V1.Chapter 145

Zhen Jin's maintenance of the big man did not undermine his authority.

Maybe others don't understand it, but they still worship and respect needle gold more.

Zhijin is a knight of the divine family, with the strongest personal combat power. He also has the identity of a temple knight, the heir of the hundred needle family, and the future master of Baisha city. He also has a group of followers who have always closely followed him. At the same time, the most capable competitor, Zongge, also expressed his compliance. The leadership of Zhijin is unbreakable.

After paying tribute to the wounded, Zhen Jin received a lot of gratitude.

People hate and guard against big men, not needle gold. In fact, it's not the needle gold that stuns the big men, they will be more dangerous.

It was needle gold that saved them.

If the big man is an unforgivable murderer, maybe someone can still blame pin Jin. Is this the justice of a Templar?

But the big man is sick. And this disease has a long history. The boatman didn't hide it. He had already said it.

Although everyone's mentality was like this, after his condolences, Zhen Jin privately ordered him to arrange to mention some crew members, take the initiative to communicate with the wounded and guide them to a certain extent.

"Speaking of it, crazy warning is a good reason." I don't need you to lie, which will cause flaws and do wrong things. Just let those sailors who have been with big men for a long time tell the truth

"I see. My Lord, I promise to finish this task!"

Sisuo is very excited. Speaking of it, he has long been involved in needle gold, but there is no chance for him to perform.

In terms of force, he is not as good as mane, and in terms of loyalty, he is not as good as cyanobacteria and white buds. He has neither the wisdom of cangxu nor the ability of Zidi to prepare medicine.

The pressure in Sisuo's heart is great. He wanted to stand out, but was covered up by people around him.

For the first time, Zijin arranged a task for Sisuo.

"This is private work!" Excited, he vaguely felt that he seemed to have found a way out.

"Yes, I can do some private and dirty work for adults. Why didn't I think of it before?"

"Even if adults are Knights Templar, and abide by the way of knighthood, their hearts are bright. But there will always be some things that are inconvenient to do by themselves, such as now."

For most people, the illness of big men is a bad thing with bad influence. But for Sisuo, it became an opportunity for him.

"This is a good thing, which can deepen the impression of Lord Zhijin on me. I must do it well!" Be self intense and take positive action.

On the side of Zhen Jin, after being interrupted by the big man's illness, he couldn't tell his secret to Zidi more and more.

It seems that the days are back before. Every night, he carries out hard training. Half a day in the daytime is used to make up for sleep. The second half of the day, he presides over the work of clearing the herd.

Every successful hunting, the prey brought back can continuously strengthen his authority and status.

He constantly reminded the public that he was a powerful leader himself and put an end to any offensive thoughts of the public.

At the same time, he also quietly raised his vigilance. After all, there is a warning for big men to get sick.

But after that, no disaster happened.

After almost every dinner, Zhen Jin went to kiss the wounded, and sometimes brought medicine.

The potions are made by Zidi and distributed by Zijin himself.

This act of dispensing medicine looks very small, but it is actually very meaningful.

The wounded are in urgent need of medicine, and it seems that only one person in the whole camp can distribute medicine. According to imperial Oriental, this is called giving help in time of need.

A small potion, after the needle gold is distributed, can be wielded beyond its own value.

However, the lack of big men has greatly reduced the efficiency of shipbuilding.

As Cang Xu said, big men play a decisive role in work.

Almost a week later, Zhen Jin came to the hut on the hillside again and discussed with the boatman about letting the big man return to work.

The boatman did not hesitate, and he immediately agreed.

Because he can see clearly these days, the continuous condolences of Zhen Jin have eliminated the sadness and anger of the wounded. And behind the actions of a series of crew members, such as the slender rope, there is also the shadow of needle gold.

"Your Excellency, you are a wise leader." The boatman is happy to surrender to the needle gold at the moment.

Once, when he woke up in the camp, he heard that Zhen Jin received the gang of Zongge and Sandao, and he was very worried that Zhen Jin might be too young.

Along the way, the boatman made a great change in needle gold.

By now, the boatman was fully aware that the knight in front of him, although a teenager, was not just a simple believer. He upholds the way of chivalry, but at the same time, he is not ashamed of his noble identity and blood. He has profound Machiavellian means.

"You should continue to work hard tomorrow. What should you do if others scold you?" In front of the needle gold, the boatman asked the big man.

"Just don't hear." The big man replied.

"Want to hit you?" The boatman asked again.

"If it doesn't hurt, such as throwing stones at me, I won't cry. If it hurts, I'll cry. If someone hurts me and makes me bleed, I'll call dad." The big man answered fluently.

The boatman nodded with satisfaction, and he turned to the needle gold to guarantee: "Sir, the big man has been ready for a long time. In fact, he is not stupid, and he knows how to deal with it. In fact, I have taken care of him for a long time. Don't worry!"

Needle gold stared at the big man in the straw shed.

The latter was obviously huge, but now he was lying on the grass and curled up.

I can tell that the boatman has taught him a lot these days.

At the same time, it is also easy to speculate that the life of the big man in the pig kiss is deeply excluded and disgusted. He was often abused and even beaten. Most sailors are grumpy, and they must have big missiles.

