V2.Chapter 18

The sky is as blue as the sea, the sea breeze blows gently, and the sun shines on the sea, sparkling.

The golden chin and the serpent were anchored on the dock, and the knight boy led the crowd slowly down the wooden steps. The receptionist had been waiting on the dock for a long time, and immediately stepped up to meet him.

"Captain longfu, all sea heroes, this way, please." The receptionist bowed slightly, with a moderate attitude.

Since crescent town has been selected as the port for secret missions, the dock has long been controlled by the Empire. At the moment, there are only knights and teenagers on the dock, except for the Empire.

The knight boy walked in front, followed by mane Ge and 006, alias Lion Flag, followed by a gray, golden chin, sea snake woman.

The latter three glanced around, showing a sense of vigilance.

Although they accepted the secret spy mission of the Empire, they came to the secret port of the Empire for the first time. Naturally, they are a little nervous. After all, they can sail freely at sea, but when they fall into the port, they are easy to be ambushed.

Compared with them, the knight boy's eyes were calm, his mane was male, and he looked around, with a bold demeanor of an expert.

The receptionist accompanied the knight boy, his eyes burning, and he had a panoramic view of the people.

"It seems that the intelligence of Long Fu is true. He should be an imperial knight. He and his companions have a natural sense of trust in the Empire."

"As for the other three, they are all pirates accustomed to the wild on the sea."

The receptionist ushered them into the dock.

This dock is not comparable to the small boat dock where cangxu investigated the cult. It has a large scale, and the inner facilities are not only available, but also contain alchemical tools. This means that the shipbuilding personnel are at least extraordinary at the black iron level, because ordinary people cannot control alchemy items.

"If this dock is fully built, at least two black iron magic ships will be launched every year. In a year and a half, a bronze magic ship can be made. If it is an ordinary warship, there will be more."

"Of course, the dock of crescent port is not responsible for shipbuilding, but mainly for repairing and improving the performance of your ships."

"There are ports like crescent port and such docks. The Empire has arranged more than 30, which are distributed in the Shengming continent and the offshore islands. There will be more in the future."

The receptionist's tone was proud. He himself was a bronze level, and his words showed the strong strength of the Empire.

The dock is not empty. There is a boat in it.

This is a three masted galleon with a very wide hull, with a forecastle and a poop overhanging both ends of the ship.

The hull is 80 meters long, 36 meters wide and 15 meters high. There are three decks in total, with 24 muzzle positions, and sailors can carry about 500 people. Of course, this is not a full load of data, but takes into account factors such as food consumption and sailing history.

This ship is larger than the kiss of the pig. With a length of 76 meters, the pig kiss is a commercial trading ship, which can sail in the ocean. Before going between the two continents, it was already close to the top.

In fact, the two cannot be simply compared.

Because the kiss of the pig is commercial, and this galleon is a warship!

As long as a round of shelling, the pig kiss is likely to be sunk. On the strange island, the escape ships made by people are even more unparalleled.

The young knight and others saw the ship, and there was no surprise.

In fact, this is one of the purposes of his trip.

They defeated most of the ships of the meat hide Pirate Group, which was very successful. Although they were frustrated and retreated from the confrontation with meat Tibet, the chivalry youth and their group have shown their potential and value.

The Empire decided to increase its support, and this ship is the proof of the sincerity of the Empire, and it is also the special request of the knight boy.

He needs a ship as his seat.

It's true that he owns the deep sea monster fish, but this ship comes from war peddlers. It's better not to expose it. On the one hand, it can reduce the possibility of leakage, on the other hand, it can be regarded as a surprise soldier and a card.

As a leader, teenagers certainly hope that the more cards in their hands, the better.

So up to now, gray, golden chin, sea snake woman and others do not know the existence of the strange fish.

"Look at the boat first." The knight suggested.

The receptionist immediately laughed, "this way, please."

He led the crowd to the boat to visit.

The warship has complete facilities, including a survey room for charts and navigational sextants, a seaman's cabin for single beds and double beds, a kitchen for cooking, and a spacious dining room next to the kitchen.

Because it is a warship, there are few warehouses, but the ammunition warehouse and food storage warehouse are large.

There are infirmaries and carpentry maintenance rooms.

There is a kinetic energy cabin equipped with an enchanted energy furnace, which is the heart of the warship. It means that even if there is no wind, the warship can still use magic power to move forward quickly.

In addition, there are alchemy rooms, meditation rooms, combat training rooms, and even prayer rooms.

Generally speaking, there is no prayer room on the pirate ship. Only on national warships, because it is prepared for priests and priests.

The captain's room is in the poop, with the best view and the widest space. The broad brownish red rudder, the mast smelling of paint, and the white sail all show that the new ship has just launched and is in its peak state.

