V1.Chapter 163

Heading for the center of the island is also the last fight of Zhijin and others when the new ship is unable to sail.

It's very lucky to meet Jisha and others who can use magic.

These days, scab sand has naturally known about the fact that needle gold is a divine knight and that his companions were once beast crazy.

But Jisha never asked about any of the Knights of the divine family.

This seems to be a signal of goodwill.

And the bestialization madness has also become a huge hidden danger in the hearts of people since the tragic battle of the ruins.

The role of scab sand is too critical. Without him, people can't even enter the underground alchemy factory!

Zhen Jin knows that he must explain the situation to Jia Sha in advance, otherwise at some point in the future, he will be forced to change, but as a result, Jia Sha and others misunderstand that he is a beast, and suffer the blow of his peers, which is bad.

Even if it didn't suffer a blow, the sudden change of needle gold will inevitably make scab sand and others suspicious.

"Our biggest enemy at present is war hawkers."

"If we don't cooperate sincerely, there are still suspicions and scruples within us, which leads to the inability to exert all our strength and be tied up, it's too stupid."

"I don't want to see any of my companions hurt when I haven't done my best."

"I don't want to regret..."

With such thoughts and emotions, Zhen Jin found scab sand alone and said in a heavy voice, "father, I need a confession."

Cha Sha smiled at him with deep meaning: "young Templar, you know? I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"Father, I'm guilty!" Needle gold frowned, showing a look of pain.

"The world is guilty." Cha Sha shook his head, gently and inclusively comforted and encouraged, "it's your courage to face your sins, and it's also your way to saints. Please allow me to pray to my lord first."

Needle gold nodded.

Confession begins.

The young knight half knelt on the ground, heavy hearted, facing scab sand.

Zhen Jin said, "since I woke up on the island, my prayer has never been answered by my Lord. I didn't fight and took my Lord as my only dependence."

"But my Lord never responds to me, and I inevitably have loss, disappointment and even resentment."

"I'm guilty!"

Scab nodded.

Zhijin continued, "I don't think it's my problem, but the special environment of this island, which is the means of war peddlers, isolating me from my Lord."

"I underestimated the power of my Lord and thought him weak."

"I blame the problem on the outside world without real self reflection."

"I'm guilty!"

Cha Sha sighed, "son, now you can realize and repent that your sin has been eliminated by half."

Her golden eyebrows frowned and she gritted her teeth in pain: "when I saw that your daily prayers, father, can be answered and infused with divine power, I realized that this island does not prohibit magic."

"But I dare not face such a truth. I am cowardly and let myself escape. I dare not think about it and study it deeply."

"I misunderstand the Lord, underestimate the Lord, and even deceive the Lord!"

"Many times, in order to improve the morale of the team, I had to disguise myself as a divine knight in the name of my Lord. In fact, I was not. In fact, I didn't get a response from my Lord from beginning to end."

"I am sinful!"

Cha Sha nodded without surprise: "son, my Lord's lost lamb, poor and respectable man. I am happy and relieved to see you, because you are finding your way back."

"Anything else? Go on, good boy."

"Our Lord's eyes are omniscient. Maybe he is always looking at you, but you don't understand his expected eyes."

Scab sand gently stroked needle gold's hair, performed magic, and soothed needle gold's painful and heavy mood.

Needle gold felt a warmth in her heart.

His body was bathed in a layer of white holy light, which made him feel like a tired traveler returning to his home.

The young knight took a deep breath and opened his mouth. He wanted to tell the secret that he could control the change independently, but his words seemed to be blocked in his throat.

He took another deep breath and opened his mouth again, but he still couldn't say it.

The breath of needle gold became rapid and slightly disordered, and his heart seemed to be pressed on a mountain. At the moment, the holy light covering his body also seemed thin.

"There is a major situation!" At this time, Zidi's voice suddenly came from a distance.

Then, the patron Knight xiongton responded, "please stop, President Zidi. The priest is presiding over the confession for Lord Zhijin."

With such an interruption, the courage of the needle gold finally disappeared.

He was overwhelmed by the pressure in his heart and could only sigh deeply: "no, father. This is all my confession."

Jia Sha stood in place, looking down at the half kneeling needle gold, and kept silent for a moment: "OK, I understand."

Then he bowed his head, held the emblem on his chest with both hands, and murmured in a deep tone:

"Lord, the great emperor Shengming, my God."

"You are the God of hope, the God of victory, and the God of light."

"At this moment, I bring the temple Knight needle gold to you, and only you know his heart. I can't change needle gold, and only you can. Please open needle gold and help him understand what makes him leave you. Please make needle gold repent, provoke his desire to be reconciled with you, make him hate sin, and do everything you need to break his cowardice and paranoia, but I ask you to do it in a gentle way, and please bring experience into needle gold's heart In life, encourage him to come back to you. "

Having said all this, Jisha bent down and stretched out his hand to help the needle gold up.

