Chen Hui is telling the truth. The Qing emperor is the emperor of the Mu nationality. He was plotted by the Yellow Emperor of the Tu nationality, and the Yellow Emperor of the Tu nationality framed Chen Hui. In fact, it has little influence on how the Qing emperor does.

After all, this event, in a sense, is the rhythm of the upcoming war between the Mu and Tu ethnic groups.

Obviously, Chen Hui can't control it.

As for how to do it, naturally it depends on the arrangement of the Qing emperor.

Chen Hui no longer said anything, but seized the time to run aura to heal his internal injury.

The Qing emperor recruited three alchemy witches, told them secretly, and then let them go. He took the Qi tonic pill of the wood family, and immediately began to recover the internal injury.

The three alchemists, the Qing emperor, were sent to Shui, Huo and Jin. The purpose of the three alchemists' trip is also very clear, that is to go directly to the Royal Palace of the three nationalities and wait until the three emperors return to explain the truth to them!

According to the assumption of the Qing emperor, if the Yellow Emperor of the Tu nationality found himself out of trouble, he would certainly support the emperors of the three nationalities and come to the Mu nationality alone to find the whereabouts of the Qing emperor.

However, the Emperor just wanted to be right.

The right part is the Yellow Emperor of Tu nationality. After searching for Chen Hui, he narrowed down to the area of Tu nationality and went back to the palace of Tu nationality, he really went to see if the green emperor was still in the underground iron prison.

After discovering that the Qing emperor was out of trouble, the Yellow Emperor of the Tu nationality did support the three emperors, that is, temporarily stopped the search for Chen Hui.

However, the Yellow Emperor of Tu nationality did not come to the King City of Mu nationality.

Within a few days, the witches and warriors of the King City of the Mu nationality returned one after another. They all returned after they got the news of the capital city of the Mu nationality.

In the interval of healing, the Qing emperor met with these witches and warriors in the King City, and first affirmed their behavior. Although they went out to search for Chen Hui, they were hoodwinked by the Yellow Emperor of the Tu nationality, but their behavior is worthy of affirmation, and they went to search for Chen Hui in order to avenge the Qing emperor.

Then, the Qing emperor told the witches and warriors of the king's city the details of the incident, and explained in detail that Chen Hui ventured to sneak into the palace of the king's city of the Tu nationality to rescue himself, so as to completely rectify Chen Hui's name.

Finally, the green emperor held a banquet for these returning witches and warriors.

During the whole process, Chen Hui did not show up, and the Qing emperor left the banquet after he said something about the scene.

Because the internal injuries of Chen Hui and Qingdi have not recovered, this is the most important thing for them.

Chen Hui's injury was recovered within three days. Before the internal injury was recovered, the poison given by the big Wizard of Shui nationality, which could be changed, also lost its effect. Chen Hui recovered as he was.

Just as Chen Hui's injury had just recovered, Red Emperor of the fire clan, black emperor of the Shui clan, and white Emperor of the Jin clan arrived at the King City of the wood clan one after another. They all arrived at night, apparently for an agreement, and also for the sake of secret.

At this time, the Qing emperor had to come forward.

At this time, the Qing emperor's internal injuries, almost half recovered, less than.

Facing the four of them again, Chen Hui can't hide any more. Starting from his coming to this world, he told them all the things in the original.

Of course, the matter of fox clan is still unspeakable.

Because Chen Hui's visit to the holy land of fox has nothing to do with the five human races.

It took nearly two hours for Chen Hui to say this. By the time he finished, it was midnight.

The Qing emperor ordered people to bring wine and vegetables to the side hall for Baidi, CHIDI, Heidi and Chen Hui.

"In this way, the tiger warrior does not belong to any of the five ethnic groups, nor does he belong to any of the five ethnic groups!" Black emperor said with a smile at this time: "green emperor, you can't speak as a tiger warrior in the future."

There is no doubt that Heidi's words are both true and joking. The purpose is to make the atmosphere relaxed.

The green emperor laughed and said, "in the future, the tiger warrior will be our five people!"

