V1.Chapter 85

The forest was quiet at night, and occasionally came the roar of unknown beasts, or the singing of birds such as nightingales.

Through the cracks in the leaves, you can see a bright moon hanging in the night.

Three hammocks have been set up.

In the oasis, Zhen Jinyi became the leader of the gun scorpion and hunted a large number of acid green lizards. With the stomach bags of these green lizards as water bags, cangxu and others concentrated their labor on making hemp rope and coarse cloth.

They first made hemp ropes of different thicknesses, and then woven the finest hemp ropes into the simplest coarse cloth.

Using these coarse cloth and hemp rope, they made a hammock.

Because there are few materials and a lot of labor in the oasis, finally, Zhijin and others only made three hammocks.

However, although there are five of them, they can't use so much.

Every night, at least two people are arranged to watch. There are five people in the small group, and just three people are left to enjoy these three hammocks.

Materials are scarce, and three hammocks are the valuable collective property of this small team.

In the center of the three hammocks is a burning campfire.

Without the influence of the wind, the campfire emits orange light, sometimes makes a crackling sound, and emits some sparks.

The surroundings have been carefully examined by needle gold, and there is no sign of fire venom bee colony life.

Needle gold almost lost its life because of fire poison. Naturally, it pays great attention to this aspect.

However, in fact, even if Zidi timely informed the existence of needle gold fire wasps at that time, needle gold, who just woke up, was not able to explore around.

Speaking of it, Cang Xu and cyanobacteria, an exploration team, did not know about fire venom bees before they met with needle gold. They often made a fire in the forest, and did not encounter the attack of fire venom bees.

Dinner has just been used, and five people are very satisfied.

At present, the food reserves in the team are sufficient. Even if they came out of the oasis, the five people seldom added new food and water along the way.

They made a lot of preparations in the oasis.

In the forest area, the materials are far more abundant than the desert, and people's worries about food and water have fallen a notch.

Cang Xu was on the campfire, staring at the map in his hand. He is old and has poor eyesight. He holds a sheepskin map in one hand and a lens in the other hand, and looks closely to his eyes.

Sometimes, he would take his eyes off the map and murmur to himself, as if calculating something. Hands will also cooperate, drawing crisscross lines on the grass.

Sometimes, he would take out a charcoal pen and carefully add a few black lines to the sheepskin map.

The charcoal he used was thinned after one end of the wood was burnt black.

After studying for a while, Cang Xu raised his head, smiled, and reported to Zhen Jinhui: "Lord Zhen Jin, our progress is very fast. According to my estimation, as long as we continue to walk, we can reach the place where we entered the forest in a day or two."

This is mainly because with the protection of needle gold, the speed of the whole team is much faster than Cang Xu expected.

"I have a bad news here - we don't have many pink potions on hand." Zidi was grinding the material. After hearing cangxu's words, she said.

The materials she was grinding were all collected by hand during the day.

These include the feathers and blood of iron feather birds, and the moss poisoning the white buds, etc.

There are abundant materials in the forest, which is by no means comparable to the desert.

However, the main material for making pink potions is a kind of hot and luminous ore. This mineral is also the food of monkey tailed brown bears.

Zidi didn't collect this material.

The exploration team needs this pink potion to mark the way. This can not only prevent people from getting lost in the forest, but also sometimes act as a signal for help.

"How long can it last?" Asked the needle.

Zidi had already calculated, and now directly replied, "in the most economical way, it can last three days."

Zhen Jin nodded slightly, thought for a while, and then replied, "time is enough. There is no need to deliberately search for the ore. we still take rushing back to the original location as our first goal."

No one has any opinion.

After this series of things, Zhijin has supreme authority and influence in this five person team.

After another discussion, Cang Xu, Zi Di and Bai Ya all lay dormant on the hammock.

Tonight, needle gold and cyanobacteria are responsible for the vigil at the same time.

In the desert, two people keep vigil every night in turn. One is responsible for the first half of the night and the other for the second half of the night.