"Child, you should have confidence in yourself."

"We should have faith in our Lord."

"He is tolerant and kind. He can contain the ocean and the sky."

Jia Sha's attitude was always gentle, like an old father. His words are more profound, and the look of needle King Kong's hesitation is also very obvious.

Zhen Jin nodded, and the two left the corner side by side.

Zidi was stopped by the guardian Knight xiongton. Seeing the needle gold and scab sand coming out, she looked dignified: "the person in charge of the investigation is back. The situation in front is very unusual!"

Zidi then described the information in detail, startled scab sand and needle gold looked at each other.

Soon after, people came to a ruins entrance.

Obviously, there was a big war here, and the fighting was very fierce.

Before, Zhijin and others passed through several production workshops, and the degree of damage became more and more serious. Here, the original metal channel has completely disappeared, replaced by a huge hole.

Before entering the cave, the amazing heat came to my face.

The former scout was cautious and did not enter the cave rashly.

After discussing for a while with Zhijin and others, Jia Sha used his magic. The person who investigated again came back to narrate the information, and was shocked to be incoherent.

Everyone sneaked into the cave. There was a huge battlefield, almost the size of a township.

The dark red light filled everything. The ground and dome were pockmarked and uneven. The fragments of the magic statue could be seen everywhere, as well as the blood left by the wounded strong man of the raiding holy land.

There are traces of the battle everywhere.

Almost half of the battlefield is turned into magma. It is the rolling magma that causes dark red light and terrifying heat.

If it weren't for the magic of elemental endurance, ordinary people basically couldn't breathe normally here.

While the other half of the battlefield, where people can stop and walk, is full of magic statues.

"There are many garrison demons!"

"There's another big guy..."

Everyone hid behind a boulder and temporarily hid their body shape under the protection of magic. After looking at it, they all looked dignified.

After the first production workshop, the survivors encountered garrison demons.

This kind of magic image is at least twice stronger than the transportation magic image!

To destroy a garrison demon statue, the whole team must do its best.

At first glance, there are more than ten garrison demons on the battlefield!

What attracts people's attention most is a huge monster. It is also a magic image, but not in human form. It has a dragon head, a pig's body, elephant legs, and a Python's tail.

Some of the garrison demons stopped in place, some kept moving, and the patrol route seemed to be irregular.

The monster statue, six meters high, kept opening its mouth and devouring the fragments of the statue on the ground. The fragments of the tough demon image were bitten into more pieces in its mouth.

"There was a big war here, which was more intense than we could imagine! Originally, this was supposed to be the defensive area of the alchemy factory. As a result, all facilities were destroyed, hitting deep underground and even shooting magma!"

"It's terrible. There are almost magic image fragments all over the ground, and thousands of magic images have been destroyed!"

"Have you noticed that some fragments are very special and look like refined gold. They should be powerful demons higher than Warcraft garrison. We haven't encountered them yet."

"Who won?"

"I think it's a strong man in the holy land."

"It's also possible that they were all killed and their bodies were taken away. These active garrison demons, as well as this big guy, are obviously cleaning the battlefield."

The fact that the war peddler can produce and sell alchemical cannons shows that the mass production of gold level equipment is completely within his ability. It is speculated that it is also very possible to mass produce gold level alchemy statues.

Although the holy land is strong, if the number of golden enemies reaches a certain level, it can still form a huge threat.

"How to get there? Garrison demons have real vision."

Everyone is in trouble.

"It's impossible to pass. Just three garrison demons can put us in crisis by forcibly breaking in."

"Go back and take a detour."

This proposal was approved by the overwhelming majority of people.

But scab sand, needle gold, mane Ge and others are hesitating.

"A little strange." Mane Ge said, "there are so many defense forces here, why don't you transfer some out and destroy us? Taling has already found our invaders."

"What's so strange about this?" The guardian Knight xiongdun curled his lips, "everyone knows that the tower spirit is half broken."

"Father, why don't you use the polar vision again?" Needle gold proposal.

Scab nodded, quietly urging magic.

A moment later, his face turned pale: "I only saw the magma, dark red magma came to my face."

"You'd better get back and go another way." Xiongton also suggested.

Scab sand was about to nod when he suddenly heard a bang in his ear.


From the magma came the extremely powerful dragon roar. At the same time, hundreds of huge golden pillars of light were transmitted from the magma.

The phantom of a giant dragon appeared in the magma.

"This is... The king of the dragon!" Needle gold and others were shocked.