V1.Chapter 143

"My Lord, I dare to remind you that President Zidi's birthday is the day after tomorrow." Fat tongue.

"Birthday?" Zhen Jin slightly raised his eyebrows and was surprised. He didn't expect fat tongue to say this.

Fat tongue shrugged his eyebrows and sighed, "I followed the former president a long time ago. I watched miss Zidi, from birth to learning to walk, and then grew up a little."

"For a long time, the old president has always regarded miss Zidi as the apple of his eye and spoiled her. As long as it is miss Zidi's birthday, the old president will hold a birthday party for her, regardless of the size. In fact, as the scale of Wisteria chamber of commerce gradually increases, miss Zidi's age increases, and her birthday party is more and more grand."

"I still remember that when miss Zidi was 11 years old, the whole garden city became a sea of joy at that birthday party, and the Garden City owner even came to bless her personally. That was the peak of my Wisteria chamber of Commerce."

"The old president spent a lot of money on the famous pastry master to make a birthday cake for miss Zidi. It is up to 11 layers, and the colors are gorgeous, like a rainbow. It uses many precious magic materials. Eating it can make people feel happy and feel the sweetest taste in the world. And each layer of cake has different effects. Some can increase magic, some can make people excited, and some can double people's attack. Even if A few months after the birthday party, rainbow cake is still talked about. "

Fat tongue said here, his eyes flashing a light of remembrance.

But soon, the light went out, and the tone of fat tongue became heavy: "after the accident of the old president, the wisteria chamber of Commerce was also torn apart, and no one remembered the miss's birthday party."

"In the past one or two years since Miss took over as president, we have repeatedly proposed to hold a birthday party for Miss, but miss refused."

"I think this may be because the young lady is afraid of seeing things and thinking of people. She thinks of the old president."

"But now it's different."

"Lord Zhijin, now you appear beside miss Zidi. You are a temple knight, with a deep divine family. You are the only heir of the hundred needle family, and you are miss Zidi's fiance. With you, everything will be better, and the future of the wisteria chamber of Commerce will be bright. Miss Zidi will also be happy."

"I think..."

"Stop talking." Zhen Jin took a deep breath. He approached fat tongue, patted the latter on the shoulder, and said sincerely, "thank you for your reminder. You're right, and I know all my intentions. I'll hold a birthday party for Zidi and give her a surprise. She's worth it!"

"That's great, sir. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, sir." Fat tongue hurriedly thanked, showing his loyalty to the old president and Wisteria chamber of Commerce.

Looking at the back of fat tongue leaving, Zhen Jin fell into reflection again.

"In recent times, have I been too focused on myself? I seem to be too immersed in my own world and ignore the people around me."

"No matter how much trouble I have, how can people around me ignore it?"

"I'm really selfish in doing so."

Zhen Jin's thoughts began to diverge because of fat tongue and his own reflection.

"Looking back on this journey, I was rescued by Zidi. Under the attack of fire venom bees, she was willing to cut me off."

"I fought for her in the cave of monkey tailed brown bear, and she tried her best to heal me."

"When Huang Zao asked for help, she gave me advice. Huang Zao betrayed herself and escaped alone. It was she who accompanied me in the face of the fierce blade spider."

"She invented the pink potion, which can mark the way and help us know the way."

"We ate mutton by mistake and suffered from magic erosion. It was she who discovered the truth and detoxified everyone. Without her contribution, we would be trapped in one place and unable to explore freely."

"It was her medicine that made the underground hole and maintained many companions in the dust storm. It was her that developed the acid medicine to resist the encirclement of the green lizard and successfully supported me to rescue."

"When we were chased by scorpions and completely exhausted, she was still beside me, curled up, and never separated from me in the face of death."

"It's her potion to expel the bat monkeys, and it's her potion to deal with the fire venom bees. If these two threats exist, the camp defense war must be a tragic defeat or even destruction of the Terran."

"It was her potion that corroded the metal and helped the wooden class to make a continuous stream of crossbows. In the early stage of shipbuilding, it was also her potion melting that made us have a lot of iron."

"Without Zidi, I would never have been this far."

"Her credit is really great, but she never shows off. She took the initiative to stand behind me, willingly, she is leaving the most central position of the stage to me, so that I can carry the worship and love of everyone."

"She has been silently supporting me. She has never opposed almost all my decisions. The only few times are because she is too worried about my safety!"

Zhen Jin kept reflecting, recalling the little things he got along with Zidi, and a sense of shame quickly grew in his heart.

The young knight decided to hold a birthday party to reward and comfort Zidi.

Zidi is definitely worth it.

Her credit is enough to shut everyone up.

However, when Zhen Jin began to prepare next, Zi Di noticed.

She is the current president of Wisteria chamber of Commerce. She is very smart.

"Don't do that, my Lord. I've received all your wishes. That's enough."

"It's too inappropriate to hold a birthday party."

"There is likely to be a Warcraft Legion hidden around us, a mysterious and suspected golden terror Warcraft."

"Our food reserves have been declining. Shipbuilding makes people work hard, and consumption cannot keep up with replenishment."

