V1.Chapter 156

Pieces of gravel were removed. Under the personal command of Zhijin, he led the people to dig out the buried materials as far as possible.

Ultrasonic exploration once again reflects the value of needle gold can always accurately determine the location of materials.

Knock, knock, the holes in the side of the ship are filled with boards layer by layer, like large and small patches. The keel is the most important part of maintenance. A lot of wood was used at the broken place, and then iron sheets and nails were used to fix it.

The sails were not seriously damaged, because they were all folded up and hung on the mast.

A few days later, the slide rail was repaired.

"One, two, three!" Everyone drank together and worked hard together, including the big man.

The boat was getting faster and faster. It slid all the way along the slide rail and fell into the river with a bang, setting off huge waves.

The boat shook a few times and soon stabilized on the White River.

At the moment, the ship has become ugly. There are wooden patches on the side and deck. Where the side is higher than the bottom deck, there are two rows of holes arranged on both sides of the side.

There are ten pairs of wooden oars stretching out from the hole. The wooden oar closest to the stern rudder is especially huge, which is specially prepared for big men.

The broken leg and the death of the boatman made the big man depressed and silent, and he cried secretly almost every night.

According to the boatman's last words, the big man really took Zijin as his biological father, and only listened to Zijin's orders. Only the food and water given by Zhen Jin would he eat.

Zhen Jin led the big man into the cabin first. The big man couldn't walk on both legs and crawled in with both hands.

Then others filed in.

Eighteen people were drawn out to reach the bottom deck, each responsible for a long wooden paddle.

The big man sat at the back, and one person was responsible for two alone.

The rest of the people are on the deck, responsible for setting up and retracting sails, arranging ropes, lifting anchors, etc., and the rudder is controlled by a thin rope.

Before shipbuilding, cangxu had organized many teaching activities for crew members, and basically everyone was trained how to operate the ship.

The sails were stretched out, and with the sound of drums, twenty wooden oars were inserted under the river at the same time, then rowed leisurely, stretched out of the water, and then fell into the water again.

The ship went well.

The river is muddy, and the needle gold often stands at the collision angle of the bow.

He has been secretly using ultrasound to explore the situation under the water.

He was worried about what ferocious artificial Warcraft appeared in the water, and more worried about the emergence of golden magic Python vine.

The next voyage is a safe journey.

There is no artificial aquatic Warcraft, nor Python vine. The underwater is muddy. The river surface is often accompanied by eddies, and the river bank is unstable and often collapses.

This is a new river channel formed by the cracking of the island's surface, and it is also the best shortcut to the center of the island.

Shortcuts are not without risks.

There are often bats, monkeys and flying rats attacking.

With needle gold, mane Ge and others stationed, these herds will eventually be either defeated or reduced to the food reserves of survivors.

The survivors almost have a crossbow in their hands, and after several brutal elimination, those who can survive until now are either elite or lucky enough.

The operation of the new ship was very difficult. At the beginning, everyone was in a hurry from the beginning. Even the new ship hit the Bank of the river because it didn't turn in time.

Fortunately, nothing was damaged. Nevertheless, Zhijin ordered to stop at the shore for one day and arrange emergency special training for everyone.

The surviving crew brought great help, and their skills of transmitting and controlling the ship were all they had, without any disorder.

The ship left the jungle and swam in the forest.

Leave the forest again and enter the desert.

The air became very hot, and the lava pillars of the volcano became more and more prominent.

Black "Snow" is flying in the air, which is volcanic ash.

Because of the hot weather, the glue and asphalt bonded between the ship plates began to melt.

Water seeps continuously from the bottom of the cabin.

As ships leave the desert and enter the volcanic zone, there are more and more water seepage locations, which are unbearable for Zhijin and others.

And the channel of this river also gradually narrowed, and when both banks almost wiped the side of the new ship, Zhijin led the people to leave the new ship.

They moved all the supplies in time. An hour later, no survivors kept draining out of the ship, and the new ship sank completely under everyone's eyes.

Everyone watched silently.

Zhen Jin took a deep breath and said in a loud voice, "now we have no retreat, move forward!"

The journey is very difficult.

The extremely hot ground makes it difficult for people to step down.

With every breath, the hot air almost scorched everyone's nasal cavity, trachea, heart and lungs.

A yellow mist filled the air.

The extremely pungent sulfur smell makes people extremely uncomfortable.

Because the sky is obscured by volcanic clouds, the light is dim, and the field of vision is clearer only when lava erupts.

The earthquake has been accompanied by survivors.

The closer to the center of the island, the larger the scale of the earthquake.

When sailing, the earthquake set off huge waves. Now walking in groups, the threat of earthquakes has become greater. It will break the ground and let the magma surge out from below.

Only on the first day of disembarkation, three people died.

