V1.Chapter 186

Back at the magic school, Zidi breathed a sigh of relief. She knew she was safe for the time being.

The magic academy has seven legendary mage towers, and there are several channels inside the Academy, which can lead to 16 half planes.

This is one of the best magic schools in the Empire.

Zidi was able to study here, and her father spent a lot of money.

The escape at the birthday dinner was like a dream.

Perhaps because of his reputation and face, the Garden City owner did not take this opportunity to make trouble. Her father also continued to provide Zidi with high living and school expenses, without interruption.

Zidi's life seems to have returned to its former tranquility.

However, she knew that a great change had taken place in her heart.

She no longer used the money her father provided every month, and she began to rely on herself.

There are probably three kinds of students in the school of magic.

One is the powerful, and the superior blood naturally endows noble status.

The second category is rich children, such as Zidi. Her blood is low, her qualification to practice magic is not high, and her lifelong achievements are limited, but the tutor can get a lot of money supply by accepting her as an apprentice. The research and practice of magic consume a lot of resources.

The third category is civilian children with excellent qualifications. Most of these students have outstanding mental strength. Through the selection system of the Empire, they are screened layer by layer, and there are also excellent seeds of blood changes. If such students can grow smoothly, they can often become the mainstay of the college and even the Empire.

Zidi no longer used the funds provided by her father, which made her tutor very dissatisfied.

The college will distribute a large number of tasks every day, mainly to those civilian students. Zidi is only a bronze level magic apprentice. The scope of receiving tasks is very narrow, and it is difficult to complete tasks.

But it was on these tasks that she struggled to survive.

Of course, this is not enough for her to be self-sufficient, and her situation is becoming more and more difficult.

She no longer had beautiful clothes, and began to compete with other students for tasks with higher returns. Sometimes she was too short of money and had to go hungry.

Her situation began to be known.

Former playmates and girlfriends were all far away from her, and some even sneered, and did not miss any chance to sarcasm her.

Some male students keep suggesting that Zidi - you don't have to live so hard. In fact, your conditions are good. You can make good use of your natural resources, which can easily exchange for many resources. Sometimes, even beyond your imagination.

Without exception, Zidi refused these hints and implicit requirements.

She found the other side of the world.

The once brilliant, quiet, noble and serious magic school showed bloody cruelty in her eyes. The mage towers converge into a special jungle.

The jungle law of the jungle is also prevalent here.

In this jungle, every life has its way of survival.

The strong are alone and the weak are together.

Zidi is certainly not a strong person. At the same time, it is difficult for her to be accepted by the weak group.

Zidi was like a canary in a nest on a tall branch. She suddenly fell to the bottom of the jungle. The jungle at the bottom is dark and dark. If she wants to survive, she must seize every ray of sunshine, every share of food and water.

As weak as she is, looking at her like a canary, she has a natural sense of exclusion, caution, and schadenfreude.

She stumbled and suffered constantly.

In the process of struggling to survive, there are many temptations and traps.

The hints of those male students have never stopped, and the funds in her account have accumulated over time... All these remind her that as long as she gives up some seemingly insignificant things, she can regain her brilliance, stand on the high branches, and get relaxed and beautiful.

But Zidi never wavered.

Her firmness sometimes surprised her.

Slowly, very hard, she stood firm in the highly competitive college, learned to be self reliant, and began to be self-sufficient.

"I can finally feed myself with my own hands and labor!"

This sense of achievement made her physically and mentally happy and filled her with pride.

But at the same time, she also felt inferior and discouraged.

The harder she works, the more she can feel the barrenness of her potential and the bleakness of her future prospects.

According to her spiritual strength and blood, her highest achievement in her life is only the black iron level!

This means that in this unique jungle, her lifelong efforts will only break away from the mud in front of her and reach the position of the trunk. She can't even climb the lowest branch.

Although Zi Di has long known about this. But now, she felt the despair more deeply.

She began to understand why some of her companions, some female students who were extremely sarcastic and difficult to her, chose to exchange their bodies for a relatively relaxed and superior life.

