V1.Chapter 110

The sky is full of sunset glow, which is so red that it makes people palpitate.

Wisps of blood are flying.

"Ouch --!"

In the wolf's howl, two blue dog foxes came in. Their size is bigger than the strong life white rhinoceros, and they directly crashed into the gate of the camp.

The people in the camp are running away in a hurry.

"My Lord, help!" During the run, Zidi sprained her foot and fell to the ground.

Two blue dog foxes approached the girl step by step, showing their sharp teeth and red gums. His expression was ferocious, and his eyes were emitting green light, as if he was extremely hungry.

"Zidi, don't be afraid. I'm here." Zhen Jin shouted loudly and ran over.

Zidi saw needle gold, but instead screamed, "ah, don't come here!"

"Another blue dog, fox wolf! Sorry, I can't save you." Heijuan shouted and ran away from Zidi. His voice trembled, showing a strong feeling of fear.

An arrow cut through the air and shot into the back of needle gold.

"I shot it!" On the arrow tower in the distance, Bai Ya cheered happily.

Cyanobacteria rushed up with a machete and hit needle gold with a knife, making needle gold's abdomen bleed.

Cyanobacteria looked at needle gold with hatred and anger, and shouted, "if the master is not here, I will protect the master mother with my life! Beast, get out."

"Let me do it." Suddenly, a figure emerged from the ground. It was the mane Ge.

With his hands holding the pair of short spears that he always carried behind him, Zongge stabbed Zhijin's chest and poked Zhijin's heart back and forth.

Zhen Jin suffered a fatal blow, widened his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Mr. manege killed a blue dog fox wolf!" Three knives shouted.

The other two blue dogs, fox wolves, fled in panic.

"Mane Ge! Mane Ge!" Cheers rang out in the camp.

At this time, needle gold recovered from the shape of blue dog, Fox and wolf to human shape.

The cheers stopped abruptly, and everyone surrounded the fallen needle gold with shock, doubt, contempt, disgust and so on.

Zidi suddenly broke into the crowd, knelt down on the ground, picked up Zijin's head, and sobbed, "adult, you're bleeding!"

The next moment, in the tent, Zhen Jin suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hoo Hoo..." he breathed quickly, his eyes focused, and found that he was still sleeping in the tent.

He sat up slowly, reached out and touched his forehead, all in cold sweat.

"Another nightmare!"

After realizing this, Zhen Jin gradually calmed down.

There was no light source in tent, and candles were blown out by needle gold as early as last night before going to bed.

The sun shines through the cracks of the tent. It's already dawn outside.

Outside the tent came the sound of people walking.

"How long did I sleep?"

Zhen Jin got up. He tidied up his underwear, wore epithelial armor and put on leather boots. Finally, he hung a thin sword around his waist and carried a water bag and a small amount of dry food. The last material is a habit formed immediately after needle gold has been transmitted.

Before opening the curtain door again, Zhen Jin took a final look at himself.

He found that his lower body had subsided.

For a moment, the embarrassing scene that happened in Zidi's tent last night reappeared in his mind.

Zhijin could have asked Zidi for some anti swelling drugs, but in the end he didn't mention anything and said goodbye to Zidi in a hurry.

Fortunately, after taking a rest for less than half a night, he has recovered his health relying on his own recovery ability.

Out of the tent, needle gold found cyanobacteria. The latter is straightening his back and guarding the tent meticulously.

Finding the arrival of needle gold, cyanobacteria immediately saluted, very respectfully: "good morning, my master."

Zhen Jin nodded, "have you eaten?"

"Not yet, master."

"Then go and have some."

"Yes, master."

Needle gold and cyanobacteria walked in front of each other in the camp.

The camp is under comprehensive repair. In the most important cabin hall, the little giant is beating the stake with his fist. The wooden pile goes deep into the soil again and again, which is the new foundation of the wooden house hall.

The injury of the little giant has disappeared. One of the advantages of the giant blood is its strong recovery ability.

On the other side, the wood squad is taking a group of people to process wood with axes, saws and other tools.

"Don't do this, do it!"

"Stop it and see what I do."

"What a waste of wood you are doing!"

The wooden class kept lecturing and was not angry.

Zidi's tent has a skylight specially opened, and black pungent smoke is rising from the skylight. Obviously, she is dispensing medicine.

Needle gold and cyanobacteria stopped in front of the campfire.

An iron pot was driving on the campfire, and the broth in the pot was bubbling and emitting a strong aroma.

There is no kitchen in the camp, and I'm afraid there won't be any in the future. At most, a work shed will be built here to shelter from the wind and rain.

But there are already people here who are specially responsible for cooking.

Soon, breakfast was served with both hands.

Breakfast is very simple. It's broth. However, having boiled water has made Zhijin happy. The meat tastes good, too. The key is that it is chewy.

"Is this the meat of the crocodile head hammer tail?" Zhen Jin asked.

The person in charge immediately replied, "yes, sir. Lord Zidi has checked and there is no toxin. This snake is really big. Its meat can let us eat for three days."

"Well." Needle gold picked up the bowl, stepped forward and came to the body of the crocodile head hammer tail.

