"But..." The present shareholders want to say something more, but they don't know how to refute it.

"I have a list of companies that I particularly want to work with at present. Would you like to have a look?" "You don't want to, there are a lot of companies willing to, don't think I'm talking about unfair terms, for your investment in Gu over the years, I can't ask too much!"

"If you want to share Gu's clothing stock, you can also. I will sell two shares from my hands. If you want to invest, you can find me. But you want to cover the White Wolf empty handed. Sorry, the gate is over there. Please leave!" Gu Fanxing said.

The papers were left on the conference table heavily. The whole conference room was silent. Everyone's eyes fell on her. There were angry, unwilling and forbearing, but they could not be refuted.

As Gu Fanxing said, they have no investment and contribution to Gu's clothing at all, so the profit of Gu's clothing really has nothing to do with them.

"By the way, my shares will be put on the stock market. You can watch and buy. The new factory will open next week. So you can only think about it for one week. After this week, I will close my investment." Gu Fanxing said with an indifferent smile, as if he was totally wrong.

"Didn't you swear that I would invest in the garment factory without consulting you? Now I can tell you clearly that the clothing factory is a win-win cooperation between me and Shengshi. You have no right to participate! " Gu Fanxing's long fingertips gently tap the desktop, and his clear eyes stare at all of you.

Seeing their faces changing, she knew she had won the internal war.

"Well, that's all I have to say today. Do you have anything else to ask or add?" Gu Fanxing asked.

The present shareholders are silent and silent under Gu Fanxing's awe. They all express their acquiescence.

"Well, in that case, let's go." Gu Fanxing finished, picked up the paper that had just been left on the conference table, and strode out of the conference room.

She knew that after this time, there must be a lot of people in the private bottom pulling down the clique, talking about her, maybe not sure what kind of action will be made.

But she made up her mind that she would not let them take over the achievements she had made.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Fanxing got off work on time. However, he happened to receive a call from Lin Zijin.

"Star baby, are you off work? I've got off the plane. " Lin Zijin's happy voice came from the phone.

"Well, I just got off work. Do you want me to pick you up? I'm fine this afternoon. " Gu Fanxing has thrown what Li Qingtian said to her out of the sky.

"Really? Then I'll wait for you at the airport? " Lin Zijin said with a smile.

"OK, I'll be here soon." Gu Fanxing looks at her watch. She drives to the airport for only ten minutes. Soon, she can have dinner together.

"Then I'll wait for you to pick me up at exit two." Lin Zijin's way of smiling, the first day back home to enjoy the best treatment in the world, really good.

"Well, good." Gu Fanxing agreed, hung up the phone, picked up his small handbag, and turned to leave the office.

"Muran, give me the company's car key. I'll go first." Gu Fanxing says hello to Mu ran, asks for the car key and strides away from Gu.

Because Li Qingtian said today that he would come to pick her up, ah Wu and ah Liu didn't come to the door as bodyguards. She borrowed the company's shared car to pick up Lin Zijin.

Just drive the car back to the company tomorrow.

However, what she didn't know was that she was stared at in the moment when she walked out of Gu

Gu's public cars are usually parked in the underground garage. She needs to walk out of the gate of Gu's, then turn right and go straight down the stairs to get to the underground parking lot.

The noise of high heels colliding with the stairs, the underground garage is very quiet. Coupled with the hot weather, Gu Fanxing is shocked for a moment.

"Dong Dong." Gu Fanxing walked to the front of the car step by step, and found one car by one according to the sign on the car key. The company's shared vehicles were only five or six, all used to pick up customers. Today, for the first time, she abused her private rights and drove out to pick up Lin Zijin.

When she got to the first car, she always felt that someone was following her all the time. But when she stopped and turned around, she couldn't see a figure at all. Except for her, there was no one in the underground garage.

"Who is it!" Gu Fanxing has a big drink, which is not guilty. He always feels that someone is following her and drinking with a strong courage.

She didn't believe that someone would dare to follow her in the dark.

There was no other voice in the parking garage except her voice echoed. She thought more about it. No one.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang, and her thoughts were pulled back. She quickly took out her cell phone from her bag, but almost at this moment, a hand came out from behind her, held a piece of cloth and pressed it on her mouth. She opened her eyes and struggled for a few times. When she closed her eyes, she fainted and lost consciousness.The cell phone and car key that she was shouting suddenly fell on the ground, and the screen was blacked.

A black Bentley slowly drove to the faint Gu Fanxing, "take her to the car, be careful! Don't hurt her! "

At the urging of the man in black, Gu Fanxing is picked up by two men in black and sunglasses and drives away from the underground garage of Gu


Lin Zijin, who is at the airport, is waiting for Gu Fanxing to come. Half an hour later, she remembers that it won't take her so long to come from Gu? Is it a traffic jam? be on the cards.

And I was afraid that calling Gu Fanxing would affect her driving, so I forbear to call, with uneasiness in my arms, Lin Zijin stood in place for more than ten minutes, still didn't wait for Gu Fanxing to call her.

She was in a hurry. She immediately dialed Gu Fanxing's mobile phone, "Hello, the phone you dialed is off, please..."

Shut down?

Lin Zijin is worried. He calls Gu Fanxing again and again, but no matter how she calls, it's out of the shutdown state.

It shouldn't be turned off. What's the matter?

Lin Zijin thought of this, immediately dialed Li Qingtian's phone and asked Gu Fanxing if he was with him.

At this time, Li Qingtian is preparing to leave from the heyday.

"Hello? Li Qingtian, are the stars with you? " Lin Zijin asks anxiously.

"No." Li Qingtian's calm way, but from Lin Zijin's words found something wrong.

Lin Zijin said in a panic: "I was at the airport, just called Fanxing, she said she would come to the airport to meet me. At that time, she said she had already finished work and drove over, but I waited for her for half an hour at the airport and didn't wait for her. Just called her, she shut down..."