V1.Chapter 202

Around the important information brought back by the double, they discussed for a while how to deal with the blue dog and the fox wolf.

As the crowd dispersed, Zhen Jin slipped into Zidi's tent again.

He was so angry that during the meeting, the double actually publicly held his fiancee's hand.

This made Zhen Jin very angry. When she saw Zidi again, she immediately asked, "tell me the truth, my beautiful and lovely fiancee, did he touch you?"

Zidi couldn't help thinking of the scene that he took drugs for himself when he was in the oasis.

But on the surface, the girl shook her head to deny, and reminded Zhen Jin that the most important thing at present was the blue dog and the fox wolf.

"Of course, I should care about this, but I also have to care about my fiancee! Especially when other men hold my fiancee's hand in front of me! I haven't even held your hand." With that, Zijin stretched out his hand to grasp Zidi's hand.

Before Zi Di had time to think, her body took the lead in responding, quickly retracted her hand, and held the needle empty.

Pin Jin was about to get angry when the voice of the double came from outside the tent: "Zidi, did you sleep?"

Zididon was very nervous when he made the double find that there were other men hidden in his tent. What would he think? Zidi didn't want the double to misunderstand him, although in fact, she and Zhen Jin were engaged.

Zidi hurriedly opened her mouth and silently motioned to Zhen Jin, who hurriedly hid in the dark corner of the tent.

The double enters the tent and finds Zi Di, who is nervous and anxious. She mistakenly thinks that she is frightened by the blue dog fox wolf.

The double sighed and took Zidi into his arms.

Zidi's heart suddenly trembled: "Oh, the needle gold is still hidden here, he will see it!"

But the girl didn't resist and break free after all.

The warmth and reliability in the double's arms are stronger than when I held her hand before.

Zidi felt happy in the arms of the double.

"Are you afraid?" The double comforted softly.

"I'm not afraid of adults." Zidi softly said.

At this moment, the girl left her fiance's needle gold in the tent behind and was willing to indulge in a happy hug.

"Well, I'll always be by your side. The first blue dog and fox wolf died at my feet, and the second one also died. The third and fourth, even if there are more, as long as there is me, I won't let you be hurt by them. I promise you!" Zhen Jin comforted.

Zi Di looked up in Zhen Jin's arms, "Lord Zhen Jin, I believe you."

But just then, Zidi felt some strange hardness.

Her heart beat faster and her strong shyness made her subconsciously tense.

"Oh, yes. I came to you this time mainly because of some blood." The double smiled at Zidi.

"I need you to do it secretly."

"Don't tell others until things come to an end."

Zi Di was hot all over, and her heart jumped like a rabbit. She heard vaguely: "adult, what do you want to... Do?"

A "terrible" guess came to her mind.

"Does he want to?"

"My God!"

"He is a man. He went deep into the forest, experienced the test of life and death, and killed the blue dog fox wolf with difficulty. His mood needs to be calmed down, and he really needs some... Well, vent."

"But, but, no, no!"

"Too fast, madam! I haven't had enough time to accept it."

"Wait! Needle gold, he's still hiding here."

"If he really does this, he will jump out. At that time, he will be so angry that he will reveal the secret. I must, must prevent this from happening!"

"My Lord, your nose is bleeding." Zidi's eyes lit up, grabbed the things in front of her, shifted the topic, and broke the dangerous atmosphere in the tent.

"Uh." The double also felt the blood flowing down, and he was extremely embarrassed. "Listen to me, Zidi, things are not what you think."

After a talk, the double finally made it clear what he really came for.

Zidi vomited a mouthful of turbid Qi, and the feeling of loss could not help pouring out at the bottom of her heart.

After the double left, Zhen Jin immediately jumped out, pointed to Zidi, and shivered all over: "you! You just said that he didn't do anything to you! To tell the truth, don't hide me!"

In fact, Zidi had already prepared mentally. She had already considered the performance of Zhen Jin before she was held in her arms by a double.

"What I said is the truth!" Zi Di's face was nervous, with a sense of wronged, "adult, how can you not believe me?"

"How do you want me to believe you?! ah? You were just in front of me, throwing yourself at other men!" Needle gold roars.

Reminded by Zhen Jin, Zidi recalled the scene that she had just been hugged by a double.

It seems that the warmth in the double's arms still remains on her.

The girl couldn't help her heart beating faster again.

But on the surface, she lowered her voice and deliberately threatened Zhen Jin: "keep your voice down, do you want him to hear the movement? He is silver cultivation, and his hearing is more sensitive than us."

Zhen Jin was frightened by her and immediately lowered her voice, immediately feeling more humiliated.

Seeing the black volume in front of her, she wanted to shout loudly and vent her anger, but she didn't dare. Zidi disdained it in her heart, and at the same time, she felt a pleasure of revenge.