If the big man doesn't hurt, he won't cry.

There are only two weapons for his resistance.

One is shouting.

One is to call Dad

The big man curled up in the grass shop was as before: disheveled, yellow teeth, ugly appearance, and even a closer look, his head was big and his body was small, and he was a little deformed. It seemed that he had lived on the ship for a long time, and was used to bending down and shrinking his head. It seemed that he was afraid of needle gold. His eyes dodged and he was timid.

With this appearance alone, big men are very unpleasant, even annoying.

This is human nature.

But now, when Zhen Jin heard this and saw this, his emotions were very complicated for a time.

He feels bad.

In addition to the position of compassion, what else blocked his heart, so that he wanted to express, but could not express.

Let him panic.

In the next few days, Zhen Jin paid close attention to the big man.

There was no accident.

The big man restrained himself very much and made way for himself. If someone came a little closer to him, he quickly shrank into the corner.

His huge body, when curled up, was a little funny. Many people can't help laughing, and their mood is gradually relaxed.

The needle gold who observed these couldn't laugh.

Instead, his heart became more and more heavy.

It seems that with the advice of the boatman, the big man works harder.

With the participation of big men, all the work of shipbuilding has progressed by leaps and bounds.

It was a sunny day.

Everyone almost gathered together, and an important work was being carried out in the open space of the small valley.

"Yes, that's it. Slow down and insert the mast into the square hole." The boatman ordered.

"Be sure to slow down." The boatman looked after him anxiously.

The big man looked very serious at his father's advice. He carefully placed the mast in the hole of the keel.

"Very good!" The boatman was overjoyed and praised.

Masts should be fixed on the keel, so as to get the most stable mast. Simply placed on the deck, the mast will often be broken by the wind, and even endanger the whole ship.

The first mast has been inserted. According to the ship's design drawing, this is the front mast.

"OK, next, the back mast. Huh?" The boatman looked up and found that the big man was strangely silent, suddenly very abnormal.

He lowered his head and leaned on the front mast with his hands. His whole body did not move.

Zhen Jin immediately narrowed his eyes, and a faint warning occurred in his heart.

The boatman shouted several times, but the big man didn't answer.

His expression also panicked.

The big man began to breathe heavily, like a tired cow. He bared his teeth and his eyes became redder and redder.

"Damn it!" When the boatman saw this scene, his heart immediately sank to the bottom of the valley, but he never gave up and still shouted, "calm down, calm down quickly, smelly boy!"

"Run, he's going crazy again!!" The experienced crew shouted, turned and ran.

For a moment, there was chaos in the open space of the valley.


The big man growled.

With a sudden pull, he threw out the front mast that had just been inserted.

The front mast hit the mountain wall, and the first half collapsed, but the second half was inserted into the rocks.

The big man punched the keel again.

But at this time, pin Jin went up against the current, his body was like electricity, jumped directly behind the big man, hit him on the back neck again, and knocked him unconscious.

It's over as soon as it starts.

The situation is always under the control of Zhijin.

"Nothing happened to the keel, nothing happened!" The boatman shouted loudly, very happy.

The rest of the people gathered around and came back, all of them still in shock and lingering fear.

"The big man is crazy again."

"Only a few days have passed?"

"No, I can't work with him anymore. I can't help dying without knowing."

"His usual behavior is disguised! We can't be deceived by him anymore. He has the blood of giants. I heard that many giants are cannibals!"

"The root of this disease can't be cured. Didn't you hear those sailors say? This stupid man must not stay around. Who knows when he will go crazy again?"

Zhen Jin stood on the back of the big man, glanced around with stern eyes, and the voice of discussion immediately decreased.

"Well," the young leader shouted, "this is the end of today's work. Go to eat!"

He then ordered several former mercenaries and cyanobacteria to drag the big man back to the hut.

"Lord Zhen Jin, I can make the big man wear shackles." The boatman ran to Zhen Jin, with an anxious look on his face, and took the initiative to say, "when he was on the boat, the big man often wore it, and he was very used to it."

Zhen Jin frowned. He patted the boatman on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I don't blame you, nor do I blame the big man. It's just a fore mast, which can be easily made."

Hearing this, the boatman immediately relaxed, but insisted on putting shackles on the big man.

Speaking from the bottom of my heart, Zhen Jin doesn't want to let big men wear shackles, which is disgusting, but what else can he do?

Needle gold secretly called for a thin rope: "do you know what I want you to do?"

"I understand, sir, this time is simpler than the last time. We have no casualties, sir. You are really brilliant! Look at frightening these people. They are too timid. Some sarcasm should stimulate their blood."

Seeing that Sisuo understood his meaning, Zhen Jin nodded with satisfaction, "go ahead."

Needle gold needs a big man to work, but it is not just because of the large amount of shipbuilding work, or to appease the key talent of the boatman. The young knight also has a deeper motivation. He wants to help and maintain the big man. He wants to find a way to make the big man coexist harmoniously with others.

On the night of the big man's illness, an unexpected thing happened.


The earth trembled, the gravel rolled, and giant trees fell one after another.

Most people woke up from their sleep and fled from their cave dwellings and small valleys in fear.