The next day, the team encountered a giant lava turtle.

The giant turtle's state is very wrong. His eyes are red and he falls into madness. He is no longer gentle and harmless before.

It took the initiative to attack the team.

This is a golden Warcraft. Of course, needle gold won't be stupid enough to fight hard and quickly lead the people to flee.

Fortunately, the giant turtle's intelligence is insufficient, and its pursuit speed is not as fast as people's desperate escape speed. After being pulled away for a distance, it will no longer pursue Zhen Jin and others.

The situation of the team is more than ten times worse than yesterday.

Because they encountered the Warcraft Legion.

Under the fighting of needle gold and mane Ge, the Warcraft Legion blocking the road was defeated.

But everyone's heart is very heavy.

Because of the three blue dogs and foxes, they only had time to kill two of them, and one of them escaped with the defeated soldiers.

Blue dog fox wolf has outstanding intelligence. This blue dog fox wolf will surely attract more Warcraft legions.

At the suggestion of Zong Ge, Zhen Jin had to take risks to improve the speed of the team.

This makes the survivors miserable.

A few days later.

People looked up at the volcano in front of them, and many people's eyes were numb.

They searched all the way and found no sign of MAGE tower or Magic center.

"Isn't the mage tower hidden in the volcano?"

"In fact, it's very possible! The reason why this island is unstable is volcanic eruption."

"But how do we get in?"

"Lord Zhijin, we can't!"

Everyone looked gloomy.

These days, they have been chased and killed by the Warcraft Legion.

In this volcanic landscape, there are many blue dogs and foxes, and almost every wolf belt leads a small-scale Warcraft army.

The team would never have come here if it hadn't been for Zhijin and Zongge to fight at the forefront every time.

Needle gold was ashen and ashen, no longer handsome as before, but his eyes were still firm.

"Rest on the spot. We have to think of a way to get into this volcano." Needle gold path.

Cang Xu, Zi Di and others all looked pale.

The air temperature is very high. Ordinary people have reached the limit of endurance. If they go further, their lives will be endangered.

Only the extraordinary people have outstanding physical quality and can go closer.

Needle gold and others were discussing, and suddenly his face changed.

"Warcraft Legion is coming! Get ready." Needle gold is cheap.

No one doubted the prediction of Zhijin. Along the way, they all relied on the prediction of Zhijin and fought with the Warcraft Legion continuously, killing here all the way.

Limited time, I chose a slightly higher gentle slope, and everyone formed an array on the spot, with needle gold and mane Ge standing at the forefront.

Soon after, they saw a large wave of beasts and Warcraft, rushing frantically towards them.

"Too many, this is not just a Warcraft army!"

"There must be at least five Blue Dogs, foxes and wolves to gather such a terrorist scale."

"Let's run!"

Needle gold gritted her teeth and shook her head, "where can I escape?"

At this moment, his heart was also shrouded in despair.

Even if he gave up all his concerns and made all-out changes, it would be difficult for him to resist so many beasts.

It's impossible to save Zidi and others' lives under the impact of the animal tide!

"We should have stayed in the rainforest and waited for rescue!" Black volume shouted, regretful.

Warcraft Corps can directly attack the position regardless of whether people regret it or not.

"Don't keep the iron arrow, use as much as you can!" Mane Ge shouted.

Zhijin, Zongge and others fought hard, and the position was firmly held in the turbulent tide of animals.

"Strange, this Warcraft Legion is a little vain!"

"Up to now, I haven't seen a blue dog fox wolf. Where have they gone?"

"How can I feel that these Warcraft don't seem to attack us, but... Flee?"

"Yes, look carefully. Many of them are injured."

People were puzzled, and the needle gold suddenly turned pale and looked into the distance.


He has been using ultrasound to explore the surroundings, but these people make him unable to detect, and suddenly appear in the field of vision.

There are six strangers in total. They chase and kill Warcraft all over the mountains with ease and freehand brushwork.

They drove these Warcraft legions!

No wonder the blue dog and the fox wolf didn't appear. I'm afraid they were destroyed by these people.

With only six of them, they defeated such a huge Warcraft Legion.

In particular, the attention of needle sucking gold and mane Ge is that their bodies are shining with white holy light, and their clothes are not stained with lead dust, which is incompatible with their surroundings.

They can use extraordinary power!

"Temple Knight needle gold, you finally came." The middle-aged man, led by him, spoke softly. The distance between the two sides was still far, but his hoarse voice clearly echoed in everyone's ears.

The survivors were shocked and ecstatic.

"Is it rescue?!"

"But how can they go deeper into the center than us?"

"This is the priest of emperor Shengming. Behind him is the patron knight."

"Are you?" A little gift of needle gold.

The priest in white smiled gently and introduced himself, "my name is Jisha."