V1.Chapter 55

The sun scorched the tawny desert violently.

Under the abuse of the sun, the sand dunes can only be paralyzed.

The air was distorted by the heat, and a man stepped on the hot sand step by step, moving slowly.

The man was thin, puffy under the eyes, and his eyes were absent-minded. He breathed heavily when walking, like a mechanical puppet.

He is not only a person, but also a comatose man on his back.

The man with his back closed his eyes. Even in a coma, his eyebrows were still tightly frowned and twisted into a pimple.

This is because he has a wound in his back, and the pain has been torturing him.

Comparatively speaking, the comatose men are stronger, while the walking men are thinner. Although physically different, their faces are very similar, showing their similar blood relationship.

It's the brothers Huangzao and cyanobacteria.

Since seeing Zidi, cangxu and others besieged by lizards on the sand dunes, the brothers secretly fled the green lizard's nest at the insistence of Huang Zao.

But on the way, they still encountered lizards wandering away. In order to save Huang Zao's life, cyanobacteria desperately blocked the acid spray for her brother. Cyanobacteria was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

The desert is boundless and seems boundless.

Yellow algae carrying cyanobacteria have been moving forward for many times.

He was thirsty and hungry. His stomach had been growling for a long time, and what tortured him more was the feeling of thirst.

Now his throat is almost smoking, and his closed lips have been dry and cracked. Every time he breathes with his nose, the hot air is like magma pouring into his throat.

"Water... Water..."

The faint call of cyanobacteria came from my ears.

Cyanobacteria was still unconscious, and this call was entirely from his instinct to survive.

The call broke Huang Zao's confused state. He blinked, stopped and stood in place.

Then, he held his brother with one hand, and the other hand came out empty, stroking the forehead of cyanobacteria.

The forehead of cyanobacteria is hotter than the sand and stone under your feet.

Huang Zao's heart also sinks.

Cyanobacteria coma and high fever, this is definitely not a good sign.

Under normal circumstances, if the patient's disease is too serious, he has to seek divine treatment. The priests from the temple of life in the Shengming empire are very good at healing.

But now, the brothers are on this treacherous Island, and in the desert, where can they find the priest of the temple of life?

"Maybe I should have worked hard with my brother to save miss Zidi. She has medicine, and even if she doesn't, she can make medicine." Huang Zao thought of this and felt a trace of regret.

But immediately, he shook his head secretly: "no, Miss ziti, and cangxu are dead. Now they must be dead. They are eaten by lizards, eaten into their stomachs, and then pulled out. No matter how beautiful people, noble people, knowledgeable people, and young people, they will only be a pool of shit."

"I don't want to be a puddle of shit."

"Brother, you have to hold on." Huang Zao said silently in his heart.

He stepped forward and set off again.

"Water... Water..." the cyanobacteria still called from time to time, and the call became weaker and weaker.

Huang Zao wanted to smile bitterly, but he didn't have the strength to move the muscles of his face to make a wry expression.

"I also want water, even if I use all of it!" Huang Zao shouted in his heart.

"But isn't all our water used to clean your wound? My brother."

"I swear, if I find water now, even if it is a lake, I dare to drink it up!"

Huang Zao, who was secretly cruel, was stunned at the next moment.

Turning to the sand dunes in front of him, his vision suddenly widened, and there really appeared an oasis.

Huang Zao was stunned, and immediately he reacted, his eyes widened, his mouth opened, showing a color of ecstasy.

He shouted.

"Oasis, oasis!"

"Brother, we have water, we have water!!"

"Just like the last time, we were transported here and found an oasis. Now we have an oasis again."

"Hahaha. We are saved! Brother, we are saved."

The yellow algae carried the blue algae on their backs and ran to the oasis at an unprecedented speed.

Ecstasy seemed to endow him with endless physical strength, and the originally heavy cyanobacteria was as light as straw at this moment.

However, no matter how fast he ran, the distance between him and the oasis was never shortened.

Suddenly Huang Zao's legs softened and he fell on the sand. The cyanobacteria on his back also fell to the ground and rolled for several rounds, still unconscious.

Huang Zao raised his head, and the sand stained his face, while the oasis in his vision dissipated abruptly.

Huang Zao was stunned.

Because he had just run violently, his chest was constantly heaving and panting.

"No, no!" Huang Zao knelt on the ground, hugged his head with both hands, and grabbed his hair. He hoped that the despair after that would make him more miserable.

"It's not true, it's not true." He stretched out his hand, five fingers open, reaching in the direction of the oasis phantom, but he couldn't catch it.

"It's fake, fake..." Huang Zao had no strength.

The previous rush drained his last bit of physical strength, but because of his emotional excitement, he ignored his true state.

