V1.Chapter 78

the second day.

Zhijin first explored the whole oasis, and the environment in the oasis was unexpectedly peaceful.

The footprints by the lake are basically gun scorpions and acid lizards. It is easy to speculate that there are only two large-scale herds of scorpions and lizards near the oasis.

The lake water can't be explored, so I don't know what's hidden in the lake water.

However, according to the traces left by the herds by the lake, there seems to be no sign of fighting, which may indicate that there is no threat hidden in the lake.

There are many small creatures.

Such as small lizards, normal scorpions, spiders, and jerboas.

Occasionally, birds fall on a coconut tree in the sky.

After the discussion, Zhijin began to cut down these sturdy coconut trees.

After picking all the coconuts, he had to process the trunk, chop it into dry firewood, and make the bow body of the short bow with the core of the tree.

Zidi is equipped with medicine. Compared with the barren desert, the oasis contains much more materials.

Cang must be responsible for twisting hemp rope.

Up to now, there are only five people left in the exploration team, two of whom can't even walk by themselves. Among the remaining three people, Cang Xu is old, and Zidi is only a 15-year-old girl, so the labor force has decreased sharply.

However, fortunately, there are not many explorers and there are few things they need.

In the past morning, five short bows have been made from needle gold. Ziti finished the preliminary grinding process and began to test the properties of various materials.

In the afternoon, Zhijin went to the lake to dig deeply and got a lot of soil.

Using this soil and fire, Cang Xu began to make pottery pots.

In the evening, Zhijin no longer cut down the coconut trees, but climbed to the top of the coconut trees to pick coconuts.

The coconut shell is very hard. Even if it falls to the ground, it can be intact as long as it doesn't hit a stone.

Needle gold also picked a large number of palm leaves.

Like coconuts, both palm leaves and coconut trees emit a strange smell of sulfur.

With ziti's Potion, the first pottery pot was made.

At dinner, a pot of hot water was successfully cooked on the fire.

Drinking hot water, eating barbecue, needle gold and others have a strong sense of happiness.

"This is the ultimate enjoyment in the world!" Zidi gave a heartfelt admiration.

The morning of the third day.


A wooden arrow flew out, and a bird on the crown of the coconut tree was frightened and flew away.

Zhen Jin sighed under the tree.

"Although the first short bow is made, I'm not good at adjusting the bow. The accuracy of the arrow is very poor."

After moving the left shoulder for a while, the previous injury has recovered more than half, and it will no longer affect needle gold archery.

Looking at the bird gradually flying away, Zhen Jin took out a wooden dart and threw it out with his feeling.

At the moment of throwing, the needle gold activated the heart core and turned the arm into a bear arm. Then, almost instantly, the change was cancelled.

The speed of the dart is amazing, like a flash of lightning. It hits the bird quickly and accurately, and falls to the ground with it.

Zhen Jin walked over and picked up the dead bird. The wooden dart was deeply inserted into the bird's chest, and only the tail of the dart remained in the bird's body, almost directly penetrating and flying out.

Now bird meat is no longer precious, and there are still a lot of lizard meat. However, bird feathers are very important and are the source of arrow feathers. Bird bones are also useful.

Last night, Zhen Jin told himself to try not to use the magic core in his heart.

But without bird feathers, there is no way to make qualified arrows. In addition, the number of birds in the oasis is very rare, which can't be compared with forests and rainforests, so Zhijin can't easily let go of any birds.

Carrying the bird, Zhijin returned to the original place and found a brand-new basket made of rattan.

The basket is full of mud by the lake.

Breakfast has been eaten. The original goal of Zhijin was to dig the mud and transport it back in baskets.

On the return trip, the young knight saw the flying bird and shot it directly.

With birds in one hand and baskets in the other, Zhijin returned to the temporary camp.

Zidi is setting up a tent in the camp.

This kind of tent is very simple. The skeleton is a stable triangular structure built by a few slender wooden strips split, and then palm leaves are thrown on the surface. Then use rattan or hemp rope to bind palm leaves and wood strips together.

The wide palm leaves are stacked one after another, and the tent ground is covered with fluffy hay, successfully creating a warm and windproof private resting place.

It is expected to build five such small tents, one for each of Zhijin, cangxu and others.

Zidi has built one and is building a second one. According to this progress, everyone will not sleep in the open air tonight.

"There is an unexpected harvest." Needle gold gives the bird to Zidi.

Zi Di looked up and smiled at Zhen Jin. "Just put it on the ground. Here, this is the medicine I prepared. People smell almost no smell, but it can drive away mosquitoes and poisonous ants."

Needle gold took the medicine and checked the situation of white buds and cyanobacteria.

The two men lay motionless on the grass, not far apart.

Zhen Jin leaned over and touched Bai Ya's forehead. He found that his high fever had subsided and his breathing was smoother than before.

This is a good sign.

