V1.Chapter 135

Inside the tent.

"Cough..." the boatman was lying on the grass Shop. His face was flushed, his breath was weak, his skin was swollen, and everything was blurred.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, for giving you... Trouble." The boatman was weak.

"Have a good rest and don't think too much. I won't give up anyone with me." Needle gold tries to comfort the boatman.

Then, he and Zidi and others left the tent slowly.

"How's it going?" Black volume immediately asked, "the boatman can't afford to lose. What's wrong with him?"

Zidi shook her head and sighed, "how many times have I told you that I'm just a pharmacist, a pharmacist specializing in the field of perfume, not a doctor."

"I can't find the cause of the disease."

"This should not be poisoning, or magic erosion, or illness."

"If it's an ordinary case, I'm still a little sure. But this disease is probably related to the environment here, and I can't start."

Zongge's voice was low: "it's not just the boatman who got this disease, but also several others. I suspect it's an infectious disease."

Everyone looked slightly changed.

"Infectious diseases..." the needle was golden and sighed secretly.

After entering the jungle for more than ten days, he encountered difficulties again.

This time, the dilemma is no longer fierce Warcraft, nor the shortage of food and water, but the attack of disease.

"Although the symptoms of these sick people vary in severity, they are all very similar. Do you want to give up these people?" Three knives ask needle gold.

"Give up?" Black volume shook his head, "how can we build a ship without a boatman?"

Zong Ge sighed, "we can't let the disease spread to more people. When necessary, we can only..."

He didn't say this complete sentence, but everyone was awed.

Zongge acted with the style of the army, cold and efficient.

Zhen Jin shook his head: "don't give up anyone easily. Look at the next development. The boatman is very important, but others also have the right to survive. They are all our companions!"

"The Templar, sometimes too kind, is indecisive, and will call for greater losses." Mane Ge stared at Zhen Jin's eyes with the same resolute attitude as before.

Needle gold looked up at the orc without hesitation: "of course I understand this truth, but now the situation has just happened, and it is far from the time to make a cruel decision, right?"

Zongge didn't refute again, and he turned and left.

The two parted a little unhappily, which made the atmosphere of the team more dignified.

In the next few days, the disease spread in the team, and more people found the same disease.

"I'm too short of tools." Zi Di complained to Zhen Jin, "I can't use magic. The methods and skills of configuring potions are very loud. Now I can only configure some simple herbs to reduce their pain."

Zidi can't help it.

Mane Ge found needle gold again, repeated the previous suggestions, and also took Cang Xu.

Cang Xu himself is also a very rational person. This time, he stood on the side of Zong Ge. He told Zhen Jin: many places have been plagued, and there are not enough doctors and priests, so the local nobles will lead the knights to kill and burn the sick people to curb the spread of the disease. If the plague is contained, nobles and knights who slaughtered civilians and patients will be rewarded by the imperial high-level and major shrines.

"Not yet." Zhijin once again rejected their proposal, "at present, there are no people who have died of illness, and haven't you found it? The people who get sick are ordinary people, and all extraordinary people are disaster free and disease-free. Perhaps this is due to the sudden change of temperature environment, psychological pressure and fatigue."

Zhijin shortened the journey of the team and camped every day before the evening.

He gathered the infected people together and tried to isolate them from others.

He visits these patients every day.

"Adults, please don't give up on us..."

"I still want to live! My Lord, will I die?"

"Lord Zhijin, you are really worthy of being a Templar. If I die, can you give these coins to my wife and children?"

Needle gold can only try to appease these people with words.

"Don't panic."

"These are all minor defects. Trust yourself."

"Trust me more! I'm not only a Templar Knight, but also a divine knight."

"You must understand that emperor Shengming may be watching here!"

The habit of night patrol is still maintained by needle gold.

Every night, he tried his best to exterminate the nearby herds, and it was also good to add a trace of safety to the team.

However, the patients became weaker and weaker, and Zhen Jin felt his weakness again.

"Heart check golden life is invalid."

"No matter how many changes I can make, I can't treat others."

"What on earth should I do?"

"Is it right for me to do this?"

The patients are eager to see needle gold every day. Although they also understand that needle gold can't cure them, and the care of the gods in needle gold's mouth can't be beneficial to them, but every time they see needle gold, their hearts are calm - this proves that needle gold hasn't given up on them.

The attitude of mane Ge, Cang Xu, heijuan and others became stronger and stronger, and more and more people stood on their side.

There is a view that "needle gold is young and too kind", which has been privately recognized by more people.

This situation became worse and worse, and Zhen Jin began to worry that Zongge would act privately, just as he had secretly ordered more half elves to act as scouts and expand the scope of investigation.

