Hearing the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Chen Hui and Jiu Yan still look at each other and don't know what to say.

"What? Do you think dragon tendons refer to the Dragon tendons of our dragon clan? " The Dragon King of the East China Sea didn't say well.

"Old dragon king, from the name of Longjin, I really think so." Chen Hui said with a smile.

Donghai Dragon King zhengse said: "not to mention our dragon clan is not so easy to fall, even if our dragon clan falls, the Dragon Palace in the sea will appear immediately, and the fallen dragon clan will be inhaled into the dragon clan in the sea. How can we get the Dragon tendon of the dragon clan?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is telling the truth. The strength of the dragon people is very strong, especially after they appear in the body!

Although Chen Hui's Tang Dao is a magic weapon, it can only hurt the dragon people. With the self-healing ability of the dragon people, it is impossible to cause fatal damage to them.

Only when Chen Hui became a golden dragon this time, they had no way to heal the damage to the dragon people.

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that Chen Hui is not strong enough.

But even if Chen Hui's strength is enough, it can't erase the fact that the dragon clan is powerful.

In addition, when the dragon clan falls, the Dragon Palace in the sea will appear immediately. When the fallen dragon clan, that is, the remains of the dragon clan, enter the Dragon Palace in the sea, they have no chance to extract dragon tendons.

You know, the dragon is very huge. It's not something you can do to extract dragon tendons for a while.

Chen Hui has been to the Dragon Palace in the sea, that is, the cemetery of the dragon people. He has seen the stone tablets. The stone tablets give Chen Hui the feeling that they are made of the corpses of the dragon people.

Although there is no evidence to prove this, Chen Hui has a very strong feeling.

Moreover, the whole Haizhong Dragon Palace, that is, the Dragon cemetery, has four palaces, but Chen Hui has all gone several times, and has not found any dragon bones. This can also be regarded as evidence.

"Why does the old Dragon King think that the bowstring on my bow is the legendary dragon tendon?" Chen Hui asked with a smile.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea took a deep breath and said, "the biggest characteristic of the Dragon tendon in the legend is that it can condense the arrow Qi and does not need a real arrow. The bowstring of your bow has this magical feature, one of them!"

After a pause, the Dragon King of the East China Sea continued: "second, the Dragon tendon theory is not the real dragon tendon. Maybe it's because after the Dragon appeared, its strength was boundless, but its body was winding. The Dragon tendon in the legend is obviously not an ordinary thing, let alone a common sense speculation, and the appearance of your bowstring is just like death!"

Hearing this, Chen Hui nodded silently.

It has to be said that what the Dragon King of Donghai said is very reasonable, especially about the Dragon tendon.

Chen Hui has never seen a bow string made from a real dragon's tendon. Even the chimpanzees living in the East China Sea Use bows and arrows much stronger than those in the Middle Earth. They are just made from the big tendons of sea snakes, and their bowstrings are also called Dragon tendons.

After the emergence of the dragon, it has infinite force, meandering and powerful, and extremely flexible. From these characteristics, it is more in line with the characteristics of bowstring.

Therefore, the Dragon tendon is the best bowstring, which is probably due to the long-term misrepresentation!

Chen Hui's bowstring is basically the legendary dragon tendon. Even the legendary dragon tendon has appeared. If the Dragon tendon is really used, that is, the bowstring made from the real dragon tendon, it may have been handed down to the world for a long time.

"Third!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea continued: "you are the Golden Dragon Huasheng. It's not strange that you have the Dragon tendon in the legend. The Dragon tendon in the legend is like the golden body Huasheng. It's a deity that appears in response to Qi transportation!"

Chen Hui's bow, the bowstring that appears, looks like a real object, with a halo on the outside. The Dragon King of the East China Sea has some truth in saying that.

Especially with the appearance of bowstring, Chen Hui knows better that it's the Golden Dragon on the stone tablet, which meanders to his chest, forms the Golden Dragon Tattoo, and then extends to the helmet of the armor, the horn of the bow body!