Understanding does not mean identification.

As a very beautiful courtyard flower, Zidi's persistence and personal efforts make her unique and more charming.

More and more suitors appeared beside her, but they were rejected by her strict attitude.

Her tutor finally lost patience and deprived her of her identity under her command after repeatedly suggesting and indicating that it was invalid.

Zidi can only continue to live in the college as an ordinary student.

But she gradually became like a fish in water.

Her smart mind, keen insight, and contacts established by virtue of her good reputation, eloquence, and skills have enabled her to seize small business opportunities again and again.

In the early morning, the fish market has begun.

Zidi, dressed in casual clothes, strolled among them.

Once she hated the fishy smell, now she didn't care at all.

She has come to the fish market many times, each time to buy tuna.

Tuna is a large category of fish, which can be subdivided into yellowfin, bigeye, bluefin tuna, albacore, bonito and so on.

Zidi can always choose the best quality tuna. This is the result of her experience of inquiring, using the library to enrich her collection and buying books again and again.

There is a tutor in the college who likes tuna best, and he releases such tasks almost every day. Ziti stands out from many competitors with her intentions and strength. Although the reward for the task is not much, the victory is almost every day.

Soon, through her sharp eloquence, Zidi pressed the price to the lowest limit and bought enough tuna.

Just about to leave, there was a sudden noise and noise not far away.

Zidi looked around and saw two bronze fishermen arguing.

It suddenly became clear to her that she was fighting for the identity of the fish king. Almost every day, fishermen in the fish market compete for the fish king of the day.

The fisherman who gets the identity of fish king will always get the key attention. Often less than half a morning, the fish on the stall will be sold out.

The rule of fighting for the fish king is very simple, that is, simply compete for the weight of a single fish caught this morning.

But today's situation is a little complicated, so there is a dispute.

A fisherman who had competed for the identity of fish king was found to have hidden a man in the large marine fish he caught!

The unfortunate drowner was dying, and most of his body was still in the fish belly.

Seeing this, the fisherman who had failed immediately said that human weight could not be superimposed on the fish.

But the fisherman, who was originally in a good position to win, said firmly that the person who fell into the water was the food in the belly of a big fish, which should be regarded as the weight of the fish! When I catch it myself, I also overcome the weight of big fish and people, which is very difficult.

Other fishermen scoff at this statement. Such a man stuffed in the belly of a big fish must be slow, which is the key to being caught.

Both sides insisted on their own words and argued endlessly, and the onlookers were also divided into two factions, each supporting one person.

Zidi saw that the drowner was in a bad situation and shouted, "anyway, we should save people first."

"Ho, this is a barbarian, what can be saved!" The crowd didn't care.

If it is a pure Terran, people may also rescue, but the barbarians mainly live in the ice continent and are alien.

Zidi couldn't bear to see that the barbarian was about to die. She hesitated for a moment, and took out the medicine from her arms and poured it into the mouth of the barbarian.

The old man woke up, but he shouted and couldn't communicate. He was actually a madman.

Some people make fun of Zidi. This therapeutic drug is valuable, but it was used to save a madman, and there was no return at all.

Zidi sighed. She just couldn't bear to rescue, not to seek reward.

But she didn't refute anything, but bowed her head and left.

She is not conspicuous.

Because every time she goes out, she will use transformation potion to temporarily change her face. Otherwise, with her original appearance, wherever she goes, it is the focus of people's attention.

As the days passed, crazy old barbarians gradually became a scene of the fish market.

He is as thin as firewood, and his hair is dishevelled. Although he is crazy, the threat is very small. The fishermen took him as the object of trickery, playing with him every day for fun.

However, although the old man is crazy, his instinct to eat is still there. He barely survived by eating the viscera of fish abandoned in the fish market raw.

Zidi almost comes to the fish market every day. Sometimes she can see the old madman barbarian, sometimes she can't. more often, Zidi brings some food specially for the old madman barbarian.

One day a few years later.

She found a sleeping old madman in the corner of the fishmarket alley.

