Although Lin Rong sat beside Chen Hui's bed, she was still immersed in her own thoughts and feelings. For a moment, she was a little dazed.

Seeing Lin Rong's appearance, Chen Hui asked softly, "what are you thinking?"

"Ah Lin Rong sighed deeply and said nothing.

Chen Hui doesn't know what Lin Rong is thinking, so naturally he can't talk to Lin Rong.

However, Chen Hui knows that Lin Rong's appearance must have some feelings.

"Isn't the case over?" Chen Hui tentatively asked: "Cai Qin, the principal criminal, has also been arrested. Shi Yuankai's corruption and bribery has also been arrested by you. What's waiting for them is the trial of the law. Why are you so unhappy?"

Lin Rong sighed again and said, "do you know what Shi Yuankai's idea is?"

"Where do I know to go?" "I'm not the Ascaris in his stomach," Chen Hui said

"We found knives, axes, saws, sacks, ropes and other things in the car we drove at Shiyuan." Lin Rong shook his head slowly and said, "it's an official car. What do you do with these things?"

"I want to kill Cai Qin!" Chen Hui light said: "moreover, will also divide the CAI Qin corpse, then throws the corpse to exterminate the trace!"

"I really don't understand why he, as a secretary of the municipal Party committee, holds the power?" "It's crazy," said Lin Rong

"What do you think of CAI Qin's drug making and trafficking?" Chen Hui asked.

"Although I don't understand why she is a star entrepreneur and a drug dealer!" Lin Rong said truthfully: "however, once you go on this road, you will not return!"

"You're right. Going on the road of drug trafficking is a road of no return, and it will force Cai Qin to be crazy." Chen Hui looked at Lin Rong and said, "for example, she finally came to the hospital and wanted to kill me to vent her anger. In fact, this is a crazy thing, right?"

Lin Rong nodded and said nothing, but agreed with Chen Hui.

"Since you can understand this, you should be able to understand that time is far away." Chen Hui continued: "his corruption and bribery is also a road of no return. Cai Qin has always hidden the business of making drugs and trafficking in drugs very deeply. Shi Yuankai has also hidden his corruption and bribery very deeply. There is no essential difference between the two. Once the east window incident happens, it is not surprising that they will have any crazy ideas!"

"I choose to quit, which is a threat to Cai Qin, so scar will kill me." Chen Hui said with a smile: "but Cai Qin is in a hurry. She has no way out. If she wants to get out of Nanjiang by Shiyuan's car, it's the same as if I choose to quit. It's a threat to Cai Qin. Cai Qin is pushing Shiyuan away."

"But it's no surprise that Cai Qin saw the things found in the car!" Lin Rong looked at Chen Hui and said.

"Cai Qin is a smart man." Chen Hui replied: "she knows that her demands on Shi Yuankai will force Shi Yuankai to have crazy ideas. Therefore, if Cai Qin really kills me and gets into Shi Yuankai's car, she will have a way to deal with it. Compared with CAI Qin, Shi Yuankai is definitely better than Cai Qin."

"Two of them, one is a star entrepreneur, the other is a secretary of the municipal Party committee, but they are both on the road of crime!" Lin Rong shook his head again and said, "I don't know what they think. Is it so difficult for them to be a good person?"

Hearing Lin Rong's words, Chen Hui said with a smile: "although the crimes they committed are one of drug manufacturing and trafficking, and the other of corruption and bribery, they seem to have nothing in common, but they are essentially the same!"

"Isn't that bullshit?" Lin Rong frowned and said, "it's all criminal acts. Of course, they are the same in nature."

"No, I mean essentially the same. It's the essence of crime, the most fundamental one." Chen Hui said.

"What do you mean?" Lin Rong obviously didn't understand what Chen Hui said.

Chen Hui explained: "the essence of this kind of crime is not viewed from the perspective of law, but from the perspective of people themselves. They will commit crimes. Fundamentally speaking, they all want to satisfy their own desires. Cai Qin's drug making and drug trafficking must satisfy some desire in her heart. When she is far away from corruption and bribery, it must also satisfy some desire in his heart, Only then can there be behavior! "

After a pause, Chen Hui said: "whether a person can be a good person, or even lower, will become a criminal depends on the person's ability to manage his own desires. When a person's desires exceed his legal satisfaction, if he controls his own desires, he will not commit a crime. On the contrary, he can't control his own desires, There is a criminal act, and the ultimate goal of this criminal act is to satisfy the inner desire of this person! "

After hearing Chen Hui's words, Lin Rong was silent for a while and said, "according to what you said, Shi Yuankai must be extremely eager for money in his heart, but through legal actions, he can't get so much money, so he has taken bribes?"

"That's the truth." Chen Hui said with a smile.

"What about CAI Qin?" Lin Rong a pair of break casserole asked to the end of the posture, immediately asked.

"I don't know!" Chen Hui said with a smile: "anyway, it won't be as low-grade as Shi Yuankai, because Cai Qin is not bad for money! If there are different levels of crime, the people who commit crimes because of their desire for money are the lowest level of existence. The difference between high and low levels does not mean the means of crime, but the criminal psychology, which is the essence of crime I just said, because money is the easiest way to satisfy people! "

"What is Cai Qin's desire?" Lin Rong frowned and said, "I can't think of it."

"If you can't think of it, go and solve it." Chen Hui looked at Lin Rong and said, "when you interrogate Cai Qin, you can observe Cai Qin's notes. You can check them. Through these, you can know what the desire in CAI Qin's heart is. This desire leads her to the road of manufacturing drugs and trafficking in drugs. Moreover, she goes further and further along this road, and is 100% sure of the crime of manufacturing drugs and trafficking in drugs, It can satisfy Cai Qin's inner desire! "

"Do you already know the answer? But he didn't tell me? " Lin Rong looks at Chen Hui and asks.

"Others tell you the answer, never find your own answer to let you feel deeply!" Chen Hui looked at Lin Rong and said, "it's like getting something for nothing. It's different from getting something through one's own labor. Go and find out the answer to this puzzle."