It can be seen that Donghai Dragon King's analysis and speculation is not only reliable, but also close to the truth.

Chen Hui pondered for a moment, turned away from the topic, and asked, "Jinshen metaplasia is the induction metaplasia of Five insect species. Is it right to understand Jinshen metaplasia in this way?"

"That's right!" The Dragon King of Donghai nodded and said, "you are the Golden Dragon Huasheng who can sense the breath of the dragon people!"

"In this way, the other four species and genera of insects must also have a sense of breath, the body of the golden people?" Chen Hui asked.

The Dragon King of Donghai nodded and said, "Jinshen metaplasia was originally a legend, but now that it has been confirmed that you are Jinshen metaplasia, naturally there should be other four species of Jinshen metaplasia!"

"What is the relationship between the Five insect species and their golden body metaplasia?" Chen Hui asked again.

The Dragon King of Donghai pondered for a moment and said, "the Five insect species and genera are divided into five kinds, and they are not related to each other. I think the golden body metaplasia of the Five insect species and genera should have no relationship with each other."

After a moment's silence, Chen Hui said, "old dragon king, you should know more about the legend of this golden body incarnation, which is not limited to what you tell me now!"

When Chen Hui said this, he was staring at the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of Donghai was silent and didn't say anything.

Sometimes, silence is acquiescence. For example, this is the case at this time. The silence of Dragon King of Donghai actually represents acquiescence.

"I'm the Golden Dragon Huasheng who senses the Dragon nationality. Although I don't know what the relationship is with the Dragon nationality, I have to find out what the relationship is with the Dragon nationality." Chen Hui's words are somewhat misleading, but his meaning is very clear: "my relationship with the dragon clan is also equivalent to the golden body metaplasia of other four insect species and genera, and the relationship with other four insect species and genera. Old dragon king, consider whether you want to answer my question!"

Donghailong Wang gives Chen Hui a complicated look, and then slowly closes his eyes. It seems that it is difficult to make a choice.

After a long time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea opened his eyes and said, "let me think about how to tell you!"

Chen Hui reached out and made a gesture of invitation, saying nothing more.

Donghai Dragon King's words have already indicated that he would tell Chen Hui about the relationship between the Five insect species and the Five insect species, but he didn't know how to say it clearly. He was actually organizing the language to think about how to say it.

After a short time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea said, "the five insects and human beings co-exist between heaven and earth, but the five insects are not complete with seven orifices, only human beings are complete with seven orifices..."

The Dragon King of Donghai pauses and frowns, as if he doesn't know how to describe the situation.

Chen Hui tentatively said, "I've heard a saying that human beings are primates of all things. Does the old dragon king want to express this meaning?"

"Yes, that's it!" After hearing Chen Hui's words, the Dragon King of the East China Sea nodded and agreed. At the same time, he looked at Chen Hui with a look of shock, because Chen Hui's description was extremely accurate.

"Five insects can't have all seven orifices. Most of them act only by instinct. Therefore, it's like sailing. Five insects can only paddle, but they can't steer. Only human beings can steer!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea then said, "because of this, the Five insect species can only carry forward the Qi transportation of the species, induction metaplasia, and Jinshen metaplasia. That's what the Five insect species say."

Hearing this from the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Chen Hui was surprised and asked, "what do you mean? I'm Jinlong Huasheng, the leader of the scale insect species? Can you command the species of scale insects? "

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Chen Hui with disdain and said, "what you think is beautiful, my dragon is the head of scale insects. You are just a human, and you want to be the leader of scale insects? It's just a daydream

"What do you mean by that? I don't understand Chen Hui said without hesitation.

"Let me see what to say!" East Sea Dragon King Qi hum of say.

Not only Chen Hui, but all the people present were confused by the words of the Dragon King of Donghai, and they all looked at the Dragon King of Donghai, waiting for the Dragon King of Donghai.