V1.Chapter 150

"Nonsense!" Just as the needle was stunned, the boatman suddenly shouted behind him.

The young knight and the big man turned their heads and saw the boatman holding a small wine bucket in one hand and a large roast in the other.

Obviously, the boatman was thinking about the big man and got out of the party. As a result, he heard what the big man just said.

"Lord Zhen Jin, please forgive me. This stupid man didn't mean to offend you!" The boatman half knelt on the ground, looking worried.

The big man looked puzzled.

Zhen Jin laughed: "get up, can't I know your son? I knocked him unconscious many times. In a sense, what he said is not wrong. We are all reduced to this, and we are all people on the same ship."

The old boatman was extremely grateful: "my Lord, your nobility is not only your identity, your blood, but also your spirit and your character. It is you who saved us. The time we spent with you will certainly become a memory we will remember for a lifetime. Your bravery, tolerance, wisdom and other virtues will be widely praised in the future."

Zhen Jin nodded. His feelings about these words are different from before.

He said to the boatman, "don't overestimate me, boatman. Don't underestimate yourself. In fact, you are very critical. Without you, how can we make a new boat? Your son also has great credit. Without his efforts, we will be a long way from completing it."

Hearing this, the big man immediately showed a happy smile.

His efforts were recognized.

The arrival of the boatman made needle gold have an intention to go.

The young knight jumped off the boulder.

"Sir, please let me see you off." The boatman put his things in the straw shed and insisted on delivering them.

Pin Jin saw that the boatman was still worried: "don't worry, I won't argue with the big man."

The boatman was relieved when he received repeated assurances from the needle gold.

Nobles and knights attach great importance to reputation. Most nobles and Knights will take what big man just said as an insult to themselves.

"Your Excellency, you are really different from other big people!" The boatman was full of emotion and revealed his true feelings, "excuse me, I have never seen a big man close to anyone except me."

"You may not know how shocked I was when I saw the big man sitting side by side with you."

"Before meeting you, no one has ever treated him so equally, and never really faced up to people like us."

Zhen Jin smiled wryly, "I'm really different."

He patted the boatman on the shoulder, "although you never said it, I can imagine the life experience of a big man."

"He was an abandoned baby on the ship and was adopted by you. He was born with a giant's blood and suffered from strange eyes."

"His strength is stronger and stronger, his physique is bigger and bigger, and he is also crazy. Almost everyone discriminates against him, hates him, guards against him, curses him, curses him."

"His hearing is very sharp. He can hear people think they are speaking in a low voice, and can hear people around him cursing, mocking and hating him."

"Only you treat him well and give him father's love."

"That's why he will always be close to you. As far as I can see with my own eyes, I fight for you. Even if I don't have any martial arts skills, I will be willing to pay my life to protect you!"

"And you must pay a lot for him."

"You see the way he curls up in the straw shed, and the way he actively avoids others and shrinks, I know that you must teach him painstakingly and teach him how to survive in the human world as a monster in order to make him survive."

"You must be very worried that one day, he will be destroyed by many people as a monster with the slogan of justice. You must also be very sad to see him bullied by others, but you can't fight back. Because you taught him not to fight back, otherwise the consequences will be more serious!"

"So, he can't do martial arts. He's used to patience."

"Is he ugly? No, he just looks different from most people. His heart is much kinder than most people."

"Is he strong? No, who says that strong strength and strong physique are strong? Who is a strong man? The only weapon to protect himself is to shout pain and shout dad? He is actually very weak."

"Kind, weak... Isn't it the spirit of chivalry to protect and help such people?"

"Big, adult..." the boatman's eyes were red, and his tears rolled, choking to speechless. The praise, affirmation and other words he heard at the banquet before, even if it was a hundred times, tenthousand times more, could not be compared with those of needle gold.

Because Zhen Jin really understands him!

Understanding this word looks very simple, but it is actually very difficult and heavy.

"You are a good father." Zhen Jin dropped this sentence and left straight away.

The old boatman stayed where he was and watched the back of Zhen Jin all the time.

The setting sun sank into the sea, and there was no afterglow.

In the old boatman's blurred vision due to tears, the figure of needle gold seemed strange, but it seemed to emit... Light.

The new ship was basically built successfully and had the ability to sail. This incident has boosted the morale of survivors.

In the next few days, Zhijin and others began to prepare for the new ship to go to sea.

