"I understand what Mr. Li means!" Su Mu Wen nodded, said: "I go upstairs to call my grandfather, the following things, Li Laoxin some."

Li Chengyun nodded and watched Su Muwen go up the stairs. He went back to Chen Hui and stood still.

Li Chengyun has already said what he should say, and it seems that he has achieved what he wants.

Li Chengyun's words, of course, remind Su Muwen that baojitang can't offend a doctor with excellent medical skills like Chen Hui. If it's time to apologize, it's time to save face.

After all, baojitang is not the only Chinese medicine shop with a century old brand.

Tongrentang, Jiuzhitang, Changchun Tang and Yong'an Tang are all century old traditional Chinese medicine stores, and they also have doctors.

Even if the business model is different from that of baojitang, one thing will not change, that is, they are competitive.

In fact, the market of Chinese herbal medicine is just so big in China, because in the world, traditional Chinese medicine is not so popular, so the consumption of Chinese herbal medicine will not be much.

With so many Chinese herbal medicine shops, the competition in Chinese herbal medicine business is quite fierce.

The domestic market is so big that it is almost divided up by these century old brands. Coupled with the fierce competition, it is extremely difficult for any company to make it a little bigger.

How can Chinese medicinal materials be sold?

How can sales go further?

These are all issues that need to be carefully considered by these century old brands.

What's more, it's also a problem facing these century old brands.

In this case, these century old brands have come up with a problem, that is, the patients will apply for medicine, because a doctor gives them a doctor and prescribes a prescription, they will come to apply for medicine!

It's not hard to think of another problem when you think of it. For doctors with excellent medical skills, whether they are traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, patients will queue up to see this doctor every day.

Regardless of Western medicine, the number of patients who come to see a doctor who is skilled in traditional Chinese medicine is in line, which means that these patients will be able to apply for medicine, and the sales of medicinal materials will naturally increase.

Every century old brand has its own doctors, but there are still few of them. Many doctors don't sit in their stores for many years, just because they buy their traditional Chinese medicine, they sign a contract of one or two days a week.

The training of doctors is the most time-consuming, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine.

Although every century old Chinese medicine shop is training its own doctors, where can doctors be trained in one or two days?

In this case, the highly skilled doctors of traditional Chinese medicine are the target of every century old Chinese medicine shop. The purpose is to attract such doctors, go to their own drugstores, and let their own doctors learn from others, even if they are cheating!

Chen Hui's medical skills are definitely in this group.

At present, Chen Hui is in Baoji hall to accept Park Chengxing's challenge. Other century old Chinese medicine stores have not appeared.

However, this does not rule out that they will send people to watch the situation.

If baojitang fails, park Chengxing will challenge the doctors in Tongrentang, yongantang and other century old Chinese medicine stores.

In other words, the news that Chen Hui's medical skills are so brilliant can no longer be concealed.

But Su Muwen offended Chen Hui, so that Chen Hui offered a sealing fee of 100 million yuan!

Li Chengyun is very worried about this. He will remind Su Muwen that it's normal for her to face Chen Hui and make an apology.

What's more, although Li Chengyun has only met Su Muwen a few times, he knows that she is a proud master, which is one of the reasons why Li Chengyun will tell her.

Of course, the most important thing is Chen Hui's medical skill, which can't be concealed.

It can be imagined that after Chen Hui's competition with Park Chengxing today, other century old Chinese medicine stores will break the threshold of Chen Hui's family!

Baoji hall has an advantage now, because Chen Hui stands out on behalf of Baoji hall and accepts the challenge of Park Chengxing.

In this case, we should expand our advantages and try our best to cooperate with Chen Hui!

Such an important thing, is to let Su Muwen's grandfather know, and come up with countermeasures.

Su Muwen is upstairs. She calls her grandfather Su Yunqiu again. She explains the current situation in detail and highlights Chen Hui's treatment of several patients.

"How could there be such a brilliant doctor?" When Su Yunqiu heard the news, he was shocked and said, "dear granddaughter, there's no exaggeration in your words, right?"

"Mr. Li asked me to call you." Su Muwen said: "grandfather, can I lie about this? You can call Mr. Li for confirmation! "

"Not at all!" Su Yunqiu said, "I'm just shocked. How can I not believe you?"

"Grandfather, I offended him. What can I do?" Su Mu Wen frowned and said: "who knows that he is so young, and his medical skills are so good?"

"It's true that people can't judge their appearance and the sea can't be measured!" Su Yunqiu sighed and said: "for many years, I haven't seen the young and skilled Chinese medicine appear. It seems that the hope of Chinese medicine has appeared!"

After su Yunqiu said this, without waiting for Su Muwen to say anything, he immediately said, "I'm leaving for Nanjiang now. I hope I can arrive before the end of the medical competition. If the medical competition is over before I go, anyway, I want to keep him in Baoji hall. I can't let him leave!"

"This..." Su Mu Wen face embarrassed look, said: "grandfather, you are not embarrassed me? I've offended him. How do you want me to keep him? Why don't you hurry up? "

"Silly girl, you're a girl. You can be charming and cute. Even if you can't make trouble with him, you can do it!" Su Yunqiu said: "he is now accepting the challenge on behalf of our Baoji hall. We should make an article from it and get involved with him. We have to keep him even if we are so shameless!"

"Well, I won't tell you more. I'll go to Nanjiang now!" Su Yunqiu finished saying this and hung up the phone.

Su Muwen holding the phone that was hung up, came downstairs again, but she was worried and coquettish? Cute? importune? be lost to all sense of shame?

Is that ok?

What are my grandfather's bad ideas?

What's more, have you ever been coquetry to a man? Ever sell cute? importune? Or even dead skin?