Zhen Jin was slightly happy. Bai Ya was better at adjusting the bow than him, but now he can't be counted on.

"I hope he wakes up as soon as possible." Needle gold silently blesses in the heart.

If Bai Ya wakes up, she needs to be fed water, but can take the initiative to eat by herself. He will eat more and take more nutrition than now, which is more conducive to his recovery.

And cyanobacteria

He is awake.

He curled up on the ground, still motionless, with a dull expression and numb eyes, like a realistic puppet.

He is a bronze level spiritual cultivator, and his body foundation is much stronger than that of Bai Ya. But his mental state is very bad, and he has no interest in the food placed in front of him.

Needle gold sighed softly.

The young knight is not good at persuasion and comfort. More importantly, in his heart, his feelings about the cyanobacteria who killed his own brother to survive are also very complex.

Even Zhijin felt faint fear of comforting cyanobacteria.

Is this a kind of forgiveness and connivance for self darkness?

If you connive, will there be no bottom line?

Will you allow your heart core to erode your heart, and the noble Templar will not exist, replaced by a dark and degenerate evil?

Carrying the basket of soil, Zhen Jin walked out of the temporary camp and came to a nearby open space.

It used to be a piece of grass. The grass is luxuriant and higher than people's knees, but now these grass have been burned up.

A fire pit was dug out in the exposed open space, and Cang Xu was covering it with wet soil around the fire pit.

The building he built has taken shape, like a towering cylinder surrounding the fire pit.

"This is the earth kiln. Firewood is burned underground. Here is the grate, which is divided into upper and lower layers. Firewood is burned in the lower layer. Such a structure can make the air flow in faster and the fire burn more vigorously." Cang Xu introduced.

The height of the prototype of the earth kiln is not as high as the knee of needle gold, but even a complete earth kiln is not half as high as needle gold.

Looking down, Zhijin immediately saw the bottom of the earth kiln, which was separated by a furnace bridge. The furnace bridge is a round mud brick, with a diameter of about 30 cm, and the thickness cannot be seen clearly. The mud brick furnace bridge has obviously been dried, and there are small round holes on it, which are evenly distributed. Zhijin can imagine that once the earth kiln starts to operate, the dry firewood below will burn, and the flame will rise from these small round holes to the top of the furnace bridge.

Although this earth kiln is very small and simple, once completed, it will be far more stable than the campfire, with higher flame burning temperature and greater practical value.

"With this earth kiln, we can burn bricks and tiles, and initially build wooden houses with tiles. With the expansion of the scale of the earth kiln, or more, we can bake bricks with soil, and then build brick houses." Cang Xu then explained.

Zhen Jin couldn't help exclaiming, "cangxu scholar, is there anything else you don't know?"

Cang Xu smiled and shook his head, "I don't know too much knowledge. In fact, I have only mastered this knowledge in recent years. I have long wanted to go to the wild continent and want to improve my works. I have studied many materials of orcs, which is actually their life skills. Orcs are far behind our Terrans, and most of them are still in the tribal era. There are few Orc city states on the vast wild continent."

"So, is this enough soil?" Needle gold pointed to the basket full of mud.

Cang Xu calculated: "it's more than enough to build an earth kiln, but I'm afraid it's not enough to burn pottery pots. I have to bother Lord Zhen Jin to come again."

Cangxu certainly didn't plan to burn any bricks.

After two transmissions, everyone knows that as long as the transmission array is in place, the houses and camps built on this island have no practical value.

The reason why pottery pots are fired is that they need containers for storing water.

Needle gold, Cang Xu and Zi Di each have a water bag. But filling these water bags with water is far from enough.

They need more water, and the more water, the safer.

Oasis is just a place for recuperation. They still have to set out and trek in the desert.

There are many reserves of drinking water. Even if there is no new water source to draw water, everyone can support it for a long time. This allows them to resist greater risks.

Needle gold dumped all the mud by the lake and left the open space with an empty basket.

Instead of going to the lake immediately, he sprinkled a circle of potions around the camp.

No threats were found.

At present, this oasis is safe.

But it's better to do things like going out with money.

Whether Zidi or cangxu, it is difficult to resist the sudden attack.

When Zhijin returned to the camp again, Zidi was already building a third tent.

The rapid progress is entirely due to the small size of this private tent.

Several sticks build a frame, and then cover it with layers of pure natural palm leaves. When people get into the tent, they can basically lie on their back, which will cover their heads and feet. It is difficult to turn around in place. This pure natural tent is like a green Jerry built small coffin, and the space is very cramped.

When she found that it was Zhen Jin who came back, zididon put down her heart and began to work again.

She half knelt on the ground and got into the tent with her upper body, as if adjusting the palm leaves inside. Her lower body remained outside, and the small brown leather boots were no longer covered by the magic robe. Because of her posture, the magic robe was close to her hips, outlining a touching curve. When Zhen Jin saw this scene, he couldn't help shaking his heart.