V1.Chapter 175

On the pig kiss.

Standing in the cabin assigned to him, pin Jin's face was ugly: "am I going to play black roll as soon as I get on the boat? There is no larger cabin?"

The cabin in front of me is really small, but it's normal to treat black iron mercenaries like this.

Zidi gently advised, "adults, don't forget that our trip is a disguise. We made the illusion that you were still where you are, and I, as your fiancee, just took a group of people to the wilderness continent first to fight for you. If it is exposed now, the gain is not worth the loss. In fact, even I pretended to hide my identity."

"The cabins of the pig kiss, in fact, are not much different. The largest cabin is in the hands of father Jisha. The rest of the cabins are actually the same."

Zhen Jin Mian nodded for his difficulty: "when can my double come out?"

"Once we arrive at Baisha City, we will wake up the double. At that time, it must surprise our two competitors." Zidi laughed.

"Hehe." Zhen Jin thought for a moment, "I can't wait to see their expressions."

"Forget it, then I'll condescend to spend a few days in this cabin."

"You can come with me tonight."

Zididon showed a proper color of regret: "Lord Zhijin, although I really want to do this, don't forget that Lord Jisha is on this ship."

"In fact, according to our previous discussion, we have 'accidentally leaked' our intelligence to the protectionist knights."

"Next, we will make an encounter and get to know your assessor in advance."

"If we live together in disguise and stealth, I'm afraid we will leave a very bad impression on father Jisha."

Needle gold's face was a little ugly again: "you're right. Hum, I'll bear it for a few days."


The night is deep.

The kiss of the pig sailed quietly over the ocean.

Zhen Jin turned over and slept on his side. Suddenly, the bed was upside down, throwing him on the floor.

Zhen Jin woke up after being hit. He opened his eyes and saw that the floor was full of water. At the same time, many frightened cries came from his ears.

"What's going on?!"

As soon as he reacted, the hatch was pushed open, and the sea poured in under the roar.

"I..." needle King Kong wanted to open his mouth for help, so he was suddenly flooded by sea water, and the whole person was completely submerged.


Zhen Jin gasped and got out of the water waves, and finally stepped on the beach with his feet.

He was dripping water all over. After staggering for more than a dozen steps, he finally fell to his knees.

There was chaos around, and many survivors swam to the beach. Some people are praying loudly, some are crying, some are sobbing, and some are trying to organize rescue.

"Hey, get up quickly and help save others." Someone ran, saw needle gold, and shouted.

But Zhijin didn't respond. His head buzzed, and the whole world seemed to be isolated from him.

He was stunned for a long time, and then his mind repeated it.

"A shipwreck happened?"

"How could this happen!"

Needle gold is like falling into an ice cave, and you want to cry without tears.

There were more and more survivors around. People wailed and watched helplessly as half of the pig kiss sank completely, while the other half was stranded on the beach.

"It's really a shipwreck!"

"Too unlucky."

"Wait!" The needle's golden body trembled, reached out and touched his waist. After touching the silver electricity, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's still there." As for how to wear this sword when fleeing, Zhijin has no impression.

He is both happy and afraid now.

People around began to call the names of relatives and friends, and Zhen Jin also began to search for Zidi and other mercenaries in the crowd.

He saw some familiar faces, but there was no Zidi.

"My fiancee... Died!" The needle gold heart sinks to the bottom of the valley.


"The captain has disappeared, and I'm the first mate. This shipwreck is very strange, and there was no sign before. Talking about the causes of the shipwreck, I think it's better to think about how to escape here."

"At present, we don't collect much food and water. But this island is full of rainforests and must be rich in materials. We need to set up an exploration team to explore the terrain here for us and see where there are a large number of stable sources of food and drinking water."

The chief officer was preaching.

Needle Jin shrunk in the crowd, watching a group of people being called up, watching Cang Xu actively ask to join.

"These people are taking risks! This island is very strange. Magic and fighting are actually forbidden. The upper limit of prohibition is not clear. They dare to explore."

"Zidi is dead, and scabby sand and others are missing. It's bad luck!"

"Alas, I'd better stay here and hide my name. With this camouflage, people will only think I'm a mercenary."

"It's not too late for me to identify myself when the family comes to help and rescues me."


The needle was so angry that it threw its axe on the ground.

"I cut trees all day."

"I'm a Templar, and I want to do such a thing!"

"Shipbuilding? When will it be built? Or wait until the rescue is reliable."

