V1.Chapter 81

The death and injury of lizards increased rapidly. Black iron and bronze green lizards took the lead in escaping, and then the whole herd began to flee.

Fat ball flying fish are in hot pursuit.

A lizard panicked and ran to the hiding place of Zhijin and others.

There was no way. The needle gold could only jump out in one leap, cut three knives in a row, and cut it to death in the same place on the neck.

"Go!" Needle gold looked dignified, covering Cang Xu and Zidi quickly retreated.

He is not worried about lizards, but about this fat ball flying fish.

Green lizards can see them, but human eyes can't catch their tracks. It's too passive to face an invisible opponent.

Although the lizard was hacked to death by needle gold, the sound of quack followed closely and kept approaching, with obvious malice.

Obviously, the fat ball flying fish group has been stimulated crazy, whether lizards or anything else, are the object of their attack.

"Run, go back to the camp. You stay here is a drag on me!" The needle's golden complexion changed slightly, and she let out a low drink.

Cang Xu and Zi Di immediately turned around and ran as hard as they could.

However, the sound of quack is getting closer and closer.

"Damn, it's fast... No one will stop them. They can't escape." Zhen Jin, who was in charge of the back of the hall, gritted his teeth, suddenly stopped and turned to face the empty sky.

He could not see the enemy and could not distinguish the exact position of the fat ball flying fish.

But Cang Xu's words just now lingered in his ears——

"I probably know the reason for this. The visual system of this acid green lizard is the same as that of many snakes. The things they see form an image based on their own heat. The higher the heat, the more they can attract the attention of these acid green lizards."

"These fat flying fish, let's call it that, more or less carry heat. We can't see them with the naked eye, probably because their skin has a hidden effect similar to chameleon."

Although Zhen Jin once reminded himself that he would not easily use the heart core. But now in this situation, if it is not used, not only the life of Zhijin will be in danger, but also ziti, cangxu and others will die under the chase of fat ball flying fish.

In the next moment, the heart core was mobilized by needle gold!

The pupil of needle gold changed.

Man's pupils are round, but now his pupils have become vertical, turning into a kind of khaki, emitting a cold and cruel smell of beasts.

He has the eyes of acid lizard!

I was stunned when the needle spun.

The vision of acid lizard is very different from that of human. Its color is very monotonous, like a poor novice's oil painting, and the outline of food is not clear.

The bottom color of the whole field of vision of acid green lizard is light yellow.

Trees are dark green and lakes are dark blue, which are somewhat similar to human vision.

Acid lizard itself is also a kind of green, but not as deep as trees.

As for fat ball flying fish... Each flying fish shows red, some light red, some bright red, and some deep red.

"Finally!" Needle gold's heart was fixed, and his spirit was also refreshed.

There are a full six fat ball flying fish chasing needle gold and other three people.

Two of them are bright red, and the other four are light red. Seems to be related to the level of life?

Needle gold took out wooden darts from his arms and changed again.

Bear arm!


Six darts burst out one after another, making a sharp sound in the air.

Six fat ball flying fish were shot down in succession. They seemed to want to dodge, but the speed of the darts was too fast.

Most of the flying fish fell, but two of them, although shot, exploded before they died.

The dark fishbone shot by the self explosion was like a rainstorm, covering the needle gold.

Finding that he couldn't dodge, Zhen Jin immediately leaned down, hugged his knees and legs, and tried to make himself into a ball.

At the same time, he urged the heart nucleus for the third time.

Almost instantly, the red light flashed, and hard scorpion shells grew all over his body.

The pitch black fish bones shot on the scorpion shell, making a series of brittle noises.

Zhen Jin stretched out his limbs and stood up again. He saw a large number of fish bones scattered in his footsteps.

Then check your scorpion shell and find it intact.

"My shell, after all, comes from the silver level gun scorpion leader."

Needle gold rushed to the body of fat ball flying fish.

The body of fat ball flying fish is almost only a broken fish skin. Fat ball flying fish is the size of an adult's head, but the remaining fish skin after death was blown apart because of self explosion. The biggest fish skin on the ground is only as big as a palm.

Moreover, no matter the size of the fish skin, there are small holes everywhere - this is where the fish bones originally grew.

The fish's eyes, viscera, etc. were not seen by the needle gold. It should have been blown up.

In addition to fish skin, the most is the water contained in fat ball flying fish.

This is almost boiling water, emitting a strong smell of sulfur, which is very pungent. It is temporarily accumulated on the grass and is penetrating into the soil at a very fast speed.

It's hard to imagine that a fish's body contains hot water.

Needle gold was inspired: "I know! In the field of vision of the green lizard, the higher the temperature, the warmer the color. The lower the temperature, the colder the color."

"And... The light red fat ball flying fish should be an ordinary beast. The bright red fat ball flying fish has reached the bronze level."