But in the middle of the forest, because the trees are overgrown and the vision is blocked, it is adjusted to two people at the same time to watch the night.

The night is getting darker and darker.

The forest is more profound and terrifying.

Predators often go out at night.

This makes the forest at night far more dangerous than during the day.

Cyanobacteria looks alert. He will react to the slightest disturbance.

The recovery and addition of white buds and cyanobacteria greatly reduced the burden of needle gold.

Needle gold feels energetic. Although he had been leading the way all day, he was also responsible for the vigil at night.

This is not because his endurance should be improved, but because the green lizard eyes are so easy to use!

The threat hidden in the forest is almost invisible to needle gold.

"In terms of practical value, green lizard eyes definitely rank first." Needle gold feels very deep.

If there were no green lizard eyes, the young knight could only move forward slowly step by step, explore slowly, and his mind was always tight, passively guarding against sneak attacks from anywhere.

With green lizard eyes, needle gold can detect the crisis in advance, take the initiative to control the situation, and actively allocate their physical strength and energy.

There is a great gap between the consumption of physical energy and energy in passive and active states.

This is a qualitative change.


Suddenly, the screams of animals attacked came from the forest not far away.

Cyanobacteria was shocked, and immediately squeezed her hand on the handle of the knife.

But the next moment, a squeaky scream suddenly stopped and never appeared again.

Cyanobacteria frowned and looked serious.

There is no specific blood, although cyanobacteria are the elite of bronze level, they also have no night vision ability. He can only use the faint light of fire to distinguish the surrounding.

A little farther away, he could only see the darkness, and could not tell whether there was nothing in the darkness, or whether there was a wolf or a poisonous snake lurking.

In the dark forest, scenes of hunting and fleeing about survival are going on.

The fire of the temporary camp dispersed many beasts, but it also seemed to attract some existence.

There seems to be something more and more ready to move in the darkness of the forest. Sometimes, it's the sound of dry branches being crushed. Sometimes, it is a mysterious cry that suddenly rises high.

Cyanobacteria became nervous gradually. He felt as if something was slowly and quietly approaching the camp.

"I'll explore it. If there is a situation, you should shout loudly in time." Needle gold then opened his mouth and explained to the cyanobacteria.

"Yes, master." Cyanobacteria responded immediately.

The needle gold drilled into the darkness and soon disappeared into the vision of the cyanobacteria.

He also has no night vision ability, so at this time, he urges the heart nucleus.

The vision suddenly changed dramatically.

At night, the basic tone of the forest is more low, there is no wind, and the active life emits light red, orange, fluorescent green and other colors, which are more prominent than during the day.

During the day, needle gold needs human eyes and lizard eyes to match each other. But at night, in the dark forest, human eyes are almost useless, and both of his eyes become lizard pupils.

Needle gold first patrolled around the camp for several rounds, accurately attacked and killed several beasts, temporarily clearing the threat near the camp.

Then he looked in one direction and went deep into the forest.

After a certain distance from the temporary camp, Zhen Jin slowly stopped his steps and began to take off his clothes.

He stripped himself, then climbed up the tree and carefully placed his clothes in the treetops.

Then, he firmly remembered this position.

If he forgets, he can only return to the temporary camp naked. If Zi Di and Cang Xu discover this state, they will be very embarrassed.

The needle went down to the ground without any trace, and then walked dozens of steps forward. After observing all around and confirming that there was no other person, it began to activate the cardiac nucleus.

The mysterious blood red devil can surge out of the heart core and quickly cover the whole body of needle gold.

In the red light, the human shape of needle gold looks like ice and snow collapsing in the sun and turning into a lizard.

The red light dissipated rapidly. On the original site, the needle gold had disappeared and was replaced by an acid green lizard.

This sour green lizard has strong limbs, long tail and green scales all over.

When Zhen Jin observed himself, he could only see his blurred light green outline in the green lizard's field of vision.

"The field of vision is lower, but it is much higher than the scorpion."

