The driver of the Hummer pulled out a black thing from his back waist. The black thing was about rectangular, and it was not big. It was almost completely hidden in his hands. Only part of the front end was exposed. There were two cylindrical metals in the front end of the black thing.

Hummer driver, quietly put this thing toward Chen Hui, until nearly to Chen Hui's side, just press the switch.

There was a slight crackling sound. At the same time, electric light came out between the two cylindrical metal front ends!

This guy is holding a small electric shock device!

Just when the Humvee driver thought he could hit the target, Chen Hui, who had already got into the car, kicked the guy in the chest and kicked him back.

At the same time, Chen Hui also dodged out of the car and darted up. Before this guy could react, he grabbed the electric shock device in his hand and put it on the guy's chest.

In this situation, it can be said that there is a spark with lightning all the way, but the spark and lightning can not be seen, only the Hummer driver, shivering, straight down!

There's no doubt that this guy has been electrocuted!

The man was stunned by the electric shock device. For a moment and a half, he couldn't wake up. Chen Hui immediately rushed back to the car and began to drag the bodyguards out one by one.

The bodyguard sitting on the co pilot was dragged out by Chen Hui. After probing his nose and checking roughly, he found that the bodyguard was not in danger of life either. Chen Hui began to drag the bodyguard sitting in the middle out.

At this time, there was a bang on the road. Chen Hui looked up and saw that the Humvee had started again. Not to mention, there was a traction rope on the Humvee. One end of the rope was connected to the parking space of the Humvee, and the other end was on the head of Su Xiaoya's nanny car.

The Humvee turned its head and drove toward the farmland on the other side of the road, obviously trying to drag Su Xiaoya's nanny car away.

Chen Hui doesn't care about anything else. He can only run in the direction of the car, so as not to hurt Su Xiaoya.

Chen Hui just jumped onto the road. In the motorcade on the road, a car suddenly turned around and drove to the place where Chen Hui left, that is, the car where the bodyguards were sitting. When the car came to the side of the Hummer driver, it immediately stopped. From the car, a guy with a mask came down and pulled the Hummer driver into the car, and then the driver was killed, The car sped along the fields.

Although Chen Hui saw this scene, his death couldn't be stopped. First, he was on the road and couldn't catch up with him. Second, Chen Hui didn't plan to catch up because he wanted to ensure Su Xiaoya's safety.

However, after the Humvee driver was picked up by his accomplice, the traction rope connecting the rear of the Humvee and the front of Su Xiaoya's nanny car broke at this time. The Humvee, like a runaway wild horse, plunged into the farmland on the other side of the road and sped away.

Chen Hui just arrived at Su Xiaoya's nanny car at this time, immediately picked up the traction rope to have a look, and then threw the traction rope on the ground.

Su Xiaoya is a public figure. She can't get off the bus at this time, because someone has started to stop the car, take out her mobile phone and start recording.

After all, it's like a police bandit blockbuster. How can they miss such an opportunity?

Shoot down, send a small video, maybe you can become a new generation of network red, right?

Chen Hui went to the car and knocked on the window. The bodyguard in the car lowered the window.

Chen Hui said in a deep voice: "you stay in the car. I'll go to rescue your colleagues. There should be no danger now."

With these words, Chen Hui quickly stepped off the road, and then came to the car where the bodyguards were riding again. One by one, he dragged them out of the car, and gave them a detailed examination of their injuries. Except for the bodyguard in the middle, who broke several ribs, everyone else was ok. The bodyguard in the middle was because the Hummer hit them from the side, The car body was deformed, which led to the impact and fracture of his ribs.

The other bodyguards were only slightly injured. When the car rolled over, they hit their head and fainted.

After Chen Hui checked their injuries, he immediately returned to Su Xiaoya's car. At this time, he could completely conclude that there was no danger.

However, the next police will arrive, and then they will investigate the scene. It is estimated that they will also take notes for Chen Hui.

"Did you call an ambulance when you called the police?" Chen Hui asked after getting on the bus.

The bodyguard immediately nodded and said, "yes!"

"You go to several cars nearby, discuss with the owners and copy their dash cam. There is no monitoring here. The dash cam of those cars should have taken some pictures." Chen Hui said.

The bodyguard immediately nodded, agreed to come down, pushed the door and got off. According to what Chen Hui said, he went to discuss with the car owners to copy the video in their dash cam.

The police and ambulance arrived before the bodyguard finished it.

Although it is not far from Tianjing, the police force in such a big country is not enough, especially the police who deal with traffic accidents are busy on the road all day.

"What's going on?" Sister Li asked in shock: "why do they want to attack Xiaoya?"

Chen Hui was silent and did not speak.

Su Xiaoya asked at this time: "I just saw you knock down one!"

Chen Hui nodded silently and said: "they rescued them. It's not easy for them. They were able to retreat completely, mainly by attacking the West with the East. At the same time, they let me take care of one thing and lose the other. They can't give full consideration to each other. However, their original intention is not like this. When the police come over, they'll talk about it later!"

As soon as Chen Hui's voice fell, the car door was knocked. Several police officers had heard the enthusiastic masses around him. Although the details were not clear, they already understood what had happened. They knocked on the car door to ask the car owner about something.

Several bodyguards were awakened by the ambulance emergency personnel. Only the bodyguard with broken ribs was carried on the ambulance with a stretcher. The other bodyguards didn't plan to take the ambulance because they didn't feel that they were in any serious trouble. But when they came to the car, Chen Hui gave them a wink, Signal them to the ambulance and go to the hospital.

These bodyguards just got on the ambulance.

The ambulance left first. At this time, Chen Hui said to the police, "I'm Miss Su's bodyguard. I saw the whole thing happen!"