One pill after another is put into the bamboo tube by Chen Hui through the opening on the bamboo tube. After dissolving in the spring water flowing in the bamboo tube, the spring water that dissolves the pill will flow to the settlement of the Ninja family in the Ministry of clothing and become their living water.

"Just the right time!" "At the end of every day's practice, all the Ninjas will get together to drink tea and exchange their experience with each other," she said at this time

It was evening, and the sun could already be seen setting in the West.

According to the time point, it's just after work time.

"Don't look at me like that." Yihe Meiji said faintly: "the Ninja family's training of Ninja is similar to that of office workers. The basic training every day is eight hours. In the evening, they are occasionally pulled out for training. This is also the reason why Yihe and the two Ninja families of the Ministry of clothing live in the mountains. No environment is more suitable for training than this. Besides, no one will find it in the mountains late at night."

"What's going on when ninjas get together for tea?" Zhou qiuchu asked at this time.

"As I have said, I want to exchange my experience in daily practice." "This kind of rule has a long history. It has been used since ancient times. In my opinion, it should have been abolished long ago. It's totally out of date," she said with disdain

It's not hard to understand what IKEA Meiji said. Ninjas gather together to exchange their daily cultivation experience. I'm afraid there will be a ninja host who trains them.

In ancient times, this kind of thing is very necessary. It not only has a sense of ceremony, but also condenses the centripetal force of the whole Ninja family.

After all, the living environment in ancient times was very bad. If the Ninja family wanted to inherit and ensure the safety of their family, they had to twist into a rope.

Now it is totally different. Modern science and technology are extremely developed, living environment is very good, and will not face the pressure of survival. This centripetal force will fade, and even the heart will disapprove of it.

Instead, it will be for your own consideration.

In other words, people become selfish.

This is a very natural phenomenon. When the society is developed and the living conditions become better, everyone's desire will appear, and everyone's desire is different. Selfishness will appear.

In ancient times, under the harsh living environment, there was only one purpose to survive. What desire was there to talk about when there was no food to eat?

As long as selfish psychology appears, everyone's cultivation experience will not be selflessly shared.

The decline of the Ninja family from generation to generation is a good proof.

Judging from her disdainful look, there is only one ceremony left for the exchange of experience at the end of daily practice.

Now there is a popular saying that life needs a sense of ceremony.

Now their ritual of Ninja gathering can't even meet the ritual sense of life needs. It's just superficial. Every Ninja gathering won't share their real cultivation experience.

"The development of science and technology has promoted social progress." Chen Hui put the last pill into the opening of the bamboo tube, stood up and said, "in my opinion, you ninja, our practitioners, when science and technology are developed enough, everything you can do can be explained by science. At that time, ninja and practitioners are not mysterious at all, It's going to be like ordinary people. "

"I quite agree with you." "It's time to wait for the result, at the same time, I have to leave you. The next journey is also the last place. I won't go with you," she said with a smile

"Why!" Zhou qiuchu said immediately.

At this time, Chen Hui found a branch, cut it with a folding shovel, blocked the opening on the bamboo pipe, and began to backfill the soil he had dug.

"If the elixir is put in, it can't destroy people's living water." Chen Hui said with a smile: "restore the original state to others."

As she watched Chen Hui backfill the soil, she said, "the last place, the settlement of the Jiahe Ninja family, is not in such a place. They live in the middle of the city. Shiga County in Kansai Prefecture, and the water source of the two Ninja families in the Yihe Hefu tribe, are relatively hidden. After all, they are in the mountains. They can't be found if they dodge a little, But in cities, it's hard to do that. "

At this time, Chen Hui backfilled the soil and patted it with a folding shovel to make the backfilled soil stronger.

"I have to hide after such a big accident." "I have to make things calm before I show up again," she said with a smile. "In this case, no matter which Ninja family is in a great shock, once they know the truth, the shock will turn into anger."

"That's true." Chen Hui said with a smile: "however, Jiahe Ninja family, living in Shiga County, where exactly do you have to tell us?"

"There is no place." She shook her head slowly and said, "maybe this is the reason why the Jiahe Ninja family is stronger. They live in the city and keep pace with the times."

"What do you mean?" Zhou qiuchu frowned and asked, "do you mean they are distributed in the whole Shiga county?"

"Yes Yihe Meiji nodded and said: "their current living style is no different from that of ordinary people, that is, they live separately, adapt to the life in the city, and hide in the night of the city!"

"Then how can we put in the pills?" Zhou qiuchu said with a frown.

"The water supply pipeline in the city." Yihe Meiji looked at Zhou qiuchu, said: "in addition, there is no other way, you can find a way to enter the water treatment plant in Shiga County, which is not difficult for you."

With these words, Yihe Meiji said in a deep voice: "let's go, ninjas from the Ninja family of the Ministry of clothing appear. They seem to be coming here."

Hearing this, Chen Hui and Zhou qiuchu looked down. Sure enough, they saw more than a dozen people climbing up the mountain.

However, the way they look is just like ordinary people climbing mountains. It's not like Ninja has excellent skills.

At this time, those who go up the mountain and come this way can only be ninjas of the Shibu Ninja family, not others.

In other words, the elixir that Chen Hui put into the bamboo tube played a role, and the Ninjas in the Ministry of clothing became ordinary people.

"Go Without saying a word, Chen Hui said the word, turned his head and walked quickly to one side.

What should be done has been done and the effect has been achieved. There is no need to meet them.