V1.Chapter 102

Needle gold sees the target and throws darts.

Under the full throw of his bear arm, the dart exploded into a powerful lethality, threatening the life of black iron bat monkeys.

The black iron bat monkey always hovers at the highest point in the air, and its steering is much more flexible and faster than the bronze bat monkey.

Zhijin tried several times and failed.

He had an idea. He fired a crossbow with his left hand and then hurled a dart with his right hand.

The black iron bat monkey had to dodge the crossbow and was confined to its position. At this time, the darts attacked and killed. The black iron bat monkey could not dodge in time or had limited space to dodge, and was often shot.

Needle gold tries again and again, and there are failures and successes. After he successfully killed three black iron bat monkeys, he suddenly heard a strange cry.

The remaining black iron bat monkeys immediately screamed and led the remaining bat monkeys to flee quickly.

Zhen Jin didn't rush to pursue, so he immediately returned and went deep into the camp to support Zongge.

After running a few steps, he saw Zongge coming, holding a completely deformed long sword in his hand.

"The rhinoceros has rough skin and thick meat, but it still ran away." Mane Ge regret tunnel.

"If you use the pair of short spears behind you, it may not be so?" Needle gold heart road.

But that's not the point.

Zhen Jin glanced around and saw that Zi Di, Cang Xu and others were all safe and sound, so he said to Zongge, "I just heard a strange cry, and I doubt it's the behind the scenes!"

"Oh?" The fine light flashed in the mane GE's eyes.

Zhen Jin looked serious: "the man behind the scenes is not simple. He can not only mobilize the bat monkeys and silver rhinoceros, but also has good tactical skills. His troops are divided into two ways this time, one way is to contain us, the other way is to focus on attacking the camp. He knows very well that the camp is our weakest place, but also the most important place."

"That's right. We have to get rid of him!" Mane Ge nodded.

"Then go, just the two of us. Everyone else is a drag." Needle gold took the lead, and mane Ge threw away the waste sword in his hand, followed closely.

"My Lord!" Three knives shouted on the side, wanting to say nothing. He worried that this might be a trick of Zhijin, which might be detrimental to Zongge.

Mane Ge was full of courage. Knowing the warning meaning of san dao, he nodded to him, "I'll go back. You clean the battlefield."

With such a pause, the needle gold has gone away quickly.

Mane Ge started to rush, and soon caught up with needle gold at the entrance of the camp.

"After the strange sound, the bat monkeys immediately retreated. That's the direction!" After Zhen Jin explained, he began to run.

"What kind of strange sound can you describe?" Mane Ge asked, he was faster and faster, and he opened his mouth and filled the air.

Zhen Jin frowned slightly and thought about the sentence: "it feels a bit like a dog barking."

With that, he jumped lightly and jumped over a section of thick roots that rose out of the ground.

After a dozen breaths, their speed reached the limit.

The wind brought by the rush roared in my ears.

Trees seemed to hit head-on and were quickly left behind by them.

Pin Jin didn't hear the strange cry before, but what gave him confidence was that he found that there were signs of bat monkeys' collapse and retreat on his way forward.

They also vaguely heard the cries of bat monkeys.

The longer the chase, the more surprised the mane Ge felt about the needle gold in his heart.

"Although I'm hurt, I have Orc blood."

"Zhen Jin can run as fast as I can by virtue of his physical fitness alone, and his endurance is long. There is no sign of fatigue at all."

"The blood of the hundred needle family is only outstanding in accuracy."

"I'm afraid this boy is a genius. His real fighting cultivation is definitely not weak!"

After running for a while, they never saw the shadow of the dark hand behind the control of the herd.

"The cries of bat monkeys are about to disappear. Can you climb the tree?" Mane Ge spoke, a little anxious.

"Well." Zhijin nodded and climbed a big tree directly. The key is that the whole process did not slow down at all.

Mane Ge witnessed the whole process of needle gold climbing the tree with his own eyes, and the latter jumped up the crown from the ground with three times and five times and two times, and his action was extremely smooth.

What made mane GE more surprised was that when he climbed the tree with needles and gold, his hands and feet were used together, which was full of a natural charm, as if Flowing Clouds and water.

"Is there a new tree climbing training in the Knights Templar?"

With doubts, Zongge quickly climbed to the crown of a big tree.

Standing on the towering canopy, their vision widened.

The forest is different from the rainforest. Although the trees here are lush, their branches and leaves are not as dense as those in the rainforest.

They kept jumping on the branches.

The amazement of Zongge is more and more.

When needle gold jumps, it is full of wildness. Mane Ge secretly observed for a while, and found that his limbs were abnormally coordinated, and the way he jumped seemed to be more labor-saving than his own.

"How on earth did he train?"

"This is not the style of the Templar."

"Did the hundred needle family hire martial artists from the eastern empire and teach needle gold some kind of pictographic fighting?"

Zongge couldn't help guessing.

"Needle gold, it seems that we can't catch up!" A moment later, Zongge sighed helplessly.

When he first climbed the tree crown, he could still see the bat monkey retreating in the distance. But now, he can only see the thick green, green, layers of branches and leaves, and the call of bat monkeys can't be heard.

"No, let's stick to it again. If you chase after me, I'll go up this mountain and climb over it directly. Maybe I can stop them." Needle gold proposal.

According to the traces of bat monkeys, they walked around the foot of the mountain.

Needle gold and mane Ge still have a chance, not hopeless.

Zongge thought for a moment and nodded his head in agreement with the plan of Zhijin.

The two were separated.

Needle gold climbed all the way to the top of the hill.

After checking around, he didn't find mane Ge following. He immediately took off his clothes and became a bronze bat monkey.

Zhen Jin bit her teeth and secretly encouraged herself.