"It's not right to say it's our five people." At this time, the White Emperor said, "we don't know exactly what happened to the Tu people. However, what did the Yellow Emperor of the Tu people do is very clear. He seems to have a strong hostility to the tiger warriors."

At this time, the food and wine were served. After drinking a bowl of wine, the White Emperor continued to say: "before, the tiger warrior Tianlei was added. At that time, we didn't know that the tiger warrior was like this. In our eyes, the tiger warrior was the Mu nationality. The Mu nationality had the warrior Tianlei added. No matter how, we should first talk with the green emperor, even if this kind of thing should be the information shared by the five nationalities, But you shouldn't be so aggressive! "

"Yes, the Yellow Emperor's behavior at that time was very impolite. At this time, it's not so simple." Red Emperor nodded and said.

"How to solve this matter?" The black emperor of Shui nationality turned the topic to the right track.

That's the most important thing.

The Yellow Emperor of Tu nationality plotted against the green emperor of Mu nationality!

This is the root of the problem.

When the black emperor of Shui nationality said this, everyone looked at the green emperor of Mu nationality.

Obviously, it depends on the decision of the Qing emperor!

Because Qingdi is the victim, no one can control what he wants to do.

"I originally thought that the Yellow Emperor would come back to the wood tribe to look for me after he had supported you three." The green emperor sneered: "but after you three were separated, he didn't come and stayed in the King City of Tu nationality. Obviously, he was ready to wait for me! I'm not such a bully! "

There is no doubt that from what the Qing emperor said, he was ready to fight the Tu nationality.

Black emperor, white Emperor, Red Emperor, it's hard to say anything about Qing emperor's decision.

Chen Hui said at this time: "Qingdi, think twice before you act. Although Qingdi is the victim, it is because of me. Therefore, I want to say a few words."

The green emperor nodded silently and motioned to Chen Hui to say something.

"His behavior alone does not mean that the whole Tu people want to fight with the Mu people!" Chen Hui said: "he is the Yellow Emperor of the Tu nationality. The Tu witches and warriors all obey his orders. At that time, he also used the magic of breathing aura to me. When he used this magic, he didn't care about the Tu witches and warriors around him. At that time, those Tu witches and warriors were absorbed and fell to the ground, It's not like a king did it! "

After a pause, Chen Hui said: "so, I mean the Yellow Emperor's virtue does not match. He only needs to be driven out of power, and his revenge only needs to be directed at him. There is no need to fight with the whole Tu nationality. If a war is launched, the Mu nationality will also be damaged!"

With these words, Chen Hui looked at the Red Emperor, the black emperor, and the White Emperor, and said, "if you want to stop the Mu people from fighting with the Tu people, you can't do without the help of the three. If the three come forward at the same time, you can get justice for the Qing emperor and solve the problem thoroughly. If the three don't help, then the Qing emperor has no choice but to fight with the Tu people, It's not just the Qing emperor's business, but also the three of you. "

All the people present were smart people who could sit on the chairs of a family of emperors. How could they not understand the meaning of Chen Hui's words?

There is no doubt that Chen Hui means to seek justice, but not to let Mu and Tu go to war. The three ethnic groups must appear at the same time. With the strength of the four ethnic groups, the oppressed Tu dare not go to war, so as to achieve the goal of only aiming at the yellow emperor of Tu.

If the three nationalities did not come forward, the Tu nationality would solve the problem by itself. The Qing emperor had no choice but to go to war.

Because the Qing emperor led the whole Mu clan, its combat effectiveness is virtually equal.

How could the Yellow Emperor of tu be afraid when the three ethnic groups chose to stand by? It will inevitably lead the Tu people to revolt and slander the Qing emperor for invading the Tu people first.

"It's not impossible, but there are some problems." The Red Emperor of the Huo nationality pondered for a moment, and said: "if we three nationalities lead the people to go there, the Yellow Emperor of the Tu nationality will still fight stubbornly and take the Tu nationality to resist, what can we do? Is it true that with the help of the four ethnic groups, the Tu people will be wiped out at one stroke? "

Red Emperor of the fire clan said this with a bad smile on his face.