Zhou qiuchu had never asked this question directly before. He just left this worry in his heart.

Chen Hui actually knows Zhou qiuchu's worries. He once told Zhou qiuchu that whether he will eventually become a real ordinary person or a person in practice, he or he will never change.

At this time, after learning all about Chen Hui's trip to Kunlun Mountain, Zhou qiuchu asked this question, or said that she was worried.

This shows that Zhou qiuchu is really worried. This worry is different from before. In the past, even if Chen Hui had some changes, he was only in the situation of missing two extra chromosomes. Now, it is very likely that even the third extra chromosome will disappear.

No one knows what happens when all three chromosomes disappear.

However, the experts who are responsible for testing Chen Hui's blood samples have already given a conjecture that Chen Hui's three extra chromosomes are like three locks. Every time one of them disappears, it is actually a lock that has been opened.

This kind of speculation obviously intensified Zhou qiuchu's worry.

Maybe Chen Hui's body is full of monsters or great powers that ordinary people can't imagine. When all the three locks are unlocked, Chen Hui will certainly change.

Chen Hui didn't give any more assurance to Zhou qiuchu. Instead, he chuckled and motioned for Zhou qiuchu to drink tea. After Zhou qiuchu drained the tea in the cup, he poured another cup of tea for Zhou qiuchu.

It is obvious that Chen Hui is expressing his own meaning with his own practical actions. He sees all this lightly.

As Chen Hui himself said, what should come will always come and what should be faced will always be faced.

Zhou qiuchu had a heavy heart all day. He had lunch and dinner with Chen Hui in Jishitang. However, today, Zhou qiuchu had no taste at all.

Before nine o'clock, Zhou qiuchu's mobile phone rings, which is a message tone.

After reading the received information, Zhou qiuchu handed the mobile phone to Chen Hui.

Chen Hui knows that her blood test results must have come out. She takes Zhou qiuchu's mobile phone and looks at the message she receives.

For Chen Hui's blood test, there are quite a lot of items, but no other test results appear at this time, because other test results will take a longer time to produce results after the blood sample is delivered.

The information Zhou qiuchu received at this time only has one result, which is also Chen Hui's most concern. Is the extra chromosome in his blood, that is, the last one, still exist.

The test results clearly show a result. Chen Hui's blood sample this time is no different from that of ordinary people, and the last extra chromosome has disappeared.

At least, from this perspective, Chen Hui has become an ordinary person.

Chen Hui returned his cell phone to Zhou qiuchu and said with a smile, "you see, I'm still not a man of practice, but my chromosome, which is different from ordinary people, has disappeared!"

Zhou qiuchu reluctantly smile for a while, silent for a long time, just said: "don't say these, I know you won't run back to test your own blood samples for no reason, what do you think?"

Although Chen Hui was really waiting for the result before, Chen Hui's style of acting has always liked to look at the longer term.

In other words, Chen Hui can't come back to test his own blood sample on a whim. Since he can think of testing his new blood sample, it means that Chen Hui thinks more.

Chen Hui laughed for a moment, reached out and picked up the small tea cup in front of him, twirled it back and forth in his hand, and pondered: "in fact, I don't have too many ideas. The current situation, everything is speculation. This situation is too bad for me. My ultimate idea and purpose is to figure out everything. The appearance of this building is just like Shangguan Ruyun said, There must be. I have a great connection. "

After Chen Hui finished saying this, he drained the tea from the teacup, put down the teacup, and continued: "in addition, the magic weapon of flying sword and the magic weapon of bronze tripod, these two magic weapons and the statue in that building, give people a sense of integration, so at that time, I made a decision to return to the original owner!"

Zhou qiuchu picked up the justice cup, poured tea into Chen Hui's cup and said, "go on!"

Zhou qiuchu can say this, because Zhou qiuchu is very clear, Chen Hui's words did not finish.

Chen Hui laughed and said: "the most important thing is that from another perspective, the magic weapon of flying sword and the magic weapon of bronze tripod have made me lose a chromosome, which can also be understood as the experts speculated that they have opened two locks. Now, this building is obviously more magical, and this building has also made me lose a chromosome. At the same time, it has also made me lose a chromosome, The magic weapon of flying sword and the magic weapon of three legged tripod belong to the statue in the building. Anyway, the statue is in the building, which is beyond doubt. Therefore, considering all these things, I think all the answers should be in the building! "

After hearing Chen Hui's words, Zhou qiuchu was silent for a long time, then nodded silently. Obviously, Zhou qiuchu nodded in agreement with Chen Hui's point of view, or after careful consideration.

Whether it's flying sword or bronze tripod, although they are magic weapons with magical power and function, they are much inferior to the suspended building.

As Chen Hui said, the flying sword and the bronze tripod are both in the hands of the statue in this building!

This is very suspicious!

Or it can be said that there should be a big secret in this building.

This secret is also most likely related to Chen Hui.

Because this building is closely related to Chen Hui!

"What do you want to do?" Zhou qiuchu asked in a deep voice, with a very serious tone.

"I've already said what I think. Search for the truth and the answer!" Chen Hui laughed and said, "so, I have to go to Kunlun mountain again and set foot in that building again! The reason why I am in a hurry to come back this time is just to seek an answer, which has been obtained. "

There is no doubt that Chen Hui's answer is the result of blood sample analysis.

"This time you go, I have to go with you." Shangguan said in a deep voice: "the answer and the truth, I will explore with you and face with you. You can't leave me to go to Kunlun Mountain and that building any more!"

"If you don't go, I'll let you go, too." Chen Hui said with a smile.