"I'm the only heir of the hundred needle family. The president of Wisteria chamber of Commerce and priest Jisha are also fallen here. There will definitely be rescue!"

"Huh? What sound!"

Needle gold is a black iron cultivation. His physical fitness is beyond ordinary. I heard a rustling sound.

He followed the sound and found an old man eating.

"Old man, did you hide something?" The needle was overjoyed and appeared and approached.

The old man noticed the black iron cultivation of needle gold, and immediately panicked: "big, adult, this is originally mine. I brought it to the island. I'm too hungry. Please be kind and don't tell on me. I'm willing to share these things with you."

The exploration team has not returned for a long time, and there is no stable external food source. The food reserves cannot be consumed continuously day and night, especially cutting down trees to build new ships. Therefore, the chief officer implemented food control, and no one is allowed to hide food secretly.

With a snort, Zhen Jin kicked the old man down and took all the food away.

The old man hugged needle gold's calf: "please, my Lord, give me something to eat. If I don't eat, I will really starve to death."

"Isn't it good for a waste mortal to die? Why waste food here!" Needle gold was extremely contemptuous, kicked the middle-aged man severely, and walked away.

The old man was almost kicked out of breath by this kick.

However, not long after, the three crew members found the needle gold.

"Black roll, I heard you stole food. You don't know the current rules, do you?"

"Boy, if you are sensible, you'd better take it out."

"Yes, it's good for us all."

Needle gold looked at the leading crew, and the other party also exuded the breath of life of the black iron series.

"That old man must be angry and tell the secret! Damn it."

"The crew are numerous, so I don't have to fight hard. When the family comes to help, I must make these damn guys look good!"

Calculating in his heart, Zhijin smiled and said, "I have another way, which is more beneficial to both of us."

With that, he touched out three gold coins.

When the three crew members saw the gold coin, their eyes lit up immediately.

"Well, this is really better."

"Go ahead, boy."

"Is it so profitable to become a mercenary?"

Zhen Jin smiled and said, "I just want to make friends with you. Please do more convenient in the future."

The crew laughed and patted black curl on the shoulder. "Boy, you know current affairs very well."

After the crew left, Hei Juan brushed the patted shoulder with his hand in disgust, with a look of contempt on his face: "these bottom goods, three gold coins will send you away. When the family comes to help, you will all regret today's attitude!"


The food reserve fell to the warning line, and the first exploration team disappeared. The chief mate tried to form a second exploration team.

"Now I announce the result of the draw, and the person whose name I report will become a member of the second exploration team..."

After the chief officer announced, everyone was in an uproar.

"Why hasn't a crew member been drawn?"

"I doubt the fairness of this lottery!"

"Re sign, re sign!!"

Zhen Jin hid in the crowd and looked at the indignant people around him with an attitude of watching a good play.

He did not appear on the list, but once again bribed the relevant crew with gold coins.


Late at night.

Zhen Jin was woken up: "what happened?"

"Someone took the lead and fought with the crew!"

"What?!" The needle vibrated and hurriedly went to watch with silver electricity.

He saw the mane Ge take the lead, rival, easily beat the big man, and kill the first mate in public under the testimony of the bird fan.

"This Orc is too powerful and well equipped! Fighting and magic are forbidden here, which makes this Orc the strongest by virtue of his dirty blood."

"I'm right to hide my name. Who knows how these half Orc and half elf bastards will hate people like me."

"These crew members are rubbish!"

"This thing grows so big for no reason. It has no martial arts skills."


"The crew lost power, and all the gold coins I invested will be lost."


Zongge replaced the chief officer and began to take control of the situation here.

However, every night, the survivors suffered mysterious attacks, and people died one after another.

"Damn it, damn it!" Needle gold cursed.

"What the hell killed these people?"

"Damn it, the rescue is too slow. When will it come?"


The crew member who received the most bribes from needle gold quietly came to the door.

"Black volume, come with us. The captain was assassinated, and we suffered a mysterious attack. I'm afraid it's the orc Zongge who made trouble!"

"We plan to take advantage of the opportunity to form an exploration team and slip away together."

"Who is there?" Zhen Jin was surprised and offered a gold coin.

With a happy look, the crew replied, "Lord Sisuo, boatman, carpenter... To tell you the truth, only the old boatman among us can build a new ship. You know."

Zhen Jin nodded repeatedly, "I see!"

It's humiliating to be subordinate to the orcs.