"And wine. We only have rum and few bottles. It's not enough to support the next voyage to the wild continent."

Sailing requires wine.

Because it is difficult to get fresh water for navigation in the sea. Due to the limited storage technology, the water stored on the ship will soon grow green spots and produce bacteria and caterpillars.

This kind of fresh water is full of strange smell, which is difficult to swallow, but the sailors have to drink it again.

At this time, we need wine.

The wine can cover up the strange taste, and it can also have a certain effect of sterilization.

So sometimes, it's not surprising that sailors are drunk.

Zidi tried to oppose holding a birthday party, even though Zhijin said he needed a reason to boost his morale. Recently, rumors about the terror of Warcraft have spread all over the valley, making everyone panic.

Zi Di's refusal attitude is very firm, which makes Zhen Jin aware of Zi Di's understanding, and at the same time, it also makes him more ashamed.

An idea suddenly appeared in the young knight's mind - "maybe I made a mistake the first time. I shouldn't hide her, I should tell her the change that happened to me."

"I didn't want to worry her at that time. As a result, step by step, it became the situation now."

"If it goes on like this, I will be more and more speechless, and the misunderstanding will be deeper and deeper!"

"Maybe I'm too proud."

"I don't want her to worry. In addition to pity, I still feel that even if I tell her, I can't solve the magic core in my heart."

"I don't think she can do it. Why?"

"All the time, Zidi's medicine has helped me and helped others too much."

"Maybe she really doesn't have the ability to solve the heart core and changes. But all the people around me, who can accept the truth, accept my ugliness, and tolerate my sins? It must be her."

"It must be her!"

"It's my fiancee!"

Thinking of this, Zhen Jin's eyes are shining more and more.

He seemed to find a touch of light in the dark, or like a drowning man holding the grass on the bank with one hand.

The pressure in his heart is too great.

Burdened with secrets and sins, it is difficult for him to face those who worship and love him.

He wanted to say it.

He wants to talk.

He longed for someone to share with him, and he longed for real recognition!

"Zi Di, Zi di..." Zhen Jin gently called at the bottom of her heart.

But he still couldn't say it.

"We need an opportunity." The young knight realized this.

the second day.

He was far away from the valley, spanning a distance of 50000 meters, and came to the edge of the controlled area.

A huge beehive hangs high in the tree.

This is the nest of fire venom bee. Needle gold was detected by ultrasonic and found unintentionally.

Before starting, Zhen Jin carefully checked with ultrasound to ensure that there was no one around, and then began to work on the fire venom bee colony.

He lit a bonfire and released medicine to form oil smoke.

Poisonous bees swarmed out and were defeated under the lampblack. Warcraft level fire venom bees also have nothing to do with the needle gold after the mutation.

On the evening of Zidi's birthday, Zhen Jin came to Zidi's house alone.

"Happy birthday, Zidi." Zhen Jin smiled and took out a bowl full of thick, amber like honey from behind.

Zidi covered her mouth with surprise and joy.

"Thank you." She looked up at the needle gold, her tone was full of affection, and her beautiful Amethyst eyes glittered with moving light.

"Although there is no rainbow cake now, I have tasted it. Honey is also very sweet." Needle gold path.

Zidi's face changed: "adult, did you eat honey? It's poisonous!"

"Ah? I don't feel poisoned."

"Maybe adults taste less. It contains pyrotoxic essence. If the dose increases, even the golden level will be damaged." Zidi quickly said, "blame me! I didn't tell you the latest research results. I remember that there are no beehives around the valley. Adult, it's too dangerous for you to go on an expedition alone, even if there is oil smoke potion."

"I'm willing to take risks for you!" Zhijin blurted out.

"My Lord!" Zidi's eyes turned white and a touch of shyness appeared on her face.

"Well, I admit I'm stupid. I'm really reckless in doing so. I'll pay attention to it in the future." Zhen Jin raised her hand to apologize.

In fact, he has become a fire venom bee. It is because of this change that he will take the initiative to taste honey. Fire venom honey is brewed by fire venom bees. Honey must be harmless to fire venom bees.

Needle gold reluctantly put down the honey.

Zidi came to Zhen Jin and took the initiative to hold the young knight's hand.

Speaking of it, this is the first time that she has taken the initiative.

She gazed deeply into Zhen Jin's eyes and said softly, "thank you."

Zhen Jin shook his head and looked at the bowl of honey, a little discouraged.

Zi Di's eyes turned and suddenly said, "thank you for your cake."


"Yes, such a big cake is made of non-toxic honey. Don't you see it?" Zidi loosened Zijin's hand and stroked his hands in front of his chest, drawing a cake shape in the air.

Zhen Jin couldn't help laughing and said along with Zidi's words, "Oh, of course I saw it. The cake is big and divided into several layers, which is a bit like rainbow cake."

"No, it has only one floor." Zidi shook her head. "It's not like rainbow cake at all. It's... Sweeter than rainbow cake!"

With that, Zidi stretched out her slender index finger and gently poked the air, which seemed to be stained with a lot of cake cream.