Needle gold tried to sniff the air fiercely, and immediately found that lizards' sense of smell was much more sensitive than human beings.

"In the air, there seems to be... The smell of water?"

He opened his mouth slightly, spit out a huge purple black snake letter, and successfully made a hissing snake sound.

Zhen Jin stepped out of his front and rear legs, manipulating the vigorous lizard body and walking in the dark forest.

Zhen Jin walked smoothly.

Because the green lizard has four legs, it is very close to the feeling of people lying on the ground and crawling on the ground.

Another reason is that this is not the first time that Zhijin has tried to completely change the green lizard. As early as in the desert, he had changed many times when he was alone at night.

"But there are still many differences between crawling with human hands and feet." Needle gold stopped and silently summed up experience.

He turned his head and looked behind him.

The biggest difference is behind him - the stout lizard tail.

When changing the spear scorpion leader, the scorpion tail is slender and upturned, which has little effect on the needle gold. But when he became a lizard, the lizard's tail was thick, heavy and long, and it seemed to be in the way when it was dragged on the ground.

Especially when the needle gold strides forward with its limbs open, the lizard's tail will swing slightly to the left and right. This shaking affects the balance of the needle gold body. The faster the needle gold moves forward, the deeper the influence.

"When the acid green lizard runs, not only its limbs, trunk, but also its tail work together. Whether it is walking slowly or running, it has a perfect movement rhythm, which is a completely natural rhythm."

"The lizard larvae just drilled out of the eggshell may be very clumsy. But as time goes by, they gradually grow up. After the exercise of hunting, escaping, playing and so on, they will naturally master this movement rhythm."

"But I didn't."

"I'm like a lizard baby, just born, but I have a mature lizard body."

"Although I used the night time to exercise many times, I didn't succeed in mastering the correct way for the green lizard to run."

Zhen Jin felt his tail was in the way, but there was nothing he could do.

Just like he secretly practiced the gun scorpion form, turning at high speed is still choking.

It's too short for him to change into Warcraft form.

"Sure enough, there is water here." Needle gold followed the smell of water and found a small pool.

"As long as I have sufficient training, I will be able to completely master the shape of the green lizard at some point in the future!"

Zhen Jin encouraged herself in her heart and began to exercise her tail near the pool.

First, he shook the stout long tail behind him with great force, sending out the whistling sound of the wind.

Then he began to rush towards a big tree. After passing the tree, he shook his tail and hit the trunk.

The trunk shook slightly, the dense branches shook more, and the leaves rustled, but there were no fallen leaves.

Pa pa

In a series of sounds, Zhen Jin used trees to train his tail.

After training for a while, he began to change his attack style.

He first rushed to a tree, and then made a sudden change of direction with all his limbs. Using his huge body inertia, he threw his tail on the trunk.


The trunk shook, and large pieces of bark fell down, and the branches clattered, as if there was a strong wind.

Such an attack is much more fierce than before.

"With such attack power, even a charging ranger can fly out of his horse."

"Huh? Not quite."

"The lizard's limbs are thick and short. I can't reach the cavalry on the horse."

"Maybe I can try. At the moment of swinging my tail to attack, I can push my hind legs on the ground and lift my whole body up, forming a posture of head low and tail high. In this way, the tail can hit a higher place."

Zhen Jin thought of this and began to try.

As a result, the first time he tried, he couldn't hold his strength. When swinging his tail, his hind legs pushed too hard, lifting his whole body up and landing on the back of the lizard.

In the second attempt, his strength was adjusted incorrectly, and his upward pushing force decreased, but a forward force increased, causing him to plunge into the mud and grass. It's very close to the dog's falling posture.

The needle stood on all fours, opened its mouth and spit out mud and grass, and suddenly puffed from its nose. It shook its head for a while, and finally cleaned its nose and mouth.

The failure of two attempts did not discourage him, but increased the motivation to continue trying.

After trying to practice a few more times, Zhen Jin's movements became more and more skilled, but later, on thinking about it, he stopped the training program.

