Although this world is not the past of the world Chen Hui came to, Chen Hui can have a certain understanding of the development of writing according to the history of the world he came to.

The world where Chen Hui is now living is actually a bit similar to the ancient world where Chen Hui came.

There are not many words in ancient times, many words have many usages, that is to say, interchangeable words!

Chen Hui came to a world where vernacular was already spoken, but in history, classical Chinese was used. Classical Chinese is more obscure and difficult to understand than vernacular, because classical Chinese can use interchangeable words, and the use of words is much less than vernacular.

In other words, the ancients used very refined words. The meaning of a word may be the meaning of a sentence composed of many words in vernacular.

According to this situation to speculate the ancient times, combined with some archaeological findings, we will find that the ancient characters are not without, but very few.

This situation can only show that in ancient times, human beings actually had characters, but the weight of characters is very different from ancient times. It can even be said that modern vernacular is more concise and expresses more meanings than ancient classical Chinese.

The most important point is that there were few words in ancient times.

This situation is similar to the situation in the world where the emperors of the five nationalities of mankind began to promote writing.

After all, the word is just beginning to be popularized. It only needs to meet the daily use. Without a lot of words, it should be popularized very quickly.

But now, the speed of promotion is obviously not fast enough.

Or it's fast enough, in Chen Hui's opinion, it's still not fast enough.

The result of this is that this screening condition does not play a very important role.

We can't just leave the remaining ten people to know some words!

In other words, writing is the icing on the cake for medical skills, rather than a necessary existence. It is more the function of writing itself, which is used for recording and spreading.

Since this condition did not play a very good screening role, Chen Hui simply abandoned this condition, waved his hand, and let the more than 20 people return to the team.

Chen Hui went back to the steps, pulled a chair into the meeting hall, and said, "still take the city as a group, and come in group by group!"

After Chen Hui went into the conference hall, he sat down in a chair and did not stay outside.

However, this does not affect the screening continues, because there are still shadow and elegant outside to help Chen Hui.

Since it's in order, there's nothing to dispute. The people Wang Cheng sent to study medicine advanced into the conference hall.

Chen Hui asked them to wait near the door, waved to one of them, and motioned him to come to his own face.

Chen Hui's seat is obviously quite far away from the door in the conference hall.

After this guy came, Chen Hui didn't talk nonsense. He recited several prescriptions, as well as the diseases the prescriptions were for. After reciting, he looked at him and said, "you recite it!"

Hearing Chen Hui's words, this guy is a little confused, because Chen Hui just recited it. How can he remember it?

"Remember as much as you can and recite as much as you can!" Chen Hui said in a deep voice.

After hearing Chen Hui's words, the guy no longer hesitated and quickly began to recite. He really recited as much as he remembered.

After this guy finished reciting, Chen Hui pointed to the right position and asked him to stand there and wait.

There is no doubt that this kind of recitation needs to be screened by one person. If they are asked to listen to Chen Hui recite together, the one who recites first will deepen the impression of the latter.

Chen Hui is not afraid of them eavesdropping, because every time Chen Hui recites the prescription, and the corresponding disease is different, even if they have accomplishments, they can hear it, but it is useless.

It's not long. Several guys from Wangcheng have finished testing.

Chen Hui pointed to one of the best memory, said: "you stay, you go out!"

By this time, things have become very clear. These guys sent by Wang Cheng are the ones left in the chamber.

There is no doubt that those who are sent from other cities will be left in the council chamber, and others will also be expelled.

Obviously, the progress of this screening method is relatively slow, but Chen Hui has no choice.

If it was in the world where Chen Hui came, Chen Hui would simply throw them some basic medical books, give them a certain amount of time, and then take the exam directly.

But now, this is the only way Chen Hui can choose.

More than 30 people, one by one after testing, it is already after noon, already after lunch time.

Chen Hui did not stop screening all at once. After confirming the 12 people in this group, he announced the suspension of screening. He went to eat first and continued after eating!

For this group of 12 people, Chen Hui has not announced that they have been selected for the time being, so as not to dampen the enthusiasm of others.

After lunch, Chen Hui stood on the steps, looking at more than 40 people gathered again, and said, "in the morning, through screening, the 12 people who stayed in the conference hall came out."

As soon as Chen Hui's voice fell, all the twelve people stood up.

Chen Hui narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at one of the guys and asked, "which city are you from? In the morning, you passed the screening? "

"I'm from the city of kings!" Chen Hui was staring at the guy quickly replied.

Chen Hui snorted coldly and said, "the people from Wang Cheng are the first to enter the conference hall and be screened. Are you doubting my memory?"

There is no doubt that this guy is not the one who passed the screening.

"You Chen Hui pointed at it and said, "come out!"

The guy Chen Hui pointed to is the one sent by Wang Cheng, the one screened by memory!

This is a young man, about fifteen or sixteen years old, and the guy who pretended to replace him is at least two or three years older than him.

No one expected that the impostor would happen. They couldn't help looking at each other.

The guy pointed at by Chen Hui, that is, the one sent by Wang Cheng, who was replaced by an impostor, had to stand up.

Chen Hui sneered and asked, "do you not want to cherish this opportunity, or did Wang Cheng send you a few to specify that he should learn to treat diseases with me?"

The young man asked Chen Hui this question was speechless, because he didn't know how to answer it. He certainly didn't want to be replaced by an impostor.

However, this matter was not specially designated by Wang Cheng when he sent them.