In addition, mysterious attacks occur here every night, and the living environment is very poor, and needle gold has long wanted to stay.


Xisuo, heijuan and others secretly set out in the exploration team, but they were soon found, and Zongge led the team to pursue.

During the pursuit, transmission occurred.

Unexpectedly, I found a strange camp, and zisuo shouted, "this must be the arrangement of the gods, which let us get rid of the cruel and insidious enemies and give them temporary camps!"

The camp was repaired, but it was soon attacked by bat monkeys and strong life white rhinoceros.

"No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Needle gold roared in his heart, and an extremely strong desire to survive filled his chest.

"It's over here! If you stay here, you'll die." Zhen Jin bit his teeth, turned around suddenly, and the cat bent over and ran out of the wooden house.

In the life and death fight with bat monkeys, Zhen Jin was accidentally supported.

"Someone!" He was overjoyed and did not dare to look back. He tried his best to run in the direction of the dart.

Running wildly all the way, Zhen Jin quickly entered the forest and found several people standing under a tree.

"It's not about stringing them... Wait."

Needle gold was unbelievable, and her heart was ecstatic. He unexpectedly found Zidi, his fiancee is still alive!

His eyes lit up suddenly, showing an expression of surprise and surprise, and blurted out, "purple..."

"It's a black roll!" At the same time, Zidi saw the face of heijuan clearly and shouted, "he is a member of the mercenary regiment I hired!"

"Huh?" Needle gold was stunned.

"Lord Zhijin, the people in the cabin should all come from the pig kiss." Zidi said to the young knight beside her again.

"That man? It's my double!" Needle gold suddenly realized.

The young knight nodded, "I must rescue them as soon as possible! You stay here."

He quickly moved forward, took a few breaths, and walked to the front of Zhen Jin. He quickly looked up and down at the dark boy with his eyes: "can we fight again?"

Needle gold stood in place, staring at the double in front of her.

"So like me!"

His heart was full of sighs, and he didn't respond for a moment.

The young knight shook his head secretly, "it seems that he has lost his courage."

He saw the scene of Zhen Jin's escape.

The young knight rushed to the camp, and Zhen Jin quickly said, "don't..."

You're my double. Don't lose your life because of these fools. Don't take risks, come back and protect me!

But the next moment, Zhen Jin saw the tough fighting power of the double.

Pin Jin stared firmly at the back of the double, showing a shocking color.

"How can there be such terrible power?"

"You can't use fighting spirit here."

Yes, he is a beast.

Before he was transformed, he was still a Silver Knight, and his physical quality was much higher than mine.

Compared with mane Ge, how about it?

"Black volume." Zidi, cyanobacteria and others came over.

Hum, the performance is very good. Do you want to keep covering up? Also, it's useless for me to expose it now. Let this fool stand in for me to work hard.

"Miss Zidi." Zhen Jin cleared up her emotions and saluted Zi Di, "what is this adult..."

Zidi smiled and was about to answer.

Cyanobacteria, who has always been silent, spoke first: "he is my master, Lord Zhijin! He is the fiance of Lord Zidi, the only heir of the hundred needle family, the real Temple knight, and will also be the Lord of Baisha city in the future. He is my lifesaver, and he is also your lifesaver."

Needle Gold: "??"

"Who is this idiot?"

"It seems that he took the opportunity to accept a slave who worked hard. It's also good."

Zi Di nodded, "I hired you to escort me to Baisha city on the wild continent. Lord Zhen Jin has been hiding beside me. The purpose is to hide people's eyes and ears and prevent competitors from maliciously blocking our journey. The shipwreck happened, and I found Lord Zhen Jin. Believe me, Lord Zhen Jin will lead us to leave this island alive."

"I see." The needle golden Adam's apple rolled for a while, thinking, "you're right, my fiancee, the family's rescue is no longer reliable, self-help is the way out!"


After fighting back the herd, Zhen Jin received a warm welcome, and people regarded him as a hero.

"This double is quite good." Needle gold secretly gratified.

Zhen Jin secretly finds Zidi and talks alone.

"My dear Zidi, it's great that you're all right! I thought you were killed. I'm very sad those days." Zhen Jin came forward with open arms and wanted to hug Zidi.

Zidi stepped back and looked around nervously, "adult, be careful to be seen by others."

Then, she continued in an excited voice: "after the shipwreck, a group of people and I were washed to another place on the island by the ocean current. My Lord, I have been trying to find you these days. We all deserve our lives! Just seeing you, I almost broke your identity excitedly, but fortunately, I saw your eyes, and I woke up."

