Chen Hui had quickly come to the second palace. Just like the first palace before, Chen Hui reached out and touched the red dragon body on the stone tablet in the second palace.

In the same way, a dragon chant sounded in Chen Hui's mind. The meaning conveyed by the Dragon chant to Chen Hui was that the red dragon hall was opened.

The red dragon is the red dragon. The four palaces here are in the order of southeast and northwest. The stone tablet of the second palace is the red dragon. In the direction of the five elements, the South belongs to fire, and the color is red.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is outside the Dragon Palace in the middle of the sea. They still can't see what's going on inside, but they can see a bright red rising from the sky!

"Nanhai red dragon!" East Sea Dragon King frowned and said.

There is also a kind of coercion, East Sea Dragon Wang Chensheng said: "according to this trend, I'm afraid the color of the four seas dragon will appear!"

As if to confirm the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, as soon as the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea fell, another column of light rose up, this time a white column of light appeared.

There is no doubt that this is Chen Hui's visit to the third palace and touch the white dragon body engraved on the stone tablet!

In fact, it is true. When Chen Hui touches the body of the white dragon, another dragon chant rings in Chen Hui's mind, conveying that the white dragon hall is open.

Chen Hui immediately rushed to the fourth palace and touched the black dragon body engraved on the stone tablet. Another dragon chant sounded in Chen Hui's mind, which meant that the black dragon hall was opened.

Chen Hui walked out of the fourth palace, the Black Dragon Palace, and looked up at the top of the palace.

At this time, the four dim light pillars are interwoven, namely, the dim blue light pillar of Qinglong hall, the dim red light pillar of Chilong hall, the dim white light pillar of Bailong hall, and the dim black light pillar of Heilong hall.

Four light pillars interweave to form a huge light group, which is golden!

Then, the golden light burst out, so bright that people can't open their eyes.

Chen Hui's subconscious skill blocked his eyes. When the golden light dissipated, Chen Hui opened his eyes again. Where the four pillars of light intertwined, a staircase extended from top to bottom. This staircase had no idea how many steps, all of which were golden, and it extended to the ground in front of Chen Hui.

Chen Hui pondered for a moment and stepped up the steps. As Chen Hui went up, the steps he had passed disappeared!

Chen Hui stood on the steps and looked down. At this time, he was already in the air and standing on the steps. There were still three steps behind him, and the rest had disappeared.

Every time Chen Hui takes a step up, one of the lower steps will disappear, still maintaining the number of three steps!

Chen Hui doesn't think much about it any more. He goes up quickly!

As he walked up the steps, Chen Hui was quietly calculating the number of steps. When all the steps were finished, it was exactly ninety-nine steps!

On the steps, Chen Hui stepped on the flat ground, and another Dragon Palace appeared in front of him. Chen Hui walked up the steps, not far from the gate of the Dragon Palace.

Chen Hui walked straight along the road and soon came to the gate of the palace. He reached for the gate and pushed it open. Then he walked into the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace is not big, much smaller than the four palaces below.

In terms of area, it is about the same size as Chen Hui's world, the Taoist temple floating over the Kunlun Mountains.

The difference is that the Dragon Palace has only one palace, surrounded by palace walls.

In other words, except for the small palace in the middle, there are no buildings around, and the square in front of the palace is not big, and there are no stone tablets.

Chen Hui stepped up the steps of the palace, then went to the door of the palace, reached for the door and stepped inside!

The palace is not big. It is empty all around. There is only a stone tablet standing in the middle.

The volume of this monument is much smaller than that of the four palaces below.

In the four palaces below, four Dragon steles of different colors are engraved respectively, which is very huge for Chen Hui, or from the perspective of Chen Hui.

Although the stone tablet in this palace is still very tall, it belongs to the normal range from the perspective of human beings.

Chen Hui quickly went to the stone tablet and stood. The stone tablet also engraved a dragon, but it was a golden dragon. Because the stone tablet was not as big as the ones below, although the Golden Dragon occupied two-thirds of the area of the stone tablet, it seemed that the size of the golden dragon should be similar to the height of human beings.

The four stone tablets below are due to their huge size. All the carved dragons are much taller than normal people.

This golden dragon is also vivid!

With the experience of the following four palaces, Chen Hui went directly to the stone tablet and reached out to touch the body of the Golden Dragon.

A dragon chant sounded in Chen Hui's mind, but it didn't convey any practical significance. It was a dragon chant!

However, after the appearance of the sound of dragon chanting, the engraved Golden Dragon seems to be alive.

This is Chen Hui's feeling. Chen Hui wondered where this feeling came from. He couldn't help looking at the Golden Dragon carefully, but found that it was different.

Before Chen Hui touched the engraved Golden Dragon on the stone tablet, although the golden dragon was lifelike, its eyes were closed. At this time, the Golden Dragon's eyes were open.

At this moment, Chen Hui thought of a word in his mind, making the finishing point!

Although this word is not very appropriate, because the dragon is engraved on the stone tablet, not painted, nor engraved by Chen Hui, Chen Hui's first thought is to make the finishing point.

Chen Hui couldn't help looking into the Golden Dragon's eyes. The Golden Dragon moved at this time!

That's right, the Golden Dragon really moved. It meandered along the stone tablet and swam towards Chen Hui's arm connected with the stone tablet. The next second, the Golden Dragon no longer existed on the stone tablet, but swam to Chen Hui's arm!

Chen Hui immediately used his other hand to pull open the sleeve of his clothes. He saw that the golden dragon was still swimming, but it was much smaller. It looked like the golden dragon was tattooed on Chen Hui's arm. The difference was that the tattooed dragon was actually a tattoo design, a dead object, and could not move.

The golden dragon is a living creature and can move. It swims along Chen Hui's arm until it reaches Chen Hui's chest, that is, the heart.

Chen Hui looked down at his chest and heart. He saw that the Golden Dragon did not move this time, just like he had a golden dragon tattoo on his chest.

The appearance of the Golden Dragon in the heart of Chen Hui's chest is the same as that on the stone tablet before.

Chen Hui closed his eyes and realized that he didn't feel any discomfort. He was a little relieved.

However, Chen Hui immediately thought of another problem, that is, when he touched the four stone tablets, it seemed that the four dragons, that is, the green dragon, the red dragon, the white dragon and the black dragon, were all closed eyes. When he touched the dragon, the four dragons opened their eyes.

It's just that the sound of dragon chanting rings in Chen Hui's mind, and it also conveys a very clear meaning to Chen Hui, which makes Chen Hui neglect this point.

Chen Hui closed his eyes and recalled carefully, making sure that he was neglecting this point!

That is to say, in the four palaces below, the four colored dragons inscribed on the stone tablet are indeed closed eyes.

Chen Hui carefully recalled the stone tablets on both sides of the four palaces!

Although the dragons are colorless, lifelike and different, one thing is the same, that is, they are all eyes closed. They are not without eyes, but are carved with eyes closed.

"What's the matter with all this?" Chen Hui's mind is full of questions.

At this time, a tremor pulled Chen Hui back from his mind. The Dragon Palace was trembling. It seemed that there was a sign of collapse!