V1.Chapter 57

Zhen Jin nodded, "I understand everything you want to say. Thank you for your reminder."

He left cangxu at a slow pace.

Although this time, the old scholar did not provide effective strategies, and he was helpless to pursue the scorpions. But he still brought a lot of help to Zhen Jin.

The young knight knew that cangxu was trying to remind himself that he had to make a decision.

Because as time goes on, the state of the whole team will become weaker and weaker, not only physically but also psychologically. If this situation is allowed to develop, it is likely that the scorpions have not fully attacked, and the team of Zhijin will collapse by itself first.

Zhen Jin communicates with Zidi again.

"My Lord." Zi Di's tone seemed very weak, with her back against the golden granite.

Her petite body was still covered by the magic robe. Now the magic robe has become dirty, and there are many gaps in the hem and back.

Amethyst like eyes are far less bright than before, becoming dim and lack of vitality.

At her initiative, she ate less than other members.

In order to try to keep her questions, she put on a hood. Under the night wind, the hair flowing in front of the forehead gently flicked.

With a slight sigh in her heart, Zhen Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of love.

He stretched out his hand and carefully brushed Zidi's hair aside to avoid covering his eyes.

Zidi's eyes twinkled: "Sir, do you think we can escape this island?"

Zhen Jin was immediately shocked. At this moment, Zidi was so weak.

The young knight suddenly realized that Zidi in front of her. If she put aside all her abilities and identities, she was only a weak girl after all.

She needs encouragement, comfort and dependence.

"Of course. As long as we do our best." Zhen Jin encouraged, although he also knew that this was very pale.

Zidi nodded and asked, "when do you think we should start hunting a scorpion?"

Zhen Jin was silent for a moment: "you might as well wait and see."

After talking with Zidi for a while, like cangxu, Zidi said that it was difficult for him to help Zhijin more.

After kissing * * and asking other members, Zhen Jin was finally alone.

Both Zidi and cangxu are wise people.

Both of them are very clear about the current situation. If they delay unnecessarily, they will die. Although they didn't say it clearly, they were actually euphemistically persuading Zhen Jin to choose adventure - kill a gun scorpion, then dissect it, and use the body part of the gun scorpion as material to prepare medicine.

But Zhen Jin has his own ideas.

He once saw the confrontation between lizards and golden scorpions in the golden gneiss group.

He was thinking, "if there is such an environment again, the lizards and scorpions will meet each other and fight together, which will inevitably lead to chaos."

"Then, this will be an opportunity."

The reason why Zhen Jin led everyone back here is to create this opportunity.

But Zhen Jin did not disclose his plan to others.

Why don't you know?

Because the needle gold is not really sure.

Speaking rashly undoubtedly gives people hope. But if the plan fails, people will be even more disappointed. According to the current morale of the team, Zhijin feels that disappointment after hope will greatly test everyone's psychological endurance limit.

Cang Xu admonished him before to understand the people's hearts and prevent mental breakdown. In fact, needle gold doesn't need Cang Xu's advice. He has already mastered this secretly.

Late at night, on the gneiss.

The young knight withdrew his eyes cast into the night and shifted to the spider blade in his hand.

Under the moonlight, there was an obvious crack on the surface of the spider blade.

This extremely sharp weapon can no longer be used frequently.

Needle gold is not surprising.

This is normal.

Strictly speaking, the spider blade is just a material, not a real sword.

It originally grew on the body of the silver Warcraft blade spider. Although it is hard and sharp, it is still a part of the blade spider's body and receives the nutrition delivered by the spider's main body all the time.

Only in this way can the blade spider keep its feet healthy and sharp for a long time.

After the blade spider was killed by needle gold, its feet and limbs were cut off, completely becoming a dead thing, and no nutrition was delivered.

Subsequently, these blades have been used and consumed.

Under normal circumstances, spider blade is an excellent weapon material. Alchemists, foundry masters and so on use a series of magic, alchemy, smelting and other means to deal with, the spider blade can be preserved for a long time.

