Jiuyan and Suyin can fully understand the concept of time. However, the word space is not the vocabulary of the world at all. Jiuyan and Suyin do not understand it.

Fortunately, Chen Hui explained it by location, and then extended to the word world. This time, Jiuyan and Suyin understood the meaning of space.

After all, they are two different worlds, and their languages are different. It's very difficult for Chen Hui to communicate without explaining what they can understand.

Even in the world where Chen Hui came, the language was not immutable. In ancient times, it was classical Chinese. Later, with the development and process of history, it evolved into this kind of vernacular Chinese that people often say.

Chen Hui described Jiuyan's three worlds as three points on a line. Jiuyan and Suyin also understand each other.

However, Chen Hui has indeed said three points so far, but none of them represents the world where Jiuyan and Suyin live.

Chen Hui just talked about the impact of what happened in that year, that is, the world where Chen Hui lived, and the world where Chen Hui saw the ferocious beasts running rampant and life destroyed. He also talked about the time and space, which will self repair or self correct. The two worlds will develop in the form of parabola, and eventually there will be an intersection.

This intersection is the collision of two worlds, leaving a world in the end, so that time and space continue to develop in a straight line.

"The world you come from, and the world where fierce beasts are rampant and life is destroyed, which world will be left after the collision, that is, the intersection of this line?" Su Yin asked at this time.

There is no doubt that the problem of Su Yin is directly at the core.

Chen Hui sighed deeply and said, "I don't know, but the emergence of these two worlds is also a mistake!"

"What do you mean?" Nine Yan don't understand of ask a way.

Chen Hui pointed to the line of the world he came from and said, "in fact, after the incident between me and the star fairy happened in those years and led to a big mistake, this line should not exist. Instead, it will continue to develop in a straight line with the world in which life is ruined. That is the world after we made a big mistake!"

After a pause, Chen Hui said: "however, in those days, it seemed that I was really cultivating to the heaven. I didn't know what kind of means I used to temporarily reverse all this, and then this bifurcation point appeared, two worlds appeared, and these two worlds would eventually collide and return to one world again."

Hearing Chen Hui's words, Su Yin showed a thoughtful look, pondered for a while, and asked: "do you want to say that you were actually making up for the big mistake caused by yourself and the star fairy, and temporarily reversing all this by means of Tongtian means, but the two worlds will still collide at the intersection, if there is no possibility of change, isn't it in vain? What's the point of that? "

Su Yin's words are actually talking to herself, because she is thinking. After she has finished her doubts, Su Yin shows a sudden look and says: "I understand. You were fighting for time!"

Chen Hui nodded and said, "yes, I was fighting for time. Before the two worlds collided with each other, it was time to make up for my mistakes. If I could do everything before the two worlds collided, then everything would be back to normal. The big mistakes made by me and the star fairy in those years might not have any impact, Even disappear

"What you want to do is not to hunt and kill these ferocious beasts and suppress their gods, just like our fox ancestors did?" Nine Yan frowns to ask a way.

"Yes." Chen Hui nodded, admitted it, and then pointed to the point representing the world of Su Yin and Jiu Yan. He said, "now is the point. In fact, I am in my world. I make up for the big mistake by going back to the past. When I go back to the past, I come to your world."

Chen Hui said that he moved the point representing the world of Jiuyan and Suyin away from the time line to the position above. Then he connected the world of Jiuyan and Suyin with the world of ferocious beasts.

After Chen Hui finished all this, he said, "I went back to the past and came directly to your world. It's certainly not accidental, and it can't be wrong. Because I had the means to get a certain amount of time, I would be thoughtful. Therefore, I think the world you are now in will continue to develop, It will develop into the world according to the time line I just drew. "

With these words, Chen Hui pointed out a point on the time line and said, "the world I came from developed according to this time line. In other words, it led to a big mistake in those years. In order to make up for this mistake, I not only fought for time, but also must have an impact on the past. Because and fruit coexist, since there will be a world of life and death, There is bound to be a virtual past. If this virtual past develops along the time line, it will become the world of life

"Doesn't that mean that the world we live in is not real?" Nine Yan thoroughly understood Chen Hui's meaning, frowned and said.

"Yes or no!" Chen Hui shook his head slowly and said, "because the certainty of all this has not yet appeared."

At this time, Su Yin pointed to the point where the two worlds collided and said, "the definite number is there. When there is a collision, the result will appear. The result will affect one of the two worlds, the world we live in, or the past of the world you come from. One will disappear, and the remaining one will collide with the result, That is to say, fixed numbers echo with each other, become what you call an unchangeable fact, become history, and become the only one! "

Chen Hui, with a dignified look on his face, nodded and said, "this is just my guess. It's a new guess after reading the life murals painted by your ancestors!"

"If the two worlds collide, the result is the result of the destruction of life, and our world is real." Jiuyan pondered for a moment, looked at Chen Hui and asked, "is that so?"

"It should be." Chen Hui spread his hands and said, "I'm not sure at present."

"And what about the other way round?" Nine Yan continues to pursue to ask a way.