Although he only practiced for one night, at this moment, he can only catch up with the duck on the shelf.

After the needle gold became a bronze bat monkey, its movement speed was at least twice as fast as before!

The body structure of bat monkeys is really suitable for jumping on branches. When encountering abrupt mountain terrain such as cliffs, Zhijin directly spreads bat wings and glides down. The route is straight, which is too convenient!

"By the way, I can also send out ultrasonic waves for exploration." On the way of gliding, Zhen Jin thought of this means again.

He immediately tried to send out ultrasonic waves.


The next moment, he hit the trunk at one end, and then fell all the way down. After breaking several branches and forking, he was blocked by a thicker branch under his crotch.


The sharp pain came, and Zhen Jin subconsciously screamed.

His legs were forked and he rode on a branch. His body could not help curling up because of pain. He grabbed the branch and tried to support his body with his forearm so that his crotch was slightly away from the branch.

I took a few breaths, and the needle gold slowed down.

"Therefore, crotch is still the weakness of bat monkeys!" The young knight was quite impressed by this discovery.

"What's the matter with me? I actually want to send out ultrasonic waves during the flight?"

Needle gold felt another pang of regret.

He has only practiced for one night. No, it's half a night. He can't send out ultrasonic waves while flying or running.

At present, he can only send out ultrasonic waves in a static state.

"Let's explore first."

Needle gold didn't rush, and her crotch still hurt a little. He still needs to slow down.

Taking advantage of this effort, he tried several times and soon sent out ultrasound again.

The canvas in my heart slowly unfolds and expands rapidly.

One hundred meters, four hundred meters, eight hundred meters, after a thousand meters, needle gold looked happy, and he successfully caught the tail of the fleeing bat monkeys.

"My luck is here. These bat monkeys really walk around the mountain."

"In this direction, I can intercept them."

Needle gold jumped forward in the trees again, sometimes gliding with bat wings.

After running for a distance, Zhijin stopped again and wanted to send out ultrasonic waves.

This time, he only tried twice and successfully sent out an ultrasonic wave.

Just as he was about to make further efforts, three bat monkeys jumped to his side.

Needle gold scalp a tight, almost direct shot.

Because he saw that two of the three bat monkeys were injured, which was obviously the group that had fought with them before.

However, the three bat monkeys did not attack, but took the initiative to stop in front of Zhen Jin, shouted at him and waved to him.

Zhen Jin was stunned: "yes, I'm a bat monkey now!"

The three bat monkeys cried for a while, and found that needle gold was a little silly, so they became impatient.

Their cries get louder and they do more actions.

Zhen Jin guessed, "what do they want? They seem to be communicating with me?"

Three bat monkeys found that needle gold was not a little stupid, but very stupid. One of them jumped directly to needle gold and pushed his back.

Zhen Jin resisted and didn't start. He saw another two bat monkeys take the initiative to jump long, and then turned around and waved to him, with an attitude of leading the way in front.

"Where do they want to take me?" Needle gold suddenly.

Seeing that he did not move, the bat monkey behind him shouted again, as if urging.

Zhen Jin's mind churned quickly, so he simply set off and ran with the three bat monkeys.

A burst of jumping and flying, needle gold saw more and more bat monkeys.

Finally, he was wrapped in bat monkeys and came to a forest clearing.

A large number of bat monkeys gather here. In addition, there is the silver rhinoceros!

Some of the bats and monkeys squatted on the branches, some climbed the trees, some jumped and rolled on the ground, some flew in the air and fell on the branches, bending the slender branches quickly. Seeing that they could not bear the weight of the bats and monkeys, when they were about to be crushed, the bats and monkeys spread their wings and flew out.

Some bat monkeys are seriously injured and are taken care of by bat monkeys.

The bat monkey in charge of care put his head close to his partner's wound, then took a deep breath, and his chest bulged obviously.

Then, the bat monkey bit its teeth, blocked one nostril, and pointed the other nostril at the wound.

"What do they want? Blow their noses?" Zhen Jin witnessed this scene and was puzzled.

At the next moment, the bat monkey's chest flattened, and most of the ultrasonic waves were transmitted from his nostrils.

Under the cover of ultrasound, the bloody wound seemed to be heated, and soon the surface was pasted, and the burning smell of barbecue came out.

But doing so will do great harm to the nasal cavity. Those bat monkeys who quickly treated their companions all shed blood from their nostrils.

"How can they heal with ultrasound?!" Zhen Jin was very surprised.

Then he saw some bat monkeys climb to the middle and lower part of the trunk and send ultrasonic waves to the ground.

After a while, these bat monkeys jumped to the ground, came to a certain position, dug the ground with their claws, pulled out a lot of soil, and grabbed a white insect from the mud.

This white worm looks like an earthworm, but it is fatter than an earthworm.

White earthworms were sent to the mouths of the most seriously injured companions by bat monkeys. With the chewing of bat monkeys, these white earthworms were bitten and exploded, bursting out rich juice, white as milk. Needle gold even smelled a strong milk fragrance.

"These white earthworms seem to be very nutritious. Have they been used as tonics by bat monkeys?"

"Bat monkeys can actually find white earthworms deep in the soil, so did they use ultrasonic detection before?"

"What kind of ultrasonic wave can detect things in the soil?"

Needle gold's heart surged with surprise.

He just came here. He learned a lot in less than a dozen breaths.

"They stopped here to rest. Before that, the three bat monkeys seemed to regard me as a member of the left behind? Then, what about the behind the scenes?" In this way, Zhen Jin accidentally broke into the enemy's team. He didn't forget the key point and looked around.

The next moment, a figure set foot in the glade.

Needle gold's pupils suddenly contracted.

"It was..." his heart was shocked.