V1.Chapter 161


The white bone giant hammer severely hit the front of the abandoned demon statue.

The abandoned magic statue finally couldn't support, and the originally cracked upper body was smashed to pieces. However, there was still a remnant of the lower body, staying where it was, and each breathing black iron leg twitched, accompanied by a spark.

"Finally defeated it!" A moment later, Zongge confirmed that there was no threat from the abandoned magic image, and then spit out a mouthful of turbid air.

"Is it so powerful just to transport demons?"

"It's mainly because we can't use fighting spirit. If there is one, even Lord Zongge alone can deal with it."

"Next time, pay more attention to using explosive arrows. They can't be used in narrow places. I can hardly breathe just now."

People looked at the remaining parts of the statue, talked about it one after another, and their faces were dignified.

Jisha is just a priest, not good at melee.

Although he will also give shields to the soldiers in front of him, he is not as solid as fighting spirit.

Five black iron level protectionist knights, together, can't stand the charge of abandoned demons.

Finally, the needle gold and the mane Ge forcibly resisted, because their strength was greater.

Although the victory was won, there was a haze over the hearts of the people.

Just now, they all heard what Tallinn said very clearly. It was just a magic statue used for transportation, which was urgently repaired after it was abandoned. It was so powerful that everyone was forced to return to the shipping warehouse.

If you garrison the demons or other conventional defense forces, what will be the result of the battle?

"Keep moving!"

"In addition to moving forward, we have long been cornered."

"And the enemy can't even send out a regular magic image, which proves that this place is extremely empty."

"It seems that the spirit of the tower has also suffered a heavy blow and is insane. We just came in before, and even opened all the alchemical munitions, but it didn't respond."

"Just now, it was broadcast at random, which let us know that the garrison magic image does not exist, and an abandoned magic image was repaired."

"I have seen the dawn of victory! My Lord is the God of light, the God of victory, and will certainly guide us to victory!"

Scab sand shouted loudly.

The morale of the people stabilized and did not continue to fall.

Without the obstruction of abandoned demons, the next aisle is unobstructed.

According to the method proposed by Sandao, everyone entered the wooden box. The wooden box was pushed by big men, Zongge and others to send the lighter people across the aisle.

Each wooden box carries members, cleverly avoiding the mechanism.

"Something's wrong with Tallinn. This alchemy should not allow us to exploit loopholes so easily."

"Faster, we should hurry up!"

"Dad, don't leave me." The big man was bitter and close to Zhen Jin. Seeing fewer and fewer people around him, he looked worried and afraid.

The height of the passage is suitable for ordinary people, but for a big man, it is relatively short, and he can only bend his head and waist.

Pin Jin patted the big man's thigh: "don't worry, I won't leave you. Finally, let's go together!"

The big man was still a little worried, close to the needle gold.

Finally, even the alchemy cannon was dragged over, and the needle gold and the big man entered the iron and wood box together.

On the opposite side, the mane Ge, five protectionist knights and the crowd pulled the hemp rope with all their strength, and the iron and wood box carrying needle gold and big men gradually pulled through the passage.

After this passage, there are three forks in front of you.

"Don't worry, let me check." Scabby sand began to use the magic of extreme vision.

He first LED five protectionist knights to choose the leftmost channel, and polar vision showed a blood red color.

"I'll be seriously injured if I take this aisle." Scab sand suddenly felt in his heart.

He went to the middle passage with the protectionist knights. Under the extreme vision, his vision was gray and immediately turned into complete darkness.

Scab sand's heart shook: "take this road, I will die!"

Do the same, scab sand check the third channel.

"It seems that there will be a fierce battle, but I have nothing to do with the protectionist knights."

Without hesitation, Jia Sha chose the third way.

Even if the war peddler is in trouble, there are problems with Tallinn. The legendary alchemy factory is still a tiger's den. The extreme vision technique has become extremely critical. Without the guidance of scab sand, it is very easy for needle gold and others to collapse if they rush into chaos.

In this way, people gradually went deep into the refinery.

Sometimes a fierce battle occurs, and sometimes twoorthree people are injured by traps or mechanisms.

As the survivors get closer to the center of the alchemy, the battle becomes more and more difficult.

The protectionist knights were all injured, and the members brought by needle gold also lost more than a dozen people.

If it weren't for scab sand's divine ability to heal the wound, half of the people would die because of the wound. Those who survive injury will greatly drag down their companions.

Two days, three days

Although the sun does not appear, the scab sand has a divine skill that can measure the time.

Needle gold's sorrow became more and more intense.

Several times, he was almost about to change, and the intensity of the battle forced him to urge the blood nucleus.

Needle gold fell into hesitation.