Just as she put the food in front of the old madman, the old man slowly opened his eyes and said in fluent common language, "thank you, young and kind lady."

Zidi was surprised.

The old man took out a roll of hide paper from his arms.

"I'm more and more awake."

"This is the potion formula I made, which is the potion of our barbarian tribe."

"Please be sure to take it, young lady. We barbarians always know how to repay."

Zidi took it, and was soon firmly attracted to her eyes.

"Although these recipes only use the physical properties of the herbs themselves, they are not magic potions. But they are very rare, and even there are only oneortwo of them in the library. Thank you..."

Zidi raised her head and stopped in amazement.

Maybe she was so addicted to these potions that the old barbarian had disappeared.

She realized for the first time that this was an old barbarian with a story.

The impact of this modest adventure became more and more obvious in the years after Zidi.

The more Zi Di studied, the more she found that the Potion on the hide paper was a different system from the magic potion. Although it is obviously a summary of the experience of the barbarian tribe, lacking the research and meticulous spirit advocated by the magician, it is of considerable practical value.

Zidi's former tutor was best at alchemy. In addition to her main magic practice, Zidi also chose pharmacy, a branch of alchemy.

A few months later, Zidi's research began to achieve some minor results.

A year later, these achievements are increasing.

The reputation of some common potions she sold began to spread among ordinary citizens. Even some students abandoned their expensive magic potions and chose ziti's barbarian potions because they were shy.

"When I graduate, maybe I can open an ordinary pharmacy store in the city." Just as she began to look forward to the bright future of this career, a piece of bad news suddenly came.

Father is dead!

When she first learned the news, Zidi's first reaction was that she couldn't believe it.

"Maybe this is just a way for my father to lure me home?"

Over the years, she has never returned home.

But then, fat tongue and many other elders sent letters one after another, telling her this cruel fact.

Endless grief overwhelmed Zidi.

Although Zidi hated her father, she never really thought that one day she would learn of his death.

"He is my only relative in the world." Zidi washed her face with tears.

The feeling of loneliness, bewilderment and insignificance, like an endless tide, rolled into her heart.

Although Zidi has been independent over the years, she can already rely on herself to live independently in this city.

Although these years, she did not spend a penny of money sent by her father.

When her father really died, she realized his real position in her heart and in her life.

Although she turned against her father and hated him, she also loved him deeply!

In the following months, wisteria chamber of Commerce was in turmoil and fell into violent civil strife. Powerful people quickly partitioned the industry of Wisteria chamber of Commerce, and a large number of members of the chamber of Commerce changed their ways, taking the initiative or being forced to take refuge in others.

There are many letters to Zidi, most of which are to persuade Zidi to stand up and protect the foundation left by the old president. Because according to tradition and imperial law, she is the only heir of the chamber of Commerce.

But Zidi turned a deaf ear. She shrank in the magic school and never went out again. The fish market task that has been adhered to for several years has also been abandoned.

She knew that the magic school was her safe haven and the only place that could protect her and give her life safety at this stage.

Finally, in a few months, a gluttonous feast of many forces slowly came to an end.

Wisteria chamber of Commerce has almost only one name left, and the vast majority of valuable industries have become the property of others.

In the past, the super chamber of Commerce, with a strong trend to catch up with and surpass the traditional six chambers of Commerce, was completely reduced to the soil in just a few months.

There are those who sigh, those who are afraid, those who fall into a well, and those who are indifferent to onlookers

Finally, after everything was settled, Zidi left the magic school.

During this time, she hid in the magic school.

Now, she needs to attend her father's funeral.

"Little Zidi, no, don't feel guilty. You're right and right. Those who persuaded you out before have ulterior motives and want to use you to compete for more and more interests." Fat tongue led a team to meet her.

"But, but be careful, the crocodiles are full, and the ferocious piranhas are still wandering in the muddy water."

After a few days of low-key travel, Zidi and her party came to the town at the foot of the mountain.

The town is full of happy atmosphere. A circus came to the town to bring the townspeople a few happy activities in a year.