Fat ball flying fish were not only invisible to human eyes, but their breath of life was completely restrained and could not be detected.

But after death, needle gold still felt a breath of life from these fish skins.

These breath of life is rapidly dissipating.

Hesitated for a moment, needle gold still urges the heart core to absorb and transform residues such as fish skin.

After cleaning the battlefield in a hurry, Zhijin rushed back to the temporary camp immediately.

"I have lizard eyes and can see these fat ball flying fish, but they can't observe it. If they are besieged, they can't even find the object of counterattack!" Zhen Jin is worried.

At this time, a large number of fat ball flying fish are floating all over the sky, and more fat ball flying fish are constantly emerging from the lake.

Lizards attract the vast majority of fat ball flying fish. From the lizard's field of vision, there are dense red dots behind them, which almost block out the sky and the sun.

The newly emerged fish also joined the hunt for lizards.

The lizards fled to the desert and moved quickly, and the location of the temporary camp became worse - it began to lie between the lizards and the lake.

Fat ball flying fish swim from the air, because there are no obstacles, the route is completely a straight line.

This leads to the subsequent flying fish swarm, which must pass over the temporary camp.

"Bad." On the way, Zhen Jin noticed this trend and his face sank.

According to previous experience, these fat flying fish will probably take the initiative to attack after they find Cang Xu and Zi di.

"They must be led away!"

Needle gold took out the darts again and kept shooting.

Fat ball flying fish fell to the ground and died one by one. Many of them burst on the verge of death. Shark fin flying shot affected the surrounding areas, resulting in more flying fish also burst on the verge of death one after another.

The flying fish group was hit and croaked loudly, immediately shifting the target of the first revenge from the lizards to the needle gold.

Seeing that he successfully provoked the fish, Zhen Jin tried his best to stimulate the heart core.

He spewed red light from the inside out. The red light covered his whole body and quickly collapsed from the human shape, forming the rough outline of the gun scorpion.

The next moment, the red light dispersed, and the needle gold had disappeared, leaving only a silver gun scorpion.

The fish kept their eyes on needle gold. After witnessing the change, they still rushed to needle gold.

"Well come." Needle gold was happy and immediately moved four pairs of feet, with a sharp increase in speed.

The speed of needle gold is very fast.

In fact, the speed of scorpion is faster than that of lizard, which has been proved many times in the previous beast * * front.

Needle gold turned into a silver gun scorpion.

The only trouble is that it is difficult for Zhijin to change direction in the rush. Fortunately, the retreat route of the lizards is a big arc. The trees and stones in the desert oasis are also very rare, which can't hinder the rush of needle gold.

Zhijin deliberately bypassed the temporary camp, attracting the fish that followed and catching up with the lizards.

The lizards were running and suddenly found a silver spear scorpion inserted into their ranks.

Hiss, hiss!

The lizards screamed and became more confused because of shock and fear.

Lizards around Zhijin tried their best to distance themselves from Zhijin.

"Don't run." Needle gold is tightly inserted in the lizards, and he follows them wherever they go.

Now, the fish in the air behind him felt very comfortable.

Because the targets of revenge are all together, there is no need to tangle.

The highly toxic fish bone shot the lizard, and the lizard fell down. When it was shot on the body of needle gold, it made a crisp sound, and needle gold was still lively.

After the needle gold gradually adapted to running wildly among the lizards, her heart moved, threw out the scorpion tail and pricked repeatedly.

The scorpion's tail is slender and its attack range is quite wide. Lizards couldn't dodge, so they had to die one by one under the scorpion's tail.

The dead lizard followed the inertia, rolled on the ground for a few circles, and then lay quietly on the ground. The fish did not retaliate against the bodies.

In this way, under the double attack of needle gold and fish, the lizards suffered extremely heavy losses. In the end, less than 80 lizards successfully escaped back to the desert.

Taking advantage of the last panic, needle gold finally found a chance to escape.

He immediately ran back to the temporary camp.

Fighting is happening in the camp!

In fact, most of the fat ball flying fish have been attracted by needle gold and lizards. The number of fat ball flying fish left in the oasis is small and scattered everywhere.

But unfortunately, the temporary camp was patronized by several fat ball flying fish.

"Bad." Zhen Jin's heart sank violently. He saw signs of fighting nearby. All kinds of signs showed that the fighting in the temporary camp had already begun and had been going on for a long time.

Rushing into the camp, he found cyanobacteria at a glance.

Cyanobacteria stood in the center of the camp. His hair was disheveled, and his face was still covered with blood. He held a machete in both hands, looked up and shouted, "go! Go! Go!"

"A group of smelly fish and rotten shrimp also want to eat me?!"

"Only I eat you, you can't eat me!"

With that, he moved his ears slightly, suddenly turned around, violently waved his iron knife, and hit a fat flying fish with precision.