The whole ship is made of superior oak, but there is also a layer of metallic luster on the surface of the hull. This is a metal coating. The alchemy technology that appeared in the last 100 years can greatly improve the toughness of the target. This is not the technology of war peddlers. War peddlers are better at life alchemy and arms manufacturing. The concept of alchemy is actually very broad, and there are many areas of subdivision. Zhan peddler is indeed a great alchemist, but he is not the only one.

Finally, the crowd visited the artillery position. The cables of the gun door are made of fine iron, but there is nothing above the gun position.

The tour is over.

Mane Ge implied happiness. Although he was good at land warfare, his vision was very good, and he could see the high quality of this warship.

Gray was a gloomy face, and the brand-new warship in front of him reminded him of his own squirrel.

The knight boy was both satisfied and dissatisfied.

To his satisfaction, this warship is only as good as his requirements. It is a black iron magic ship.

Dissatisfied, this warship is not yet complete. The most remarkable is the artillery, which is not equipped with any. Even the sail is only a set on the main mast. In addition, food, water, wine, sleeping bags of ordinary sailors and so on all need him to supplement.

Leaving the warship, everyone returned to the dock.

The receptionist prepared tea and breakfast in the workshop. While entertaining the crowd, he handed the magic contract to the knight boy.

This is the first supply for teenagers, which is of great significance.

The content of the magic contract is a contract, which stipulates the cooperative relationship between the two parties and the obligations between them, as well as the consequences of breach of contract.

After checking the contract, the teenager handed it over to others.

After reading it, the teenager nodded and said to the receptionist, "there is no problem with the contract."

"Captain longfu, heroes, please wait a moment before signing this contract. I need to check the situation with relevant personnel." The receptionist smiled mildly.

The young captain nodded and 006 was able to communicate with the receptionist.

The receptionist must confirm the status of 006, whether it is under threat, etc., and whether there are any secrets that are inconvenient to report before?

The teenager is not worried about it.

006 was unaware of the existence of the deep sea monster fish and cangxu and others.

After the experience of miguai Island, the teenager acted more steadily and cautiously. Before, no matter fighting with golden chin, sea snake woman, or fighting with meat possession, he always hid the strange fish.

Sure enough, under the magic instruments, the receptionist confirmed that 006 had a perfect and free will.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." In fact, it didn't take long to wait, but the receptionist's attitude was really good. "Finally, there is another item to confirm. It's about the divine phalanx in the intelligence. Can I identify it myself?"

The boy nodded, turned his head slightly, and motioned with his eyes that he was gray.

When he was gray, he loosened the collar of his clothes, took out the necklace, took it down in public, and put it in the hands of the receptionist.

The receptionist is well prepared, or the empire is well prepared. He took out the identification scroll, and soon the scroll flashed like platinum.

This identification scroll is of high specification and high value. It was successfully identified at one time.

But the receptionist didn't stop, and then used an identification scroll of the same specification to determine the previous identification results.

The receptionist held the white finger bone in his hand and exclaimed, "to some extent, it is already a semi artifact! The finger bone of the four generations of pirate kings, I have to say, your luck is really good. It will be of great use."

The knight boy Oh, deliberately asked, "can you tell me in detail?"

"Of course." The receptionist nodded, "up to now, there have been six generations of pirate kings. The first three generations were barbarians, which was the era of pirates. Their existence gave all nobles a headache, even a chill. Now scholars call it the age of barbarians."

"The barbarian dragon era ended with the collapse of the alliance between barbarians and dragons, and piracy was jointly suppressed by the nobles of all continents. It was not until hundreds of years later that it rose again and the pirate throne was born again."

"The fourth generation pirate king was born, but he was not a barbarian, but a goblin thief."

"He took the pirate throne in advance by relying on his inborn talent of treachery and just right luck. However, his physical strength was very low, only the gold level. Therefore, after that, he was plotted by other beings and lost his life."

"However, how can a goblin who can steal the pirate throne be ordinary? He is by no means an ordinary gold thief, and he has divinity!"

"His blood is very high-end and God level. In the process of his growth, he gradually condensed the greedy divinity. Any behavior that satisfies his greed can promote this divinity. And the growth of divinity will make him more greedy. The reason why he can take great risks and occupy the pirate throne is that he is insatiable."

"After his death, his greedy divinity was precipitated in his bones. As a trophy, his bones were separated and scattered to all corners of the world in the following years."

"Under normal circumstances, as long as the intelligent life gets these bone fragments, the greedy divinity inside will play a role. These bone fragments will point to the location of the most desired thing in the user's heart."

"No wonder the gray name can break through to the first place of the holy monument. Of course, now he is not."