"No, Miss Lin, how can I sit down and eat with you? I'll have some at will. You have a good meal." Aunt laughs happily and says, every day takes ten thousand yuan salary, she certainly must serve the gold Lord.

"It doesn't matter, auntie. You can't finish so much. Go get the dishes and sit down and eat together." Lin Zijin said with a smile, but in order to ease the awkward atmosphere between her and Jiang chuhuai, they sat together for dinner. It was a bit embarrassing for her. I don't know what to say. It's not good to keep silent. Let Auntie adjust the atmosphere together.

"Well, then." Aunt finally agreed, I don't know what Lin Zijin means. In a word, it's good to eat. So many delicious foods are all made of superior ingredients. Of course, she can't refuse such good things.

After a while, my aunt came with a bowl of chopsticks, sat down beside them, and then opened it.

Jiang chuhuai must have something to say to her, but because there is an aunt here, he didn't say a word at the last time, and silently finished the meal.

Lin Zijin is very embarrassed. She was helped to carry the damage. In the end, she did it. Isn't it too irresponsible? But she really doesn't want to delay Jiang chuhuai. He should have a better partner, not her.

"I'll go to work first. It's late. I'm coming in the afternoon." Lin Zijin said to Jiang, Chu and Huai, holding the bag and pinching it, he was ready to leave.

"Well, be safe on the way." Jiang chuhuai smiles and sends Lin Zijin out of the ward.

"You go back, I know." Lin Jin says, this just turns around to leave.

Just after Lin Zijin left, Jiang chuhuai's face showed his deep feeling of pain. The wound on his head was quite deep, so it hurt a lot.

"Sir, go back and lie down. The doctor said you need more rest before you can leave the hospital earlier." Auntie said.

"Good aunt." Jiang Chu Huai light way, face some cold, turned back to the ward to rest.


Lin Zijin walked out of the hospital, because the time was too late, there was a meeting, so she could only stop a taxi to go to the company.

In the afternoon of that day, Lin Zijin held a meeting to discuss the sales issues and product design issues of each district. Because she knows more about cosmetics, all the contents of the meeting are around her. Jiang Ying's questions are answered one by one. Fortunately, skin care cosmetics is her specialty.

During the meeting and discussion, ah Yu's poor eyes were staring at her all the time. It was the kind of eyes that could not be used to and could not be dried up, which made people laugh.

Lin Zijin sat at his desk, sorted out all the contents of today's meeting, and then sent them to Jiang Ying to have a look, all of which were various design problems of skin care and cosmetics.

Ah Yu's eyes still stare at her.

"Well, Yi, I think I've seen it somewhere." Ah Yu whispered to the colleague sitting in front of her.

The colleague in front of her is called Yiyi, the one who accidentally threw Lin Zijin's cake last time.

Yi Yi immediately turned around, lying at the desk of ah Yu's office and asked, "ah Yu, what do you say? What have you seen? "

"Is Lin Zijin, I say she, I seem to have seen where, but I can't remember." Ah Yu said, I think I've seen it somewhere, but I can't remember anything at the critical moment.