Before taking over the Department, father Lin had already met shangzizhen with the old leader. The old leader asked shangzizhen the truth in front of father Lin.

The truth that Shang Zizhen told was extremely cruel!

And the old leader actually chose to believe it.

In fact, at that time, father Lin had a little doubt in his heart.

But when father Lin carefully read the work notes of the old leader, and saw the guess of the truth in that year, that is, the word "longevity", written by the old leader himself, father Lin had a sense of sudden realization in his heart, and understood why the old leader would believe the truth that shangzi really said.

Because the truth shangzizhen said, and the old leader's guess, formed a line of general contact!

The most important thing is that the old leader pursued the truth of that year during his lifetime. For this result, it should be speculation, not speculation. There are many blackened contents on it, which should be the clues found by the old leader, so as to arrive at this conjecture result.

However, the old leader finally blacked out those clues and wrote down only four words, two words of speculation and two words of longevity.

Guess this two words, by the old leadership with eye-catching red pen circle up, combined with the front of a large number of blackened content, this guess can be really thought-provoking.

What's more, if this is really just the old leader's conjecture, the truth Shang Zi said before the old leader's death is related to the old leader's conjecture!

Another point, throughout history, the ancient emperors, the pursuit of longevity, countless!

Now although there is no emperor, there is still the peak of power!

When a person's rights have reached the peak, it's hard to imagine what kind of decision he will make!

The leader in front of father Lin is the leader whose power has reached the peak. However, he is not the leader whose power has reached the peak at that time. The leader whose power has reached the peak at that time has passed away!

It can be seen that the old leaders blacked out those clues, and they also understand that this is a taboo!

"He just let me see his notes before he died, and didn't ask this question." The leader was not angry and asked, "now, tell me why you asked this question!"

"Because I was in intensive care unit. When I finally met with the old leader, the person who destroyed the Department appeared." Father Lin said in a deep voice: "the old leader's wish before he died was to know the truth of that year. He told a cruel truth. During the cooperation in that year, their people were studied by our people, and the means were very cruel! And I read the old leader's work notes and destroyed the people in our department. Now, it's just a cruel reality, the real truth. In the old leader's notes, it's the real truth that leads to the appearance of that cruel reality! "

"So it is The leader nodded and said with emotion: "he did it!"

After the leader sighed, he looked at father Lin and said, "this topic is for once!"

Father Lin nodded silently and said nothing more.

"That world doesn't belong to us!" The leader said in a deep voice: "these people in practice have existed since ancient times, but they do not interfere in the secular affairs, and do not interfere in the change of dynasties. This can explain the problem very much! There is no truth in history, only one truth remains! Throughout the history of the emperors who pursued immortality, none of them died very early instead of immortality. What do you think is the reason? "

Hearing this, father Lin looked awe inspiring.

In practice, people pursue longevity!

However, people in practice do not interfere in secular affairs, and do not interfere in the change of dynasties!

This is very clear in the old leader's work notes, and it is also a fact that he investigated!

What if it's the other way around?

When the secular emperor, on the other hand, pursues the immortality that people in practice pursue?

Is it an ancient emperor who intervened in the practice world?

In practice, people don't interfere in worldly affairs. I don't know where this rule comes from, but it has existed since ancient times!

It can be imagined that if people in ancient practice meddle in secular affairs, then the track of history will operate according to their wishes, because each of them has great power. In their eyes, ordinary people are nothing but ants, even the emperors of ancient times!

Because of unknown reasons, people in practice have always followed the rule of not interfering in secular affairs and the change of dynasties. On the contrary, if the ancient emperors wanted to live forever, did they violate their taboo?

The emperors who pursued longevity in history were all short-lived. Is it related to this?

The truth has been annihilated in the long river of history, but the truth still exists today!

"You can't have both!" Father Lin was silent for a long time and said this.

The leader nodded silently and said: "life, old age, illness and death are all we should experience. That world does not belong to us. What we pursue is just the strength of self-protection! With the rapid development of modern science and technology, there is nothing that science can't explain. Even if there is, it's just that the current level of science and technology is not developed enough. What we should take and pursue is that everything can be explained by science! "

"I see!" Father Lin suddenly nodded, and finally understood why he was working in the management department with the name of the Research Institute and the core of his work. He really carried out all kinds of research and explained everything with science. This sentence is enough to describe the core of the work of this special department.

"It's a long way to go The leader nodded to father Lin and said this.

"Before he died, the old leader once said," the merit lies in the present age, and the benefit lies in the future! " Father Lin laughed and said, "now I have a deeper understanding of this sentence."

The leader showed a satisfied look on his face and said: "let's go, go home and have a good rest. The work is not finished in one day, and you are tired enough this day!"

Father Lin nodded, went out of the cemetery with the leaders, and then left.

Father Lin sat in the car, slowly closed his eyes, leaning on the back of the car, this day, he is really tired enough.

However, father Lin is very clear in his heart. The leader should be very clear about what he has done. Otherwise, he will not say the last words.

This special department has special rights, and sometimes the rights will be unlimited. However, the corresponding department is in charge of this special department, which is really on pins and needles!