His change may be able to hide the public, but the shape after the change is difficult to hide from the priest Jisha.

"What if I use the opportunity of confession to confess in advance? In this way, if I fight, I don't have to be tied up."

"However, will Jisha understand me? Will she forgive me?"

"Should I trust him?"

"But if it goes on like this, it will be really dangerous."

"It's too pedantic and stupid not to use the heart core, resulting in unacceptable losses for yourself."

Several times, needle gold wanted to confess to scab sand and clarify the context of the heart core.

But in the end, he gave up.

Just like he couldn't summon up his courage and couldn't speak to Zidi.

"Therefore, I am still afraid, and there is a large part of cowardice in my heart." Needle gold smiles bitterly.

There is another fork in the road, but there are five channels.

After performing the extreme vision eight times, scab Sha bit his teeth and pointed to the middle passage: "go here!"

These days, he became more and more haggard.

Closer to the center of the alchemy factory, the pressure swelled like a boulder, pressing heavily in the heart of scab sand.

He could clearly perceive that the effect of the polar vision was suppressed. The closer to the center, the more obvious the degree of suppression. He predicted less and less, so he had to use this magic many times. This greatly increased his burden and forced him to recuperate more frequently.

"Maybe this decision is wrong."

"No matter how hard the war peddler is, it's not something a person like me can deal with."

Jia Sha felt like walking on a cliff. If he didn't pay attention, he would be buried in the abyss.

But this shaking was fleeting, and soon the confusion in his eyes disappeared and was full of heat again.


"Such an opportunity is once in a blue moon. If I give up and shrink back, I will regret it all my life!"

"Wealth... Is hidden in infinite risks."

"If I win the battle peddler this time, the credit I get can make me promoted to bishop. No, cardinals are possible!"

"At that time, I will be imbued with divine power, and I will become a gold level or even a holy domain level. I will master more powerful divine skills. I will go back, stand in front of bishop Pingyi, and watch him salute me actively. Then I will smile and ask him, 'now do you think it's you or me?'

"Gentlemen, I have made an amazing discovery!" As a scout, Sandao reconnaissance returned, interrupting Ke Sha's thought.

Because of the limitation of the polar vision, the survivors began to send elite explorers and scouts yesterday.

A moment later, the crowd came to a destroyed gate through the passage.

"This place has been destroyed!"

"It was a forced breakthrough. What a fierce fight!"

"But fighting and magic are forbidden here."

"At most, low-level ones are forbidden. Looking at such traces, the fighting spirit is at least gold."

"It's the Holy Land!" Jia Sha opened his eyes, and he used divine exploration to get the answer, "at least three holy places have forcibly broken here."

Obviously, these sanctuaries should be the enemies of warlords.

Who on earth are they? From which side? Why are you the enemy of war hawkers?

The answers to these questions are unknown.

Behind the gate is a production workshop.

"It should be the place to produce alchemical arrows." Sandao said his guess, "be careful, there's defense power in it."

Standing at the gate of the destroyed gate, they saw several small crossbows driving in the corner of the workshop through the guidance of three knives. These catapults all have bases, which seem to be able to rotate quickly.

In the severely damaged production workshop, there were a large number of wreckage of alchemy machinery, some workers' demons, and some garrison demons, which were blown to bits and pieces.

In the ruins of the battlefield, if you carefully distinguish, you can still see small fragments of alchemical arrows.

Everyone suddenly had an inference in their hearts.

At least three enemies of the Holy Land broke through the gate by force. In the production workshop, there was a fierce battle with a large number of garrison demons and worker demons, and the catapult did not constantly shoot.

But in the end, the Holy Land team destroyed almost all the garrison forces here and left. The reason why he left these crossbows is that he didn't care at all!

"Have you ever been in?" Scab sand asks three knives.

Sandao shook his head directly: "No. I can't urge myself to protect myself. It's too dangerous to face the arrow of alchemy!"

"A safe choice." Cha Sha nodded, "I'll show you my shield..."

"I refuse." Scab sand was interrupted by three knives before he finished speaking.

Scab sand was stunned.

"I'm hurt." Sandao opened his coat and exposed the wound on his abdomen. "The wound didn't heal, which slowed down my speed. These catapults may not be able to do anything to the strong in the holy land, but I'm not sure how to retreat."

Cha Sha smiled, "it's my negligence. I'll heal you now. Alas, I'm only a priest, not a bishop, after all. The consumption of divine power is too intense, and the magic I can perform every day is limited."

Sandao also smiled: "I fully understand you, father. So, you see, these five protectionist Knights have always been in good condition. They are also black iron accomplishments. It is most suitable for them to go."

"I agree." Postscript to mane Ge.

The smile on scab Sha's face gradually converged.