If there were no blue dogs and foxes, it would be easy for a new ship to go to the sea. But now the Warcraft Legion has surrounded the valley, which makes the implementation of this matter more than a hundred times more difficult.

Some people were glad that they had followed Zongge's advice and built a spare track.

But whether this orbit can be used or not is still a question.

After all, countless earthquakes have occurred on the island, and the standby slide rail is buried in the shallow layer of the land in order to avoid being hit by wind and rain.

Even if the slide rail is undamaged, to enable this slide rail, you have to remove the board and other covers on it.

According to Muban's estimation, it is likely that the slide rail will have intermittent small-scale damage. This means that the slide rail can be used only after it is built in advance.

And the wisdom of blue dog and fox wolf makes the maintenance of slide rail complicated.

Once the blue dogs and foxes perceive the intentions of the people, the plan of the new ship going to the sea will be more hindered, and even eventually fail.

After discussion, Zhijin and others decided to attract the attention of the blue dog fox wolf, dig the tunnel, secretly send a maintenance team to check the slide rail, and seize every opportunity to repair it.

In order to increase the possibility of escape as much as possible, Zhijin no longer trained hard at night. On the one hand, he continued to harass the Warcraft Legion and weaken their combat power as much as possible. On the other hand, he personally investigated the state of the underground surface slide.

The results of the survey are not optimistic. There are many damages to the slide rail, some of which are almost broken slag.

The maintenance workload is very large, but the difficulty is not high - the structure of the slide rail is very simple.

When Zhen Jin was busy, he got good news.

He came to the cave where the patients were concentrated and saw Bai Ya.

Bai Ya, who has been unconscious for many days, has now woken up.

"Lord Zhijin..." his breath was still weak, his face was pale, and his cheekbones protruded. He was very thin these days.

"You've survived again. Take good care of your injury and tell you a good news. The new ship has been built and has reached the standard of going to the sea." Zhen Jin smiled.

He lost all his memory and was very impressed by Bai Ya. Returning from the volcanic cave, he was surrounded by only Cang Xu, Zi Di and Bai Ya.

Bai Ya nodded, and a look of shame appeared on her face: "I've been in a coma for so many days, and it's I who dragged everyone down."

Zhen Jin shook his head: "this is not a drag. We are partners on a ship. Helping each other and leaving here together is our common goal."

"Here is your letter." Aside, Zidi returned the previous letter to Bai Ya, "it seems that we don't need to send it."

"Oh, yes. And the new ink. The ink you used before has deteriorated. This new ink is configured by me and will not fade."

Zidi also gave Bai Ya a small gift.

Bai Ya was flattered and moved to sob: "it's great to meet you. When I was unconscious, I seemed to be a lonely soul floating in the boundless darkness. I didn't know where to go or where to come from. In a trance, I heard miss xihagi's call to me. It must be love, love guides me..."

Bai Ya began to talk about her coma experience.

Since he came out of the oasis, he has had the trend of tuberculosis. The near death seemed to aggravate his consumption.

Needle gold smile.

He knows Bai Ya's feelings and understands them very well. Because he was also on the verge of death many times.

It's great to say so much! This is the feeling of living!

The awakening of Bai Ya seems to bathe the heart of Zhijin in sunshine.

In the next few days, the hearts of needle and gold were bright.

After praying to Emperor Shengming every night, Zhen Jin told himself, "everything will be fine. I can live with Bai Ya, Zi Di, Cang Xu and others and leave this island."

"When I arrived at Baisha City, I would forget my heart core and all kinds of changes. Or I could ask the priest or doctor to remove the hidden dangers in my body."

The maintenance of the slide rail is finally completed.

In addition to being happy, the senior management are glad that the difficulty of maintenance is much lower than they expected.

They don't know. The main reason is that whenever the maintenance team takes action, Zhijin will set out in person to harass the Warcraft Legion alone. In order to get the attention of Blue Dogs and foxes as much as possible, Zhen Jin made several personal risks, rushed into the enemy line, and finally retreated with serious injuries.

These days, the boatman, carpenter and others are not idle.

Before, the new ship was just the completion of the foundation, and there was still a lot of follow-up work.

Now the new ship has a long wooden board on both sides of the hull to strengthen the structure. The crevices of the ship's planks and decks were filled with broken hemp ropes, and then bonded with ziti's medicated glue.

The boatman also taught some people a small craft, how to process wood into qualified pulleys.

Sail rigging requires a lot of pulleys.

The advanced pulley, made of metal, is really a wheel.