She continued to threaten Zhen Jin: "if he finds out that he is fake, what do you think he will do?"

"Adult, do you think he will accept the truth?"

"Or will I kill you and replace you after discovering the identity of the adult?"

Needle gold was completely frightened.

Zidi then slowed down and tried her best to appease him successfully.

After perfunctorily taking away the needle gold, Zidi sighed deeply and felt exhausted.

"How can we prevent this from happening again?"

"If you do this a few more times, I'm afraid the needle gold will explode!"

Reason told Zidi to restrain her behavior. But the feelings made Zidi unable to refuse every initiative of the double.

Zidi was distressed about it.

Against the background of dealing with blue dogs, foxes and Warcraft legions, mane Ge squarely attacked the leader status of the double.

A competition for intelligence exploration is going on between the two sides, the mane and the double.

Zongge took the lead all the way, but the double suddenly took out a complete map. The information marked on the map completely defeated Zongge and others.

Zhijin felt uneasy about this, and Zidi comforted him again.

In the camp defense war, the Warcraft legion, under the command of two blue dogs, foxes and wolves, made a fierce attack.

Finally, the camp was burned down, but the Warcraft corps also suffered heavy casualties and took the initiative to retreat.

The raging fire lit up the night, and the thick smoke obscured Zidi's smell. She couldn't feel the taste of the double.

Although she and others were safely out of the battlefield, she felt lonely and worried about the situation of the double.

The double appeared, bleeding all over.

As soon as Zidi's nervous heart was put down, she raised it again.

Seeing the double, Zidi knew that he was seriously injured.

But under such circumstances, the double still proposed to go after the Warcraft Legion.

"This is too dangerous!" Although Zidi knew that the proposal of the double was extremely correct, her feelings prompted her to stop the double for the first time.

However, the double was extremely firm and called on everyone, and finally received the response of cyanobacteria, manege and Sandao.

Before leaving, the double hugged Zidi into his arms again.

Zidi once again put the needle gold behind the others. She strongly hopes that time will stop at this moment!

The military situation was urgent, and the double resolutely left.

Zi Di was extremely worried, but Zhen Jin secretly found her again in this.

"I don't want to see you throw yourself into his arms again, you know what I mean!" Zhen Jin warned Zi Di very severely.

Zidi was angry: "please don't use such words, my Lord. I've never thrown myself into arms!"

"I know, but you never refuse!"

"Adult, if I dodge, it's too suspicious?" Zidi retorted, "what do you want me to do to continue our plan? Please teach me."

After Zi Di's persuasion and comfort, Zhen Jin finally calmed down: "I lost my temper. You're right, he's just a tool. It's a good tool. But it's a pity... He probably won't come back this time."

Zi Di was stunned, and immediately showed sadness and sadness.

She was so worried that she couldn't hide it and showed her true feelings.

Needle gold's eyes have been focused on her face: "what are you thinking? My fiancee, are you worried about him? Worried about a double, a chess piece?"

Zidi was furious. At this moment, she wanted to refute loudly: "he is not a chess piece, he is a knight, a real knight! He is much better than you, brave and far sighted, he is not afraid of sacrifice, and now he is living and dying for us!"

Zidi struggled to stop her desire to vent her anger. She barely stared and struggled to make the truth disappear on her face.

"My Lord! What's the matter with you? I'm afraid he's wrong? If he loses, our previous investment will be lost. It will also have a great impact on our future! After all, he has silver accomplishments, and your Lord, you're just black iron."

A strong sense of shame immediately rushed into the needle gold heart, and he couldn't help staring at Zidi: "I, sooner or later, I will become a Silver Knight!"

In fact, as soon as Zidi said this, she regretted it.

She realized that she still couldn't control her anger, so that she used another kind of euphemism to satirize pin Jin.

She quickly remedied: "your qualifications are obvious to all, and the Golden Knight is by no means your destination. Sorry, I'm just nervous. If the double is damaged, how can we ensure safety next? How can we escape here?"

Sure enough, as she expected, once Zhen Jin's attention was involved in his own safety, he immediately lost the mood to be serious with Zidi.

In the uneasy waiting, time always becomes extremely long.

Zidi was overjoyed by the triumph of the double and others.

She couldn't help running out of the tent, trotting all the way, panting in front of the double.

"He's still alive, great, he's back!"

The girl was thankful that her thoughts and worries almost turned into tears at this moment.

"My Lord!" She almost rushed to the double and hugged him actively.

But for a moment, she thought of needle gold.

"Zhen Jin must be watching!"

She could only grit her teeth, forcibly and hard, and let her emotions surge like the tide, constantly crashing into the dam of her heart.