V1.Chapter 87

"What are these?"

"I don't know. It's the first time I've seen it."

Needle gold and others squatted, with the help of tall trees, watching the wild animals raging in the camp from a distance.

These beasts are not big, similar to monkeys. They have purple black fur all over their bodies, two dark horns on their foreheads, and a pair of broad bat wings behind them.

Their claws are very sharp. When they scream, their mouths are very open, revealing their sharp teeth.

Some of them flew in the air, sometimes swooping down and slamming into the wooden house. Some bounced on the ground and campsite buildings, fell to the ground and jumped away, raising a burst of mud and grass debris.

Cang Xu observed for a moment, shook his head and smiled wryly, "their horns remind me of demons, but I'm sure this is not any kind of demons. They are very similar to monkeys, but they also have bat wings. Let's call them bat monkeys."

Needle gold and others frowned, and the sound of bat monkey's scream was very sharp and harsh.

Before, those noisy and harsh sounds that Zhen Jin first heard were made by these bat monkeys.

There are many bronze and black iron Warcraft in the bat and monkey group, but the Warcraft bat and monkey are flying in the air and do not participate in the attack. Mainly ordinary bat monkeys, around the wooden house hall in the center of the camp, constantly scratching outside, trying to find a breakthrough.

The doors and windows of the wooden house are tightly closed.

There is a big chimney in the wooden house. At the moment, thick smoke is constantly emitting. If ordinary bat monkeys want to get in, they will immediately be choked away by the thick smoke.

The attack of the bat monkeys did not make much progress.

"What on earth will there be in the wooden house? Is it this wave of people that we saw the cleaned battlefield before?" Needle gold guessed secretly.

He did not rush to the rescue.

For one thing, it's difficult to distinguish between the enemy and us. He doesn't know whether it's an enemy or a friend in the cabin.

Second, the situation in the camp is still deadlocked, and there is no need for immediate action.

Thirdly, there are many bat monkeys. They keep jumping and flying, flexible and ferocious. Once the action provokes these bat monkeys, cangxu and others are afraid to be worse.

There are five people in the exploration team. In addition to needle gold, cyanobacteria can resist several bat monkeys. Once Bai Ya and others fall into the siege, they will certainly be torn to pieces by these bat monkeys.

"My lord... It seems that I built this camp." Just then, Zidi said something unexpected.

"Have you been here?" The needle tingled.

Zidi shook her head.

"I led others deep into the rainforest and found the adult. The adult was in a coma and couldn't wake up. I decided to set up a camp nearby. I planned to recuperate in situ and cure the adult as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Zidi looked at the camp again, nodded and confirmed, "there's nothing wrong. I'm very impressed with this wooden house and this camp. For the safety of adults and the convenience of future treatment, I wanted to be stationed for a period of time. So it took a lot of time to build the wooden house, which was very solid."

Bai Ya was stunned: "how did this camp get here... Ah, I know, it's teleportation!"

Like needle gold and others, together with their camps, were transported to the desert. The camp abandoned by ziti was also affected by the transmission, and came to the forest from the rainforest.

Then, it was occupied by another mysterious gang. On the basis of the original Zidi, they repaired it and expanded it to the periphery to build a larger camp.

Bai Ya looked at it intently and nodded repeatedly, "Lord Zidi is right. I also found that the wood used in the wooden house is different from that of the arrow tower. The wood of the arrow tower is familiar to me and is a tree in the forest."

Cang Xu wondered, "it's strange... Lord Zidi built the camp before transmission. Now we all know the transmission array. Don't the gangs in this wooden house know it? Have they not experienced a transmission? Or are they not worried about transmission?"

If you don't worry about transmission, it means that this group belongs to the camp of island owners. There are great risks involved in contacting this group of people.

Needle gold thought for a moment: "the situation is unknown, and we can't act in a hurry. First retreat to a safe distance, and then let me secretly capture a bat monkey. Study this beast carefully, maybe Zidi can also configure targeted potions."

"I will do my best." Zidi nodded.

As soon as her voice fell, a window of the wooden house was suddenly pushed open. A yellow faced middle-aged man stood in the house with a strange crossbow and shouted, "go to hell, you beasts!"

With that, he grabbed the trigger under the crossbow with his left hand and the cocked trigger behind the crossbow with his right hand.

He pressed the trigger hard and a short arrow shot out.

He lifted the trigger and the crossbow was wired.

Press down again, and the second short arrow will fly out.

In this way, the Yellow faced man kept pressing and lifting the trigger. Unexpectedly, in a very short time, he shot a dozen flying arrows on his face.

"There are people in the cabin!" Seeing this scene, Bai Ya breathed out a low voice.

"Is it the pig kiss?" Needle gold immediately asked questions.

Everyone shook their heads.

It may or may not be.

The pig kiss is a large sea going ship, which can cross the ocean and connect two continents. There are a lot of people on the pig kiss. Cangxu, Zidi and others can't recognize everyone.

"They have bows and crossbows in their hands. What kind of crossbow can it fire repeatedly?" Zidi frowned.

The needle's golden face was dignified: "the crossbow is good, but the archer is too bad. He doesn't have any accuracy at all, but just shoots indiscriminately. It's bad!"

The Yellow faced man was aggressive and shot indiscriminately, forcing the nearby bat monkeys back.

But soon, the bat monkeys fought back and rushed forward.