If you really want to build long alchemy instruments or magic weapons, the process and technology required will be more high-end and complex. Various materials are combined to form a whole to achieve magic coordination.

Even so, the alchemy utensils or magic weapons produced need maintenance.

Even artifacts need to be watered by faith or divine power.

The spider blade in needle gold's hand has not been maintained from beginning to end, and it is only next to the sword handle. It can be said that it is extremely shoddy.

Damage is its inevitable fate.

In the last two days, needle gold used spider blade to fight with gun scorpion, which accelerated the loss of spider blade. The scorpion shell is extremely hard, and the needle gold can only leave shallow cutting marks on the shell of the silver gun scorpion with all its strength. The rest of the gun scorpions have to work hard to cut through the scorpion shell.

At this moment, pin Jin, alone, looked at the cracked spider blade in his hand and couldn't help thinking: how long can this weapon last? Can he rely on it to kill the silver lance scorpion?

Then he thought of himself: "how long can I hold on to myself?"

Since the second transmission, the young knight, like a sword in his hand, has never been rested, and his food and water supply are insufficient. He has also experienced long-distance raids, brave breakthroughs and other actions, squeezing his physical strength and energy violently, and has reached the limit faintly.

"This spider blade is no longer reliable."

"Then what else can I rely on?"

This time, Zhen Jin began to stop thinking about gods.

He knew that magic was an extravagant hope.

His only card is variation.

Relying on the variation of his body, he killed the silver blade spider and the dangerous flying rat.

But the ability to mutate is unreliable.

After transmission, it has not been triggered.

Needle gold doesn't know the reason.

He guessed that there were two relatively big possibilities.

The first is that he is not on the verge of death, emotionally not intense, unable to meet the trigger conditions.

The second is the lack of magic in the magic crystal in his heart, which is not enough to make him mutate for the third time. Think about it carefully. The first time it mutated into a claw, the second time its arms were as thick as a bear, and the second time it mutated less than the first time. And the second time, needle gold had noticed the sharp decline of the magic crystal in his heart.

"As for fighting..." On the top of the huge gold granite, the needle gold frowned slightly.

"Even if I can recall the key content and know how to mobilize fighting spirit."

"The suppression of this island also makes it impossible for me to use fighting spirit. In fact, with the help of fighting spirit, it is very easy to kill silver spear scorpions."

Of course, this premise is the spirit of silver and the spirit of above quality.

The night was boundless, and the cold night wind blew her golden hair slightly shaking.

The young knight stopped looking at the sword in his hand, and he set his eyes on the moon hanging overhead.

The moonlight, like a thin veil, covered Jin Yingting's face, penetrated into his golden hair, and gradually stretched the boy's slightly frowned eyebrows.

The corners of needle gold's mouth slowly cocked up, and even sent out a silent smile.

At this moment, he was in the vast sand sea, and there was silence around him. It seemed that he was the only one left to face the vast world, universe and nature.

The young man's heart filled with infinite emotion - compared with nature, what am I?

My struggle, my struggle, my wild hope, and my responsibility are of vital importance to me, heavier than life! But in this world, they are very tiny, like grains of sand.

My fight with scorpions and lizards is just a small part of countless groups in nature, in countless competitions for reproduction and survival.

Zhen Jin felt deeply, but he was not discouraged or depressed at all.

He found his heart very calm, very calm, without any anxiety, anxiety or sadness.

On the contrary, he has a lot of calm and calm.

This is completely different from before.

Not long ago, he led the entire exploration team, facing the crisis of food shortage. He decided to deal with the rats and make a short bow.

He bravely assumed the responsibility of the leader, but in the whole process, although he had been calm on the surface, his heart was full of panic, helplessness, anxiety, worry and so on.

Now the situation is much worse than before, but the young knight's heart is very calm.

Tribulation is a gift of fortune. After receiving this wealth, Zhijin has achieved considerable growth.

This is not the growth of cultivation and combat effectiveness, but the rise of mood.

It's like a butterfly breaking away from a thick cocoon.