Clowns, fireworks, colorful balloons, puppet shows, brown bears stepping on barrels, dancing monkeys, and snake dancers from the East who play flute.

Zidi's carriage moved slowly through the crowd.

There was silence in the carriage, and Zidi's heart was filled with sadness.

There are two distinct worlds inside and outside the carriage.

When the curtain was opened, Zidi looked up and could see the manor on the hillside.

It used to be her home, and the manor didn't seem to have changed much.

Her childhood, her life in the manor, and the town came to mind. Every year when the circus comes, she will also visit and play with the escort.

Even a parrot performing smoking in the circus can amaze and fascinate her when she is young.

Now, she's back.

She has grown up, regardless of her age or experience.

The beautiful manor in the past revealed a sad atmosphere. The mysterious circus in her memory can no longer bring Zidi's original surprise and touch.

Everything has changed.

The motorcade slowly passed through the downtown. Under a simple stage transformed from a carriage, there were a group of children sitting around. There is a puppet show on the stage, which is the story ziti loved to hear when she was a child - Princess, devil and knight.

Hearing those familiar lines, Zidi recalled the scene of visiting the town with her mother.

"Mom, the devil is so hateful. I want to defeat it! I can fight very well. The gardener's son is two years older than me, and he is not my opponent."

Her mother laughed and said, "my little princess, fighting is not what a lady should do. Don't worry, you don't have to fight, you will have your knight, and he will protect you all your life."

"My knight?" Zidi's eyes flashed in childhood. "Where is he?"

"Well... Mom doesn't know very well. But it's certain that he will appear in your life."

"Mom, what's in that tent?"

"That's the diviner's tent."

"What is divination? I want to see it."

"It's too late. Will you wait until next year when your mother brings it? My lovely little princess, we should go home and sleep. Good."

"Oh..." Zidi bowed her head in childhood and answered reluctantly.

The motorcade finally came to the end of the street. After passing here, it was the mountain road. At the end of the mountain road is the manor.

A blue tent stands at the end of the street.

This is the Augur's tent, which is deserted and in sharp contrast to other stalls in the circus.

Divination is a kind of prophecy, which is a very profound magic field.

But most of the diviners in the folk are gods who talk and cheat. Maybe they come to the town every year. The townspeople know the fortune tellers in the circus and have no interest in patronizing them anymore.

"Stop, I want to get down." Zidi suddenly spoke with interest.

She got out of the car and left the guard outside the tent.

The light in the tent is dim, which seems to deliberately create a mysterious atmosphere.

Zidi looked at the furnishings in the tent with interest. With her sharp eyes trained over the years, she immediately judged many fake herbs and many fake magic instruments.

She was neither disappointed nor surprised.

"Visitor, what are you going to do?" Asked the fortune teller.

Zidi cast her eyes.

The diviner is an old woman with deep wrinkles and a dark blue star painted in the center of her forehead.

She sat down casually: "please divine, when will the knight in my life come?"

The diviner began to grope for the crystal ball that was obviously imitated on the low table, and muttered a voice that was hard to hear, or that she herself might not understand.

The diviner's eyebrows began to wrinkle, and her voice became more and more urgent. It seemed that she had encountered an elusive dilemma.


Her whole body twitched, and her eyes suddenly turned up, revealing only the whites of her eyes.

The corners of her eyes, nostrils, mouth and ears all shed bright red blood!

She cried out in horror, "ah... Ah!"

"I saw... I saw your destiny..."

"There is no knight in your destiny!"

"Only, only... Ah!!! A beast, no, it's a monster!"


Zidi was startled and subconsciously stood up.

The guard outside the tent heard the movement and immediately drilled in.

The diviner lay on the table, with white eyes in his eyes, stretched out an old hand like a strange claw, and grabbed Zidi.

The guards immediately came forward, and one of them had pulled out half of his sword.

"Stop, don't make a fuss. It's just a scare trick." Zidi calmed down and smiled.

She threw a silver coin on the low table.

"Here you are."

"Good performance."

She turned and left, followed by the guards.