The four nationalities and four emperors looked at Chen Hui helplessly.

Although he didn't say anything, Chen Hui looked at them helplessly.

"Four emperors, you can't feel this kind of aura that doesn't divide into five elements. It's no accident." Chen Hui said: "because you already have extremely pure five elements aura in your body, your way of cultivation, to be exact, the way of inducing aura, has actually become a natural situation."

After a pause, Chen Hui said: "Qingdi, find some children who are old enough to start practicing and come to the palace. Those who have tested their blood, wizard's blood, warrior's blood, and those who can't find any blood after testing, as well as those who haven't had time to test their blood, call some children to the palace!"

There is no doubt that Chen Hui will do so, obviously with a responsible attitude.

All kinds of children of Mu nationality are called together to verify this way of cultivation.

Even in the middle of the night, less than an hour after the order of the Qing emperor was given, many children were gathered.

Among them, there are a few detected the blood of the wizard, and there are also a few detected the blood of the warrior, but after the detection, there are also a few not detected any blood.

The number of children in these three situations is the same.

Moreover, Chen Hui also inquired in detail that although they have tested their blood, the children of wizard blood have not yet started practicing the mental arts of the wood people, and they need to wait until the time specified to teach them the mental arts of the wood people.

The same is true for children who have detected the blood of warriors. They have not yet learned any martial arts skills, and they need to wait until the specified time to teach them martial arts.

As for what blood has not been detected, it is even simpler. They will not be taught anything, and they are destined to be civilians of the Mu nationality.

There are five children in each of these three situations, a total of 15.

In addition, there are 15 children who have not had time for blood test, so their situation is no longer divided.

Thirty children, divided into two teams, stood on Chen Hui's left and right sides.

On Chen Hui's left are the children whose blood has been tested. These 15 children are divided into three groups of five according to the blood of wizard, warrior and civilian.

As for the 15 children on Chen Hui's right hand side, they are in a whole team and are not divided into groups.

Chen Hui stands in the middle, and the four nationalities and four emperors stand on the left and right sides behind Chen Hui.

Chen Hui told these 30 children how to cultivate aura without five elements. He also told them what it was like to feel aura and what to do after feeling aura!

Then, with a wave of Chen Hui's hand, 30 children of the Mu clan immediately sat cross legged in the empty space of the Mu clan palace and began to practice the aura regardless of the five elements as Chen Hui said.

As a matter of fact, how many of these 30 wooden children can sense the aura of all five? After they meditate for some time, Chen Hui can roughly make a judgment.

Because once you start this kind of practice and enter the state, that is to say, you can sense the aura of the five elements around you, and start to absorb these auras into your body. The look on your face is very calm, so calm that you almost have no look, and your breathing is very slow.

As long as there are small movements such as frowning, and the breathing does not become slow, they do not enter the state, and they do not sense the aura of the five elements.

However, Chen Hui did not say anything.

Because everyone's situation is different, some people get into the state quickly, and some people get into the state slowly.

At this time, the green emperor waved his hand and laid the aura barrier to isolate the sound. He asked, "Yellow Emperor, how long does it take?"

"You four emperors have been trying for several hours." Chen Hui said with a smile: "not to mention a group of children. Children are always active, and their mind and nature are not as stable as adults. Moreover, everyone enters this state of cultivation for a different period of time. Therefore, we wait until dawn!"

It's midnight, about 12 a.m. in the evening.

By daybreak, it's about three hours, or six hours.

It's almost time!

After six hours of meditation, if you can't get into the state, it's really not suitable for cultivation.

Maybe it will take a longer time to enter the cultivation state, but it needs to be said later.

"Four emperors, why don't we go to the side hall to drink and wait?" At this time, the green emperor said, "there are still three hours to go before dawn."

The Qing emperor obviously meant well. At the same time, because the Qing emperor was the host, it was the Royal Palace of the Mu nationality after all.

"The Qing emperor doesn't have to be polite. It's not just about the Mu people." The black emperor of Shui nationality said: "it's about our five nationalities. In this way of cultivation, the result of the wood nationality is equal to the result of the five nationalities. We are still waiting here!"

The Red Emperor of the fire clan also laughed and said, "as a host, you don't have to mention the courtesy of the green emperor. It's very important. I'll wait here."

Although the White Emperor of Jin nationality didn't say anything, he nodded.

"In that case, we'll wait here." The green emperor said with a smile.

In fact, if it wasn't for being the host, the Qing emperor would not have said that.

As the host, it was too impolite for the fourth emperor to stand here until dawn. The Qing emperor had to say this polite thing.

For Chen Hui and the five of them, their accomplishments are so high that even if they don't sleep for a few days, they won't have any problems.

When there is a glimmer of dawn in the eastern sky, the darkest hour before dawn is gone.

Chen Hui put down the aura barrier and cut off the sound by waving his hand. He said: "seven of the children who have not passed the blood test on the right have entered the cultivation state. Six of them have passed the blood test on the left, including two wizard's blood, two warrior's blood and two civilian's blood."

"Sure?" The green emperor and the three emperors looked at each other and asked in surprise.

There are six on the left and seven on the right, totally 13 children have entered the cultivation state, and they can cultivate this aura which is not divided into five elements.

A total of 30 children, 13 are nearly half!

The proportion is already quite high.

Compared with the previous way of blood cultivation, it has at least doubled!

In other words, if it is in the previous situation, blood test is carried out to determine whether it can be cultivated, whether it is wizard blood or warrior blood. Among 30 children, at most six or seven can be detected!

"It's basically certain." Chen Hui told the four emperors how to distinguish.

According to Chen Hui, after carefully looking at the 30 children, the four emperors nodded silently.

"Later!" Chen Hui looked at the sky and said, "after daybreak, I will check them. As long as there is a trace of aura in their body, it means that my judgment is correct!"

It's not long. It's bright!

Chen Hui tested the aura of 30 children in turn. This kind of test is very simple. Chen Hui just needs to extend the aura in his body, probe into the sea of elixir in his body, and see if there is any aura left!

Soon, all the children were tested.

It's been redivided into two teams again.

"Thirteen of you can practice according to the way I said. Among them, there are two wizard blood lines and two warrior blood lines. As for which kind of practice you want to practice in the future, you can explain the situation to the Qing emperor and let the Qing emperor decide." With these words, Chen Hui turned to the seventeen.

"Seventeen of you, six of you have detected the blood of wizard and warrior!" Chen Hui said, "stand up and go to one side."

The six children stood up and went to one side. Chen Hui looked at the green emperor, and then said, "you six can only practice in the way of the original wizard and warrior of the wood clan."

After Chen Hui said this, he looked at the last eleven children and said, "although you failed in today's training test, it doesn't mean you can't do it. After you go back, you should practice hard. When you can feel what I said, you can report it to Emperor Qing, who will naturally make arrangements for you."

After Chen Hui said this, he stepped back and motioned the emperor to come forward.