Seeing something bad, the Yellow faced man hurriedly transferred the pole supporting the wooden window, and the heavy window slammed shut.

But in such a short time, the extremely flexible bat monkey has drilled in two.

Screams and angry curses immediately rang out in the wooden house.

"Are you going to save them?" Zhen Jin bit his teeth and fell into hesitation.

"Ah, hurry, hurry, hide!" In the cabin, a fat man screamed, trying to get under the table.

Probably because he was too rich, the two bat monkeys stared at him at the first glance.

The bat monkey suddenly kicked against the wall, dodged the attack and killed the fat man.

As soon as the fat man hid under the table, he heard a bang, and the thick wooden table was directly smashed. Between the sawdust flying, the bat monkey paused and grabbed the fat man.

The fat man's eyes almost stared down. At this moment, he was so scared that he didn't even have the idea of dodging. His mind was blank and he sat on the ground directly, like a stone statue.

At the critical moment, a guard stepped forward and beat back the bat monkey with a long sword in his hand.

But the next moment, another bat monkey took the opportunity to fly to the guard's head.

"Ah --!"

The guard screamed.

His eyes were directly cut off by the bat monkey.

The sharp pain made him wave his long sword madly, and the companions around who wanted to rescue were also forced back by the long sword.

Taking advantage of this time, the bat monkey opened its mouth, suddenly buried its head and bit the guard's neck.


With a penetrating sound, the bat monkey raised its head and bit a big hole in the guard's neck, and the blood rushed out like a fountain.

The bat monkey's wings vibrated behind him, and the strong lift took its small body and flew directly to the roof.

The bat monkey hangs upside down on the roof, and a small trachea remains outside its mouth.

The bat monkey snorted, sucked the trachea into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.

"Beast!!!" The people in the cabin were furious.

Finally, something was eaten in his mouth. The bloody and meat taste made the bat monkey more fierce.

They were so fast and flexible that they turned the whole wooden house upside down.

The fat man collapsed on the ground and looked at the crowd in a hurry. In the blink of an eye, another person died. He was so afraid that he shouted, "help, help."

The Yellow faced man who opened the window just raised ten crossbows and saw a bat monkey killing him.

He quickly lowered his head, avoided the dive of the bat monkey, and rolled on the ground three times in confusion.

The bat monkey pounced and hit the ground. It landed on all fours, and its four claws made four groove marks on the mud, and quickly stopped.

Then it killed the Yellow faced man again.

The Yellow faced man didn't have any fighting skills. At this time, he was still lying on the ground and was about to get up.

Seeing that the bat monkey was about to pounce on his face, he suddenly stabbed a sharp thin sword from the back of the man.

The thin sword stabbed the bat monkey's face and pierced the bat monkey's skull.

The speed of the bat monkey was so fast that it rushed from the tip of the thin sword to the hemispherical armguard at the handle of the sword and strung itself into a meat string.

But the bat monkey is not dead yet.

Under the sharp pain, the bat monkey struggled, and its wings fanned fiercely.

The man with the sword quickly threw the bat monkey out.

The bat monkey fell to the ground, screaming frantically, struggling and biting randomly. After five breaths, it collapsed on the ground and did not move.

The man with the sword pulled the Yellow faced man to his feet and was very angry: "Muban, it's all your fault. I told you not to open the window! Wouldn't it be good to wait for Lord Sisuo to come back?"

Muban snorted coldly and stuck his neck: "I have a baby in my hand, and these bastards are going to die."

With that, he pulled the trigger again and shot a dozen flying arrows in a row.

There was only one bat monkey in the wooden house. The arrows were so powerful that they didn't hit one.

Instead, someone was shot in the thigh and shouted angrily, "kimban, you shot me!"

People are dodging arrows.


An arrow was inserted on the ground, and its tail trembled slightly.

The fat man who sat on the ground before saw the arrow and looked at his crotch less than a finger away from the flying arrow. After reacting, the fat man let out a cry, rolled his eyes, and fainted on the spot.

"Muban, stop it!"

"Come on, stop kimban."

"He is more dangerous than these monkeys!!"

People roared and jumped at the wooden class with a ferocious face.

Muban hurriedly dodged, and the crossbow was lost in panic.

"Kill monkeys, kill monkeys!" Someone shouted again.

Just now, only the remaining bat monkey injured another person.

People's attention was again focused on the bat monkey. After a burst of siege, the bat monkey was also killed by the same thin sword.

Holding a thin sword is a teenager.

He has dark hair and eyes, dark skin, and natural curls in his hair.

"Well done, black roll!"

"I didn't expect your boy to have this skill." Everyone was surprised and praised.

Black roll snorted softly, and the thin stabbing sword pulled out a beautiful sword flower in his hand. Just as he was about to put it into the scabbard, he heard a thump, like someone beating a war drum.

"What sound?" People listened in disbelief, and the drums were getting louder and louder.

"Not good!" Black volume listened carefully, suddenly realized something, and rushed to his left.

The next moment, a huge rhinoceros broke into the wooden house, which was extremely arrogant and ferocious.

People who can't dodge are either hit or trampled on the ground.

The giant rhinoceros kept walking and directly crashed through the wooden house, causing huge smoke and dust.

Without the block of the wooden house, the bats and monkeys outside sent out excited horns and killed everyone inside.

"It's over! I'm dying!!" Seeing the bronze and black iron bat monkeys swooping over, heijuan fell into despair at this moment.