She then gently put her fingers into her mouth, made a sucking action, and narrowed her eyes, showing a happy and enjoying smile: "it's so sweet!"

"Won't you try it?" She stared at needle gold.

Zhen Jin shook his head funny, "thank you for your comfort..."

His words were blocked, because Zidi stretched out her index finger, poked the air again, and put her finger into Zijin's mouth.

Zhen Jin's mouth was blocked, and he subconsciously sucked Zi Di's fingers.

But Zidi pulled back his finger, and he couldn't help but miss the tunnel: "it's so sweet..."

He stared at the purple eyed girl in front of him, and his heart beat faster and faster.

"It's really sweet." The young knight then made a similar action. He dipped his fingers in the air, sucked it, and then stretched out and drew an arc in the air.

"Today is your birthday, please eat more." Zhijin extended his finger to Zidi. It seemed that his finger was stained with large pieces of cream.

"Wow!" Zi Di made a fierce look, opened her mouth suddenly, and suddenly held the finger of needle gold.

"Eat well." Zidi said vaguely. She bit Zhijin's fingers mischievously with her teeth.

Needle gold breathed heavily, and Zidi's face also surged with a large blush. The latter quickly loosened his mouth, and needle gold stared at Zidi more affectionately, and took the initiative to move forward.

In this way, the distance between them is only about one punch.

The atmosphere of the cave becomes charming.

Zhen Jin took a deep breath and slightly bit his teeth: "Zidi, there is one thing..."


The next moment, there was a sudden noise and disturbance outside the cave.


"Stupid big crazy!!"

"Come on, he's going to kill."

Needle gold and Zidi suddenly changed their faces and rushed out of the cave immediately.

The speed of needle gold was faster, so it took a step first and came to the small open space in the valley.

He saw the big man roaring madly, his eyes red, holding a mast in his hand, sweeping around madly. There were some people who had no time to escape, lying on the ground, some with pools of blood under their bodies, and some were groaning miserably.

"Adults, come and save us!" There were also a group of people trapped in the corner. Seeing Zhen Jin, they hurriedly called for help.

The cry for help stimulated the big man, and he severely smashed the broken mast in his hand at the survivors.

But the next moment, the mane arrived, and a bone hammer flew the mast.

The needle gold is faster, just like a sharp arrow, and rushes directly at the big man.

The big man patted his chest, roared, and flew to the needle gold.

Zhen Jin was proficient in martial arts. He just moved a little and escaped the big man's attack and jumped on his back.

The needle struck the big man on the back neck with a palm, and the big man turned his eyes over and fainted on the spot.

"Saved!" The survivors cheered.

"Kill him, kill this monster!!" Soon, hatred and anger filled the hearts of everyone.

The injured and those who didn't suffer were unanimous.

"No, no! Please, for my credit, forgive him." The boatman looked worried and prayed loudly.

"Did you see that? These are all good things your son did!"

"We've been working in vain for at least a week."

"This is not the key! He is too dangerous. He has committed such a madness on board before. We have been living with fear around him."

"Who knows when he will fall ill again? It's terrible! He is a huge hidden danger."

"How much do you think he eats every day? Without him, our supplies will not start to be tense."

"Kill him!"

"It's not enough to kill him. After all, he was our companion. We can expel him and exile him."

Everyone talked about it and wanted to dispose of the big man.

"Enough!" Zhen Jin shouted loudly, his face sinking like water, "he is our companion! He used to be, and now he is!"

"We all know that he is ill. The boatman has already told us."

"He did cause damage, but fortunately, none of us died. He destroyed many ships and equipment, and he ate a lot of food, but his contribution far exceeded his request. There is no doubt about this!"

"Why can he stay on the ship and live with others for so many years? This proves that it is feasible to coexist with him."

"Why can't we?"

"I won't give up anyone easily, let alone a patient!"

"He is not a monster!"

"He is not!!"

"He is our companion... A patient. This is not his intention."

He never showed such a stern attitude when he drank so much.

Everyone was stunned by him, and the whole audience was silent.

Zidi rushed over at this time, and Zhijin's face eased a little. He assigned people to clean up here, sort out the losses, and ordered people to take care of the wounded, including the big man, of course.

More than an hour has passed since all this was handled.

Only Zhen Jin and Zi Di were left, walking side by side.

"I can't start with the big man's illness." Zi Di worried and said, "I'm not a doctor. In fact, according to the boatman, he had been trying to treat the big man in the past, but all the doctors were helpless. The boatman even hired a priest with a lot of money and used magic on the big man."

"We must consider this hidden danger. If most of the ships are built and the big man suddenly goes crazy, the losses will be unimaginable."

In the middle of the night, Zhijin kept silent.

Approaching their residence, the two faced a separation.

"By the way, my Lord, before... What did you want to say to me?" Zidi asked.

Zhijin paused and turned slowly. The corners of his mouth opened, showing a smile, and then opened his mouth.


PS: the update is a little late, but I still think the 5000 word chapter is a little more rhythmic and can write a complete plot.

In addition, the typos in sections 56-141 have been revised, and there are many places where the language expression is not smooth and clear, which have also been adjusted according to the opinions of readers.