V1.Chapter 22

The sky was blue and the branches overhead were crisscrossed.

As they moved forward, both Zhijin and Zidi felt that the air temperature was falling rapidly.

Once, in a wide field of vision, Zhijin looked into the distance and found a snow-white trace.

"That's a snow mountain. Damn it, there are snow mountains on this island!"

According to the route of the pig kiss, this island is obviously in the tropics, and the rainforest is the most normal landform, but there are not only mountains, but also snow mountains. According to the previous description of yellow algae, there is also desert.

"Adult, look, there are yellow algae footprints here!"

Zidi made a new discovery.

After checking, Zhen Jin nodded and confirmed, "we are about to find him. In addition to him, we may also find other members of the exploration team."

The direction of their walking has been adjusted.

Because along the way, they not only found the footprints of yellow algae, but also the marks left by the exploration team.

In front of me, the pines blocked the way. Needle gold held up the scythe in his hand, cut off the filaments hanging on the branches and almost hanging to the ground, and continued to walk.

This scythe is made from a curved spider's foot.

In addition, with the help of Zidi, Zhijin also made several spider spears and a spider sword.

These newly made weapons are very sharp. Along the way, they bring great convenience to Zhen Jin and Zi di.

The spider battle has greatly improved the weapons and equipment of needle gold.

The texture of steel sword is far inferior to that of spider sword.

In the past, Zhen Jin would be very happy, but now he doesn't care much.

These days, he has been thinking about the change that happened not long ago. His hands suddenly mutated into the claws of the monkey tailed brown bear, and after stabbing the Eight Legged spider, it also made the silver beast burn from inside to outside, thus killing him!

Afterwards, he didn't tell Zidi the truth, and the prevarication was actually quite clumsy.

But Zidi didn't ask.

The understanding of the fiancee made Zhen Jin secretly feel deep in her heart.

But what is all this about?

The first thing Zhen Jin thought of was the transfiguration spell.

Druids can become wolves, bears and even dragons. Mages also have sheep changing skills, and thieves have camouflage skills.

"Am I not just a Templar, but also a part-time job?"

This conjecture was immediately dispelled by needle gold.

Because no matter what magic, there must be a casting process.

However, the change of hands at that time was very natural, and there was no unconscious spell casting at all.

Don't forget that the use of low-level magic and fighting spirit is also prohibited on the whole island.

"So, is it blood awakening?"

Aristocrats have more than ordinary blood lines, and these blood lines are often accompanied by obvious characteristics.

For example, the blood of emperor Shengming is the blood of the temple. All the family lineages, including emperor Shengming, have silver pupils and grow snow-white wings.

Half elves with elves and human lineages also have sharp ears.

Human nobles with demons or demon blood usually have horns on their heads.

"But why do my hands turn into monkey tailed brown bears?"

Is it the brown bear's blood that the needle gold awakens?

Not to mention whether there is such blood, it's a little too coincidental to say all this?

"So, the biggest possibility is still the potion that Zidi temporarily configured to save me?"

Needle gold guessed that the potion produced in the process of that non reproducible rescue was likely to be a transformation potion!

At that time, Zidi instilled a large amount of monkey tailed brown bear blood into needle gold.

And blood is the main material of a corresponding transfiguration agent.

While the needle gold was saved, the effect of the transformation medicine was also hidden in his body. Until the face of the Eight Legged spider, needle gold was on the verge of death, and the drug effect broke out.

Needle gold thinks this is the most likely, so the follow-up speculation will become more.

"Is this transformation medicine still effective?"

"Can it break out for the second time?"

"If it breaks out again, how long can it last?"

Zhen Jin hopes that he can explode again, and this change can still happen.

Because this is a card.

The face of this card is very large. Pin Jin killed a silver level beast directly by this!

Although there are various favorable factors, we can never deny the terrorist attack ability of claw itself.

As for the power erosion, blood pollution and other problems that may be caused by taking this kind of transformation medicine, needle gold can only be temporarily thrown aside.

How can he care about these things now!

Everything should ensure survival.

These hidden dangers can be purified by looking for the priest of the temple after they are stable in the future.

It's windy.

The trees rustled, and the forest stirred pines mixed with dark green, thick green and light green.

The wind seems to be blowing from the snow mountain, driving the air temperature to drop rapidly.

This did not bring any trouble to Zhen Jin and Zi di.

Although their clothes are thin, they carry many pieces of hot ore.

Follow the trace and go all the way.

A gurgling mountain spring appeared in their eyes.

"This should be groundwater." After observing, Zhijin guessed, "the spring here is very clear and cool."

He was not in a hurry to drink, although their water storage had long been reduced to the warning line.

The water source in the wild is not so safe. Drinking water rashly is likely to cost your life.

"There are a lot of animal footprints here. It should be no problem." Zi Di pointed to the soil around the spring and suddenly looked slightly changed. "Wait, Lord Zhen Jin, look here."

On the other side of the mountain spring, they saw a large number of human footprints.

These footprints surround the mountain spring. Obviously, many people squatted here to collect the underground spring water here.

"Well, some footprints are still very new. It seems that we are very close to the exploration team. But now, let's fill the empty water bag first." Needle gold path.

They began to collect water.

Fortunately, they found the water bag, otherwise there was no water storage vessel, so it was very inconvenient to explore in the wild.

Zi Di squatted on the ground, stretched her arms, opened the small opening of the water bag to the maximum, and buried herself in irrigation.

The posture of getting water from needle gold is very exquisite.

He did not bury his head in water, but always raised his head, glanced at his eyes from time to time, and scouted around while watering.

There are many beasts in the wild, which specially use water to wait for rabbits. Once the prey loses their vigilance because of drinking water, these beasts will rush like lightning and hunt their targets.

There are similar training contents in the Terran army.

When drinking water, you should always look up to prevent being attacked by the enemy.

So, when the enemy appeared, Zhen Jin took the lead in discovering it and loudly reminded Zidi.

The two men stood up quickly.

One, two, three

Some emerged from the forest, some stood up from the high rocks, and some loomed in the grass.

Soon, teenagers and girls found that they were surrounded.

Most of these people are panting in the clothing of sailors, with a tanned face exposed to the sun and the wind. Everyone has weapons, mainly machetes, but also swords, spears, and even bows and crossbows.

A bronze elite stepped out of the crowd and walked in front of Zhen Jin and Zi di.

Seeing this man, the fine light in her golden eyes flashed away.

Zidi's face changed slightly, and she said unhappily, "it's you! Hum, we finally caught you, Huang Zao."