It's not time for dinner at this time, because Chen Hui came earlier, so naturally there were no guests. After the rabbit warrior brought the dishes, Chen Hui said, "would you like to sit down and have a drink?"

Rabbit warrior is smart enough. Facing Chen Hui's invitation, he looks at the shop owner first.

The shop owner nodded and said, "no one is here anyway. Sit down and have a drink. This jar of wine belongs to us."

The rabbit warrior agreed and sat down.

Chen Hui invited rabbit warrior to sit down for a reason. Rabbit warrior has been in this store for a long time, so he should know something about the owner.

In fact, the rabbit warrior is acquainted with Chen Hui. If Chen Hui directly asks the store owner some questions, it will be a bit abrupt. The rabbit warrior can answer them from the side.

Moreover, although wine is the best tool to open the topic, there must be a person who can speak and say something in the early stage. Don't be cold.

Chen Hui asked the rabbit warrior to sit down, hoping that the rabbit warrior would do so.

The rabbit warrior is smart enough. After sitting down, he takes the initiative to pour the wine. At the same time, he chats with the shop owner and Chen Hui.

As for Chen Hui's identity, many people in the King City of Mu nationality know it. Some people who don't know it have heard the nickname of Chen Hui's tiger warrior, but the nickname doesn't correspond to the person.

The owner of this shop is right. He knows that Chen Hui is a fierce tiger warrior. He teaches the five ethnic groups in the King City how to cure their diseases.

Because of what Chen Hui did, the shop owner offered Chen Hui three glasses of wine.

Chen Hui is the wine to the cup dry, after drinking said: "old man, you are too polite."

"It's not that I'm polite, it's the tiger warrior who does things for the benefit of civilians like me." The shop owner said, "only after knowing what the tiger warrior has done can we know that so many people have died of illness."

What the shop owner said was the truth. Before Chen Hui announced the treatment, once the five nationalities died of illness, they all thought it was God's will. They never thought it was the dead civilians who died of illness, because they didn't know what the disease was.

At this time, the granddaughter of the shop owner, who has been busy in the back, or rather busy in the back kitchen, came to the front and saw her grandfather and the rabbit warrior. After sitting with Chen Hui for a drink, the granddaughter of the shop owner glared at them, but without saying anything, she went back to the back.

Obviously, the store owner's granddaughter is out of sight and out of mind.

Seeing this, Chen Hui began to laugh. After a few jokes, he asked the store owner why there were only their grandparents and grandchildren in the store. He had never seen the store owner's children.

"I have only one son, who was a warrior in the city of kings." The shop owner sighed and said, "this girl was just born. It must have been more than 20 years ago. Her father went out hunting with other warriors in the King City, met another fierce beast and died in that battle."

After a meal, the shop owner took a sip of wine, and then continued: "the girl's mother is just like us. It may be that the girl's life is miserable. Her mother died soon after her father died. Now I think she should have died of illness."

Chen Hui asked the shopkeeper if his granddaughter's mother, his daughter-in-law, had any symptoms before she died.

The store owner remembers it very clearly. He tells the symptoms of his daughter-in-law before she died. Chen Hui nods silently and says, "she really died of illness."

At that time, the shopkeeper's daughter-in-law had a fever at first, then sneezing and other symptoms, and finally coughing. The more coughing, the more severe she was. She couldn't breathe and eventually died.

From these symptoms, we can basically conclude that it is pneumonia caused by cold and fever, which leads to death.

By this time, Chen Hui also understood why the shop owner had such deep feelings about what he was doing, that is, teaching medical skills.

A cold and fever is just a small problem. In traditional Chinese medicine, it belongs to wind cold. A few pairs of decoction can cure it. If you have better physical quality, a pair of decoction can cure it.

But in this world, colds and fever can kill people.

Before Chen Huijiao's medical skills, even the common cold and fever needed to be resisted by physical fitness.

Everyone's physical quality is different. Some people can resist the past, but some people can't.

In particular, fever is very dangerous.

Chen Hui told the shopkeeper about his daughter-in-law's death from a common ailment, which made the shopkeeper sigh. Then he said, "since then, our grandparents and grandchildren have been dependent on each other. I'm a bad old man. I've been pulling this girl up safely."

After a meal, the shop owner said: "I have to thank the emperor for giving this house to our grandparents and grandchildren. Let me make a small living and help my children grow up."

Hearing this from the shop owner, Chen Hui asked suspiciously, "this house was not yours originally?"

"Although my son is a warrior, he has a low level of cultivation. How can he have such a house by the street?" After shaking his head slowly, the shop owner said, "after my son died, the green emperor came to visit me. Knowing the hardships of my family, he gave me this house. Otherwise, it's really hard for me to live this girl."

When the shop owner said this, he took a look at the wooden door leading to the back, and his eyes were full of loving eyes.

"It should happen from time to time that warriors die in battle, right?" Chen Hui asked, "will the Qing emperor personally come to visit us?"

"The city. Whenever there are warriors and witches who died in battle in the king's city, the green Emperor himself went to visit them." The shop owner nodded without hesitation and said: "in fact, this prescription is extra for me, because the warrior and the wizard died in battle, the things that the King City will give to the family, different cultivation levels, all have fixed things."

Chen Hui nodded silently and understood what the shop owner meant. The death of the warrior and the wizard, according to the words of his world, is a clear pension.

And this prescription of the shop owner is not in the standard of pension. It was given to him by the Qing emperor.

"In this way, the Qing emperor basically gave something extra when he visited the family of the wizard or warrior who died in the war?" Chen Hui asked.

"Yes, but the situation of each family is different, and the things given by the Qing emperor are also different." The old man said, "some warriors and witches who died in battle have higher accomplishments. Their family lives are usually very good. On the contrary, the Qing emperor gives less things. The reward given by my poor old man to this prescription is really generous according to my son's accomplishments."

"Here, drink." Chen Hui nodded and raised the wine bowl to the shopkeeper.