Gou stupidly explained that he quickly cleaned up the dishes and came downstairs with the tray, and then turned back to the room in two minutes, and quickly went to fetch hot water again to cool him down.

"Is the temperature OK?" Asked Gou stupidly and carefully.

"Yes." Yan Zhen's soft response, still lying on the sofa, eyes closed, do not know what to think, anyway strange.

"I'll get the thermometer." Gou stupefied and quickly moved his medicine box over, sat on the carpet, took out the thermometer, dripped it on Yan Zhen's forehead, took it up and looked, "it should be a little bit fever abatement, but it's still a little high, you need to rest, wait for your fever abatement, and then change your medicine."

"Yes." Yan Zhen responded softly, breathing steadily, as if he was going to sleep.

"Is your arm still sore?" Gou stupefied heartache of ask, but oneself this is not rubbish? The hand that just hurt yesterday, deep visible bone, can today do not ache? It must be more painful than when I was just injured.

"Have you finished your homework?" Yan Zhen suddenly opened his eyes and asked. His eyes were sharp, and he was shocked by his stupidity. He immediately stood up and was very straight.

"I finished yesterday!" At that moment, Gou daze was really scared by Yan Zhen. Before that, his tenderness was gone in her mind.

My God!

Yan Zhen has a good temper. Maybe he is too strict? Close your eyes again. "The towel is cold." He said slowly.

"Oh! Oh! " Gou stupidly immediately squatted down again to help him change towels. All morning, she sat beside him without saying a word. Every few minutes, under Yan Zhen's warning, she changed towels for him until the fever subsided.

"Drop." Gou stupidly roasted the temperature for Yan Zhen again, "well, the fever is gone, I'll change your dressing."

Yan Zhen immediately sat up and took off his clothes. He blushed immediately, but he was still calm. He took off the gauze for Yan Zhen. When the wound she had sewn up last night was exposed, her heart was still touched. The seven or eight centimeter long wound was deeply visible. It was still shocking to think of it.

She took a deep breath, disinfected his wound, and then applied the medicine gently. "If it hurts, you have to say it. I'll take care of it." Gou stupefied, washed and disinfected his wound, and then saw that there was a little swelling around it. This is a normal phenomenon, and it will disappear soon.

Yan Zhen is still silent, leaving Gou stupidly to apply medicine to him.

Gou stupidly and wisely stopped talking. After taking the medicine, he wrapped it with gauze. "OK, I'll change the medicine for you tomorrow. The wound must not touch water." She said.

It's also a matter of learning for practical use. She doesn't know why she studies this major, but today she finally knows that her original choice is right.

Gou stupidly packed the medical box and the discarded articles alone, "you have a good rest, I'll go out first."

"Yes." Yan Zhen's answer is still short.

Gou stupefied and didn't answer. He took his medical kit and left Yan Zhen's room. He took the door for him and said, "ah..." She sighed deeply. It seemed that she had thought too much, and could not enter Yan Zhen's heart at all.

Today, he is also careless, so don't worry about it, so as not to think about it.

Gou stupidly went back to his room and received a call from Yin Qing.