However, the new ship only uses wood modules, which are cut into the shape of wheels, and then coated with oil to lubricate its surface.

The most conspicuous is the bow.

A collision angle is installed at the front of the bow, which is composed of several trunks, like a knight's spear.

The curved surface of the bow is reinforced with many boards, like a shield.

Equipped with a shield and a spear, and coupled with the speed of rushing down the mountain, even if the crocodile head hammer tail is blocked in front, it can be knocked away at once.

The day for the new ship to go to sea is really close at hand.

However, on that night.


The sound of volcanic eruption seems to be conveyed.

People were awakened one after another. Standing on the hillside, they saw the volcanic eruption, forming an unprecedented magmatic pillar, straight into the sky!

Then the earth shook violently, and the rocks rolled down and hit the baffle erected around the new ship.

An unprecedented earthquake!

In the eyes of people, the small valley, which has always been their home, finally failed to support at this moment, and huge cracks appeared on the surface of the mountain.

The crack crossed the valley, and then the valley collapsed!

"Come on, run!"

The crowd panicked and began to scurry. Zong Ge tried to stabilize the situation, but failed.

"Protect the boat!" It seemed to be the scream of the boatman, but no one listened.

At the time of the earthquake, needle gold was at war with the Warcraft Legion.

When he rushed back to the camp, the small valley was no longer what he had remembered before. It was full of gravel, broken wood, and human bodies.

"No!" Pin Jin's face turned pale and hurried deeper into the ruins.

There are aftershocks. Maybe the next moment is a bigger earthquake, but people in the ruins have begun to save themselves.

"Boat! We must dig out the boat!"

"Come and help me with the stone."

"It's over, we're over. The ship must be destroyed. We have no hope."

The voices were noisy. Some people were livid and tried their best to dig and carry stones, while others cried and collapsed.

The new ship that has been carrying their hopes is very unlikely to survive.

"I have said that the small valley is very dangerous. In case of a big landslide, it will be bad. You just don't listen to me!" Someone shouted, constantly complaining and blaming others.

More people are silent.

Others angrily scolded and were excited: "fart! There is no valley, can you stop the Warcraft army?!"

Needle gold didn't stop everyone from venting. They need to vent. Only after venting can they calm down.

In fact, needle gold also needs to vent.

Looking at the ruins, he was angry, shocked, panicked and disappointed, but as a leader, he could only suppress these negative emotions in his heart.

As soon as he took over the command, the stone suddenly shook, revealing a big hand.

"Help, help me..." then, the big man's voice came out from below.

"Son, son!" Unable to find the big man, the boatman, who had been so anxious, rushed over and frantically moved the stones, "hold on, hold on!"

The old boatman kept shouting.

Needle gold, mane Ge and others shot one after another, gathered the strength of everyone, and quickly removed many stones.

The big man showed that his legs were pressed by a boulder, and his injury was very serious. It must be a comminuted fracture.

But the big man still resisted the boulder with his hands and his chest.

Seeing the boatman again, the big man was very happy and said, "Dad, look, I protected the boat!"

The old boatman's eyes were red and he looked at the big man in a daze.

Seeing that the big man was still alive, his heart was naturally ecstatic.

But he saw the big man's injury again, and he immediately fell into a strong remorse and self blame.

"Dad is wrong, dad is wrong!" The old boatman was crying.

At the time of the landslide, he was in a hurry and shouted words to protect the ship. Except for the big man who did this, no one listened to the boatman, even himself.

"Dad doesn't cry, the boat is here, and the boat is still there." The big man hurriedly comforted the boatman. He knew what the ship meant to the boatman.

"Incredible, the hull is only slightly damaged!" After Muban checked, he reported loudly.

"Thanks to the big man, if you really want to let this boulder hit the ship, the ship must be destroyed!"

"Big man, good."

"Thanks to you..."

People are grateful for understanding the situation.

The big man was a little confused. It was the first time he faced such a scene.

Only the old boatman rushed to the big man's side, looked at the boulder, looked at the big man's severely deformed legs: "pain?"

The big man nodded and shook his head, "dad doesn't cry, and the big man doesn't hurt."

"Move the boulder away!" The mane roared.

"If we can't move it, it will cause secondary damage to the big man's legs. First, we have to break this boulder or corrode it." Needle gold shook his head.

He was about to give an order when he heard the howl of a wolf.


Wolves howl one after another.

All these people heard clearly, and their faces changed dramatically.

Warcraft Legion is coming!