"Although it can hit a higher target, the latter half of the body is suspended, resulting in the strength of tail swing is much weaker than the state of four feet supporting the ground."

"And the back half of my body is suspended, which gives me a short time to stay in the air. This flaw is too big."

Needle gold knew the knight's way of fighting and quickly simulated a scene in his mind.

A Ranger rushed over, and he rushed up as a green lizard. When he was about to approach, he suddenly folded his body and shook his tail. The back half of his body was up and his tail was thrown at the Rangers.

But at the same time, the Rangers thrust their spear forward and aimed it at the... Uh... Green lizard's hip.

Zhen Jin doesn't want to simulate anymore when he imagines here.

Adjust the way of just flicking the tail attack again, and practice hard with needle gold.


Until the needle opened its mouth and smoked the air conditioner.

"I seem to have twisted my tail!"

A strong pain came from the tail. Shaking the tail a little, the pain was like a whip full of iron thorns, which was pulled on the brain kernel of needle gold.

In this case, Zhen Jin had to stop the tail training and start the next training.

He squatted on the ground, raised his neck, and his Adam's apple suddenly bulged into a round bag.

The round bag rolled and moved from the neck to the mouth.

Needle gold opened her mouth wide.

Then the next moment, a green acid shot out of his mouth.

The acid sprayed accurately into a tree.

The thick trunk was corroded by acid, making a murmur and emitting pungent smoke.

After a few breaths, the trunk was corroded into a big hole, which could no longer support the lush upper half. With a creak, the tree fell to the ground and made a roar.

The needle gold retreated a few steps and sprayed continuously towards the surrounding trees.

The liquid he shot out almost hit the target accurately, and only one of them rubbed the bark and fell on a stone.

After a few breaths, the suffering trees continued to the end, and for a time, the sound continued.

Unfortunately, the stone that suffered, although not small, also came to naught. This is normal. Even the acid of lizards can corrode gneiss, not to mention this ordinary stone. If silver level green lizard acid, black iron level gun Scorpion will also die in an instant, only silver gun scorpion can resist.

After shooting so many times in a row, Zhen Jin also felt weak, his head couldn't help shrugging down, and his spirit was a little depressed.

Spraying acid is not the conventional fighting method of green lizard, but the biggest card of green lizard.

The green lizard will not use this card unless he has to.

For needle gold, this long-range weapon is the most suitable for him. Because he also has the accuracy talent from the hundred needle family. Although the number of practice is very small, the needle gold spray acid liquid is much more powerful than the green lizard. It simply means that there is almost no failure in shooting.

After panting for a while, Zhen Jin gradually gained some strength.

His whole body was conveying a feeling of weakness to him.

The strong limbs felt soft, and the lizard's body became heavy.

At the same time, needle gold also felt dry mouth.

His body is short of water.

The green lizard contains a lot of water, so that it can synthesize corrosive acid. This means that after the acid is injected, the green lizard will fall into a state of water shortage.

Now, even if needle gold wants to spray acid, it can't shoot out for the time being.

Even due to the lack of water in the body, the speed of synthesizing acid has plummeted to the bottom.

Zhen Jin moved his limbs and came to the edge of the pool.

The pool was not deep, and no aquatic creatures were found in the green lizard's field of vision.

However, Zhen Jin was cautious and did not take the opportunity to enter the water to exercise the swimming ability of the green lizard.

Needle gold first stretched out a snake letter, licked a few salivas, and found that there was no problem, he bowed his head and poured water.

A large amount of water flowed into his stomach, and then under the deliberate control of Zhijin, it was stored in the other three stomach bags.

"It's really thirst quenching."

With a sigh, Zhijin began to actively control internal organs again, trying to accelerate the generation of acid.

The water stored in his stomach was squeezed out, flowed into the poison bag under his neck, and began to turn into acid.

"The speed of this change, probably overnight, I can have a bag full of acid. As before, shooting more than 20 times is no problem."

Needle gold has now found that when he changed from a human form to a complete green lizard, the acid reserve in the poison bag is only half.

