Congratulations to the host, 3800 villains in total

How much!?

Wang Hao was stunned again. Once the blasphemy had so many entries that he wanted to work in the TV station. Then he smiled at the camera every day.

Xia Weiwei brandishes a small fist to kill, "Wang Hao, hurry to give money, otherwise miss Ben sees you hit you once."

"Money!? No! " Wang Hao looked at the meat bun in his hand, and then put a meat bun into his mouth.

"You, you..." Xiaweiwei stamped her feet angrily, and her little fists fell like raindrops.

Wang Hao stepped on the lightning step at his feet and dodged easily. "Xia Xiaoniu, everyone is a classmate. I'm short of money these days. I'll invite you next time. Why do you bother?"

"Miss Ben farts when you are short of money." Xiaweiwei's cheeks are puffed up, and her fists are not weakened.

Wang Hao kept his twelve point spirit to dodge Xia Weiwei's attack. "Xia Xiaoniu, you really make trouble out of nothing. It was like this yesterday, and it is like this again today. Are you sincere to embarrass me?"

Xia Weiwei snorted coldly: "you dare to mention yesterday's things. I was tossed all night and didn't sleep. It's all your fault."

Wang Hao is stupefied next, did not sleep all night? Is it between her and Mai Mengmeng

At this time, Mai Mengmeng also rushed over, red face advised: "Wei Wei don't fight, brother Wang Hao is not the kind of person you want."


Hearing the dialogue among the three, all the students gathered here felt that there was gossip, or big gossip.

If the shameless lecheron, give money, money is tight, entangled, as well as being tossed all night without sleep.

It can be understood that yesterday, Xia Weiwei and Wang Hao went to a small hotel, and then they were tossed all night.

But Wang Hao got up this morning and said that he was short of money to pay the rent. He asked Xia Weiwei to pay for it and promised to ask him next time.

For the proud eleven high school students, it's a shame that they have to give money even after being tossed all night, so there's a scene now.

Besides, it seems that he knows these things when he looks at the red face of Mengmeng.

But Mai Mengmeng actually said that Wang Hao was not that kind of person. Does this mean that when Mai Mengmeng and Wang Hao went out, they both got money from Wang Hao.

Such an association, all students are shocked, we are all high school students, but why the gap is so big!?

What's more, these three people are still doing this kind of thing when they are about to take the college entrance examination. Is that really good!?

What the students can't accept most is that Wang Hao, a bastard, can do things like trampling on two boats or even going to a small hotel without giving money. He is really the scum man among the scum men.

"No way. How could miss Wei be with such a scum man?"

"I don't believe it. I have to split this scum man alive."

"Is that what you're looking at? Can you really tolerate this scum man insulting the goddess of our eleventh high school? "

"I can't bear it. I'm a member of Miss Mengmeng's flower protection Corps. I must have torn this scum man today."

"Let's go!"


Wang Hao saw the onlookers join in the ranks of denouncing himself, completely ignorant, who can tell him what happened!?

Do you need to be beaten by so many people in this world because you are hungry and rob your classmates of meat buns!?

"Dingdong, congratulations on the success of the host's desecration, which led to the siege of hundreds of people, and a total of 5000 villains."

Wang Hao's face was full of tears. He didn't laugh this time! Why do you desecrate the goddess!?

In the distance, an old man with white beard was stared at by blowing his beard. These students were so outrageous that they beat each other in school. It was a decoration when he was a clock away from the principal of the 11th high school!

"Here, here..."

Suddenly, President Zhong Li is shocked to see Wang Hao jumping up and down. He is one of the few people on the earth who knows Wang Hao's life experience.

Wang Hao was kicked out by Royal College, and then came to earth 11 high school after several twists and turns, which was his father's alma mater.

Originally, Zhong Li thought that Wang Hao would become a dazzling star in martial arts like his father, but as a result, Wang Hao liked the potion, and the achievement of the potion was not low, and he was not good at forcing Wang Hao, so he was sad for a long time.

But what did he see today!? The best footwork!

It's unbelievable that a high school student who lives in the laboratory every day can understand the best footwork.

"Genius, this kid is absolutely a genius, a super genius stronger than his father."

At this moment, Zhong Li is excited. He will never allow such a genius to waste time in the laboratory. Wang Hao's stage should be the most dazzling star in the martial arts world like his father's.

"Stop it all!" Clock from shout a, tiptoe point ground, jump and rise, fell beside Wang Hao.

"It's the headmaster. Let's run!"

Seeing the arrival of the principal, all the students stopped at once, and then ran towards the playground.

Zhong Li didn't pay attention to the students, but looked at Wang Hao, nodded his head and praised him: "yes, yes, really good."

Then did not give Wang Hao reaction time, one by one will Wang Hao and xiaweiwei two people caught up, flew to a high platform on the playground.

"A top student in a pharmacy class and a top student in a martial arts class, if you want to fight in school, you two will stand on the stage and listen to today's school meeting." Zhong Li scolds and turns to look at the students on the playground, ignoring Wang Hao and Xia Weiwei.

Wang Hao shrugs his shoulders innocently, takes out a meat bun and eats it in three or two bites. This is the reward he gets for educating Xia Weiwei. There is no psychological burden to eat.

At the same time, I asked the system in my mind why I got so many points for blasphemy.

"The system indicates that the goddess is a kind of spiritual totem. The host desecrates them and seriously infringes on the holy land of other people's mind, which is more harmful than the body. The system thinks that this is a real bad thing."


Wang Hao was choked. He didn't even touch Xia Weiwei's hand. How could he invade others' holy land? It's too much to talk about!

"The system prompts that as long as other people think that you have desecrated their goddess, no matter whether the host has done something bad or not, it will be regarded as violating the Holy Land in other people's hearts."

Wang Hao rolled his eyes. It's really the hope of the future of the interstellar Federation. You can't refuse to accept the imagination of these teenagers!

"Choke to death!"

Xia Weiwei on the edge gnashed her teeth angrily and cursed Wang Hao for choking to death, robbing her of meat buns and making her hungry. What a shameless bastard.

The headmaster Zhong Li glanced at Wang Hao, who was sitting on the ground behind him. He didn't say anything. He cleared his throat and began to speak to the microphone.

"Today is the 140th pre graduation meeting of the 11th high school. The first thing I want to say to all the students who are about to take the college entrance examination is to learn from the pride of our 11th high school, marshal Zhenwei and Wang Tianyi!"

Just after the speech, the whole venue was quiet. All the students were very serious and their eyes were focused on the stone statue of Wang Tianyi in the playground.

This is not only the pride of the 11th high school, but also the pride of the whole interstellar Federation civilians