He didn't have time to take a close look when he returned to camp late last night.

After an urgent discussion with the people, he comforted Zidi, went back to his tent and fell asleep.

I didn't get up until now.

Needle gold was drinking broth while observing the huge snake corpse.

Crocodile head hammer tail is very large. According to comprehensive calculation, its weight should be higher than that of strong life white rhinoceros.

Among all the Warcraft seen by pin Jin on this island, only the lava giant turtle has a larger body and heavier weight than the crocodile head hammer tail.

"It seems that it took a lot of effort to kill this silver Warcraft."

Looking at the whole snake corpse, Zhen Jin didn't find a wound left by spear weapons, but a lot of teeth were printed.

"Lord Zhen Jin." At this time, Bai Ya came to see Zhen Jin.

One of his arms is still wrapped in bandages. At this time, the degree of fracture injury, according to the recovery ability of ordinary people, it will take at least a month to recover.

"Just after dawn, they took a group of people out to investigate."

"My Lord, I grew up in the forest when I was young. I may not be able to hunt now, but I can certainly help you in reconnaissance!" Bai Ya was very enthusiastic and volunteered as soon as she met.

Zhen Jin smiled, "have you eaten?"

"I've already eaten it, my Lord." Bai Ya's face was eager, and she wanted to hear Zhen Jin's next sentence - let's start now.

But Zhen Jin handed the wooden bowl to Bai Ya: "then help me hold another bowl, and I want to eat some more."

Bai Ya was stunned, and immediately responded and took the wooden bowl: "it's my pleasure, sir."

Zhijin slowly began to eat the second bowl of broth.

After eating a bowl, cyanobacteria followed Zhijin and kept silent.

Bai Ya looked at leisurely needle gold, and her heart became more and more anxious. She couldn't open her mouth if she wanted to persuade. After all, he knew that Zhijin returned to camp late at night.

"It seems that I am still afraid after all." Zhen Jin was thinking about his dream and sighed secretly.

The challenge of investigation was raised by mane Ge. Zhen Jin didn't care about it, because he knew he had a winning ticket.

However, he also had a panoramic view of Bai Ya's expression, and his heart was moved.

"Let's go." Having had enough to eat and drink, Zhen Jin led a group of people out of the camp.

In addition to white buds, there are other hands, including cyanobacteria and slender cords.

All this is arranged by Cang Xu. He reported to Zhijin Hui last night and obtained the approval of Zhijin.

The efficiency of single person is really too low for investigation.

It's also a demon forbidden environment, so fighting spirit can't be used. The role of needle gold is more to escort the reconnaissance team.

There is nothing to say about mapping.

The pink potion was quickly used up - there were not many such potions.

At noon, Zhen Jin led his team back to the camp for dinner.

Bai Ya reported to him anxiously, "Lord Zhijin, we didn't see them coming back. They should have brought food and eaten outside."

In the evening, the sun had just set on the crown of the tree, and the needle gold had been collected and returned to camp.

Bai Ya reported again, "my Lord, they haven't come back yet. They are doing their best!"

Spell the word "do your best" to make needle gold move in his heart.

He suddenly realized that in this case, he felt pressure, and the pressure he must bear must be greater than him.

"It's not easy." Zhen Jin sighed.

Bai Ya stared slightly. He was painstaking and persuasive, just to arouse the vigilance and tension of Zhen Jin. He didn't expect that he would finally exchange such a sigh?

Bai Ya was really anxious: "adult, we can also take dry food and continue the investigation at noon, so we don't have to waste precious time to go back and forth to the camp."

"Well, it's a good proposal. Let's do it tomorrow." Needle gold is like a stream of good deeds.

That's what he intended. Although he is sure to win, he still has to pretend, so as to avoid others' suspicion.

When night fell completely, there was news near the camp, and the Zongge group finally came back.

Zongge and Sandao have certain night vision ability because of their mixed blood.

But Zongge still chose to return. All day long, they were doing their best to scout. Everyone was physically and mentally exhausted, and their combat power fell sharply.

In the forest at night, predators go out everywhere, which greatly increases the risk.

More importantly, there is valuable information brought back by Zhen Jin. Two blue dogs, foxes and wolves, are likely to lead the Warcraft Legion to trouble everyone.

Therefore, even though he was brave, he was also worried about the raid of the Warcraft Legion at night.

This choice greatly facilitates needle gold.

After dinner, he went deep into the forest alone on the grounds of patrolling.

The excuse he deliberately put forward before has been effective, and no one doubts his real motivation.

After leaving the camp, he confirmed that there was no one around, so he took off his clothes and practiced various Warcraft forms.

Silver spear scorpion form, mainly practice turning in high-speed running.

The black iron bat monkey shape makes the use of ultrasound more skilled.

The bronze flying rat is trying to attack with electric current.

"Time is too short!"

"The content of practice has also increased."

For most of the night, Zhen Jin has been training hard and hardly stopped to have a rest.

It was not until the early morning that Zhen Jin turned back to the camp, drilled into the tent and hurried to catch up on sleep.