Zhen Jin touched his chin. This wonderful misunderstanding immediately cleared up a lot of resentment in his heart. He laughed and said, "it's really easy to communicate with a smart person like you."

"How is the situation now? Have you sent a message for help? Have you received a response?"

Zi Di shook her head and said gloomily, "there is no response. This island is very strange and dangerous. I have no choice but to wake up the double. Without him, I am dead."

"You did it right. What kind of strength does my double have?"

Zidi shook her head: "he is a beast, but the memory infusion is not complete. I found that he can be partially beast. As for whether there is a stronger combat effectiveness, I don't think it's much."

Zidi described some things in detail.

Zhen Jin couldn't help showing disappointment: "in this way, he can't fight."

"Someone is coming." Zidi immediately reminded.

Zhijin can only stop short communication with Zidi and leave quickly and quietly.


As the two groups of people continued to communicate, when the double took out the armor piece, Zhen Jin couldn't help but feel a shock: "no, it seems that the mane GE has also been transmitted, I have to quickly remind them: This mane Ge is very dangerous!"

"My Lord." He touched his chest with gold and bowed down to the double, "you are worthy of being a temple knight, always upholding the spirit of justice and fairness. But I doubt that the mane is not groundless."

"He has received strict combat training!" Needle gold continued.

Everyone looked at each other.

Zhen Jin added, "every mercenary or sailor has received combat training. This kind of combat training I am talking about is not ordinary training, but military training."

"Believe me, I'm sure he once served in the army. Only after strict military training and served in the army can he have that kind of soldier's breath, which I know best."

The double and Zidi attach great importance to his opinions that he has never publicly mentioned before.


Mane Ge and others hid outside, and the slender rope, the boatman and others didn't return. The double immediately decided to go out and look for it.

"The sword is good." The double handed back the fine sword silver electricity to needle gold.

Zi Di suddenly said to Zhen Jin, "black scroll, I know your sword is not ordinary. Please give this sword to Lord Zhen Jin for the time being."

Needle Jin was stunned, and his face changed slightly. "This sword is my heirloom treasure."

He refused without thinking carefully.

The double smiled faintly: "Zidi, there is no need to embarrass him."

"My Lord, this is no good!" Zi Di insisted, "we just analyzed that mane Ge is a powerful opponent. He also has a pair of armor made of high-grade refined steel, and his spear must be good. Sir, if you hold ordinary weapons and fight with mane Ge, it is almost indistinguishable from being unarmed. And Sir, if you fail, the fate of us will be very worrying. Sir, if you don't think about yourself, please think about us."

The double was stunned and immediately smiled bitterly.

Zhen Jin's heart was shocked: "yes! I should give this sword to the double. The mane is very powerful, and the double must be fully armed."

"He fought instead of me! If he is defeated because of lack of weapons, it will be me who will be unlucky in the end."

"Zidi thinks very well. She thinks of me."

"Give the sword to the double, and I have less risk!"

"My Lord!" Zhen Jin thought of this and changed his mind. He took the initiative to hold the thin sword in his hands and bowed his hands. "It's a fool, and his vision is too narrow. Only when this sword is in the hands of adults at this time can it really be worth waving. This is my heirloom, and the sword is called Yindian. It must be able to shine brightly in the hands of adults!"

Zidi smiled, "black volume, I will pay you double for this employment."

A smile suddenly appeared on Zhen Jin's face.

"Good. I'll be kind to this sword, and I'll try to make sure it's returned to you intact." Seeing the attitude of needle gold, the double connects the sword with great boldness.

Zhijin smiled proudly at the bottom of her heart, "just work hard for me."


Zhen Jin, the double and Zidi successfully rescued the tightrope and the boatman.

Stand in confrontation with mane Ge.

"Hum. A little white faced aristocrat!" Mane Ge looked at the double contemptuously, his eyes stopped at the thin sword handle inserted in the scabbard between the needle and gold waist, and commented faintly, "but... The sword is good."

The double smiled and stared at the broken refined steel armor on the mane Ge: "your armor is also good."

Zhen Jin observed secretly, and his heart was nervous: "don't fight!"

Seeing that Sandao, Zongge and others refused ziti's solicitation, he was almost furious, and secretly swore: "you bastards and scum, unexpectedly refused to become under my command. You despise me so much! With your identity, you deserve it?! well, I have remembered this disgrace, and one day, I will make you regret it!"

