to come and support big men.

Even if the old boatman wanted to cultivate the big man, the others on the pig kiss would not allow it. Even if the big man has excellent qualifications, his intelligence is not good, and he is still mad!

"Dad, I will practice hard. Don't be angry!" When the big man saw the boy shaking his head, he was immediately frightened.

The Dragon boy quickly comforted him: "you practice very well, dad is very happy. You are really great! Very talented!"

"Really? Hey, hey, hey." The big man grinned foolishly and scratched his head with his hands. He was a little embarrassed.

The boy suddenly thought of the big man's pithy formula.

The Qi fighting formula practiced by big men is called sleepless. It was a boy who chose from the list of Empires and specially exchanged it.

This dueqi formula has great defects, and the rate of dueqi accumulation is very slow. But the advantage is also very prominent, that is, the practice method of Douqi Jue is very simple and convenient.

Considering the stupidity of the big man, the Dragon boy specially chose the simplest pithy formula.

Even so, he also worked hard and spent three consecutive days before and after, which made the big man church.

Normal people can get started in a minute or two.

"The accumulation of Qi fighting formula without sleep is extremely slow, but the big man has such achievements. How good should he be?"

"No, maybe it's because his stupidity meets the requirements of the pithy formula of no sleep."

The Dragon youth remembered that the mantra of fighting Qi without sleep repeatedly emphasized that the fighter who practices this mantra of fighting Qi needs to keep his heart empty and clear without any distractions.

It is difficult for normal people to do this. Therefore, in the process of cultivating the spirit of sleeplessness, sleepiness will gradually occur to help the cultivator fall asleep.

During sleep, the morale in the cultivator will continue to run for a period of time. Because of his deep sleep, he has no distractions and falls into the realm of emptiness and brightness.

Therefore, since the big man got on the ship, he basically slept in the cabin of the front forecastle. His snore was so loud that pirates called him sleepy in private.

"Practice hard, boy! Spend all your time practicing. When you become a bronze fighter, I will give you a gift!" The Dragon boy patted the big man on the shoulder, very happy.

There is a huge gap between ordinary people and extraordinary people. When the big man becomes a transcendent, the boy has more reason to keep him on the justice, and will not be suspicious because the big man eats too much.

Even if the big man is not around the boy in the future, he has strength and can not be bullied.

The big man is the most loyal to the Dragon boy. This point, whether it is purple, Cang Xu or mane Ge, and even cyanobacteria, can not be compared.

"Dad, I can help you." The big man was a little dissatisfied.

In fact, just after boarding the justice, the big man was terrified. Because he eats, drinks, sleeps and excretes all day, which is too different from his toiling career on the pig kiss.

The big man has also been taught by his adoptive father, the old boatman, that he needs to make contributions and have his own value before the collective can take him in.

In addition to worry and fear, the big man wants to help the Dragon boy.

His thought is completely sincere.

"After you become a bronze fighter, I'll let you out. Remember, the stronger your strength, the greater your help to me."

"Well, now I'll teach you how to use fighting skills."

"Fighting spirit alone is not enough. Fighting skills are also necessary for you to have practical combat ability."

The Dragon boy thought carefully for the big man and chose three fighting skills.

The first one is called sweeping thousands of troops, using a stick or arm to sweep a piece.

The second fighting skill is called Earth shock. It uses weapons such as hands and feet or mallets to hit the ground hard, causing violent shock, which may make the enemy dizzy.

The third fighting skill is bull dash, which allows the fighter to sprint rapidly and hit the target with his body.

These three fighting skills have a distinctive common ground - the content is simple! Very simple!

The boy began to teach the big man hand in hand.

Fighting skills - sweeping thousands of troops!

The big man waved the stick, threw it out, spun himself, and fell to the ground.

Fighting skills failed.

Fighting skill - shock!

The big man hit the front end of the stick hard on the ground.


The ground did not crack, not even a shallow pit, but the big man himself spewed a big mouthful of blood and fainted on the spot.

The fighting spirit turned wrong, which seriously injured him.

The young dragon man was startled and hurriedly used the therapeutic medicine to save the big man.

After a long rest, the big man relaxed.

The healing potion combined with the strong recovery ability of the big man made him have the ability to move again.

Fighting skill - Bull dash.

The big man rushed out for a few steps, and suddenly got angry. His left foot tripped his right foot, and he fell down. Then because of the huge inertia, he wiped a long trace on the ground.

The Dragon boy hugged his chest with his left arm and covered his head with his right paw.

The intelligence quotient of a big man is worrying. Such a simple fighting skill is difficult to master.

"For him, it takes three days to get started with the pithy tactics of sleepless phase. These pithy tactics are much more complicated than sleepless phase."

"Can you master one in a month?" The young dragon man estimated the time, and he had no confidence in it.

The big man is too big to practice.

Although justice will transform three combat training rooms, these cabins are not suitable for big men.

When the first ray of sunshine appeared on the sea level, the big man still made no progress in fighting skills.

He was black and blue, as if he had been abused by violence.

And the originally natural hills, in the gradually bright light, show an ugly and messy scene.

The young dragon man suddenly had a thought. The mess in front of him made him realize that even if the big man can't master the fighting skills, his physique and natural strength alone have great power.

The big man has giant blood, and the giant's physical quality is far superior to the Terran.

And once he becomes an extraordinary person in the future and masters fighting skills, how will his combat power soar? According to the current progress, his qualifications are obviously not limited to bronze and black iron

Looking at the rising sun, the Longren youth's expectations have become more and more.