There is a saying that it's good to hit people but not face them, and to curse people but not expose them.

What Chen Hui is doing at this time is to expose the shortcomings. Yihe Baishi thought like this. He asked Chen Hui to open a prescription so that he could study it.

What do you know, Chen Hui not only didn't give a prescription, but also made his idea clear.

Yihe Baishi was angry in his heart. On the surface, he had to pretend nothing happened. It was not easy.

Chen Hui is too lazy to talk to him, waiting for the second patient to come in.

There were several patients in a row. They were not complicated diseases, but they were basically small problems that plagued the patients for a long time. Western medicine treatment had no effect, or taking medicine was effective, and they became ill when they stopped taking medicine. Chen Hui went to see the doctor just like the first patient, and directly diagnosed and gave them medicine.

Chen Hui was able to tell the patient's illness accurately, and the soup and medicine he boiled for the patient all worked very quickly. All the Japanese doctors who came to watch were silent.

They wanted to take the opportunity to attack, but where can they have the opportunity?

This is Chen Hui's field. They have no chance at all.

However, the team members who came with Chen Hui did not expect that Chen Hui's medical skills were so brilliant. Each of them had a good look, as if Chen Hui's medical skills were the same as theirs.

Seeing that Chen Hui's treatment was so severe, Yihe Baishi secretly went out when Chen Hui was giving the patient the main treatment. When he came back, Chen Hui had already finished taking the medicine and boiled it for the patient.

"Next." When Yihe Baishi called out this sentence, an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Before the patient came in, he heard a low voice of surprise outside. When the patient came into the meeting room, everyone turned aside and covered his nose with his hands.

The patient's clothes are very clean, but the key is that he smells.

This patient is a man in his fifties. The diseased part can be seen at a glance. On the top of his head, there is no hair. All of them are abscesses one after another. The swollen abscesses show obvious yellow. The stench comes from these abscesses.

Everyone covered their noses. The stench was unbearable.

Only Chen Hui didn't cover his nose and asked the patient to sit down.

When the patient sat down in front of Chen Hui, Chen Hui did not immediately get up to apply for the medicine. This was the first time such a situation had occurred.

Yihe Baishi covers his nose and mouth, but the corner of his mouth is pulled up. Obviously, he thinks the patient's illness has baffled Chen Hui.

In fact, this patient was also found by Yihe Baishi and asked him to come here for the purpose of baffling Chen Hui.

"Doctor, can I treat this disease?" Asked the patient.

As a translator, Zhou qiuchu had a worried look in his eyes.

From the appearance of the abscess on the top of the patient's head, I feel that the disease is very difficult.

"I'm afraid you've been sick for decades, haven't you?" Chen Hui asked.

"Almost thirty years." The patient nodded and said, "since I was young, I've never been cured."

Chen Hui nodded and said, "your disease is already very serious. At the beginning, when you got this disease, the abscess was not so severe. It should be the same substance as clear water. It's a little turbid. It's not sticky after it's broken, right?"

"Yes, that's it." The patient replied immediately.

"Your abscess now has a bad smell. The pus inside is dark yellow and very thick." Chen Hui said in a deep voice: "this is due to improper treatment, which aggravates the development of the disease and causes a variety of complications. For your disease, I have only seen a similar situation in medical books, but I haven't treated it. To be honest, you can try to treat it, but I'm not 100% sure."

"I don't know how many times I've seen a doctor. Just let it go." The patient said with a smile.

"The method of treatment, I have to tell you clearly, if you can accept it, we will treat it, if we can't accept it." Chen Hui said, "I need pig excrement on your head!"

Pig excrement is smeared on the head cure disease?

After Zhou qiuchu translated Chen Hui's words, the whole conference room became a sensation. At first it was a whisper, then it became a whisper.

Finally, a Japanese doctor stood up and yelled, "it's nonsense. How can pig excrement cure a disease?"

Chen Hui didn't pay attention to the Japanese doctor. He said faintly, "if you think about it well, I can see this kind of treatment from the medical books. Your original disease is leprosy, but now it's poison head sores. Pig excrement doesn't just need to find a pig to poop. What I want to use is pig excrement in the pigsty."

The patient was silent and did not speak. He glanced at Yihe Baishi. After seeing Yihe Baishi nodding, the patient gritted his teeth and said, "I agree with the treatment."

Chen Hui nodded and said, "go and wait."

When the patient went to one side and sat down, Chen Hui looked at Yihe Baishi and said, "Mr. Yihe, I need to use the pig excrement in the pigsty. I wonder if you can find it?"

Japan is a very clean country with modern breeding industry. Where can I find pigsty?

The product of pigsty has disappeared for many years.

At this time, a staff member of Yihe Baishi company said in a low voice: "Mr. Yihe, my family is from the countryside and has its own pigs. I just don't know if it meets his requirements."

Yihe Baishi looked at Chen Hui and conveyed the staff member's words to Chen Hui.

"Go and have a look." Chen Hui said immediately.

When Chen Hui wants to go to the scene to check pig excrement, Yihe Baishi can only make corresponding arrangements. Now the media reporters are very excited and follow Chen Hui's car all the way to the employee's home.

Fortunately, it's not far away. The employee's home is in qunma County, only about an hour away.

Even the countryside is very clean.

Chen Hui went to the employee's home and looked at the place where pigs were raised. Several pigs were raised in a room in his yard. The ground was covered with straw and there was dried pig excrement on the straw. However, the overall situation was quite clean, not like the traditional piggery.

"Barely available." Chen Hui asked for a plastic bag and put some pig excrement into the plastic bag. When he left the employee's house, he pulled down a tile on the wall of his house and said, "go back!"

They went back to Yihe pharmaceutical company.

Before going to the meeting room, Chen Hui said, "if you have something to eat, go to eat it quickly. I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it later."

No one pays attention to Chen Hui's warning. It's rare to use pig excrement to cure diseases. No one believes that pig excrement can cure diseases. They all wait to see Chen Hui's jokes. How can they have time to eat?

Chen Hui also ignored the crowd and returned to the office with pig excrement and tiles. Then he said, "Mr. Yihe, I need heating equipment. These pig excrement need to be baked. Use this tile to bake!"

Yihe Baishi waved his hand, and immediately someone went to get the heating equipment.

Chen Hui kept heating the tiles, wearing gloves, and baked the pig excrement on the tiles.

Pig excrement is roasted. It tastes delicious!

In a few minutes, many people in the meeting room couldn't stand it and went to the bathroom outside to vomit.

There are still many people left in the conference room, but most of them are media reporters.

Zhou qiuchu wanted to stay in the conference room, but Chen Hui had already driven him out.

"I'll prick your abscess and apply dried pig excrement later." Chen Hui said to the patient, "it's going to hurt. You have to hold back!"

"Doctor, how long will it take?" The patient couldn't help asking, "do I have to wipe pig excrement often?"

"No, the disease can be cured once!" Chen Hui's communication with the patient at this time was translated by professional translators.