Finally, he fell to the ground, which was also caused by his body's inability to bear and separation.

Without oasis, it turned out to be just a mirage.

Everything is empty.

The sun is still warm and pressing, and the desert is vast, and the yellow algae in it is like a bug.

Tiny, pathetic, ridiculous.

His brother, whom he once thought he depended on, was now unconscious and lay motionless on Sha Shuo not far away.

At this moment, the unprecedented sense of helplessness wrapped Huang Zao's body and mind.

The pressure of surviving alone, he finally clearly felt that he could no longer resist the previous confused state.



"Don't be afraid." Huang Zao told herself so.


"I can't seem to breathe..." the next moment, Huang Zao grabbed his chest clothes.

Fear, helplessness, desolation, sadness and other emotions are so strong that they block his chest, his throat, his mouth and nose, and almost suffocate him!

"I, I don't want to die..." finally, Huang Zao burst into tears.

Hoo, hoo, Hoo

Needle gold's chest heaved violently, panting heavily.

He is also in a bad state. The injury on his arm has not improved under Zidi's treatment. The wound has turned into pus, and he has a low fever.

Although water and food were given priority to him, it was not enough to eat and drink.

So he was still hungry.

Whether hungry or thirsty, or injured, he felt his limbs weak.

But now these were all forgotten by pin Jin, and he focused all his attention on the enemy in front of him.

It was the silver Warcraft, the leader of the golden lance scorpion group, that confronted him.

After successfully breaking through the encirclement and getting rid of the green lizard, Zhen Jin's worry quickly turned into reality.

Led by the leader, the scorpion group killed through the lizard group and pursued Zhen Jin and others.

The speed of the exploration team was not as fast as those giant scorpions the size of horses, and they were soon caught up.

Pin Jin had to stand up and fight with the leader of the scorpion group.

This is not the fourth confrontation.

The two sides are still neck and neck.

Silver and scorpion hissed and retreated slowly. After a distance, it turned and left.

It has added several new scars, which are made of needle gold.

But the scorpion's shell is really too hard. Even if the needle and the gold drum do their best to chop, they don't completely cut through this shell.

"If I can stimulate the fighting spirit, whether I increase my own strength or attach myself to the weapon to add sharpness, I can kill this scorpion." Needle gold sighed in her heart.

Seeing the leader of the gun scorpion retreat, others did not cheer, and their faces were dignified.

At first, they saw that Zhen Jin forced the leader of the scorpion group back, and cheered. But then they found that the silver Warcraft did not really leave, but was surrounded by scorpions, followed by needle gold.

After a period of time, the leader of the scorpion group seemed to slow down and rushed up again to fight alone with Zhen Jin.

Repeated fierce fights made needle gold very tired.

He expended too much physical strength and energy. After joining up with Zidi, cangxu and others, he didn't really rest.

But he didn't dare to show it at all, for fear that Scorpions would rush up after seeing weakness.

Needle gold can barely fight with the scorpion leader, but once the war is in full swing, he will not be able to protect himself, let alone protect others.

"Adult, please let me check your injury." Seeing the end of the battle, Zidi immediately came to Zhen Jin and carefully examined the wound on her body.

Most of the new wounds on the needle gold were corroded by acid, but most of them were caused by the leader of the scorpion group.

She took out the medicine and sprinkled it on the wound of needle gold.

However, she was helpless about the injury on needle gold's arm.

The girl frowned and shook her head. "Adult, your arm injury is getting worse. My medicine has no effect on it. Alas, if there is enough material, maybe I can configure a medicine to alleviate the injury."

Needle gold patted the back of the girl's hand with a gentle attitude and said with a smile, "miss Zidi, you have done well enough. My strength makes me have a body far beyond ordinary people. Once there is a wound, I need more efficient drugs to have the effect of treatment. But the low-level magic drugs here are useless."

"The effect of the herbal medicine you made is amazing. You've done your best."

The girl was silent for a moment, Then he carefully analyzed his face and said, "in fact, the scorpion's golden spear is not toxic. Although the wound on the adult's arm is large, it can be cured by the adult's own resilience. But now, we can't get rid of the scorpion group. Adult, you can only fight with the scorpion group leader continuously, constantly squeezing the energy and physical strength in your body. Every fierce battle pulls the wound, and there is no rest at all, and there is no time to recover."

"Yes, sir, if we go on like this, we may die in the hands of these scorpions." Someone interposed.

Others are also worried.

Everyone can see that the state of needle gold is getting worse and worse.

In the current situation, people rely on needle gold to survive. If Zhen Jin falls, even if they resist with all their strength, they will only become the food of scorpions.