Zi Di still supports Zhen Jin, as always. From Zhen Jin's awakening to now, Zi Di has this attitude all the way. Only this time, she used a euphemistic tone to persuade Zhen Jin: try not to visit these patients, in case she was infected with disease, it would be bad.

Cyanobacteria especially supported ziti's advice. He repeatedly asked for instructions from Zijin and was willing to replace Zijin to visit those patients.

But how can this be?

Zhen Jin knows the fear of these patients.

Cyanobacteria can never replace needle gold.

The team is not big, but people's hearts are different, and the pressure of all aspects is passed to the heart of Zhijin.

Of course, this includes Zhen Jin's doubts about himself - perhaps, the proposal of Zongge and others is wise. Is it right or wrong for me to make such a decision? Will it drag the whole team into the abyss of doom?

There is no way to judge this problem.

Because he is not a prophet and has no rich life experience.

People often judge right and wrong according to the result of things. But once things come to an end, it's too late.

Needle gold felt lonely, which is the taste of being a leader.

Behind the scenery, there is naturally hardship.

The time of each day becomes longer, especially hearing the coughing sound from the isolation area, which makes people feel more difficult.

Needle gold still withstood the pressure from all aspects.

After more than a week, the situation began to improve.

The patients' condition began to alleviate and their bodies were slowly recovering.

Another week passed.

Most patients recovered significantly, which proves that the strategy of acupuncture and gold is effective.

Mane Ge, Cang Xu and others no longer expressed their previous suggestions, and the team members no longer privately discussed the words "the needle and gold knight is too kind", but praised his wisdom, worthy of being a divine Knight!

When the team crossed the jungle, came to the beach and saw the open sea, people couldn't help cheering.

At this time, the boatman's physical condition also improved a lot. At his strong request, he was helped to the beach, looked at the undulating sea, and shed tears in silence.

Needle gold is suffering, especially those patients such as boatman. In the past period, their hearts were full of fear of death.

At this time, the team has not reached its destination.

Zhijin and others still need to go north along the beach to find the first camp and meet the remaining survivors.

"With only the last part of the journey left, we can meet them!" Needle gold inspired everyone.

People still look at the young knight with admiration and respect, but it seems that there are some new changes compared with before.

The journey suddenly became easier.

Because people don't need to cut down vines, cut roads, drag wooden carts, and move supplies frequently.

Compared with the rainforest, although there are reefs, the beach is too wide, and the overall terrain is very flat.

As a result, the morale of the team rose steadily.

One day, Bai Ya ran back to the army excitedly.

As a scout, he held a small bucket in his arms.

"Hey, look what I found on the beach?" Bai Ya's voice soon attracted a large number of people.

"This must be the cargo of the pig kiss."

"Guess what's good?"

"Open it quickly, I can't wait!"

The crowd opened the cask and found a dozen bottles of rum in it.

As a result, there was another cheer in the team.

After receiving the news, Zhen Jin smiled and announced that a bonfire dinner would be held that night.

The dinner was shabby, and food and water were limited. People sat around several campfires, but they were very excited.

Zhen Jin specially assigned Bai Ya to pour the wine.

Most rum is stored as supplies, and only a few bottles are used.

When Bai Ya came to a team member, the team member immediately held a shell in his hand and stared at the wine bottle in Bai Ya's hand.

Rum soon filled with shallow shells.

But the team members were still not satisfied: "pour more, pour more!"

"Get out! It's my turn next." The team members beside him urged loudly.

In the end, everyone got only a pitiful sip of rum, but every face under the fire was filled with a happy smile.

Sometimes, getting happiness is so simple.

At the edge of the team, Zhen Jin sat on a rock and glanced.

He saw many people in ragged clothes, with stubble beards, shaped like savages, saw Bai Ya's serious face when sharing wine, saw fat tongue lowering its head to pound the wine on the edge of the shell, saw the broken magic robe at the corner of ziti, and saw cangxu wiping his eyes. After passing through the jungle, there was only one lens left in his pair of glasses, and there was only an empty frame on the other side.

Muban holds an empty wine bottle and touches the surface with his fingers affectionately - this is the feeling of human civilization.

Zongge and Sandao talked in a low voice.

The big man squatted on the ground and listened quietly to the boatman's song.

Cyanobacteria still stood faithfully on the beach behind needle gold.

Black roll gave the wine in his shell to the people around him. He looked to the west, which was Shengming continent, where there was a home.

Needle gold is looking at the night sky.

The stars are all over the sky.

The waves fluctuated and clattered.

The smell of salty sea water came to my nostrils.

He also overlooks the East, where there is a wilderness continent, Baisha City, his responsibility and hope for the future.