After several training, he also discovered the skill of acid spraying.

Under normal circumstances, green lizards will shoot their venom hard, often shooting empty, at most twoorthree times.

But Zhijin only sprayed a small ball at a time, and he deliberately controlled the nearby muscles, which greatly increased the number of shots.

Needle gold lowered her head again and opened her mouth to absorb water.

This time, he absorbed water, which was different from before. He controlled different organs and tissues and different muscle groups.

This time, the pond water directly entered his poison bag, rather than entering his stomach along the esophagus.

This is the ability of acid green lizard to take drugs.

After being poisoned by fat ball flying fish, green lizards can detoxify each other by taking drugs.

And the absorbed poison, stored in the poison bag, will not endanger other organs of the body, but also synthesize a more intense poison with its own acid.

This situation is not uncommon in nature.

Cang Xu casually mentioned a kind of beetle in the desert after the event. This beetle preys on ants and deliberately collects formic acid. When the beetle encounters the natural enemy Mongoose, it sprays the collected formic acid and shoots the mongoose in the face, so that the mongoose flees in confusion.

Lying on the edge of the pool for a long time without violent activities, Zhen Jin felt his body cold.

Temperature also has a great influence on the activity ability of lizards.

This is why the green lizard will rush to the golden gneiss group at dawn every day and use the temperature of the stones to raise its body temperature. Only when their body temperature rises will they have stronger activity ability.

"Tonight's training is almost over."

Zhen Jin finally came to the big trees.

Most of these fallen trees have been corroded, but there are still some treetops and branches left.

The corrosion capacity of acid has been significantly weakened.

After all, under the deliberate control of needle gold, the number of consecutive shots is contested, but the amount of each mass of acid shot is limited.

Although these trees will be corroded clean, needle gold can't wait.

He touched the left surface of the trunk with his right forefoot, prompting the heart nucleus.

The red light emitted, and the red line wrapped around the trunk, which was almost instantly recycled, leaving only a little carbon ash in place.

Even if trees are ordinary, they are also living beings.

As long as it is a living body, it can be absorbed by the blood nucleus.

But the magic power of transformation is very few.

After disposing of all the tree debris, there is no choice to become a tree in the heart core of needle gold.

"Acid destroys the essence of life of trees, so the relevant blood vessels absorb very little."

"If I directly absorb a large number of trees, I should eventually be able to change into trees."

It's almost time.

Needle gold returns to the distance, changes its human shape, climbs the treetops, finds its own clothes and puts them on.

It is worth mentioning that the hole in the back of his pants has been repaired.

It was Zidi who found the needle gold by accident and helped him mend it.

Return to the temporary camp.

"Master, you are back!" When cyanobacteria saw needle gold, her frown immediately stretched out, and her eyes showed obvious admiration.

Not long after Zhen Jin left, he heard a roar, like the sound of trees falling.

"The master must have caught some beasts and fought them."

"Such a violent momentum, the beast lurking in the dark must be terrible!"

"But now the master is back, and he is unharmed. There is not even a trace of damage or blood on his clothes."


"He is worthy of being the master of the power of the soul."

"Even the darkness without reaching out can't stop the master's footsteps!"

"You know, on this strange island, the owner can only rely on the strength of the body... What kind of scene should it be if it can really stimulate morale?"

Cyanobacteria stared at needle gold tightly, unblinking, and her eyes became more and more eager.

Zhen Jin coughed, "what's the matter with you?"

"With the help of the owner, the camp is very safe." Cyanobacteria answered immediately.

Pin Jin nodded and couldn't stand the eyes of cyanobacteria: "you stay here and continue to patrol. I'll go to the other side to have a look."

"Yes, master." Cyanobacteria immediately replied.

His eyes followed the back of Zijin until Zijin was covered by trees.

"The master has experienced a fierce battle. The clouds are calm and calm. This is the style of the strong."

"In other words, the fight just in the dark just let him stretch his muscles and bones." Cyanobacteria was filled with admiration.