Zongge asked the double to prove his identity by praying, which made the double furious.

The double clenched the handle of the sword, frowned deeply, his face sank, and his eyes became as cold as ice. He whispered, "mane Ge, pay attention to your words! How dare you despise the gods! I carry the eyes of the emperor of the gods, which is the blessing of the gods. Magic is a gift of the gods, not a performance or a proof of identity. Apologize to me now, right away! Otherwise you will meet the anger of a temple Knight!"

With that, the double stepped forward and approached the mane Ge.

Cyanobacteria, black roll and others behind him all stroked their weapons. Zidi reached into her bag, and the silly man picked up the stick and roared from the depths of his throat.

Zhen Jin's heart suddenly mentioned to his throat, and he was so nervous that he sweated: "damn! Why are you so rash? You can't fight!"

Next, Zongge's retreat made Zhijin feel that he had retreated from the edge of the cliff to safety: "this double is also too brave."

The double accepted the gang in public and took the initiative to invite them back to the camp.

The needle was so angry that he jumped: "you're not leading wolves into the house! It's simply stupid and hopeless!"

After returning to the camp, Zhen Jin privately found Zidi again and was dissatisfied with the double's unauthorized decision.

He was angry with Zidi: "he really thought he was a Templar. What's more, he said that he was just and fair and treated everyone equally... So he provoked these people, haha, it's stupid!"

Zidi was helpless: "adult, I didn't make it clear before. When the memory was instilled into the double, there was a serious problem."

"It's not easy for us to refute the double in person. This is your authority, sir."

"In fact, he has great advantages in doing so, which is a perfect camouflage. Now even Zongge believes in his identity."

Zhen Jin sighed deeply and was finally persuaded.


The logging team and camp were raided by herds at the same time.

In the process of defense and counterattack, the double found the clue of the behind the scenes.

The double looked serious: "this behind the scenes man is not simple. He can not only mobilize the bat monkeys and silver rhinoceros, but also has good tactical skills. His soldiers are divided into two ways this time, one is to contain us, the other is to focus on attacking the camp. He knows very well that the camp is our weakest place, but also the most important place."

"That's right. We have to get rid of him!" Mane Ge nodded.

"Then go, just the two of us. Everyone else is a drag." The double took the lead, and the mane Ge threw away the waste sword in his hand and followed closely.

Needle gold saw the two men leave the camp, both happy and worried.

"This guy is too hard. What is the residual memory that makes him so brave?"

"This is too risky."

"Alas, I hope he can return safely!"

The mane came back, bringing the body of the crocodile head and hammer tail, causing a sensation, but the double didn't return.

Zhen Jin found Zidi: "we spent a lot of money to get this double. We can't let him act on his own like this!"

"He actually went deep into the forest alone. This adventure is too brainless."

"We should make good use of him, let him protect our safety and give full play to his greatest value."

"Your Excellency, you are right." Zidi looked approval and distress, "but what should I do?"


Zidi added, "to be honest, I hope the double can return safely now, and I'm already thankful."

Zhen Jin sighed again, "Alas, I think so too."


The double not only came back, but also got rid of a blue dog, the fox wolf, and brought back the key information of the truth of the behind the scenes black hand.

Zidi said, "adults have been tracking the herd for a long time. Only when the blue dog fox wolf tried to subdue the monkey tailed brown bear, he risked his life and killed the blue dog fox wolf."

"Lord Zhijin, you have solved the threat of the camp all the time by yourself, and you have done a very good job."

The double looked at the girl's Amethyst eyes, smiled, and reached out to hold Zidi's hand on the table.

Zidi's men consciously shrunk slightly, but still stayed, leaving the double in their hands.

"It really deserves to be my double!" Zhen Jin also attended the meeting and was proud, "well done... Shit!"

"Damn it, how dare you hold my fiancee's hand!"

"Let go, you guy!!"

"It seems that we need to change our strategy." Muban said, "we can't just cut down trees, we should make powerful crossbows as soon as possible."

People began to discuss how to deal with the Warcraft Legion under the command of blue dog and fox wolf.

Needle gold always pays attention to the double and Zidi hand.

"Don't let go yet? When on earth will you hold it!?"

He was so angry that he really wanted to jump up immediately and plug the silver electricity into the double's forehead.

But he can't!

"Calm down, calm down. I'm just a black roll now. He's needle gold!"


"Silver electricity is also in his hand."