After the leather armor and bow were made, the warriors of penghe clan were tested. The power of the bow was greatly improved, and the defense of the leather armor was also greatly improved.

Of course, friends will never do anything contradictory.

That night, Chen Hui, Ying, Peng and the old wizard gathered in Peng's house after dinner.

"My Lord, are you ready to leave?" Before Chen Hui spoke, the old wizard asked in advance.

Chen Hui nodded silently and did not speak.

As a matter of fact, from Chen Hui's practice, while refining the elixir, the old wizard, Peng Heying knows one thing very well in his heart. Chen Hui is going to leave here.

In other words, they are psychologically prepared for Chen Hui's departure.

"My Lord, it's not a problem to leave here." Peng pondered for a while and said, "but the key question is that you are not familiar with the terrain at all. What's the next step after you leave here?"

"I don't have any plans yet. Let's take a step at a time." Chen Hui said silently, "you can't stay here all the time!"

"In a few days, it's time for me to report to the capital." At this time, Peng said, "at the same time, I will go to the capital easy to exchange some food. Why don't you come with us?"

Chen Hui was surprised to hear Peng's words, but it was a good thing for him.

Chen Hui nodded at the moment and said, "OK, what are you going to take for easy exchange?"

Chen Hui knows everything about the clan. Apart from the tiger skin, there seems to be nothing valuable. The value of Heijiao is much higher than that of tiger skin, but Heijiao has been used by the warriors of the clan.

"Tiger skin and pickled tiger meat." Peng said, "in addition, Heijiao's skull is with him!"

Chen Hui doesn't know the market situation about easy exchange, so he can't give any advice.

However, Chen Hui refined a lot of elixirs for curing diseases. He could not help asking, "are the elixirs I refined valuable? If it's valuable, you can take it out and exchange it easily! "

"No!" The old wizard shook his head slowly and said, "this kind of elixir has never been seen before. Once it is taken out, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble and even expose the identity of adults!"

"It's because it's unprecedented that it's more valuable!" Chen Hui said with a smile: "we can get more food. As for what the old wizard worried about, it's not a problem at all. It's a big deal. Some high-level Wizard of the wood clan came here and gave it to us. However, because we are too poor, we have to take out such precious things to exchange food!"

Hearing Chen Hui say so, Peng looks at the old wizard.

Judging from Peng's actions, Peng is more in favor of taking out the pills refined by Chen Hui and going to the capital city to exchange food.

After all, what Chen Hui can think of, and what Peng can think of, is precisely because this kind of elixir for curing diseases is more precious than ever before, so it can be easily exchanged for more food.

What's more, looking at my friend's appearance, it seems that the matter of going to the capital to change easily should have been discussed with the old wizard.

The old wizard's opinion must be that he does not agree to take the elixir refined by Chen Hui and go to the capital city to exchange it.

The main reason why the old wizard didn't agree was that he was afraid to reveal Chen Hui's identity.

All the pills Chen Hui made were left to the old wizard, and he explained to the old wizard what kinds of diseases were treated by all kinds of pills.

The old wizard made a mark on the wooden boxes that Chen Huining had changed.

Seeing the Sorcerer's painful appearance, Chen Hui said with a smile, "the pills I made don't need to be taken out any more. I still have a few days to start. It's enough for me to make a box of pills. I'll just make the most commonly used pills for treating colds and fevers."

Hearing Chen Hui say so, the old wizard nodded silently and agreed.

Obviously, the old wizard is not only afraid of revealing Chen Hui's identity, but also cherishes Chen Hui's pills.

So it was settled. In the next few days, Chen Hui was refining pills. After refining a box of pills, it was time to start.

The task of staying at home was given to the old wizard and some warriors, who also took on the task of hunting.

Peng he filmed 18 warriors and Chen Hui. A total of 21 people set out.

Of course, these 20 warriors are equipped with black dragon skin armor and bow and arrow.

The warriors left behind, Peng told them not to hunt large wild animals when there were fewer people, so as to avoid accidents!

This is the first time that Chen Hui came to this world and left this village.

After going out of the village, we head all the way to the West. Although there are dense forests and mountains, there is a road to the outside world. Although the road is not very wide, it is a few meters wide. Apart from slight ups and downs, the road is still flat.

I've been on the road all day. If I'm an ordinary person, I'm afraid I'll be tired. Fortunately, Chen Hui and I are all practitioners. They don't feel very tired after a long journey.

That night, Chen Hui and his family camped on the edge of the dense forest by the side of the road.

"How long will it take to get to the capital?" Chen Hui asked the shadow sitting next to him at dinner.

"According to our present schedule, about ten days!" The shadow whispered.

Chen Hui roughly calculated the distance according to what Ying said. They did not use any body method. Instead, they walked like ordinary people. The speed was about five kilometers per hour. According to the calculation of five kilometers, they walked for 12 hours today, that is, 60 kilometers!

Six hundred kilometers in ten days!

The distance to the capital is really long!

There was nothing to say about the day of driving. At about ten o'clock in the morning on the tenth day, Chen Hui finally walked out of the mountains and forests, and what appeared in front of Chen Hui was a flat open land.

"It's almost there!" Shadow said at this time.

After another hour or so, a city appeared in Chen Hui's sight.

This city is obviously where the capital is located. The wall of the capital faces Chen Hui, which is about two kilometers long.

"The walls around the capital are the same length?" Chen Hui asked as he walked.

"It's about the same." The shadow nodded and said, "this capital is the same."

Chen Hui nodded silently. The area of the capital is about four square kilometers, which is not small.

Not long after, Chen Hui and his party arrived at the gate of the capital.

There are soldiers guarding the gate at the gate of the city. However, looking at the loose appearance, we can see that the discipline is not very good.

Chen Hui and his party were stopped outside the gate of the city. Peng took out a blue wooden card and handed it to the soldiers who were guarding the gate. After the soldiers inspected it, they released it.